Python SPARQLWrapper.SPARQLWrapper() Examples
The following are 29
code examples of SPARQLWrapper.SPARQLWrapper().
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Example #1
Source File: From grlc with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getResponseText(endpoint, query, requestedMimeType): """Returns the result and mimetype of executing the given query against the given endpoint. Keyword arguments: endpoint - URL of sparql endpoint query - SPARQL query to be executed requestedMimeType Type of content requested. can be: 'text/csv; q=1.0, */*; q=0.1' 'application/json' etc. """ retFormat = _mimeTypeToSparqlFormat(requestedMimeType) client = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint) client.setQuery(query) client.setReturnFormat(retFormat) client.setCredentials(static.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_USER, static.DEFAULT_ENDPOINT_PASSWORD) result = client.queryAndConvert() if retFormat==JSON: result = jsonify(result) return result, MIME_FORMAT[retFormat]
Example #2
Source File: From entity2rec with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_uri_from_wiki_id(wiki_id): sparql = SPARQLWrapper("") sparql.setQuery("""select ?s where {?s <> %d }""" % int(wiki_id)) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) try: uri = sparql.query().convert()['results']['bindings'][0]['s']['value'] except: uri = None return uri
Example #3
Source File: From entity2rec with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, entities, config_file, dataset, endpoint, default_graph): self.entities = entities # file containing a list of entities self.dataset = dataset self.wrapper = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint) self.wrapper.setReturnFormat(JSON) if default_graph: self.default_graph = default_graph self.wrapper.addDefaultGraph(self.default_graph) self.query_prop = "SELECT ?s ?o WHERE {?s %s ?o. }" self.query_prop_uri = "SELECT ?s ?o WHERE {?s %s ?o. FILTER (?s = %s)}" self._define_properties(config_file)
Example #4
Source File: From entity2vec with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, entities, config_file, dataset, endpoint, default_graph, entity_class): self.entities = entities # file containing a list of entities self.dataset = dataset self.wrapper = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint) self.wrapper.setReturnFormat(JSON) if default_graph: self.default_graph = default_graph self.wrapper.addDefaultGraph(self.default_graph) self.entity_class = entity_class self.query_prop = "SELECT ?s ?o WHERE {?s %s ?o. }" self.query_prop_uri = "SELECT ?s ?o WHERE {?s %s ?o. FILTER (?s = %s)}" self._define_properties(config_file)
Example #5
Source File: From entity2vec with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_uri_from_wiki_id(wiki_id): sparql = SPARQLWrapper("") sparql.setQuery("""select ?s where { ?s <> %d }""" % int(wiki_id)) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) try: uri = sparql.query().convert()['results']['bindings'][0]['s']['value'] except: uri = None return uri
Example #6
Source File: From ontobio with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def run_sparql(q): # TODO: select endpoint based on ontology"Connecting to sparql endpoint...") sparql = SPARQLWrapper("")"Made wrapper: {}".format(sparql)) # TODO: iterate over large sets? full_q = q + ' LIMIT ' + str(LIMIT) sparql.setQuery(q) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON)"Query: {}".format(q)) results = sparql.query().convert() bindings = results['results']['bindings']"Rows: {}".format(len(bindings))) for r in bindings: curiefy(r) return bindings
Example #7
Source File: From ontobio with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def run_sparql_on(q, ontology): """ Run a SPARQL query (q) on a given Ontology (Enum EOntology) """"Connecting to " + ontology.value + " SPARQL endpoint...") sparql = SPARQLWrapper(ontology.value)"Made wrapper: {}".format(sparql)) sparql.setQuery(q) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON)"Query: {}".format(q)) results = sparql.query().convert() bindings = results['results']['bindings']"Rows: {}".format(len(bindings))) for r in bindings: curiefy(r) return bindings
Example #8
Source File: From ontobio with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def run_sparql(q): # TODO: select endpoint based on ontology #sparql = SPARQLWrapper("")"Connecting to sparql endpoint...") sparql = SPARQLWrapper("")"Made wrapper: {}".format(sparql)) # TODO: iterate over large sets? full_q = q + ' LIMIT 250000' sparql.setQuery(q) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON)"Query: {}".format(q)) results = sparql.query().convert() bindings = results['results']['bindings']"Rows: {}".format(len(bindings))) for r in bindings: curiefy(r) return bindings
Example #9
Source File: From entity2vec with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_id_from_label(label): #print label label = label.decode('utf8') sparql = SPARQLWrapper("") url = '<'+label+'>' sparql.setQuery(""" SELECT ?uri ?id WHERE { ?uri <> ?id. FILTER (?uri = %s) }""" %url) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) return int(sparql.query().convert()['results']['bindings'][0]['id']['value'])
Example #10
Source File: From falcon2.0 with MIT License | 6 votes |
def check_relation_range_type(relation,qType): return True sparql = SPARQLWrapper(wikidataSPARQL) sparql.setQuery(""" PREFIX rdfs: <> ASK {<"""+relation+"""> rdfs:range <"""+qType+"""> } """) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) results1 = sparql.query().convert() if results1['boolean']: return True else: sparql.setQuery(""" PREFIX rdfs: <> ASK {<"""+relation+"""> rdfs:range ?range. ?range rdfs:subClassOf ?t. ?t rdfs:subClassOf <"""+qType+""">} """) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) results2 = sparql.query().convert() if results2['boolean']: return True else: return False return results1['boolean'] #To split the surface forms in case of possessive forms
Example #11
Source File: From QALD with MIT License | 6 votes |
def askClassProperty(uri): sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint) sparql.setQuery("PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX owl: <> ASK WHERE {<"+uri+"> rdf:type owl:Class}") sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) results = sparql.query().convert() #print results for result in results: try: string = str(results[result]) if "False" in string: return False if "True" in string: return True except: pass return False
Example #12
Source File: From kgx with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def query(self, q: str) -> Dict: """ Query a SPARQL endpoint. Parameters ---------- q: str The query string Returns ------- dict A dictionary containing results from the query """ sparql = SPARQLWrapper(self.url) sparql.setQuery(q) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON)"Query: {}".format(q)) results = sparql.query().convert() bindings = results['results']['bindings']"Rows fetched: {}".format(len(bindings))) return bindings
Example #13
Source File: From entity2vec with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_wiki_id_from_url(url): sparql = SPARQLWrapper("") sparql.setQuery("""select ?id where {?uri <> ?id. FILTER (?uri = %s) }""" %url) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) return int(sparql.query().convert()['results']['bindings'][0]['id']['value']) #def get_wiki_id_from_url_local(url, wiki_dict): # return wiki_dict[url]
Example #14
Source File: From entity2vec with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_url_from_id(wiki_id): sparql = SPARQLWrapper("") sparql.setQuery(""" PREFIX db: <> SELECT * WHERE { ?s dbo:wikiPageID %d } """ %wiki_id) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) return str(sparql.query().convert()['results']['bindings'][0]['s']['value'])
Example #15
Source File: From webvectors with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def getdbpediaimage(query, cache): query = query if '::' in query: query = ' '.join([w.capitalize() for w in query.split('::')]) else: query = query.capitalize() if query in cache: return cache[query] else: # return None sparql = SPARQLWrapper("") sparql.setQuery(""" SELECT DISTINCT ?e ?pic WHERE { ?e rdfs:label "%s"@en . ?e <> ?pic . } """ % query) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) try: results = sparql.query().convert() except SPARQLExceptions.QueryBadFormed: return None if len(results["results"]["bindings"]) > 0: image = results["results"]["bindings"][0]["pic"]["value"] image = image.replace('http://', 'https://') data = open(root + cachefile, 'a') data.write(query + '\t' + image + '\n') data.close() return image else: data = open(root + cachefile, 'a') data.write(query + '\tNone\n') data.close() return None
Example #16
Source File: From NeuralTripleTranslation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_country_description(query): sparql = SPARQLWrapper("") sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) sparql.setQuery(query) # the previous query as a literal string return sparql.queryAndConvert()
Example #17
Source File: From biolink-api with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def run_sparql_query(q,limit=10): """ Run a given SPARQL query over the Wikidata SPARQL endpoint """ full_sparql = "{}\n{}\nLIMIT {}".format(prefix_map.gen_header(),q,limit)"FULL:"+full_sparql) sparql.setQuery(full_sparql) sparql.setReturnFormat(SPARQLWrapper.JSON) results = sparql.query().convert() return results
Example #18
Source File: From biolink-api with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def run_sparql_query(q,limit=10): full_sparql = "{}\n{}\nLIMIT {}".format(prefix_map.gen_header(),q,limit)"FULL:"+full_sparql) sparql.setQuery(full_sparql) sparql.setReturnFormat(SPARQLWrapper.JSON) results = sparql.query().convert() return results
Example #19
Source File: From biolink-api with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def lego_query(q,limit=10): full_sparql = "{}\n{}\nLIMIT {}".format(prefix_map.gen_header(),q,limit) print("FULL:"+full_sparql) sparql.setQuery(full_sparql) sparql.setReturnFormat(SPARQLWrapper.JSON) results = sparql.query().convert() return results
Example #20
Source File: From starsem2018-entity-linking with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def set_backend(backend_url): global sparql sparql = SPARQLWrapper(backend_url) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) sparql.setMethod("GET") sparql.setTimeout(wdaccess_p.get('timeout', 40))
Example #21
Source File: From ontobio with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def create_from_hub(self, hub_id): if hub_id.find(":") == -1: hub_id = 'wd:' + hub_id if hub_id.startswith('http'): hub_id = '<' + hub_id + '>' q = """ PREFIX wd: <> CONSTRUCT {{ ?cls rdfs:label ?clsLabel . ?cls a owl:Class . ?superClass a owl:Class . ?superClass rdfs:label ?superClassLabel . ?cls rdfs:subClassOf ?superClass }} WHERE {{ {{ {{ ?cls wdt:P279* {hub_id} }} UNION {{ {hub_id} wdt:P279* ?cls }} }} ?cls wdt:P279 ?superClass SERVICE wikibase:label {{ bd:serviceParam wikibase:language "en" . }} }} """.format(hub_id=hub_id)"QUER={}".format(q)) sparql = SPARQLWrapper("") sparql.setQuery(q) sparql.setReturnFormat(RDF) rg = sparql.query().convert()"RG={}".format(rg)) ont = rdfgraph_to_ontol(rg) self.graph = ont.graph
Example #22
Source File: From plastering with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, sparql_url, brick_version, base_ns='', load_schema=True): BRICK_VERSION = brick_version self.sparql_url = sparql_url self.sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint=self.sparql_url, updateEndpoint=self.sparql_url + '-auth') self.sparql.queryType= SELECT self.sparql.setCredentials('dba', 'dba') self.sparql.setHTTPAuth(DIGEST) if not base_ns: base_ns = '' self.base_graph = 'urn:' + str(gen_uuid()) self.sparql.addDefaultGraph(self.base_graph) self.namespaces = { '': BASE, 'brick':BRICK, 'bf': BF, 'rdfs': RDFS, 'rdf': RDF, 'owl': OWL, 'foaf': FOAF } sparql_prefix = '' #for prefix, ns in self.namespaces.items(): # ns_n3 = ns.uri.n3() # sparql_prefix += 'prefix {0}: {1}\n'.format(prefix, ns_n3) #sparql_prefix += '\n' self._init_brick_constants() if load_schema: self.load_schema()
Example #23
Source File: From falcon2.0 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def SPARQL_call(query,endpoint): sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint) sparql.setQuery(query) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) results = sparql.query().convert() return results
Example #24
Source File: From falcon2.0 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def SPARQL_call(query,endpoint): sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint) sparql.setQuery(query) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) results = sparql.query().convert() return results
Example #25
Source File: From dipper with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def execute_query(query): endpoint = SPARQLWrapper('') endpoint.setQuery(query) endpoint.setReturnFormat(JSON) return endpoint.query().convert()
Example #26
Source File: From knowledge-net with MIT License | 5 votes |
def request(subject, set_objects): try: triples = [] wikidata_response = db.get(subject, None) if not wikidata_response is None: for t in wikidata_response.split("\n"): subject = t.split("\t")[0] property = t.split("\t")[1] object = t.split("\t")[2] if object in set_objects: triples.append((subject, property, object)) else: sparql = SPARQLWrapper(ENDPOINT) query = get_query_from_subjects_only(subject) sparql.setQuery(query) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) data = sparql.query().convert() triples_2_store = "" for p in data["results"]["bindings"]: object = p["o"]["value"].split("/")[-1] subject = p["s"]["value"].split("/")[-1] property = p["relation"]["value"].split("/")[-1] triples_2_store = triples_2_store + subject + "\t" + property + "\t" + object + "\n" if object in set_objects: triples.append((subject, property, object)) if triples_2_store != "": db[subject] = triples_2_store.rstrip("\n") return triples except urllib.error.HTTPError: time.sleep(1) return request(subject, set_objects)
Example #27
Source File: From kgx with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def load_networkx_graph(self, rdfgraph: rdflib.Graph = None, predicates: Set[URIRef] = None, **kwargs: Dict) -> None: """ Fetch all triples using the specified predicates and add them to networkx.MultiDiGraph. Parameters ---------- rdfgraph: rdflib.Graph A rdflib Graph (unused) predicates: set A set containing predicates in rdflib.URIRef form kwargs: dict Any additional arguments. Ex: specifying 'limit' argument will limit the number of triples fetched. """ for predicate in predicates: sparql = SPARQLWrapper(self.url) association = '<{}>'.format(predicate) query = render(self.count_query, {'association': association}) logging.debug(query) sparql.setQuery(query) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) results = sparql.query().convert() count = int(results['results']['bindings'][0]['triples']['value'])"Expected triples for query: {}".format(count)) step = 1000 start = 0 for i in range(step, count + step, step): end = i query = render(self.edge_query, {'association': association, 'offset': start, 'limit':step}) sparql.setQuery(query) logging.debug("Fetching triples with predicate {}".format(predicate)) results = sparql.query().convert() node_list = set() for r in results['results']['bindings']: node_list.add("<{}>".format(r['subject']['value'])) node_list.add("<{}>".format(r['object']['value'])) start = end self.load_nodes(node_list) for r in results['results']['bindings']: s = r['subject']['value'] p = r['predicate']['value'] o = r['object']['value'] self.add_edge(s, o, p) # TODO: preserve edge properties if 'limit' in kwargs and i > kwargs['limit']: break self.categorize()
Example #28
Source File: From kgx with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def load_nodes(self, node_set: Set) -> None: """ Load nodes into networkx.MultiDiGraph. This method queries the SPARQL endpoint for all triples where nodes in the node_set is a subject. Parameters ---------- node_set: list A list of node CURIEs """ node_generator = self._grouper(node_set, 10000) nodes = next(node_generator, None) while nodes is not None:"Fetching properties for {} nodes".format(len(nodes))) nodes = filter(None, nodes) # TODO: is there a better way to fetch node properties? query = self.get_node_properties_query.format(curie_list=' '.join(nodes)) sparql = SPARQLWrapper(self.url) sparql.setRequestMethod(POSTDIRECTLY) sparql.setMethod("POST") sparql.setQuery(query) sparql.setReturnFormat(JSON) node_results = sparql.query().convert() d = {} for r in node_results['results']['bindings']: if r['object']['type'] != 'bnode': subject = r['subject']['value'] object = r['object']['value'] predicate = r['predicate']['value'] if predicate.startswith('bl:'): predicate = predicate.split(':')[1] if subject not in d: d[subject] = {} d[subject][predicate] = object for node, attr_dict in d.items(): for key, value in attr_dict.items(): self.add_node_attribute(node, key=key, value=value) d.clear() nodes = next(node_generator, None)
Example #29
Source File: From Skosify with MIT License | 4 votes |
def query_to_file(endpoint, graph, output, format, limit=0, offset=0, ordered=False): logging.debug("Querying to file %s", output) sparql = SPARQLWrapper(endpoint) if graph: graph = "GRAPH <%s>" % graph else: graph = "" if limit: extra = "LIMIT %s OFFSET %s" % (limit, offset) if ordered: extra = "ORDER BY ?s ?p ?o " + extra else: extra = "" query = """ CONSTRUCT { ?s ?p ?o } WHERE { %s { ?s ?p ?o . } } %s """ % (graph, extra) logging.debug("query: %s", query) sparql.setQuery(query) sparql.setReturnFormat(FORMATMAP[format]) response = sparql.query().response if output == '-': out = sys.stdout else: out = open(output, "w") size = 0 while True: data = size += len(data) if len(data) == 0: break out.write(data) out.close()"Wrote %d bytes to output file %s", size, output) return size