Python config.config.get() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of config.config.get().
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Example #1
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def prefs_changed(cmdr, is_beta): config.set('edsm_out', this.log.get()) if cmdr and not is_beta: cmdrs = config.get('edsm_cmdrs') usernames = config.get('edsm_usernames') or [] apikeys = config.get('edsm_apikeys') or [] if cmdr in cmdrs: idx = cmdrs.index(cmdr) usernames.extend([''] * (1 + idx - len(usernames))) usernames[idx] = this.user.get().strip() apikeys.extend([''] * (1 + idx - len(apikeys))) apikeys[idx] = this.apikey.get().strip() else: config.set('edsm_cmdrs', cmdrs + [cmdr]) usernames.append(this.user.get().strip()) apikeys.append(this.apikey.get().strip()) config.set('edsm_usernames', usernames) config.set('edsm_apikeys', apikeys)
Example #2
Source File: From edr with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_version(self): version_range = self.server.server_version() self.motd = _edr(version_range["l10n_motd"]) if version_range is None: # Translators: this is shown on EDMC's status bar when the version check fails self.status = _(u"check for version update has failed.") return if self.is_obsolete(version_range["min"]): EDRLOG.log(u"Mandatory update! {version} vs. {min}" .format(version=self.edr_version, min=version_range["min"]), "ERROR") self.mandatory_update = True self.autoupdate_pending = version_range.get("autoupdatable", False) self.__status_update_pending() elif self.is_obsolete(version_range["latest"]): EDRLOG.log(u"EDR update available! {version} vs. {latest}" .format(version=self.edr_version, latest=version_range["latest"]), "INFO") self.mandatory_update = False self.autoupdate_pending = version_range.get("autoupdatable", False) self.__status_update_pending()
Example #3
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def station(self): data = self.query(URL_QUERY) if data['commander'].get('docked'): services = data['lastStarport'].get('services', {}) if services.get('commodities'): marketdata = self.query(URL_MARKET) if (data['lastStarport']['name'] != marketdata['name'] or int(data['lastStarport']['id']) != int(marketdata['id'])): raise ServerLagging() else: data['lastStarport'].update(marketdata) if services.get('outfitting') or services.get('shipyard'): shipdata = self.query(URL_SHIPYARD) if (data['lastStarport']['name'] != shipdata['name'] or int(data['lastStarport']['id']) != int(shipdata['id'])): raise ServerLagging() else: data['lastStarport'].update(shipdata) return data
Example #4
Source File: From edr with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def prefs_changed(self): set_language(config.get("language")) if self.mandatory_update: EDRLOG.log(u"Out-of-date client, aborting.", "ERROR") self.__status_update_pending() return config.set("EDREmail", config.set("EDRPassword", self.password) config.set("EDRVisualFeedback", "True" if self.visual_feedback else "False") config.set("EDRAudioFeedback", "True" if self.audio_feedback else "False") config.set("EDRRedactMyInfo", self.anonymous_reports) EDRLOG.log(u"Audio cues: {}, {}".format(config.get("EDRAudioFeedback"), config.get("EDRAudioFeedbackVolume")), "DEBUG") EDRLOG.log(u"Anonymous reports: {}".format(config.get("EDRRedactMyInfo")), "DEBUG") self.login()
Example #5
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def export(data, filename=None): string = json.dumps(companion.ship(data), ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, sort_keys=True, separators=(',', ': ')).encode('utf-8') # pretty print if filename: with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string) return # Look for last ship of this type ship = companion.ship_file_name(data['ship'].get('shipName'), data['ship']['name']) regexp = re.compile(re.escape(ship) + '\.\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\dT\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.txt') oldfiles = sorted([x for x in os.listdir(config.get('outdir')) if regexp.match(x)]) if oldfiles: with open(join(config.get('outdir'), oldfiles[-1]), 'rU') as h: if == string: return # same as last time - don't write querytime = config.getint('querytime') or int(time.time()) # Write filename = join(config.get('outdir'), '%s.%s.txt' % (ship, time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S', time.localtime(querytime)))) with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string)
Example #6
Source File: From edr with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def noteworthy_about_system(self, fsdjump_event): if fsdjump_event["SystemSecurity"]: self.player.location_security(fsdjump_event["SystemSecurity"]) self.edrsystems.system_id(fsdjump_event['StarSystem'], may_create=True, coords=fsdjump_event.get("StarPos", None)) facts = self.edrresourcefinder.assess_jump(fsdjump_event, self.player.inventory) header = _('Rare materials in {} (USS-HGE/EE, Mission Rewards)'.format(fsdjump_event['StarSystem'])) if not facts: facts = EDRBodiesOfInterest.bodies_of_interest(fsdjump_event['StarSystem']) header = _('Noteworthy stellar bodies in {}').format(fsdjump_event['StarSystem']) if not facts: if self.player.in_bad_neighborhood(): header = _(u"Anarchy system") facts = [_(u"Crimes will not be reported.")] else: return False self.__notify(header, facts, clear_before = True) return True
Example #7
Source File: From edr with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def show_navigation(self): current = self.player.piloted_vehicle.attitude destination = self.player.planetary_destination if not destination or not current: return if not current.valid() or not destination.valid(): return bearing = destination.bearing(current) body = self.edrsystems.body(self.player.star_system, radius = body.get("radius", None) if body else None distance = destination.distance(current, radius) if radius else None if distance <= 1.0: return pitch = destination.pitch(current, distance) if distance and distance <= 700 else None if self.visual_feedback: self.IN_GAME_MSG.navigation(bearing, destination, distance, pitch) self.status = _(u"> {:03} < for Lat:{:.4f} Lon:{:.4f}".format(bearing, destination.latitude, destination.longitude))
Example #8
Source File: From manifesto with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(args): tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() zipfile = ZipFile(args.apk_file) zipfile.extractall(tmpdir) import_plugins() processing_modules = Obfuscator.__subclasses__() try: for module in processing_modules: module(tmpdir, config.get(module.__name__, {})).run() except Exception as ex: logging.error('Exception encountered: %s' % str(ex)) shutil.rmtree(tmpdir) return if args.force_overwrite or not os.path.isfile(args.outfile): zipdir(tmpdir, args.outfile, args.keep_meta) else: logging.error('Output file already exists (use -f to overwrite)!') shutil.rmtree(tmpdir)
Example #9
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def export_outfitting(self, data, is_beta): economies = data['lastStarport'].get('economies') or {} modules = data['lastStarport'].get('modules') or {} ships = data['lastStarport'].get('ships') or { 'shipyard_list': {}, 'unavailable_list': [] } # Horizons flag - will hit at least Int_PlanetApproachSuite other than at engineer bases ("Colony"), prison or rescue Megaships, or under Pirate Attack etc horizons = (any(economy['name'] == 'Colony' for economy in economies.itervalues()) or any(module.get('sku') == 'ELITE_HORIZONS_V_PLANETARY_LANDINGS' for module in modules.itervalues()) or any(ship.get('sku') == 'ELITE_HORIZONS_V_PLANETARY_LANDINGS' for ship in (ships['shipyard_list'] or {}).values())) outfitting = sorted([self.MODULE_RE.sub(lambda m:, module['name'].lower()) for module in modules.itervalues() if['name']) and module.get('sku') in [None, 'ELITE_HORIZONS_V_PLANETARY_LANDINGS'] and module['name'] != 'Int_PlanetApproachSuite']) if outfitting and this.outfitting != (horizons, outfitting): # Don't send empty modules list - schema won't allow it self.send(data['commander']['name'], { '$schemaRef' : '' + (is_beta and '/test' or ''), 'message' : OrderedDict([ ('timestamp', data['timestamp']), ('systemName', data['lastSystem']['name']), ('stationName', data['lastStarport']['name']), ('marketId', data['lastStarport']['id']), ('horizons', horizons), ('modules', outfitting), ]), }) this.outfitting = (horizons, outfitting)
Example #10
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def export_journal_commodities(self, cmdr, is_beta, entry): items = entry.get('Items') or [] commodities = sorted([OrderedDict([ ('name', self.canonicalise(commodity['Name'])), ('meanPrice', commodity['MeanPrice']), ('buyPrice', commodity['BuyPrice']), ('stock', commodity['Stock']), ('stockBracket', commodity['StockBracket']), ('sellPrice', commodity['SellPrice']), ('demand', commodity['Demand']), ('demandBracket', commodity['DemandBracket']), ]) for commodity in items], key = lambda c: c['name']) if commodities and this.commodities != commodities: # Don't send empty commodities list - schema won't allow it self.send(cmdr, { '$schemaRef' : '' + (is_beta and '/test' or ''), 'message' : OrderedDict([ ('timestamp', entry['timestamp']), ('systemName', entry['StarSystem']), ('stationName', entry['StationName']), ('marketId', entry['MarketID']), ('commodities', commodities), ]), }) this.commodities = commodities
Example #11
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def export_journal_shipyard(self, cmdr, is_beta, entry): ships = entry.get('PriceList') or [] horizons = entry.get('Horizons', False) shipyard = sorted([ship['ShipType'] for ship in ships]) if shipyard and this.shipyard != (horizons, shipyard): # Don't send empty ships list - shipyard data is only guaranteed present if user has visited the shipyard. self.send(cmdr, { '$schemaRef' : '' + (is_beta and '/test' or ''), 'message' : OrderedDict([ ('timestamp', entry['timestamp']), ('systemName', entry['StarSystem']), ('stationName', entry['StationName']), ('marketId', entry['MarketID']), ('horizons', horizons), ('ships', shipyard), ]), }) this.shipyard = (horizons, shipyard)
Example #12
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def export_journal_outfitting(self, cmdr, is_beta, entry): modules = entry.get('Items') or [] horizons = entry.get('Horizons', False) outfitting = sorted([self.MODULE_RE.sub(lambda m:, module['Name']) for module in modules if module['Name'] != 'int_planetapproachsuite']) if outfitting and this.outfitting != (horizons, outfitting): # Don't send empty modules list - schema won't allow it self.send(cmdr, { '$schemaRef' : '' + (is_beta and '/test' or ''), 'message' : OrderedDict([ ('timestamp', entry['timestamp']), ('systemName', entry['StarSystem']), ('stationName', entry['StationName']), ('marketId', entry['MarketID']), ('horizons', horizons), ('modules', outfitting), ]), }) this.outfitting = (horizons, outfitting)
Example #13
Source File: From edr with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __staoi_found(self, reference, radius, sc, soi_checker, result): self.searching = False details = [] if result: sc_distance = result['station']['distanceToArrival'] distance = result['distance'] pretty_dist = _(u"{dist:.3g}LY").format(dist=distance) if distance < 50.0 else _(u"{dist}LY").format(dist=int(distance)) pretty_sc_dist = _(u"{dist}LS").format(dist=int(sc_distance)) details.append(_(u"{system}, {dist}").format(system=result['name'], dist=pretty_dist)) details.append(_(u"{station} ({type}), {sc_dist}").format(station=result['station']['name'], type=result['station']['type'], sc_dist=pretty_sc_dist)) details.append(_(u"as of {date} {ci}").format(date=result['station']['updateTime']['information'],ci=result.get('comment', ''))) self.status = u"{item}: {system}, {dist} - {station} ({type}), {sc_dist}".format(, system=result['name'], dist=pretty_dist, station=result['station']['name'], type=result['station']['type'], sc_dist=pretty_sc_dist) copy(result["name"]) else: self.status = _(u"{}: nothing within [{}LY, {}LS] of {}".format(, int(radius), int(sc), reference)) checked = _("checked {} systems").format(soi_checker.systems_counter) if soi_checker.stations_counter: checked = _("checked {} systems and {} stations").format(soi_checker.systems_counter, soi_checker.stations_counter) details.append(_(u"nothing found within [{}LY, {}LS], {}.").format(int(radius), int(sc), checked)) if soi_checker.hint: details.append(soi_checker.hint) self.__notify(_(u"{} near {}").format(, reference), details, clear_before = True)
Example #14
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def export_ship(self, filename=None): string = json.dumps(self.ship(False), ensure_ascii=False, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')).encode('utf-8') # pretty print if filename: with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string) return ship = ship_file_name(self.state['ShipName'], self.state['ShipType']) regexp = re.compile(re.escape(ship) + '\.\d\d\d\d\-\d\d\-\d\dT\d\d\.\d\d\.\d\d\.txt') oldfiles = sorted([x for x in listdir(config.get('outdir')) if regexp.match(x)]) if oldfiles: with open(join(config.get('outdir'), oldfiles[-1]), 'rU') as h: if == string: return # same as last time - don't write # Write filename = join(config.get('outdir'), '%s.%s.txt' % (ship, strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H.%M.%S', localtime(time())))) with open(filename, 'wt') as h: h.write(string) # singleton
Example #15
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def credentials(cmdr): # Credentials for cmdr if not cmdr: return None cmdrs = config.get('edsm_cmdrs') if not cmdrs: # Migrate from <= 2.25 cmdrs = [cmdr] config.set('edsm_cmdrs', cmdrs) if cmdr in cmdrs and config.get('edsm_usernames') and config.get('edsm_apikeys'): idx = cmdrs.index(cmdr) return (config.get('edsm_usernames')[idx], config.get('edsm_apikeys')[idx]) else: return None
Example #16
Source File: From edr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def novel_enough_fight(self, involved_cmdr, fight): last_fight = self.fights_cache.get(involved_cmdr) return self.__novel_enough_fight(fight, last_fight)
Example #17
Source File: From edr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.journal_location = config.get('journaldir') or config.default_journal_dir
Example #18
Source File: From edr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def crime(self, star_system, crime): if self.player.in_solo(): EDRLOG.log(u"Skipping crime since the user is in solo (unexpected).", "INFO") return False if not self.crimes_reporting: EDRLOG.log(u"Crimes reporting is off (!crimes on to re-enable).", "INFO") self.status = _(u"Crimes reporting is off (!crimes on to re-enable)") return True if self.player.in_bad_neighborhood(): EDRLOG.log(u"Crime not being reported because the player is in an anarchy.", "INFO") self.status = _(u"Anarchy system (crimes not reported).") return True if self.is_anonymous(): EDRLOG.log(u"Skipping crime report since the user is anonymous.", "INFO") if crime["victim"] == self.advertise_full_account(_(u"You could have helped other EDR users or get help by reporting this crime!")) return True sid = self.edrsystems.system_id(star_system, may_create=True) if sid is None: EDRLOG.log(u"Failed to report crime in system {} : no id found.".format(star_system), "DEBUG") return False if self.server.crime(sid, crime): self.status = _(u"crime reported!") return True return False
Example #19
Source File: From edr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def help(self, section): content = self.help_content.get(section) if not content: return False if self.visual_feedback: EDRLOG.log(u"Show help for {} with header: {} and details: {}".format(section, content["header"], content["details"][0]), "DEBUG")["header"], content["details"]) EDRLOG.log(u"[Alt] Show help for {} with header: {} and details: {}".format(section, content["header"], content["details"][0]), "DEBUG")["header"]), _(content["details"])) return True
Example #20
Source File: From edr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _summarize_realtime_alert(self, kind, event): summary = [] EDRLOG.log(u"realtime {} alerts, handling {}".format(kind, event), "DEBUG") if not self._worthy_alert(kind, event): EDRLOG.log(u"Skipped realtime {} event because it wasn't worth alerting about: {}.".format(kind, event), "DEBUG") else: location = EDLocation(event["starSystem"], event["place"]) copy(event["starSystem"]) distance = None try: distance = self.edrsystems.distance(self.player.star_system, location.star_system) except ValueError: pass oneliner = _(u"{cmdr} ({ship}) sighted in {location}") if kind is EDROpponents.ENEMIES and event.get("enemy", None): oneliner = _(u"Enemy {cmdr} ({ship}) sighted in {location}") elif kind is EDROpponents.OUTLAWS: oneliner = _(u"Outlaw {cmdr} ({ship}) sighted in {location}") oneliner = oneliner.format(cmdr=event["cmdr"], ship=event["ship"], location=location.pretty_print()) if distance: oneliner += _(u" [{distance:.3g} ly]").format(distance=distance) if distance < 50.0 else _(u" [{distance} ly]").format(distance=int(distance)) if event.get("wanted", None): if event["bounty"] > 0: oneliner += _(u" wanted for {bounty} cr").format(bounty=EDFineOrBounty(event["bounty"]).pretty_print()) else: oneliner += _(u" wanted somewhere") if oneliner: summary.append(oneliner) self.alerts_cache.set(event["cmdr"].lower(), event) return summary
Example #21
Source File: From edr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def email(self): return self._email.get()
Example #22
Source File: From edr with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def audio_feedback(self): return self._audio_feedback.get() == 1
Example #23
Source File: From KBGAN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, n_ent, n_rel, config): super(TransEModule, self).__init__() self.p = config.p self.margin = config.margin self.temp = config.get('temp', 1) self.rel_embed = nn.Embedding(n_rel, config.dim) self.ent_embed = nn.Embedding(n_ent, config.dim) self.init_weight()
Example #24
Source File: From KBGAN with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, n_ent, n_rel, config): super(TransDModule, self).__init__() self.margin = config.margin self.p = config.p self.temp = config.get('temp', 1) self.rel_embed = nn.Embedding(n_rel, config.dim) self.ent_embed = nn.Embedding(n_ent, config.dim) self.proj_rel_embed = nn.Embedding(n_rel, config.dim) self.proj_ent_embed = nn.Embedding(n_ent, config.dim) self.init_weight()
Example #25
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def edsm_notify_system(reply): if not reply: this.system['image'] = this._IMG_ERROR plug.show_error(_("Error: Can't connect to EDSM")) elif reply['msgnum'] // 100 not in (1,4): this.system['image'] = this._IMG_ERROR plug.show_error(_('Error: EDSM {MSG}').format(MSG=reply['msg'])) elif reply.get('systemCreated'): this.system['image'] = this._IMG_NEW else: this.system['image'] = this._IMG_KNOWN
Example #26
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def system_id(system_name): return this.system_ids.get(system_name, [0, False])[0] # system_name -> is_populated
Example #27
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def system_populated(system_name): return this.system_ids.get(system_name, [0, False])[1] # (system_name, station_name) -> station_id or 0
Example #28
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def cmdr_data(data, is_beta): if config.get('system_provider') == 'eddb': this.system_link['url'] = system_url(data['lastSystem']['name']) # Override standard URL function this.station_link['text'] = data['commander']['docked'] and data['lastStarport']['name'] or (system_populated(data['lastSystem']['name']) and STATION_UNDOCKED or '') this.station_link.update_idletasks()
Example #29
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def prefs_changed(cmdr, is_beta): if config.get('system_provider') == 'eddb': this.system_link['url'] = system_url(system_link['text']) # Override standard URL function
Example #30
Source File: From EDMarketConnector with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def station_id(system_name, station_name): return this.station_ids.get((system_id(system_name), station_name), 0)