Python six.moves.configparser.NoSectionError() Examples
The following are 20
code examples of six.moves.configparser.NoSectionError().
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Example #1
Source File: From profiling with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def config_flag(option, value, default=False, """Guesses whether a CLI flag should be turned on or off from the configuration. If the configuration option value is same with the given value, it returns ``True``. :: @click.option('--ko-kr', 'locale', is_flag=True, default=config_flag('locale', 'ko_KR')) """ class x(object): def __bool__(self, option=option, value=value, default=default, section=section): config = read_config() type = builtins.type(value) get_option = option_getter(type) try: return get_option(config, section, option) == value except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError): return default __nonzero__ = __bool__ return x()
Example #2
Source File: From vscode-azurecli with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_configured_defaults(): config = _reload_config() try: defaults_section = config.defaults_section_name if hasattr(config, 'defaults_section_name') else 'defaults' defaults = {} if before_2_0_64: options = config.config_parser.options(defaults_section) for opt in options: value = config.get(defaults_section, opt) if value: defaults[opt] = value else: options = config.items(defaults_section) for opt in options: name = opt['name'] value = opt['value'] if value: defaults[name] = value return defaults except configparser.NoSectionError: return {}
Example #3
Source File: From mygeotab-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def load(self, name=None): config = configparser.ConfigParser() try: if name is None: sections = config.sections() if len(sections) < 1: self.credentials = None return section_name = sections[-1] else: section_name = self._section_name(name) username = config.get(section_name, "username") session_id = config.get(section_name, "session_id") database = config.get(section_name, "database") server = config.get(section_name, "server") self.credentials = mygeotab.Credentials(username, session_id, database, server) except configparser.NoSectionError: self.credentials = None except configparser.NoOptionError: self.credentials = None
Example #4
Source File: From rdopkg with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def new_build(watch=True): modules_check() flog = setup_fedpkg_logger() # NOQA fcmd = get_fedpkg_commands() task_id = if watch: print('') try: cli = get_fedpkg_cli() # TODO: might be good to push this return data back up # or check the status of the return r = cli._watch_koji_tasks(fcmd.kojisession, [task_id]) except configparser.NoSectionError: # <C-C> causes this for some reason print('') except Exception as ex: log.warn(str(type(ex).__name__)) log.warn("Failed to get build status: %s" % ex) return fcmd.nvr
Example #5
Source File: From profiling with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def config_default(option, default=None, type=None, """Guesses a default value of a CLI option from the configuration. :: @click.option('--locale', default=config_default('locale')) """ def f(option=option, default=default, type=type, section=section): config = read_config() if type is None and default is not None: # detect type from default. type = builtins.type(default) get_option = option_getter(type) try: return get_option(config, section, option) except (NoOptionError, NoSectionError): return default return f
Example #6
Source File: From stash with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_section_name(self, name): for section_name in self.sections(): if section_name.lower() == name.lower(): return section_name else: raise NoSectionError(name)
Example #7
Source File: From azure-cli-shell with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _update_default_info(self): try: options = az_config.config_parser.options(DEFAULTS_SECTION) self.config_default = "" for opt in options: self.config_default += opt + ": " + az_config.get(DEFAULTS_SECTION, opt) + " " except configparser.NoSectionError: self.config_default = ""
Example #8
Source File: From pycoast with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _config_to_dict(self, config_file): """Convert a config file to a dict.""" config = configparser.ConfigParser() try: with open(config_file, 'r'):"Overlays config file %s found", str(config_file)) except IOError: logger.error("Overlays config file %s does not exist!", str(config_file)) raise except configparser.NoSectionError: logger.error("Error in %s", str(config_file)) raise SECTIONS = ['cache', 'coasts', 'rivers', 'borders', 'cities', 'points', 'grid'] overlays = {} for section in config.sections(): if section in SECTIONS: overlays[section] = {} for option in config.options(section): val = config.get(section, option) try: overlays[section][option] = ast.literal_eval(val) except ValueError: overlays[section][option] = val return overlays
Example #9
Source File: From heat-translator with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_value(cls, section, key): try: value = cls._translator_config.get(section, key) except configparser.NoOptionError: raise exception.ConfOptionNotDefined(key=key, section=section) except configparser.NoSectionError: raise exception.ConfSectionNotDefined(section=section) return value
Example #10
Source File: From azure-devops-cli-extension with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_PAT_from_file(self, key): ensure_dir(AZ_DEVOPS_GLOBAL_CONFIG_DIR) logger.debug('Keyring not configured properly or package not found.' 'Looking for credentials with key:%s in the file: %s', key, self._PAT_FILE) creds_list = self._get_credentials_list() try: return creds_list.get(key, self._USERNAME) except (configparser.NoOptionError, configparser.NoSectionError): return None
Example #11
Source File: From c4ddev with MIT License | 5 votes |
def projecttool(args, get_path, set_path): """ Run the MAXON API Project Tool. The path to the project tool must be configured once. """ cfg = load_cfg() if set_path: if not os.path.isfile(set_path): print('fatal: "{}" is not a file'.format(set_path), file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(2) if not cfg.has_section('projecttool'): cfg.add_section('projecttool') cfg.set('projecttool', 'path', set_path) save_cfg(cfg) return try: path = cfg.get('projecttool', 'path') except NoSectionError: print('fatal: path to projecttool is not configured', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) if get_path: print(path) return sys.exit(oscall([path] + list(args)))
Example #12
Source File: From vscode-azurecli with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _find_configured_default(config, argument): if not (hasattr(argument.type, 'default_name_tooling') and argument.type.default_name_tooling): return None try: defaults_section = config.defaults_section_name if hasattr(config, 'defaults_section_name') else 'defaults' return config.get(defaults_section, argument.type.default_name_tooling, None) except configparser.NoSectionError: return None
Example #13
Source File: From vscode-azurecli with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_configured_defaults(): _reload_config() try: options = az_config.config_parser.options(DEFAULTS_SECTION) defaults = {} for opt in options: value = az_config.get(DEFAULTS_SECTION, opt) if value: defaults[opt] = value return defaults except configparser.NoSectionError: return {}
Example #14
Source File: From vscode-azurecli with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _find_configured_default(argument): if not (hasattr(argument.type, 'default_name_tooling') and argument.type.default_name_tooling): return None try: return az_config.get(DEFAULTS_SECTION, argument.type.default_name_tooling, None) except configparser.NoSectionError: return None
Example #15
Source File: From pycbc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def from_config(cls, cp, variable_params): """Gets sampling transforms specified in a config file. Sampling parameters and the parameters they replace are read from the ``sampling_params`` section, if it exists. Sampling transforms are read from the ``sampling_transforms`` section(s), using ``transforms.read_transforms_from_config``. An ``AssertionError`` is raised if no ``sampling_params`` section exists in the config file. Parameters ---------- cp : WorkflowConfigParser Config file parser to read. variable_params : list List of parameter names of the original variable params. Returns ------- SamplingTransforms A sampling transforms class. """ # Check if a sampling_params section is provided try: sampling_params, replace_parameters = \ read_sampling_params_from_config(cp) except NoSectionError as e: logging.warning("No sampling_params section read from config file") raise e # get sampling transformations sampling_transforms = transforms.read_transforms_from_config( cp, 'sampling_transforms')"Sampling in {} in place of {}".format( ', '.join(sampling_params), ', '.join(replace_parameters))) return cls(variable_params, sampling_params, replace_parameters, sampling_transforms)
Example #16
Source File: From platoon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fetch_devices_for_host(host): """A successful search returns a list of theano devices' string values. An unsuccessful search raises a KeyError. The (decreasing) priority order is: - PLATOON_DEVICES - PLATOONRC files (if they exist) from right to left - working directory's ./.platoonrc - ~/.platoonrc """ # first try to have PLATOON_DEVICES if PLATOON_DEVICES: splitter = shlex.shlex(PLATOON_DEVICES, posix=True) splitter.whitespace += ',' splitter.whitespace_split = True return list(splitter) # next try to find it in the config file try: try: devices = platoon_cfg.get("devices", host) except ConfigParser.InterpolationError: devices = platoon_raw_cfg.get("devices", host) except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): raise KeyError(host) splitter = shlex.shlex(devices, posix=True) splitter.whitespace += ',' splitter.whitespace_split = True return list(splitter)
Example #17
Source File: From platoon with MIT License | 5 votes |
def fetch_hosts(): """A successful search returns a list of host to participate in a multi-node platoon. An unsuccessful search raises a KeyError. The (decreasing) priority order is: - PLATOON_HOSTS - PLATOONRC files (if they exist) from right to left - working directory's ./.platoonrc - ~/.platoonrc """ # first try to have PLATOON_HOSTS if PLATOON_HOSTS: splitter = shlex.shlex(PLATOON_HOSTS, posix=True) splitter.whitespace += ',' splitter.whitespace_split = True return list(splitter) # next try to find it in the config file try: try: hosts = platoon_cfg.get("platoon", "hosts") except ConfigParser.InterpolationError: hosts = platoon_raw_cfg.get("platoon", "hosts") except (ConfigParser.NoOptionError, ConfigParser.NoSectionError): raise KeyError("hosts") splitter = shlex.shlex(hosts, posix=True) splitter.whitespace += ',' splitter.whitespace_split = True return list(splitter)
Example #18
Source File: From sydent with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, sydent, server_name, port, pubkeys, lastSentVersion): """ :param sydent: The current Sydent instance. :type sydent: sydent.sydent.Sydent :param server_name: The peer's server name. :type server_name: unicode :param port: The peer's port. :type port: int :param pubkeys: The peer's public keys in a dict[key_id, key_b64] :type pubkeys: dict[unicode, unicode] :param lastSentVersion: The ID of the last association sent to the peer. :type lastSentVersion: int """ super(RemotePeer, self).__init__(server_name, pubkeys) self.sydent = sydent self.port = port self.lastSentVersion = lastSentVersion # look up or build the replication URL try: replication_url = sydent.cfg.get( "peer.%s" % server_name, "base_replication_url", ) except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): if not port: port = 1001 replication_url = "https://%s:%i" % (server_name, port) if replication_url[-1:] != '/': replication_url += "/" replication_url += "_matrix/identity/replicate/v1/push" self.replication_url = replication_url # Get verify key for this peer # Check if their key is base64 or hex encoded pubkey = self.pubkeys[SIGNING_KEY_ALGORITHM] try: # Check for hex encoding int(pubkey, 16) # Decode hex into bytes pubkey_decoded = binascii.unhexlify(pubkey) logger.warn("Peer public key of %s is hex encoded. Please update to base64 encoding", server_name) except ValueError: # Check for base64 encoding try: pubkey_decoded = decode_base64(pubkey) except Exception as e: raise ConfigError( "Unable to decode public key for peer %s: %s" % (server_name, e), ) self.verify_key = signedjson.key.decode_verify_key_bytes(SIGNING_KEY_ALGORITHM + ":", pubkey_decoded) # Attach metadata self.verify_key.alg = SIGNING_KEY_ALGORITHM self.verify_key.version = 0
Example #19
Source File: From doc8 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def extract_config(args): parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() read_files = [] if args["config"]: for fn in args["config"]: with open(fn, "r") as fh: parser.readfp(fh, filename=fn) read_files.append(fn) else: read_files.extend( if not read_files: return {} cfg = {} try: cfg["max_line_length"] = parser.getint("doc8", "max-line-length") except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): pass try: cfg["ignore"] = split_set_type(parser.get("doc8", "ignore")) except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): pass try: cfg["ignore_path"] = split_set_type(parser.get("doc8", "ignore-path")) except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): pass try: ignore_path_errors = parser.get("doc8", "ignore-path-errors") ignore_path_errors = split_set_type(ignore_path_errors) ignore_path_errors = parse_ignore_path_errors(ignore_path_errors) cfg["ignore_path_errors"] = ignore_path_errors except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): pass try: cfg["allow_long_titles"] = parser.getboolean("doc8", "allow-long-titles") except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): pass try: cfg["sphinx"] = parser.getboolean("doc8", "sphinx") except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): pass try: cfg["verbose"] = parser.getboolean("doc8", "verbose") except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): pass try: cfg["file_encoding"] = parser.get("doc8", "file-encoding") except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): pass try: cfg["default_extension"] = parser.get("doc8", "default-extension") except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): pass try: extensions = parser.get("doc8", "extensions") extensions = extensions.split(",") extensions = [s.strip() for s in extensions if s.strip()] if extensions: cfg["extension"] = extensions except (configparser.NoSectionError, configparser.NoOptionError): pass return cfg
Example #20
Source File: From pycbc with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _init_args_from_config(cls, cp): """Helper function for loading parameters. This retrieves the prior, variable parameters, static parameterss, constraints, sampling transforms, and waveform transforms (if provided). Parameters ---------- cp : ConfigParser Config parser to read. Returns ------- dict : Dictionary of the arguments. Has keys ``variable_params``, ``static_params``, ``prior``, and ``sampling_transforms``. If waveform transforms are in the config file, will also have ``waveform_transforms``. """ section = "model" prior_section = "prior" vparams_section = 'variable_params' sparams_section = 'static_params' constraint_section = 'constraint' # check that the name exists and matches name = cp.get(section, 'name') if name != raise ValueError("section's {} name does not match mine {}".format( name, # get model parameters variable_params, static_params = distributions.read_params_from_config( cp, prior_section=prior_section, vargs_section=vparams_section, sargs_section=sparams_section) # get prior prior = cls.prior_from_config(cp, variable_params, prior_section, constraint_section) args = {'variable_params': variable_params, 'static_params': static_params, 'prior': prior} # try to load sampling transforms try: sampling_transforms = SamplingTransforms.from_config( cp, variable_params) except NoSectionError: sampling_transforms = None args['sampling_transforms'] = sampling_transforms # get any waveform transforms if any(cp.get_subsections('waveform_transforms')):"Loading waveform transforms") args['waveform_transforms'] = \ transforms.read_transforms_from_config( cp, 'waveform_transforms') return args