Python tenacity.wait_exponential() Examples
The following are 22
code examples of tenacity.wait_exponential().
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Example #1
Source File: From PyAthena with MIT License | 7 votes |
def retry_api_call(func, config, logger=None, *args, **kwargs): retry = tenacity.Retrying( retry=retry_if_exception( lambda e: getattr(e, "response", {}).get("Error", {}).get("Code", None) in config.exceptions if e else False ), stop=stop_after_attempt(config.attempt), wait=wait_exponential( multiplier=config.multiplier, max=config.max_delay, exp_base=config.exponential_base, ), after=after_log(logger, logger.level) if logger else None, reraise=True, ) return retry(func, *args, **kwargs)
Example #2
Source File: From airflow with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def operation_in_progress_retry(*args, **kwargs) -> Callable: """ A decorator that provides a mechanism to repeat requests in response to operation in progress (HTTP 409) limit. """ def decorator(fun: Callable): default_kwargs = { 'wait': tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, max=300), 'retry': retry_if_operation_in_progress(), 'before': tenacity.before_log(log, logging.DEBUG), 'after': tenacity.after_log(log, logging.DEBUG), } default_kwargs.update(**kwargs) return tenacity.retry( *args, **default_kwargs )(fun) return decorator
Example #3
Source File: From airflow with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def quota_retry(*args, **kwargs) -> Callable: """ A decorator that provides a mechanism to repeat requests in response to exceeding a temporary quote limit. """ def decorator(fun: Callable): default_kwargs = { 'wait': tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, max=100), 'retry': retry_if_temporary_quota(), 'before': tenacity.before_log(log, logging.DEBUG), 'after': tenacity.after_log(log, logging.DEBUG), } default_kwargs.update(**kwargs) return tenacity.retry( *args, **default_kwargs )(fun) return decorator
Example #4
Source File: From zun with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _wait_for_init_container(self, context, container, timeout=3600): def retry_if_result_is_false(result): return result is False def check_init_container_stopped(): status =, container).status if status == consts.STOPPED: return True elif status == consts.RUNNING: return False else: raise exception.ZunException( _("Container has unexpected status: %s") % status) r = tenacity.Retrying( stop=tenacity.stop_after_delay(timeout), wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(), retry=tenacity.retry_if_result(retry_if_result_is_false))
Example #5
Source File: From bugbug with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def clone_git_repo(self, repo_url, repo_dir, rev="origin/branches/default/tip"):"Cloning {repo_url}...") if not os.path.exists(repo_dir): tenacity.retry( wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=16, max=64), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(5), )( lambda: ["git", "clone", "--quiet", repo_url, repo_dir], check=True ) )() tenacity.retry( wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=16, max=64), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(5), )( lambda: ["git", "fetch"], cwd=repo_dir, capture_output=True, check=True, ) )() ["git", "checkout", rev], cwd=repo_dir, capture_output=True, check=True )
Example #6
Source File: From zun with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _wait_for_init_container(self, context, container, timeout=3600): def retry_if_result_is_false(result): return result is False def check_init_container_stopped(): status = self._show_container(context, container).status if status == consts.STOPPED: return True elif status == consts.RUNNING: return False else: raise exception.ZunException( _("Container has unexpected status: %s") % status) r = tenacity.Retrying( stop=tenacity.stop_after_delay(timeout), wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(), retry=tenacity.retry_if_result(retry_if_result_is_false))
Example #7
Source File: From bugbug with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def clone_git_repo(self): tenacity.retry( wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=16, max=64), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(5), )( lambda: ["git", "clone", "--quiet", self.repo_url, self.git_repo_path], check=True, ) )() try: tenacity.retry( wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=16, max=64), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(5), )( lambda: ["git", "pull", "--quiet", self.repo_url, "master"], cwd=self.git_repo_path, capture_output=True, check=True, ) )() except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: # When the repo is empty. if b"Couldn't find remote ref master" in e.stdout: pass
Example #8
Source File: From code-coverage with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def download_artifact(artifact_path, task_id, artifact_name): if os.path.exists(artifact_path): return artifact_path # Build artifact public url # Use un-authenticated Taskcluster client to avoid taskcluster-proxy rewrite issue # queue = taskcluster.Queue({"rootUrl": ""}) url = queue.buildUrl("getLatestArtifact", task_id, artifact_name) logger.debug("Downloading artifact", url=url) @tenacity.retry( reraise=True, wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=16, max=64), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(5), ) def perform_download(): r = requests.get(url, stream=True) r.raise_for_status() with open(artifact_path, "wb") as f: r.raw.decode_content = True shutil.copyfileobj(r.raw, f) if artifact_path.endswith(".zip") and not is_zipfile(artifact_path): raise BadZipFile("File is not a zip file") perform_download()
Example #9
Source File: From aodh with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def join_group(self, group_id): if (not self._coordinator or not self._coordinator.is_started or not group_id): return @tenacity.retry( wait=tenacity.wait_exponential( multiplier=self.conf.coordination.retry_backoff, max=self.conf.coordination.max_retry_interval), retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception_type( ErrorJoiningPartitioningGroup)) def _inner(): try: join_req = self._coordinator.join_group(group_id) join_req.get()'Joined partitioning group %s', group_id) except tooz.coordination.MemberAlreadyExist: return except tooz.coordination.GroupNotCreated: create_grp_req = self._coordinator.create_group(group_id) try: create_grp_req.get() except tooz.coordination.GroupAlreadyExist: pass raise ErrorJoiningPartitioningGroup() except tooz.coordination.ToozError: LOG.exception('Error joining partitioning group %s,' ' re-trying', group_id) raise ErrorJoiningPartitioningGroup() self._groups.add(group_id) return _inner()
Example #10
Source File: From tenacity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_exponential_with_min_wait_and_multiplier(self): r = Retrying(wait=tenacity.wait_exponential( min=20, multiplier=2)) self.assertEqual(r.wait(1, 0), 20) self.assertEqual(r.wait(2, 0), 20) self.assertEqual(r.wait(3, 0), 20) self.assertEqual(r.wait(4, 0), 20) self.assertEqual(r.wait(5, 0), 32) self.assertEqual(r.wait(6, 0), 64) self.assertEqual(r.wait(7, 0), 128) self.assertEqual(r.wait(8, 0), 256) self.assertEqual(r.wait(20, 0), 1048576)
Example #11
Source File: From tenacity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_exponential_with_max_wait_and_multiplier(self): r = Retrying(wait=tenacity.wait_exponential( max=50, multiplier=1)) self.assertEqual(r.wait(1, 0), 1) self.assertEqual(r.wait(2, 0), 2) self.assertEqual(r.wait(3, 0), 4) self.assertEqual(r.wait(4, 0), 8) self.assertEqual(r.wait(5, 0), 16) self.assertEqual(r.wait(6, 0), 32) self.assertEqual(r.wait(7, 0), 50) self.assertEqual(r.wait(8, 0), 50) self.assertEqual(r.wait(50, 0), 50)
Example #12
Source File: From tenacity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_exponential_with_min_wait(self): r = Retrying(wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(min=20)) self.assertEqual(r.wait(1, 0), 20) self.assertEqual(r.wait(2, 0), 20) self.assertEqual(r.wait(3, 0), 20) self.assertEqual(r.wait(4, 0), 20) self.assertEqual(r.wait(5, 0), 20) self.assertEqual(r.wait(6, 0), 32) self.assertEqual(r.wait(7, 0), 64) self.assertEqual(r.wait(8, 0), 128) self.assertEqual(r.wait(20, 0), 524288)
Example #13
Source File: From tenacity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_exponential_with_max_wait(self): r = Retrying(wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(max=40)) self.assertEqual(r.wait(1, 0), 1) self.assertEqual(r.wait(2, 0), 2) self.assertEqual(r.wait(3, 0), 4) self.assertEqual(r.wait(4, 0), 8) self.assertEqual(r.wait(5, 0), 16) self.assertEqual(r.wait(6, 0), 32) self.assertEqual(r.wait(7, 0), 40) self.assertEqual(r.wait(8, 0), 40) self.assertEqual(r.wait(50, 0), 40)
Example #14
Source File: From tenacity with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_exponential(self): r = Retrying(wait=tenacity.wait_exponential()) self.assertEqual(r.wait(1, 0), 1) self.assertEqual(r.wait(2, 0), 2) self.assertEqual(r.wait(3, 0), 4) self.assertEqual(r.wait(4, 0), 8) self.assertEqual(r.wait(5, 0), 16) self.assertEqual(r.wait(6, 0), 32) self.assertEqual(r.wait(7, 0), 64) self.assertEqual(r.wait(8, 0), 128)
Example #15
Source File: From taskflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def validate(self, max_retries=0): """Performs basic **connection** validation of a sqlalchemy engine.""" def _retry_on_exception(exc): LOG.warning("Engine connection (validate) failed due to '%s'", exc) if isinstance(exc, sa_exc.OperationalError) and \ _is_db_connection_error(six.text_type(exc.args[0])): # We may be able to fix this by retrying... return True if isinstance(exc, (sa_exc.TimeoutError, sa_exc.ResourceClosedError, sa_exc.DisconnectionError)): # We may be able to fix this by retrying... return True # Other failures we likely can't fix by retrying... return False @tenacity.retry( stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(max(0, int(max_retries))), wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(), reraise=True, retry=tenacity.retry_if_exception(_retry_on_exception) ) def _try_connect(engine): # See if we can make a connection happen. # # NOTE(harlowja): note that even though we are connecting # once it does not mean that we will be able to connect in # the future, so this is more of a sanity test and is not # complete connection insurance. with contextlib.closing(engine.connect()): pass _try_connect(self._engine)
Example #16
Source File: From airflow with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def run_with_advanced_retry(self, _retry_args, *args, **kwargs): """ Runs with a Tenacity decorator attached to it. This is useful for connectors which might be disturbed by intermittent issues and should not instantly fail. :param _retry_args: Arguments which define the retry behaviour. See Tenacity documentation at :type _retry_args: dict .. code-block:: python hook = HttpHook(http_conn_id='my_conn',method='GET') retry_args = dict( wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(10), retry=requests.exceptions.ConnectionError ) hook.run_with_advanced_retry( endpoint='v1/test', _retry_args=retry_args ) """ self._retry_obj = tenacity.Retrying( **_retry_args ) return self._retry_obj(, *args, **kwargs)
Example #17
Source File: From gnocchi with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def retry_on_exception_and_log(msg): return tenacity.Retrying( wait=wait_exponential, retry=_retry_on_exception_and_log(msg)).wraps
Example #18
Source File: From bugbug with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def clone_git_repo(self, repo_url, repo_dir): if not os.path.exists(repo_dir): tenacity.retry( wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=16, max=64), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(5), )( lambda: ["git", "clone", "--quiet", repo_url, repo_dir], check=True ) )()"{repo_dir} cloned")"Fetching {repo_dir}") tenacity.retry( wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=16, max=64), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(5), )( lambda: ["git", "fetch", "--quiet"], cwd=repo_dir, capture_output=True, check=True, ) )()"{repo_dir} fetched")
Example #19
Source File: From bugbug with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def download_bugs(bug_ids, products=None, security=False): old_bug_count = 0 new_bug_ids = set(int(bug_id) for bug_id in bug_ids) for bug in get_bugs(include_invalid=True): old_bug_count += 1 if int(bug["id"]) in new_bug_ids: new_bug_ids.remove(bug["id"]) print(f"Loaded {old_bug_count} bugs.") new_bug_ids = sorted(list(new_bug_ids)) CHUNK_SIZE = 100 chunks = ( new_bug_ids[i : (i + CHUNK_SIZE)] for i in range(0, len(new_bug_ids), CHUNK_SIZE) ) @tenacity.retry( stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(7), wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=16, max=64), ) def get_chunk(chunk): new_bugs = get(chunk) if not security: new_bugs = [bug for bug in new_bugs.values() if len(bug["groups"]) == 0] if products is not None: new_bugs = [bug for bug in new_bugs.values() if bug["product"] in products] return new_bugs with tqdm(total=len(new_bug_ids)) as progress_bar: for chunk in chunks: new_bugs = get_chunk(chunk) progress_bar.update(len(chunk)) db.append(BUGS_DB, new_bugs)
Example #20
Source File: From linehaul with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def send_batch( bq, table, template_suffix, batch, *args, retry_max_attempts=None, retry_max_wait=None, retry_multiplier=None, **kwargs ): if retry_max_attempts is None: retry_max_attempts = 10 if retry_max_wait is None: retry_max_wait = 60 if retry_multiplier is None: retry_multiplier = 0.5 # We split up send_batch and actually_send_batch so that we can use tenacity to # handle retries for us, while still getting to use the Nurser.start_soon interface. # This also makes it easier to deal with the error handling aspects of sending a # batch, from the work of actually sending. The general rule here is that errors # shoudl not escape from this function. send = actually_send_batch.retry_with( wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=retry_multiplier, max=retry_max_wait), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(retry_max_attempts), ) try: await send(bq, table, template_suffix, batch, *args, **kwargs) # We've tried to send this batch to BigQuery, however for one reason or another # we were unable to do so. We should log this error, but otherwise we're going # to just drop this on the floor because there's not much else we can do here # except buffer it forever (which is not a great idea). except trio.TooSlowError: logger.error("Timed out sending %d items; Dropping them.", len(batch)) except Exception: logger.exception("Error sending %d items; Dropping them.", len(batch))
Example #21
Source File: From bugbug with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def generate(self): db_path = os.path.join("data", self.git_repo_path) db.register( db_path, "", VERSION, ) is_old_version = db.is_old_schema(db_path) with ThreadPoolExecutorResult(max_workers=2) as executor: cloner = executor.submit(repository.clone, self.repo_dir) cloner.add_done_callback( lambda future:"mozilla-central cloned") ) git_user = get_secret("GIT_USER") git_password = get_secret("GIT_PASSWORD") repo_push_url = self.repo_url.replace( "https://", f"https://{git_user}:{git_password}@" ) if not is_old_version: executor.submit(self.clone_git_repo) else: executor.submit(self.init_git_repo) ["git", "config", "--global", "http.postBuffer", "12M"], check=True ) push_args = ["git", "push", repo_push_url, "master"] if is_old_version: push_args.append("--force") done = False while not done: done = generator.generate( self.repo_dir, self.git_repo_path, limit=COMMITS_STEP, tokenize=self.tokenize, remove_comments=self.remove_comments, ) tenacity.retry( wait=tenacity.wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=16, max=64), stop=tenacity.stop_after_attempt(5), )(lambda:, cwd=self.git_repo_path, check=True))() # We are not using db.upload as we don't need to upload the git repo. upload_s3([f"{db_path}.version"])
Example #22
Source File: From PyAthena with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw): raw_connection = self._raw_connection(connection) schema = schema if schema else raw_connection.schema_name query = """ SELECT table_schema, table_name, column_name, data_type, is_nullable, column_default, ordinal_position, comment FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_schema = '{schema}' AND table_name = '{table}' """.format( schema=schema, table=table_name ) retry_config = raw_connection.retry_config retry = tenacity.Retrying( retry=retry_if_exception( lambda exc: self._retry_if_data_catalog_exception( exc, schema, table_name ) ), stop=stop_after_attempt(retry_config.attempt), wait=wait_exponential( multiplier=retry_config.multiplier, max=retry_config.max_delay, exp_base=retry_config.exponential_base, ), reraise=True, ) try: return [ { "name": row.column_name, "type": _TYPE_MAPPINGS.get( self._get_column_type(row.data_type), NULLTYPE ), "nullable": True if row.is_nullable == "YES" else False, "default": row.column_default if not self._is_nan(row.column_default) else None, "ordinal_position": row.ordinal_position, "comment": row.comment, } for row in retry(connection.execute, query).fetchall() ] except OperationalError as e: if not self._retry_if_data_catalog_exception(e, schema, table_name): raise_from(NoSuchTableError(table_name), e) else: raise e