Python rlp.Serializable() Examples
The following are 3
code examples of rlp.Serializable().
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Example #1
Source File: From manticore with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def gen_header(testcases): header = f'''"""DO NOT MODIFY: Tests generated from `tests/` with {sys.argv[0]}""" import unittest from binascii import unhexlify from manticore import ManticoreEVM, Plugin from manticore.utils import config ''' if any("logs" in testcase for testcase in testcases.values()): body += """ import sha3 import rlp from rlp.sedes import ( CountableList, BigEndianInt, Binary, ) class Log(rlp.Serializable): fields = [ ('address', Binary.fixed_length(20, allow_empty=True)), ('topics', CountableList(BigEndianInt(32))), ('data', Binary()) ] """ header += """consts = config.get_group('core') consts.mprocessing = consts.mprocessing.single consts = config.get_group('evm') consts.oog = 'pedantic' class EVMTest(unittest.TestCase): # _multiprocess_can_split_ = True # maxDiff = None """ return header
Example #2
Source File: From py-evm with MIT License | 5 votes |
def diff_rlp_object(left: BaseBlock, right: BaseBlock) -> Optional[Iterable[Tuple[str, str, str]]]: if left != right: rlp_type = type(left) for field_name, field_type in rlp_type._meta.fields: left_value = getattr(left, field_name) right_value = getattr(right, field_name) if isinstance(field_type, type) and issubclass(field_type, rlp.Serializable): sub_diff = diff_rlp_object(left_value, right_value) for sub_field_name, sub_left_value, sub_right_value in sub_diff: yield ( f"{field_name}.{sub_field_name}", sub_left_value, sub_right_value, ) elif isinstance(field_type, (rlp.sedes.List, rlp.sedes.CountableList)): if tuple(left_value) != tuple(right_value): yield ( field_name, left_value, right_value, ) elif left_value != right_value: yield ( field_name, left_value, right_value, ) else: continue
Example #3
Source File: From trinity with MIT License | 5 votes |
def decode_all(rlp: bytes, sedes: rlp.Serializable = None, recursive_cache: bool = False, **kwargs: Any) -> Iterable[Any]: """Decode multiple RLP encoded object. If the deserialized result `obj` has an attribute :attr:`_cached_rlp` (e.g. if `sedes` is a subclass of :class:`rlp.Serializable`) it will be set to `rlp`, which will improve performance on subsequent :func:`rlp.encode` calls. Bear in mind however that `obj` needs to make sure that this value is updated whenever one of its fields changes or prevent such changes entirely (:class:`rlp.sedes.Serializable` does the latter). :param sedes: an object implementing a function ``deserialize(code)`` which will be applied after decoding, or ``None`` if no deserialization should be performed :param **kwargs: additional keyword arguments that will be passed to the deserializer :param strict: if false inputs that are longer than necessary don't cause an exception :returns: the decoded and maybe deserialized Python object :raises: :exc:`rlp.DecodingError` if the input string does not end after the root item and `strict` is true :raises: :exc:`rlp.DeserializationError` if the deserialization fails """ if not is_bytes(rlp): raise DecodingError('Can only decode RLP bytes, got type %s' % type(rlp).__name__, rlp) end = 0 rlp_length = len(rlp) while rlp_length - end > 0: try: item, per_item_rlp, end = consume_item(rlp, end) except IndexError: raise DecodingError('RLP string too short', rlp) if sedes: obj = sedes.deserialize(item, **kwargs) if is_sequence(obj) or hasattr(obj, '_cached_rlp'): _apply_rlp_cache(obj, per_item_rlp, recursive_cache) yield obj else: yield item