Python pycparser.c_ast.PtrDecl() Examples
The following are 19
code examples of pycparser.c_ast.PtrDecl().
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Example #1
Source File: From mips_to_c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def type_from_ctype(ctype: CType, typemap: TypeMap) -> Type: ctype = resolve_typedefs(ctype, typemap) if isinstance(ctype, (ca.PtrDecl, ca.ArrayDecl)): return Type.ptr(ctype.type) if isinstance(ctype, ca.FuncDecl): return Type.ptr(ctype) if isinstance(ctype, ca.TypeDecl): if isinstance(ctype.type, (ca.Struct, ca.Union)): return Type.any() names = ["int"] if isinstance(ctype.type, ca.Enum) else ctype.type.names if "double" in names: return Type.f64() if "float" in names: return Type.f32() size = 8 * primitive_size(ctype.type) sign = Type.UNSIGNED if "unsigned" in names else Type.SIGNED return Type(kind=Type.K_INT, size=size, sign=sign)
Example #2
Source File: From mips_to_c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __str__(self) -> str: type = self.get_representative() size = type.size or 32 sign = "s" if type.sign & Type.SIGNED else "u" if type.kind == Type.K_ANY: if type.size is not None: return f"?{size}" return "?" if type.kind == Type.K_PTR: if type.ptr_to is not None: if isinstance(type.ptr_to, Type): return (str(type.ptr_to) + " *").replace("* *", "**") return type_to_string(ca.PtrDecl([], type.ptr_to)) return "void *" if type.kind == Type.K_FLOAT: return f"f{size}" return f"{sign}{size}"
Example #3
Source File: From mips_to_c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def parse_struct_member( type: CType, field_name: str, typemap: TypeMap ) -> Tuple[int, int, Optional[Struct]]: type = resolve_typedefs(type, typemap) if isinstance(type, PtrDecl): return 4, 4, None if isinstance(type, ArrayDecl): if type.dim is None: raise DecompFailure(f"Array field {field_name} must have a size") dim = parse_constant_int(type.dim) size, align, _ = parse_struct_member(type.type, field_name, typemap) return size * dim, align, None assert not isinstance(type, FuncDecl), "Struct can not contain a function" inner_type = type.type if isinstance(inner_type, (ca.Struct, ca.Union)): substr = parse_struct(inner_type, typemap) return substr.size, substr.align, substr # Otherwise it has to be of type Enum or IdentifierType size = primitive_size(inner_type) return size, size, None
Example #4
Source File: From python-autopxd with MIT License | 6 votes |
def visit_FuncDecl(self, node): decls = self.collect(node) return_type = decls[-1].type_name fname = decls[-1].name args = decls[:-1] if (len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], IdentifierType) and args[0].type_name == 'void'): args = [] if (self.child_of(c_ast.PtrDecl, -2) and not self.child_of(c_ast.Typedef, -3)): # declaring a variable or parameter name = self.path_name('ft'.format(fname)) self.decl_stack[0].append(Type(Ptr(Function(return_type, name, args)))) self.append(name) else: self.append(Function(return_type, fname, args))
Example #5
Source File: From SwiftKitten with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _explain_type(decl): """ Recursively explains a type decl node """ typ = type(decl) if typ == c_ast.TypeDecl: quals = ' '.join(decl.quals) + ' ' if decl.quals else '' return quals + _explain_type(decl.type) elif typ == c_ast.Typename or typ == c_ast.Decl: return _explain_type(decl.type) elif typ == c_ast.IdentifierType: return ' '.join(decl.names) elif typ == c_ast.PtrDecl: quals = ' '.join(decl.quals) + ' ' if decl.quals else '' return quals + 'pointer to ' + _explain_type(decl.type) elif typ == c_ast.ArrayDecl: arr = 'array' if decl.dim: arr += '[%s]' % decl.dim.value return arr + " of " + _explain_type(decl.type) elif typ == c_ast.FuncDecl: if decl.args: params = [_explain_type(param) for param in decl.args.params] args = ', '.join(params) else: args = '' return ('function(%s) returning ' % (args) + _explain_type(decl.type))
Example #6
Source File: From halucinator with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_function_name(node): ''' Gets the function name from ast node ''' if type(node.type) == c_ast.PtrDecl: return node.type.type.declname else: return node.type.declname
Example #7
Source File: From kerncraft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def transform_array_decl_to_malloc(decl, with_init=True): """ Transform ast of "type var_name[N]" to "type* var_name = aligned_malloc(sizeof(type)*N, 32)" In-place operation. :param with_init: if False, ommit malloc """ if type(decl.type) is not c_ast.ArrayDecl: # Not an array declaration, can be ignored return type_ = c_ast.PtrDecl([], decl.type.type) if with_init: decl.init = c_ast.FuncCall( c_ast.ID('aligned_malloc'), c_ast.ExprList([ c_ast.BinaryOp( '*', c_ast.UnaryOp( 'sizeof', c_ast.Typename(None, [], c_ast.TypeDecl( None, [], decl.type.type.type))), decl.type.dim), c_ast.Constant('int', '32')])) decl.type = type_
Example #8
Source File: From mips_to_c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def function_arg_size_align(type: CType, typemap: TypeMap) -> Tuple[int, int]: type = resolve_typedefs(type, typemap) if isinstance(type, PtrDecl) or isinstance(type, ArrayDecl): return 4, 4 assert not isinstance(type, FuncDecl), "Function argument can not be a function" inner_type = type.type if isinstance(inner_type, (ca.Struct, ca.Union)): struct = get_struct(inner_type, typemap) assert ( struct is not None ), "Function argument can not be of an incomplete struct" return struct.size, struct.align size = primitive_size(inner_type) return size, size
Example #9
Source File: From mips_to_c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def deref_type(type: CType, typemap: TypeMap) -> CType: type = resolve_typedefs(type, typemap) assert isinstance(type, (ArrayDecl, PtrDecl)), "dereferencing non-pointer" return type.type
Example #10
Source File: From mips_to_c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pointer_decay(type: CType, typemap: TypeMap) -> SimpleType: real_type = resolve_typedefs(type, typemap) if isinstance(real_type, ArrayDecl): return PtrDecl(quals=[], type=real_type.type) if isinstance(real_type, FuncDecl): return PtrDecl(quals=[], type=type) if isinstance(real_type, TypeDecl) and isinstance(real_type.type, ca.Enum): return basic_type(["int"]) assert not isinstance( type, (ArrayDecl, FuncDecl) ), "resolve_typedefs can't hide arrays/functions" return type
Example #11
Source File: From mips_to_c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pointer(type: CType) -> CType: return PtrDecl(quals=[], type=type)
Example #12
Source File: From hpy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ctx_decl(self): # e.g. "HPy (*ctx_Module_Create)(HPyContext ctx, HPyModuleDef *def)" # # turn the function declaration into a function POINTER declaration newnode = deepcopy(self.node) newnode.type = c_ast.PtrDecl(type=newnode.type, quals=[]) # fix the name of the function pointer typedecl = self._find_typedecl(newnode) typedecl.declname = self.ctx_name() return toC(newnode)
Example #13
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def ast_parse_ptrdecl(self, ast): """Parse ast PtrDecl""" return CTypePtr(self.ast_parse_declaration(ast.type))
Example #14
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def ast_to_typeid_ptrdecl(self, ast): """Return the CTypeBase of a PtrDecl ast""" return CTypePtr(self.ast_to_typeid(ast.type))
Example #15
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, knowntypes=None, knowntypedefs=None): if knowntypes is None: knowntypes = {} if knowntypedefs is None: knowntypedefs = {} self._types = dict(knowntypes) self._typedefs = dict(knowntypedefs) self.cpt = 0 self.loc_to_decl_info = {} self.parser = c_parser.CParser() self._cpt_decl = 0 self.ast_to_typeid_rules = { c_ast.Struct: self.ast_to_typeid_struct, c_ast.Union: self.ast_to_typeid_union, c_ast.IdentifierType: self.ast_to_typeid_identifiertype, c_ast.TypeDecl: self.ast_to_typeid_typedecl, c_ast.Decl: self.ast_to_typeid_decl, c_ast.Typename: self.ast_to_typeid_typename, c_ast.FuncDecl: self.ast_to_typeid_funcdecl, c_ast.Enum: self.ast_to_typeid_enum, c_ast.PtrDecl: self.ast_to_typeid_ptrdecl, c_ast.EllipsisParam: self.ast_to_typeid_ellipsisparam, c_ast.ArrayDecl: self.ast_to_typeid_arraydecl, } self.ast_parse_rules = { c_ast.Struct: self.ast_parse_struct, c_ast.Union: self.ast_parse_union, c_ast.Typedef: self.ast_parse_typedef, c_ast.TypeDecl: self.ast_parse_typedecl, c_ast.IdentifierType: self.ast_parse_identifiertype, c_ast.Decl: self.ast_parse_decl, c_ast.PtrDecl: self.ast_parse_ptrdecl, c_ast.Enum: self.ast_parse_enum, c_ast.ArrayDecl: self.ast_parse_arraydecl, c_ast.FuncDecl: self.ast_parse_funcdecl, c_ast.FuncDef: self.ast_parse_funcdef, c_ast.Pragma: self.ast_parse_pragma, }
Example #16
Source File: From ptracer with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def render_type(typedecl): res = [] if isinstance(typedecl, (c_ast.TypeDecl, c_ast.Typename)): res.extend(typedecl.quals) res.extend(render_type(typedecl.type)) elif isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.PtrDecl): res.extend(typedecl.quals) res.extend(render_type(typedecl.type)) res.append('*') elif isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.IdentifierType): res.extend(typedecl.names) elif isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.Struct): res.extend(['struct',]) elif isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.Union): res.extend(['union',]) elif isinstance(typedecl, (c_ast.FuncDecl, ext_c_parser.FuncDeclExt)): ret = render_type(typedecl.type) args = [] for param in typedecl.args.params: args.append(' '.join(render_type(param))) ret.append('({})'.format(', '.join(args))) res.extend(ret) elif isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.ArrayDecl): res.extend(render_type(typedecl.type)) if typedecl.dim is None: res.append('[]') elif isinstance(typedecl.dim, c_ast.Constant): res.append('[{}]'.format(typedecl.dim.value)) else: die('non-constant dimension in array declaration') else: die('unexpected {!r}'.format(typedecl)) return res
Example #17
Source File: From ptracer with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def get_ctypes_type(typedecl, typedefs): ptr_indirection = 0 if isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.TypeDecl): if isinstance(typedecl.type, c_ast.IdentifierType): tnames = typedecl.type.names while True: if ((len(tnames) == 1 and tnames[0] in typedefs) or (tnames[-1] in typedefs and tnames[-2] not in {'struct', 'union'})): tnames = list(tnames[:-1]) + list(typedefs[tnames[-1]]) else: break ptr_indirection = 1 if tnames[-1] == '*' else 0 if ptr_indirection: tnames = tnames[:-1] if len(tnames) > 1 and tnames[-2] == 'struct': ctype = 'ctypes.c_void_p' ptr_indirection = 0 elif len(tnames) > 1 and tnames[-2] == 'union': ctype = 'ctypes.c_void_p' ptr_indirection = 0 else: ctype = ctype_map.get(tuple(tnames)) if ctype is None: die('unrecognized C type: {}'.format(' '.join(tnames))) elif isinstance(typedecl.type, c_ast.Struct): ctype = 'ctypes.c_void_p' elif isinstance(typedecl.type, c_ast.Union): ctype = 'ctypes.c_void_p' else: die('unexpected syntax in type declaration: {!r}'.format( typedecl.type)) elif isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.PtrDecl): ctype, ptr_indirection = get_ctypes_type( typedecl.type, typedefs) if ctype != 'ctypes.c_void_p': ptr_indirection += 1 elif isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.ArrayDecl): array_type, ptr_indirection = get_ctypes_type(typedecl.type, typedefs) dim = fold_const_expr(typedecl.dim, typedefs) ctype = '{} * {}'.format(array_type, dim) else: die('unexpected syntax in type declaration: {!r}'.format( typedecl)) return ctype, ptr_indirection
Example #18
Source File: From nightmare with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, psize=4, bigend=False): self.psize = psize self.pclass = vs_prim.v_ptr32 self.cls_parsers = { c_ast.Decl: self.c_getVsDecl, c_ast.Struct: self.c_getVsStruct, c_ast.FileAST: self.c_getFileAst, c_ast.PtrDecl: self.c_getPointer, #c_ast.FuncDecl: self.c_getFuncDecl, c_ast.Constant: self.c_getConstant, c_ast.TypeDecl: self.c_getVsType, c_ast.ArrayDecl: self.c_getVsArray, c_ast.IdentifierType: self.c_getIdentType, } self.vs_ctypes = { ('char',): vs_prim.v_int8, ('unsigned','char'): vs_prim.v_uint8, ('short',): vs_prim.v_int16, ('short','int'): vs_prim.v_int16, ('unsigned', 'short',): vs_prim.v_uint16, ('unsigned', 'short','int'):vs_prim.v_uint16, ('int',): vs_prim.v_int32, ('unsigned','int',): vs_prim.v_uint32, ('long',): vs_prim.v_int32, ('long','int'): vs_prim.v_int32, ('unsigned','long',): vs_prim.v_uint32, ('unsigned','long','int'): vs_prim.v_uint32, } if psize == 8: self.pclass = vs_prim.v_ptr64 self.vs_ctypes.update({ ('long',): vs_prim.v_int64, ('long','int'): vs_prim.v_int64, ('unsigned','long',): vs_prim.v_uint64, ('unsigned','long','int'): vs_prim.v_uint64, })
Example #19
Source File: From CanCat with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, psize=4, bigend=False): self.psize = psize self.pclass = vs_prim.v_ptr32 self.cls_parsers = { c_ast.Decl: self.c_getVsDecl, c_ast.Struct: self.c_getVsStruct, c_ast.FileAST: self.c_getFileAst, c_ast.PtrDecl: self.c_getPointer, #c_ast.FuncDecl: self.c_getFuncDecl, c_ast.Constant: self.c_getConstant, c_ast.TypeDecl: self.c_getVsType, c_ast.ArrayDecl: self.c_getVsArray, c_ast.IdentifierType: self.c_getIdentType, } self.vs_ctypes = { ('char',): vs_prim.v_int8, ('unsigned','char'): vs_prim.v_uint8, ('short',): vs_prim.v_int16, ('short','int'): vs_prim.v_int16, ('unsigned', 'short',): vs_prim.v_uint16, ('unsigned', 'short','int'):vs_prim.v_uint16, ('int',): vs_prim.v_int32, ('unsigned','int',): vs_prim.v_uint32, ('long',): vs_prim.v_int32, ('long','int'): vs_prim.v_int32, ('unsigned','long',): vs_prim.v_uint32, ('unsigned','long','int'): vs_prim.v_uint32, } if psize == 8: self.pclass = vs_prim.v_ptr64 self.vs_ctypes.update({ ('long',): vs_prim.v_int64, ('long','int'): vs_prim.v_int64, ('unsigned','long',): vs_prim.v_uint64, ('unsigned','long','int'): vs_prim.v_uint64, })