Python sanic.views.HTTPMethodView() Examples
The following are 19
code examples of sanic.views.HTTPMethodView().
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Example #1
Source File: From sanic with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_with_middleware_response(app): results = [] @app.middleware("request") async def process_request(request): results.append(request) @app.middleware("response") async def process_response(request, response): results.append(request) results.append(response) class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): return text("I am get method") app.add_route(DummyView.as_view(), "/") request, response = app.test_client.get("/") assert response.text == "I am get method" assert type(results[0]) is Request assert type(results[1]) is Request assert isinstance(results[2], HTTPResponse)
Example #2
Source File: From sanic with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_with_custom_class_methods(app): class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): global_var = 0 def _iternal_method(self): self.global_var += 10 def get(self, request): self._iternal_method() return text( f"I am get method and global var " f"is {self.global_var}" ) app.add_route(DummyView.as_view(), "/") request, response = app.test_client.get("/") assert response.text == "I am get method and global var is 10"
Example #3
Source File: From sanic with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_with_decorator(app): results = [] def stupid_decorator(view): def decorator(*args, **kwargs): results.append(1) return view(*args, **kwargs) return decorator class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): decorators = [stupid_decorator] def get(self, request): return text("I am get method") app.add_route(DummyView.as_view(), "/") request, response = app.test_client.get("/") assert response.text == "I am get method" assert results[0] == 1
Example #4
Source File: From sanic-jwt with MIT License | 6 votes |
def protected(initialized_on=None, **kw): def decorator(f): @wraps(f) async def decorated_function(request, *args, **kwargs): if issubclass(request.__class__, HTTPMethodView): request = args[0] kwargs.update( { "initialized_on": initialized_on, "kw": kw, "request": request, "f": f, } ) return await _do_protection(*args, **kwargs) return decorated_function return decorator
Example #5
Source File: From sanic with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_request_stream_100_continue(app, headers, expect_raise_exception): class SimpleView(HTTPMethodView): @stream_decorator async def post(self, request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) app.add_route(SimpleView.as_view(), "/method_view") assert app.is_request_stream is True if not expect_raise_exception: request, response = "/method_view", data=data, headers={"EXPECT": "100-continue"} ) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data else: with pytest.raises(ValueError) as e: "/method_view", data=data, headers={"EXPECT": "100-continue-extra"}, ) assert "Unknown Expect: 100-continue-extra" in str(e)
Example #6
Source File: From annotated-py-projects with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_with_middleware_response(): app = Sanic('test_with_middleware_response') results = [] @app.middleware('request') async def process_response(request): results.append(request) @app.middleware('response') async def process_response(request, response): results.append(request) results.append(response) class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): return text('I am get method') app.add_route(DummyView(), '/') request, response = sanic_endpoint_test(app) assert response.text == 'I am get method' assert type(results[0]) is Request assert type(results[1]) is Request assert issubclass(type(results[2]), HTTPResponse)
Example #7
Source File: From annotated-py-projects with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_with_bp_with_url_prefix(): app = Sanic('test_with_bp_with_url_prefix') bp = Blueprint('test_text', url_prefix='/test1') class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): return text('I am get method') bp.add_route(DummyView(), '/') app.blueprint(bp) request, response = sanic_endpoint_test(app, uri='/test1/') assert response.text == 'I am get method'
Example #8
Source File: From annotated-py-projects with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_with_bp(): app = Sanic('test_with_bp') bp = Blueprint('test_text') class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): return text('I am get method') bp.add_route(DummyView(), '/') app.blueprint(bp) request, response = sanic_endpoint_test(app) assert response.text == 'I am get method'
Example #9
Source File: From annotated-py-projects with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_argument_methods(): app = Sanic('test_argument_methods') class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request, my_param_here): return text('I am get method with %s' % my_param_here) app.add_route(DummyView(), '/<my_param_here>') request, response = sanic_endpoint_test(app, uri='/test123') assert response.text == 'I am get method with test123'
Example #10
Source File: From annotated-py-projects with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_unexisting_methods(): app = Sanic('test_unexisting_methods') class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): return text('I am get method') app.add_route(DummyView(), '/') request, response = sanic_endpoint_test(app, method="get") assert response.text == 'I am get method' request, response = sanic_endpoint_test(app, method="post") assert response.text == 'Error: Method POST not allowed for URL /'
Example #11
Source File: From annotated-py-projects with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_methods(): app = Sanic('test_methods') class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): return text('I am get method') def post(self, request): return text('I am post method') def put(self, request): return text('I am put method') def patch(self, request): return text('I am patch method') def delete(self, request): return text('I am delete method') app.add_route(DummyView(), '/') request, response = sanic_endpoint_test(app, method="get") assert response.text == 'I am get method' request, response = sanic_endpoint_test(app, method="post") assert response.text == 'I am post method' request, response = sanic_endpoint_test(app, method="put") assert response.text == 'I am put method' request, response = sanic_endpoint_test(app, method="patch") assert response.text == 'I am patch method' request, response = sanic_endpoint_test(app, method="delete") assert response.text == 'I am delete method'
Example #12
Source File: From sanic-jwt with MIT License | 5 votes |
def inject_user(initialized_on=None, **kw): def decorator(f): @wraps(f) async def decorated_function(request, *args, **kwargs): if issubclass(request.__class__, HTTPMethodView): request = args[0] if initialized_on and isinstance( initialized_on, Blueprint ): # noqa instance = initialized_on else: instance = with instant_config(instance, request=request, **kw): if request.method == "OPTIONS": return await f, request, *args, **kwargs ) # noqa payload = await instance.auth.extract_payload(request, verify=False) user = await instance.auth.retrieve_user, request, payload ) response = f(request, user=user, *args, **kwargs) return await response return decorated_function return decorator
Example #13
Source File: From sanic-jwt with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_initialize_with_custom_endpoint_not_subclassed(): class SubclassHTTPMethodView(HTTPMethodView): async def options(self, request): return text("", status=204) async def get(self, request): return text("ok") app = Sanic("sanic-jwt-test") with pytest.raises(exceptions.InvalidClassViewsFormat): Initialize( app, authenticate=lambda: True, class_views=[("/subclass", SubclassHTTPMethodView)], )
Example #14
Source File: From sanic with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_methods(app, method): class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): async def get(self, request): assert is None return text("", headers={"method": "GET"}) def post(self, request): return text("", headers={"method": "POST"}) async def put(self, request): return text("", headers={"method": "PUT"}) def head(self, request): return text("", headers={"method": "HEAD"}) def options(self, request): return text("", headers={"method": "OPTIONS"}) async def patch(self, request): return text("", headers={"method": "PATCH"}) def delete(self, request): return text("", headers={"method": "DELETE"}) app.add_route(DummyView.as_view(), "/") assert app.is_request_stream is False request, response = getattr(app.test_client, method.lower())("/") assert response.headers["method"] == method
Example #15
Source File: From sanic with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_request_stream_method_view(app): """for self.is_request_stream = True""" class SimpleView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): assert is None return text("OK") @stream_decorator async def post(self, request): assert isinstance(, StreamBuffer) result = "" while True: body = await if body is None: break result += body.decode("utf-8") return text(result) app.add_route(SimpleView.as_view(), "/method_view") assert app.is_request_stream is True request, response = app.test_client.get("/method_view") assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == "OK" request, response ="/method_view", data=data) assert response.status == 200 assert response.text == data
Example #16
Source File: From sanic with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_with_bp_with_url_prefix(app): bp = Blueprint("test_text", url_prefix="/test1") class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): return text("I am get method") bp.add_route(DummyView.as_view(), "/") app.blueprint(bp) request, response = app.test_client.get("/test1/") assert response.text == "I am get method"
Example #17
Source File: From sanic with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_with_bp(app): bp = Blueprint("test_text") class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): assert is None return text("I am get method") bp.add_route(DummyView.as_view(), "/") app.blueprint(bp) request, response = app.test_client.get("/") assert app.is_request_stream is False assert response.text == "I am get method"
Example #18
Source File: From sanic with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_argument_methods(app): class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request, my_param_here): return text("I am get method with %s" % my_param_here) app.add_route(DummyView.as_view(), "/<my_param_here>") request, response = app.test_client.get("/test123") assert response.text == "I am get method with test123"
Example #19
Source File: From sanic with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_unexisting_methods(app): class DummyView(HTTPMethodView): def get(self, request): return text("I am get method") app.add_route(DummyView.as_view(), "/") request, response = app.test_client.get("/") assert response.text == "I am get method" request, response ="/") assert "Method POST not allowed for URL /" in response.text