Python rnn.RNN Examples
The following are 3
code examples of rnn.RNN().
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Example #1
Source File: From rnn-from-scratch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def softmax(xs): # Applies the Softmax Function to the input array. return np.exp(xs) / sum(np.exp(xs)) # Initialize our RNN!
Example #2
Source File: From rnn-from-scratch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def processData(data, backprop=True): ''' Returns the RNN's loss and accuracy for the given data. - data is a dictionary mapping text to True or False. - backprop determines if the backward phase should be run. ''' items = list(data.items()) random.shuffle(items) loss = 0 num_correct = 0 for x, y in items: inputs = createInputs(x) target = int(y) # Forward out, _ = rnn.forward(inputs) probs = softmax(out) # Calculate loss / accuracy loss -= np.log(probs[target]) num_correct += int(np.argmax(probs) == target) if backprop: # Build dL/dy d_L_d_y = probs d_L_d_y[target] -= 1 # Backward rnn.backprop(d_L_d_y) return loss / len(data), num_correct / len(data) # Training loop
Example #3
Source File: From cs224d with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test(netFile,dataSet, model='RNN', trees=None): if trees==None: trees = tr.loadTrees(dataSet) assert netFile is not None, "Must give model to test" print "Testing netFile %s"%netFile with open(netFile,'r') as fid: opts = pickle.load(fid) _ = pickle.load(fid) if (model=='RNTN'): nn = RNTN(opts.wvecDim,opts.outputDim,opts.numWords,opts.minibatch) elif(model=='RNN'): nn = RNN(opts.wvecDim,opts.outputDim,opts.numWords,opts.minibatch) elif(model=='RNN2'): nn = RNN2(opts.wvecDim,opts.middleDim,opts.outputDim,opts.numWords,opts.minibatch) elif(model=='RNN2Drop'): nn = RNN2Drop(opts.wvecDim,opts.middleDim,opts.outputDim,opts.numWords,opts.minibatch) elif(model=='RNN2DropMaxout'): nn = RNN2DropMaxout(opts.wvecDim,opts.middleDim,opts.outputDim,opts.numWords,opts.minibatch) elif(opts.model=='RNN3'): nn = RNN3(opts.wvecDim,opts.middleDim,opts.outputDim,opts.numWords,opts.minibatch) elif(model=='DCNN'): nn = DCNN(opts.wvecDim,opts.ktop,opts.m1,opts.m2, opts.n1, opts.n2,0, opts.outputDim,opts.numWords, 2, opts.minibatch,rho=1e-4) trees = cnn.tree2matrix(trees) else: raise '%s is not a valid neural network so far only RNTN, RNN, RNN2, RNN3, and DCNN'%opts.model nn.initParams() nn.fromFile(fid) print "Testing %s..."%model cost,correct, guess, total = nn.costAndGrad(trees,test=True) correct_sum = 0 for i in xrange(0,len(correct)): correct_sum+=(guess[i]==correct[i]) # TODO # Plot the confusion matrix? confuse_matrix = np.zeros((5,5)) for i in range(len(correct)): confuse_matrix[correct[i]][guess[i]] += 1 print "Cost %f, Acc %f"%(cost,correct_sum/float(total)) makeconf(confuse_matrix,model) return cost, correct_sum/float(total)