Python scipy.ndimage.measurements.find_objects() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of scipy.ndimage.measurements.find_objects().
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Example #1
Source File: From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _filter_grouplen(arr, minsize=3): """Filter out the groups of grid points smaller than minsize Parameters ---------- arr : the array to filter (should be False and Trues) minsize : the minimum size of the group Returns ------- the array, with small groups removed """ # Do it with trues r, nr = label(arr) nr = [i+1 for i, o in enumerate(find_objects(r)) if (len(r[o]) >= minsize)] arr = np.asarray([ri in nr for ri in r]) # and with Falses r, nr = label(~ arr) nr = [i+1 for i, o in enumerate(find_objects(r)) if (len(r[o]) >= minsize)] arr = ~ np.asarray([ri in nr for ri in r]) return arr
Example #2
Source File: From kraken with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def find_objects(image: np.array, **kw) -> np.array: """ Redefine the scipy.ndimage.measurements.find_objects function to work with a wider range of data types. The default function is inconsistent about the data types it accepts on different platforms. """ try: return measurements.find_objects(image, **kw) except Exception: pass types = ["int32", "uint32", "int64", "uint64", "int16", "uint16"] for t in types: try: return measurements.find_objects(np.array(image, dtype=t), **kw) except Exception: pass # let it raise the same exception as before return measurements.find_objects(image, **kw)
Example #3
Source File: From rpitelecine with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def findVerticalAlternative(self): # This is an alternative method, a bit more expensive # than the first version, and is called on failure of # the previous findVertical. It uses Scipy labelling to segment the a strip # of data from the ROI self.found = False cx = self.ROIwh[0]//2 expectedW, expectedH = self.expectedSize win = (expectedW - (expectedW*self.sizeMargin) )//2 #take a vertical section of pixels from the ROI and threshold it vROI = self.ROIimg[:,cx-win:cx+win] #Make a single pixel wide strip, with the median of all the rows vROI = np.median(vROI,axis=1) threshVal = int(vROI.max() * self.thresholdVal) vROIthres = vROI >= threshVal candidate = None if vROIthres.min() != vROIthres.max(): # Prevent a divide by zero because roi is all the same value. # e.g. we have a frame completely white or black lbl,numLbl = nd.label(vROIthres) obj = nd.find_objects(lbl) brightest = 0 for s in obj: print s # s is an np.slice object sBright = np.mean(vROI[s]) sHeight = s[0].stop - s[0].start if (self.heightRange[0] <= sHeight <= self.heightRange[1]) and sBright > brightest: candidate = s[0] brightest = sBright if candidate: self.setPerfPosition( self.ROIcentrexy[0], self.ROIxy[1]+candidate.start + ((candidate.stop-candidate.start)/2 )) self.found = True
Example #4
Source File: From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _filter_small_slopes(hgt, dx, min_slope=0): """Masks out slopes with NaN until the slope if all valid points is at least min_slope (in degrees). """ min_slope = np.deg2rad(min_slope) slope = np.arctan(-np.gradient(hgt, dx)) # beware the minus sign # slope at the end always OK slope[-1] = min_slope # Find the locs where it doesn't work and expand till we got everything slope_mask = np.where(slope >= min_slope, slope, np.NaN) r, nr = label(~np.isfinite(slope_mask)) for objs in find_objects(r): obj = objs[0] i = 0 while True: i += 1 i0 = objs[0].start-i if i0 < 0: break ngap = obj.stop - i0 - 1 nhgt = hgt[[i0, obj.stop]] current_slope = np.arctan(-np.gradient(nhgt, ngap * dx)) if i0 <= 0 or current_slope[0] >= min_slope: break slope_mask[i0:obj.stop] = np.NaN out = hgt.copy() out[~np.isfinite(slope_mask)] = np.NaN return out
Example #5
Source File: From kraken with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def select_regions(binary, f, min=0, nbest=100000): """Given a scoring function f over slice tuples (as returned by find_objects), keeps at most nbest regions whose scores is higher than min.""" labels, n = label(binary) objects = find_objects(labels) scores = [f(o) for o in objects] best = np.argsort(scores) keep = np.zeros(len(objects) + 1, 'i') if nbest > 0: for i in best[-nbest:]: if scores[i] <= min: continue keep[i+1] = 1 return keep[labels]
Example #6
Source File: From HistomicsTK with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def condense(im_label): """ Shifts labels in a label image to fill in gaps corresponding to missing values. Parameters ---------- im_label : array_like A label image generated by segmentation methods. Returns ------- Condensed : array_like A label image where all values > 0 are shifted down to fill gaps. See Also -------- histomicstk.segmentation.label.shuffle """ # initialize output Condensed = im_label.copy() # get extent of each object Locations = ms.find_objects(Condensed) # initialize counter Counter = 1 # fill in new values for i in np.arange(1, len(Locations)+1): if Locations[i-1] is not None: Patch = Condensed[Locations[i-1]] Patch[Patch == i] = Counter Counter += 1 return Condensed
Example #7
Source File: From brats_segmentation-pytorch with MIT License | 4 votes |
def __distinct_binary_object_correspondences(reference, result, connectivity=1): """ Determines all distinct (where connectivity is defined by the connectivity parameter passed to scipy's `generate_binary_structure`) binary objects in both of the input parameters and returns a 1to1 mapping from the labelled objects in reference to the corresponding (whereas a one-voxel overlap suffices for correspondence) objects in result. All stems from the problem, that the relationship is non-surjective many-to-many. @return (labelmap1, labelmap2, n_lables1, n_labels2, labelmapping2to1) """ result = numpy.atleast_1d(result.astype(numpy.bool)) reference = numpy.atleast_1d(reference.astype(numpy.bool)) # binary structure footprint = generate_binary_structure(result.ndim, connectivity) # label distinct binary objects labelmap1, n_obj_result = label(result, footprint) labelmap2, n_obj_reference = label(reference, footprint) # find all overlaps from labelmap2 to labelmap1; collect one-to-one relationships and store all one-two-many for later processing slicers = find_objects(labelmap2) # get windows of labelled objects mapping = dict() # mappings from labels in labelmap2 to corresponding object labels in labelmap1 used_labels = set() # set to collect all already used labels from labelmap2 one_to_many = list() # list to collect all one-to-many mappings for l1id, slicer in enumerate(slicers): # iterate over object in labelmap2 and their windows l1id += 1 # labelled objects have ids sarting from 1 bobj = (l1id) == labelmap2[slicer] # find binary object corresponding to the label1 id in the segmentation l2ids = numpy.unique(labelmap1[slicer][bobj]) # extract all unique object identifiers at the corresponding positions in the reference (i.e. the mapping) l2ids = l2ids[0 != l2ids] # remove background identifiers (=0) if 1 == len(l2ids): # one-to-one mapping: if target label not already used, add to final list of object-to-object mappings and mark target label as used l2id = l2ids[0] if not l2id in used_labels: mapping[l1id] = l2id used_labels.add(l2id) elif 1 < len(l2ids): # one-to-many mapping: store relationship for later processing one_to_many.append((l1id, set(l2ids))) # process one-to-many mappings, always choosing the one with the least labelmap2 correspondences first while True: one_to_many = [(l1id, l2ids - used_labels) for l1id, l2ids in one_to_many] # remove already used ids from all sets one_to_many = [x for x in one_to_many if x[1]] # remove empty sets one_to_many = sorted(one_to_many, key=lambda x: len(x[1])) # sort by set length if 0 == len(one_to_many): break l2id = one_to_many[0][1].pop() # select an arbitrary target label id from the shortest set mapping[one_to_many[0][0]] = l2id # add to one-to-one mappings used_labels.add(l2id) # mark target label as used one_to_many = one_to_many[1:] # delete the processed set from all sets return labelmap1, labelmap2, n_obj_result, n_obj_reference, mapping
Example #8
Source File: From HistomicsTK with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def delete(im_label, indices): """ Deletes objects with values in 'indices' from label image, writing them over with zeros to assimilate with background. Parameters ---------- im_label : array_like A label image generated by segmentation methods. indices : array_like An n-length array of strictly positive integer values to delete from 'im_label'. Returns ------- Deleted : array_like A label image where all values in 'indices' are set to zero. Notes: ------ A call to CondenseLabel can squeeze label image values to fill in gaps from deleted values. See Also -------- histomicstk.segmentation.label.condense """ # initialize output Deleted = im_label.copy() # get extent of each object Locations = ms.find_objects(Deleted) # fill in new values for i in np.arange(indices.size): if Locations[indices[i]-1] is not None: Patch = Deleted[Locations[indices[i] - 1]] Patch[Patch == indices[i]] = 0 return Deleted
Example #9
Source File: From HistomicsTK with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def area_open(im_label, min_area): """Removes small objects from label image. Parameters ---------- im_label : array_like A uint32 type label image generated by segmentation methods. min_area : int minimum area threshold for objects. Objects with fewer than 'min_area' pixels will be zeroed to merge with background. Returns ------- im_open : array_like A uint32 label where objects with pixels < min_area are removed. Notes ----- Objects are assumed to have positive nonzero values. im_label image will be condensed during processing. See Also -------- histomicstk.segmentation.label.condense, histomicstk.segmentation.label.shuffle, histomicstk.segmentation.label.split, histomicstk.segmentation.label.width_open """ # copy input image im_open = im_label.copy() # condense label image if np.unique(im_open).size-1 != im_open.max(): im_open = condense(im_open) # count pixels in each object Counts, Edges = np.histogram(im_open, bins=im_open.max()+1) # get locations of objects in initial image Locations = ms.find_objects(im_open) # iterate through objects, zeroing where needed for i in np.arange(1, Counts.size): if Counts[i] < min_area: # extract object from label image Template = im_open[Locations[i-1]] # label mask of object 'i' Template[Template == i] = 0 # condense to fill gaps im_open = condense(im_open) return im_open
Example #10
Source File: From 3d-prostate-segmentation with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def __distinct_binary_object_correspondences(reference, result, connectivity=1): """ Determines all distinct (where connectivity is defined by the connectivity parameter passed to scipy's `generate_binary_structure`) binary objects in both of the input parameters and returns a 1to1 mapping from the labelled objects in reference to the corresponding (whereas a one-voxel overlap suffices for correspondence) objects in result. All stems from the problem, that the relationship is non-surjective many-to-many. @return (labelmap1, labelmap2, n_lables1, n_labels2, labelmapping2to1) """ result = numpy.atleast_1d(result.astype(numpy.bool)) reference = numpy.atleast_1d(reference.astype(numpy.bool)) # binary structure footprint = generate_binary_structure(result.ndim, connectivity) # label distinct binary objects labelmap1, n_obj_result = label(result, footprint) labelmap2, n_obj_reference = label(reference, footprint) # find all overlaps from labelmap2 to labelmap1; collect one-to-one relationships and store all one-two-many for later processing slicers = find_objects(labelmap2) # get windows of labelled objects mapping = dict() # mappings from labels in labelmap2 to corresponding object labels in labelmap1 used_labels = set() # set to collect all already used labels from labelmap2 one_to_many = list() # list to collect all one-to-many mappings for l1id, slicer in enumerate(slicers): # iterate over object in labelmap2 and their windows l1id += 1 # labelled objects have ids sarting from 1 bobj = (l1id) == labelmap2[slicer] # find binary object corresponding to the label1 id in the segmentation l2ids = numpy.unique(labelmap1[slicer][bobj]) # extract all unique object identifiers at the corresponding positions in the reference (i.e. the mapping) l2ids = l2ids[0 != l2ids] # remove background identifiers (=0) if 1 == len(l2ids): # one-to-one mapping: if target label not already used, add to final list of object-to-object mappings and mark target label as used l2id = l2ids[0] if not l2id in used_labels: mapping[l1id] = l2id used_labels.add(l2id) elif 1 < len(l2ids): # one-to-many mapping: store relationship for later processing one_to_many.append((l1id, set(l2ids))) # process one-to-many mappings, always choosing the one with the least labelmap2 correspondences first while True: one_to_many = [(l1id, l2ids - used_labels) for l1id, l2ids in one_to_many] # remove already used ids from all sets one_to_many = [x for x in one_to_many if x[1]] # remove empty sets one_to_many = sorted(one_to_many, key=lambda x: len(x[1])) # sort by set length if 0 == len(one_to_many): break l2id = one_to_many[0][1].pop() # select an arbitrary target label id from the shortest set mapping[one_to_many[0][0]] = l2id # add to one-to-one mappings used_labels.add(l2id) # mark target label as used one_to_many = one_to_many[1:] # delete the processed set from all sets return labelmap1, labelmap2, n_obj_result, n_obj_reference, mapping
Example #11
Source File: From SegCaps with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __distinct_binary_object_correspondences(reference, result, connectivity=1): """ Determines all distinct (where connectivity is defined by the connectivity parameter passed to scipy's `generate_binary_structure`) binary objects in both of the input parameters and returns a 1to1 mapping from the labelled objects in reference to the corresponding (whereas a one-voxel overlap suffices for correspondence) objects in result. All stems from the problem, that the relationship is non-surjective many-to-many. @return (labelmap1, labelmap2, n_lables1, n_labels2, labelmapping2to1) """ result = np.atleast_1d(result.astype(np.bool)) reference = np.atleast_1d(reference.astype(np.bool)) # binary structure footprint = generate_binary_structure(result.ndim, connectivity) # label distinct binary objects labelmap1, n_obj_result = label(result, footprint) labelmap2, n_obj_reference = label(reference, footprint) # find all overlaps from labelmap2 to labelmap1; collect one-to-one relationships and store all one-two-many for later processing slicers = find_objects(labelmap2) # get windows of labelled objects mapping = dict() # mappings from labels in labelmap2 to corresponding object labels in labelmap1 used_labels = set() # set to collect all already used labels from labelmap2 one_to_many = list() # list to collect all one-to-many mappings for l1id, slicer in enumerate(slicers): # iterate over object in labelmap2 and their windows l1id += 1 # labelled objects have ids sarting from 1 bobj = (l1id) == labelmap2[slicer] # find binary object corresponding to the label1 id in the segmentation l2ids = np.unique(labelmap1[slicer][ bobj]) # extract all unique object identifiers at the corresponding positions in the reference (i.e. the mapping) l2ids = l2ids[0 != l2ids] # remove background identifiers (=0) if 1 == len( l2ids): # one-to-one mapping: if target label not already used, add to final list of object-to-object mappings and mark target label as used l2id = l2ids[0] if not l2id in used_labels: mapping[l1id] = l2id used_labels.add(l2id) elif 1 < len(l2ids): # one-to-many mapping: store relationship for later processing one_to_many.append((l1id, set(l2ids))) # process one-to-many mappings, always choosing the one with the least labelmap2 correspondences first while True: one_to_many = [(l1id, l2ids - used_labels) for l1id, l2ids in one_to_many] # remove already used ids from all sets one_to_many = [x for x in one_to_many if x[1]] # remove empty sets one_to_many = sorted(one_to_many, key=lambda x: len(x[1])) # sort by set length if 0 == len(one_to_many): break l2id = one_to_many[0][1].pop() # select an arbitrary target label id from the shortest set mapping[one_to_many[0][0]] = l2id # add to one-to-one mappings used_labels.add(l2id) # mark target label as used one_to_many = one_to_many[1:] # delete the processed set from all sets return labelmap1, labelmap2, n_obj_result, n_obj_reference, mapping