Python defusedxml.ElementTree.fromstring() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of defusedxml.ElementTree.fromstring().
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Example #1
Source File: From drydock with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def set_node_pxe(self, node): """Set a node to PXE boot first.""" ses = self.init_session(node) domain = ses.lookupByName( domain_xml = domain.XMLDesc(libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_XML_SECURE | libvirt.VIR_DOMAIN_XML_INACTIVE) xmltree = ET.fromstring(domain_xml) # Delete all the current boot entries os_tree = xmltree.find("./os") boot_elements = os_tree.findall("./boot") for e in boot_elements: os_tree.remove(e) # Now apply our boot order which is 'network' and then 'hd' os_tree.append(ET.fromstring("<boot dev='network' />")) os_tree.append(ET.fromstring("<boot dev='hd' />")) # And now save the new XML def to the hypervisor domain_xml = ET.tostring(xmltree, encoding="utf-8") ses.defineXML(domain_xml.decode('utf-8')) ses.close()
Example #2
Source File: From podaacpy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_dataset_metadata(self): dataset_id = 'PODAAC-CCF35-01AD5' dataset_short_name = 'CCMP_MEASURES_ATLAS_L4_OW_L3_5A_5DAY_WIND_VECTORS_FLK' dataset_md = self.podaac.dataset_metadata( dataset_id, dataset_short_name) root = ET.fromstring(dataset_md.encode('utf-8')) short_name = root[1][0].attrib assert dataset_md is not None assert str(short_name['id']) == dataset_short_name assert_raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError, self.podaac.dataset_metadata, 'PODAAC-CCF35-01AD5', 'CCMP_MEASURES_ATLAS_L4_OW_L3_5A_5DAY_WIND_VECTORS_FLK', 'is') assert_raises(Exception, self.podaac.dataset_metadata, short_name='CCMP_MEASURES_ATLAS_L4_OW_L3_5A_5DAY_WIND_VECTORS_FLK') # test case for the fucntion granule_metadata()
Example #3
Source File: From podaacpy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def list_level4_dataset_short_names(self): '''Convenience function which returns an up-to-date \ list of level4 dataset short names. :returns: a comma-seperated list of level4 dataset short names. ''' podaac = p.Podaac() data = podaac.dataset_search(process_level='4', items_per_page='400') l4_dataset_short_names = [] root = ET.fromstring(data.encode('utf-8')) for entry in root.findall('{}entry'): l4_dataset_short_name = entry.find( '{}shortName').text l4_dataset_short_names.append(l4_dataset_short_name) return l4_dataset_short_names
Example #4
Source File: From podaacpy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def list_level4_dataset_ids(self): '''Convenience function which returns an up-to-date \ list of level4 dataset id's. :returns: a comma-seperated list of level4 dataset id's ''' podaac = p.Podaac() data = podaac.dataset_search(process_level='4', items_per_page='400') root = ET.fromstring(data.encode('utf-8')) dataset_ids = [] for entry in root.findall('{}entry'): dataset_id = entry.find( '{}datasetId').text dataset_ids.append(dataset_id) return dataset_ids
Example #5
Source File: From podaacpy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_last24hours_datacasting_granule_md(self): dataset_id = 'PODAAC-ASOP2-25X01' dataset_short_name = 'ASCATA-L2-25km' _format = 'datacasting' items_per_page = 10 granule_md = self.podaac.last24hours_datacasting_granule_md( dataset_id, dataset_short_name, _format, items_per_page) root = ET.fromstring(granule_md.encode('utf-8')) dataset_id_ = root[0][3].text assert granule_md is not None assert dataset_id_ == dataset_id assert_raises(requests.exceptions.HTTPError, self.podaac.last24hours_datacasting_granule_md, 'PODAAC-ASOP2-25X01', 'ASCATA-L2-25km', _format='iso') assert_raises(Exception, self.podaac.last24hours_datacasting_granule_md, short_name='ASCATA-L2-25km', _format='iso') # test case for the function dataset_variables
Example #6
Source File: From bugzilla2gitlab with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_bugzilla_bug(bugzilla_url, bug_id): ''' Read bug XML, return all fields and values in a dictionary. ''' bug_xml = _fetch_bug_content(bugzilla_url, bug_id) tree = ElementTree.fromstring(bug_xml) bug_fields = { "long_desc": [], "attachment": [], "cc": [], } for bug in tree: for field in bug: if field.tag in ("long_desc", "attachment"): new = {} for data in field: new[data.tag] = data.text bug_fields[field.tag].append(new) elif field.tag == "cc": bug_fields[field.tag].append(field.text) else: bug_fields[field.tag] = field.text return bug_fields
Example #7
Source File: From plaso with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _ParseRelationshipsXMLFile(self, xml_data): """Parses the relationships XML file (_rels/.rels). Args: xml_data (bytes): data of a _rels/.rels XML file. Returns: list[str]: property file paths. The path is relative to the root of the ZIP file. Raises: zipfile.BadZipfile: if the relationship XML file cannot be read. """ xml_root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_data) property_files = [] for xml_element in xml_root.iter(): type_attribute = xml_element.get('Type') if 'properties' in repr(type_attribute): target_attribute = xml_element.get('Target') property_files.append(target_attribute) return property_files
Example #8
Source File: From jira with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def backup_progress(self): """Return status of cloud backup as a dict. Is there a way to get progress for Server version? """ epoch_time = int(time.time() * 1000) if self.deploymentType == "Cloud": url = ( self._options["server"] + "/rest/obm/1.0/getprogress?_=%i" % epoch_time ) else: logging.warning("This functionality is not available in Server version") return None r = self._session.get(url, headers=self._options["headers"]) # This is weird. I used to get xml, but now I'm getting json try: return json.loads(r.text) except Exception: import defusedxml.ElementTree as etree progress = {} try: root = etree.fromstring(r.text) except etree.ParseError as pe: logging.warning( "Unable to find backup info. You probably need to initiate a new backup. %s" % pe ) return None for k in root.keys(): progress[k] = root.get(k) return progress
Example #9
Source File: From query-server with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_json_equivalent_from_xml_feed(feed): def internal_iter(tree, accum): if tree is None: return accum if tree.getchildren(): accum[tree.tag] = {} for each in tree.getchildren(): result = internal_iter(each, {}) if each.tag in accum[tree.tag]: if not isinstance(accum[tree.tag][each.tag], list): accum[tree.tag][each.tag] = [ accum[tree.tag][each.tag] ] accum[tree.tag][each.tag].append(result[each.tag]) else: accum[tree.tag].update(result) else: accum[tree.tag] = tree.text return accum return internal_iter(ElementTree.fromstring(feed), {})
Example #10
Source File: From drydock with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def apply_logicalnames(self, site_design, state_manager): """Gets the logicalnames for devices from lshw. :param site_design: SiteDesign object. :param state_manager: DrydockState object. :return: Returns sets a dictionary of aliases that map to logicalnames in self.logicalnames. """ logicalnames = {} results = state_manager.get_build_data( node_name=self.get_name(), latest=True) xml_data = None for result in results: if result.generator == "lshw": xml_data = result.data_element break if xml_data: xml_root = fromstring(xml_data) for hardware_profile in site_design.hardware_profiles: for device in hardware_profile.devices: logicalname = self._apply_logicalname( xml_root, device.alias, device.bus_type, device.address) logicalnames[device.alias] = logicalname else:"No Build Data found for node_name %s" % (self.get_name())) self.logicalnames = logicalnames
Example #11
Source File: From PEBA with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def authentication_required(f): """ This login decorator verifies that the correct username and password are sent over POST in the XML format. """ @wraps(f) def decorated_function(*args, **kwargs): postdata ='utf-8') if len(postdata) == 0: app.logger.error('Authentication: No xml post data in request') return abort(403) else: root = ETdefused.fromstring(postdata) user_data = root.find("./Authentication/username") pass_data = root.find("./Authentication/token") if user_data is None or pass_data is None: app.logger.error('Authentication: Invalid XML, token not present or empty') return abort(403) username = user_data.text password = pass_data.text if not authenticate(username, password): app.logger.error("Authentication failure for user %s", username) return abort(403) return f(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function
Example #12
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _load_xml(xml_data): """ Parse XML file containing match details using ElementTree :param xml_data: Data containing match info for a specific sport :type xml_data: string :return: ElementTree instance containing data from XML file :rtype: ElementTree instance """ return ET.fromstring(xml_data).find('channel').findall('item')
Example #13
Source File: From PEBA with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def checkCommunityUser(): """ Checks if community credentials are used """ postdata ='utf-8') if len(postdata) == 0: app.logger.error('no xml post data in request') return abort(403) else: root = ETdefused.fromstring(postdata) user_data = root.find("./Authentication/username") pass_data = root.find("./Authentication/token") if user_data is None or pass_data is None: app.logger.error('Invalid XML: token not present or empty') return abort(403) username = user_data.text password = pass_data.text if username == app.config['COMMUNITYUSER'] and password == app.config['COMMUNITYTOKEN']: return True if not authenticate(username, password): app.logger.error("simplePostMessage-Authentication failure for user %s", username) return abort(403) return False
Example #14
Source File: From PEBA with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def checkPostData(postrequest): """check if postdata is XML""" postdata = postrequest.decode('utf-8') try: return ETdefused.fromstring(postdata) except ETdefused.ParseError: app.logger.error('Invalid XML in post request') return False
Example #15
Source File: From symphony-api-client-python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def process(self, msg): msg_xml = msg['message'] msg_root = ET.fromstring(msg_xml) msg_txt = msg_root[0].text if '/bot' in msg_txt and 'joke' in msg_txt: joke_client = JokeClient(self.bot_client) stream_id = msg['stream']['streamId'] joke_client.send_joke(stream_id)
Example #16
Source File: From Django-3-Web-Development-Cookbook-Fourth-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(self): import requests from defusedxml import ElementTree response = requests.get(self.API_URL, params=self.params) if response.status_code != self.stderr.write(f"Error connecting to {response.url}") return root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content) pages = int(root.find("tracks").attrib.get("totalPages", 1)) if self.max_pages > 0: pages = min(pages, self.max_pages) if self.verbosity >= self.NORMAL: self.stdout.write(f"=== Importing {pages} page(s) of songs ===") self.save_page(root) for page_number in range(2, pages + 1): self.params["page"] = page_number response = requests.get(self.API_URL, params=self.params) if response.status_code != self.stderr.write(f"Error connecting to {response.url}") return root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content) self.save_page(root)
Example #17
Source File: From scout with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def fetch_refseq_version(refseq_acc): """Fetch refseq version from entrez and return refseq version Args: refseq_acc(str) example: NM_020533 Returns version(str) example: NM_020533.3 or NM_020533 if no version associated is found """ version = refseq_acc base_url = ( "" "term={}&idtype=acc" ) try: resp = get_request(base_url.format(refseq_acc)) tree = ElementTree.fromstring(resp.content) version = tree.find("IdList").find("Id").text or version except ( requests.exceptions.HTTPError, requests.exceptions.MissingSchema, AttributeError, ): LOG.warning("refseq accession not found") return version
Example #18
Source File: From python-connect-box with MIT License | 5 votes |
def async_get_downstream(self): """Get the current downstream cable modem state.""" if self.token is None: await self.async_initialize_token() self.ds_channels.clear() raw = await self._async_ws_get_function(CMD_DOWNSTREAM) try: xml_root = element_tree.fromstring(raw) for downstream in xml_root.iter("downstream"): self.ds_channels.append( DownstreamChannel( int(downstream.find("freq").text), int(downstream.find("pow").text), downstream.find("mod").text, downstream.find("chid").text, float(downstream.find("RxMER").text), int(downstream.find("PreRs").text), int(downstream.find("PostRs").text), downstream.find("IsQamLocked").text == "1", downstream.find("IsFECLocked").text == "1", downstream.find("IsMpegLocked").text == "1", ) ) except (element_tree.ParseError, TypeError): _LOGGER.warning("Can't read downstream channels from %s", self.token = None raise exceptions.ConnectBoxNoDataAvailable() from None
Example #19
Source File: From python-connect-box with MIT License | 5 votes |
def async_get_upstream(self): """Get the current upstream cable modem state.""" if self.token is None: await self.async_initialize_token() self.us_channels.clear() raw = await self._async_ws_get_function(CMD_UPSTREAM) try: xml_root = element_tree.fromstring(raw) for upstream in xml_root.iter("upstream"): self.us_channels.append( UpstreamChannel( int(upstream.find("freq").text), int(upstream.find("power").text), upstream.find("srate").text, upstream.find("usid").text, upstream.find("mod").text, upstream.find("ustype").text, int(upstream.find("t1Timeouts").text), int(upstream.find("t2Timeouts").text), int(upstream.find("t3Timeouts").text), int(upstream.find("t4Timeouts").text), upstream.find("channeltype").text, int(upstream.find("messageType").text), ) ) except (element_tree.ParseError, TypeError): _LOGGER.warning("Can't read upstream channels from %s", self.token = None raise exceptions.ConnectBoxNoDataAvailable() from None
Example #20
Source File: From python-connect-box with MIT License | 5 votes |
def async_get_ipv6_filtering(self) -> None: """Get the current ipv6 filter (and filters time) rules.""" if self.token is None: await self.async_initialize_token() self.ipv6_filters.clear() self._ipv6_filters_time = None raw = await self._async_ws_get_function(CMD_GET_IPV6_FILTER_RULE) try: xml_root = element_tree.fromstring(raw) for instance in xml_root.iter("instance"): self.ipv6_filters.append( Ipv6FilterInstance( int(instance.find("idd").text), instance.find("src_addr").text, int(instance.find("src_prefix").text), instance.find("dst_addr").text, int(instance.find("dst_prefix").text), int(instance.find("src_sport").text), int(instance.find("src_eport").text), int(instance.find("dst_sport").text), int(instance.find("dst_eport").text), int(instance.find("protocol").text), int(instance.find("allow").text), int(instance.find("enabled").text), ) ) self._ipv6_filters_time = FiltersTimeMode( int(xml_root.find("time_mode").text), _parse_general_time(xml_root), _parse_daily_time(xml_root) ) except (element_tree.ParseError, TypeError): _LOGGER.warning("Can't read IPv6 filter rules from %s", self.token = None raise exceptions.ConnectBoxNoDataAvailable() from None
Example #21
Source File: From Greynir with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def extract_text(self): zipfile = ZipFile(BytesIO(, "r") # Verify that archive contains document.xml if self.DOCXML_PATH not in zipfile.namelist(): raise MalformedDocumentError("Malformed docx file") # Read xml file from archive content = zipfile.close() # Parse it tree = ElementTree.fromstring(content) # Extract text elements from all paragraphs # (with special handling of line breaks) paragraphs = [] for p in tree.iter(self.PARAGRAPH_TAG): texts = [] for node in p.iter(): if node.tag.endswith(self.TEXT_TAG) and node.text: texts.append(node.text) elif node.tag.endswith(self.BREAK_TAG): texts.append("\n") if texts: paragraphs.append("".join(texts)) return "\n\n".join(paragraphs) # Map file mime type to document class
Example #22
Source File: From Django-3-Web-Development-Cookbook-Fourth-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(self): import requests from defusedxml import ElementTree response = requests.get(self.API_URL, params=self.params) if response.status_code != self.stderr.write(f"Error connecting to {response.url}") return root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content) pages = int(root.find("tracks").attrib.get("totalPages", 1)) if self.max_pages > 0: pages = min(pages, self.max_pages) if self.verbosity >= self.NORMAL: self.stdout.write(f"=== Importing {pages} page(s) of songs ===") self.save_page(root) for page_number in range(2, pages + 1): self.params["page"] = page_number response = requests.get(self.API_URL, params=self.params) if response.status_code != self.stderr.write(f"Error connecting to {response.url}") return root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content) self.save_page(root)
Example #23
Source File: From Django-3-Web-Development-Cookbook-Fourth-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(self): import requests from defusedxml import ElementTree response = requests.get(self.API_URL, params=self.params) if response.status_code != self.stderr.write(f"Error connecting to {response.url}") return root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content) pages = int(root.find("tracks").attrib.get("totalPages", 1)) if self.max_pages > 0: pages = min(pages, self.max_pages) if self.verbosity >= self.NORMAL: self.stdout.write(f"=== Importing {pages} page(s) of songs ===") self.save_page(root) for page_number in range(2, pages + 1): self.params["page"] = page_number response = requests.get(self.API_URL, params=self.params) if response.status_code != self.stderr.write(f"Error connecting to {response.url}") return root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content) self.save_page(root)
Example #24
Source File: From Django-3-Web-Development-Cookbook-Fourth-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(self): import requests from defusedxml import ElementTree response = requests.get(self.API_URL, params=self.params) if response.status_code != self.stderr.write(f"Error connecting to {response.url}") return root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content) pages = int(root.find("tracks").attrib.get("totalPages", 1)) if self.max_pages > 0: pages = min(pages, self.max_pages) if self.verbosity >= self.NORMAL: self.stdout.write(f"=== Importing {pages} page(s) of songs ===") self.save_page(root) for page_number in range(2, pages + 1): self.params["page"] = page_number response = requests.get(self.API_URL, params=self.params) if response.status_code != self.stderr.write(f"Error connecting to {response.url}") return root = ElementTree.fromstring(response.content) self.save_page(root)
Example #25
Source File: From drydock with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def apply_logicalnames(self, site_design, state_manager): """Gets the logicalnames for devices from lshw. :param site_design: SiteDesign object. :param state_manager: DrydockState object. :return: Returns sets a dictionary of aliases that map to logicalnames in self.logicalnames. """ logicalnames = {} results = state_manager.get_build_data( node_name=self.get_name(), latest=True) xml_data = None for result in results: if result.generator == "lshw": xml_data = result.data_element break if xml_data: xml_root = fromstring(xml_data) try: hardware_profile = site_design.get_hardware_profile( self.hardware_profile) for device in hardware_profile.devices: logicalname = self._apply_logicalname( xml_root, device.alias, device.bus_type, device.address) logicalnames[device.alias] = logicalname except errors.DesignError: self.logger.exception( "Failed to load hardware profile while " "resolving logical names for node %s", self.get_name()) raise else: "No Build Data found for node_name %s" % (self.get_name())) self.logicalnames = logicalnames
Example #26
Source File: From python-otrs with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def test_ticket_from_xml(self): xml = etree.fromstring(SAMPLE_TICKET) t = Ticket.from_xml(xml) self.assertEqual(t.TicketID, 32) self.assertEqual(t.CustomerUserID, 'foo@bar.tld')
Example #27
Source File: From plaso with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _ParsePropertiesXMLFile(self, xml_data): """Parses a properties XML file. Args: xml_data (bytes): data of a _rels/.rels XML file. Returns: dict[str, object]: properties. Raises: zipfile.BadZipfile: if the properties XML file cannot be read. """ xml_root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_data) properties = {} for xml_element in xml_root.iter(): if not xml_element.text: continue # The property name is formatted as: {URL}name # For example: {}modified _, _, name = xml_element.tag.partition('}') # Do not including the 'lpstr' attribute because it is very verbose. if name == 'lpstr': continue property_name = self._PROPERTY_NAMES.get(name, None) if not property_name: property_name = self._FormatPropertyName(name) properties[property_name] = xml_element.text return properties
Example #28
Source File: From plaso with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _GetCreationTimeFromXMLString( self, parser_mediator, record_index, xml_string): """Retrieves the creationg time from the XML string. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. record_index (int): event record index. xml_string (str): event XML string. Returns: str: creation date and time formatted as ISO 8601 or None if not available. """ xml_root = ElementTree.fromstring(xml_string) system_xml_element = xml_root.find( '{}System') if system_xml_element is None: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'missing System XML element in event record: {0:d}'.format( record_index)) return None time_created_xml_element = system_xml_element.find( '{}TimeCreated') if time_created_xml_element is None: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'missing TimeCreated XML element in event record: {0:d}'.format( record_index)) return None return time_created_xml_element.get('SystemTime')
Example #29
Source File: From zulip with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def join_bigbluebutton(request: HttpRequest, meeting_id: str = REQ(validator=check_string), password: str = REQ(validator=check_string), checksum: str = REQ(validator=check_string)) -> HttpResponse: if settings.BIG_BLUE_BUTTON_URL is None or settings.BIG_BLUE_BUTTON_SECRET is None: return json_error(_("Big Blue Button is not configured.")) else: response = requests.get( add_query_to_redirect_url(settings.BIG_BLUE_BUTTON_URL + "api/create", urlencode({ "meetingID": meeting_id, "moderatorPW": password, "attendeePW": password + "a", "checksum": checksum }))) try: response.raise_for_status() except Exception: return json_error(_("Error connecting to the Big Blue Button server.")) payload = ElementTree.fromstring(response.text) if payload.find("messageKey").text == "checksumError": return json_error(_("Error authenticating to the Big Blue Button server.")) if payload.find("returncode").text != "SUCCESS": return json_error(_("Big Blue Button server returned an unexpected error.")) join_params = urlencode({ # type: ignore[type-var] # "meetingID": meeting_id, "password": password, "fullName": request.user.full_name }, quote_via=quote) checksum = hashlib.sha1(("join" + join_params + settings.BIG_BLUE_BUTTON_SECRET).encode()).hexdigest() redirect_url_base = add_query_to_redirect_url(settings.BIG_BLUE_BUTTON_URL + "api/join", join_params) return redirect(add_query_arg_to_redirect_url(redirect_url_base, "checksum=" + checksum))
Example #30
Source File: From insights-core with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def parse_content(self, content): """ All child classes inherit this function to parse XML file automatically. It will call the function :func:`parse_dom` by default to parser all necessary data to :attr:`data` and the :attr:`xmlns` (the default namespace) is ready for this function. """ self.dom = self.xmlns = None = {} # ignore empty xml file if len(content) > 3: self.raw = '\n'.join(content) self.dom = ET.fromstring(self.raw) self.xmlns = self.dom.tag.strip("{").split("}")[0] if all(c in self.dom.tag for c in ["{", "}"]) else "" = self.parse_dom()