Python pycparser.c_ast.Constant() Examples
The following are 18
code examples of pycparser.c_ast.Constant().
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Example #1
Source File: From SwiftKitten with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_scalar_children(self): b1 = c_ast.BinaryOp( op='+', left=c_ast.Constant(type='int', value='6'), right=c_ast.ID(name='joe')) cv = self.ConstantVisitor() cv.visit(b1) self.assertEqual(cv.values, ['6']) b2 = c_ast.BinaryOp( op='*', left=c_ast.Constant(type='int', value='111'), right=b1) b3 = c_ast.BinaryOp( op='^', left=b2, right=b1) cv = self.ConstantVisitor() cv.visit(b3) self.assertEqual(cv.values, ['111', '6', '6'])
Example #2
Source File: From SwiftKitten with MIT License | 6 votes |
def tests_list_children(self): c1 = c_ast.Constant(type='float', value='5.6') c2 = c_ast.Constant(type='char', value='t') b1 = c_ast.BinaryOp( op='+', left=c1, right=c2) b2 = c_ast.BinaryOp( op='-', left=b1, right=c2) comp = c_ast.Compound( block_items=[b1, b2, c1, c2]) cv = self.ConstantVisitor() cv.visit(comp) self.assertEqual(cv.values, ['5.6', 't', '5.6', 't', 't', '5.6', 't'])
Example #3
Source File: From mips_to_c with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def parse_constant_int(expr: "ca.Expression") -> int: if isinstance(expr, ca.Constant): try: return int(expr.value.rstrip("lLuU"), 0) except ValueError: raise DecompFailure(f"Failed to parse {to_c(expr)} as an int literal") if isinstance(expr, ca.BinaryOp): lhs = parse_constant_int(expr.left) rhs = parse_constant_int(expr.right) if expr.op == "+": return lhs + rhs if expr.op == "-": return lhs - rhs if expr.op == "*": return lhs * rhs if expr.op == "<<": return lhs << rhs if expr.op == ">>": return lhs >> rhs raise DecompFailure( f"Failed to evaluate expression {to_c(expr)} at compile time; only simple arithmetic is supported for now" )
Example #4
Source File: From kerncraft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def conv_ast_to_sym(self, math_ast): """ Convert mathematical expressions to a sympy representation. May only contain paranthesis, addition, subtraction and multiplication from AST. """ if type(math_ast) is c_ast.ID: return symbol_pos_int( elif type(math_ast) is c_ast.Constant: return sympy.Integer(math_ast.value) else: # elif type(dim) is c_ast.BinaryOp: op = { '*': operator.mul, '+': operator.add, '-': operator.sub } return op[math_ast.op]( self.conv_ast_to_sym(math_ast.left), self.conv_ast_to_sym(math_ast.right))
Example #5
Source File: From kerncraft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _p_sources(self, stmt): sources = [] assert type(stmt) in \ [c_ast.ArrayRef, c_ast.Constant, c_ast.ID, c_ast.BinaryOp, c_ast.UnaryOp], \ 'only references to arrays, constants and variables as well as binary operations ' + \ 'are supported' assert type(stmt) is not c_ast.UnaryOp or stmt.op in ['-', '--', '++', 'p++', 'p--'], \ 'unary operations are only allowed with -, -- and ++' if type(stmt) in [c_ast.ArrayRef, c_ast.ID]: # Document data source bname = self._get_basename(stmt) self.sources.setdefault(bname, set()) self.sources[bname].add(self._get_offsets(stmt)) elif type(stmt) is c_ast.BinaryOp: # Traverse tree self._p_sources(stmt.left) self._p_sources(stmt.right) self._flops[stmt.op] = self._flops.get(stmt.op, 0)+1 elif type(stmt) is c_ast.UnaryOp: self._p_sources(stmt.expr) self._flops[stmt.op] = self._flops.get(stmt.op[-1], 0)+1 return sources
Example #6
Source File: From SwiftKitten with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_BinaryOp(self): b1 = c_ast.BinaryOp( op='+', left=c_ast.Constant(type='int', value='6'), right=c_ast.ID(name='joe')) self.failUnless(isinstance(b1.left, c_ast.Constant)) self.assertEqual(b1.left.type, 'int') self.assertEqual(b1.left.value, '6') self.failUnless(isinstance(b1.right, c_ast.ID)) self.assertEqual(, 'joe')
Example #7
Source File: From SwiftKitten with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_weakref_works_on_nodes(self): c1 = c_ast.Constant(type='float', value='3.14') wr = weakref.ref(c1) cref = wr() self.assertEqual(cref.type, 'float') self.assertEqual(weakref.getweakrefcount(c1), 1)
Example #8
Source File: From ptracer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def render_const(value): if isinstance(value, c_ast.Constant): return value.value elif isinstance(value, c_ast.BinaryOp): return '{} {} {}'.format( render_const(value.left), value.op, render_const(value.right)) else: die('unexpected constant value: {!r}'.format(value))
Example #9
Source File: From ptracer with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def fold_const_expr(expr, typedefs): if isinstance(expr, c_ast.BinaryOp): left = fold_const_expr(expr.left, typedefs) right = fold_const_expr(expr.right, typedefs) oper = _binopmap.get(expr.op) if oper is None: die('cannot fold binop with {!r}'.format(expr.op)) result = oper(left, right) elif isinstance(expr, c_ast.UnaryOp): operand = fold_const_expr(expr.expr, typedefs) oper = _unopmap.get(expr.op) if oper is None: die('cannot fold unop with {!r}'.format(expr.op)) result = oper(operand) elif isinstance(expr, c_ast.Constant): lit_type = _literalmap.get(expr.type) if lit_type is None: die('unexpected constant type: {!r}'.format(expr.type)) result = lit_type(expr.value) elif isinstance(expr, c_ast.Typename): # sizeof operand result = get_final_ctypes_type(expr.type, typedefs) _, _, typ = result.rpartition('.') result = getattr(ctypes, typ) else: die('cannot fold {!r} expr'.format(expr)) return result
Example #10
Source File: From kerncraft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _build_scalar_initializations(self): """Build and return scalar variable initialization.""" random.seed(2342) # we want reproducible random numbers scalar_inits = [] for d in self.get_scalar_declarations(): if d.type.type.names[0] in ['double', 'float']: init_const = c_ast.Constant('float', str(random.uniform(1.0, 0.1))) elif d.type.type.names[0] in ['int', 'long', 'long long', 'unsigned int', 'unsigned long', 'unsigned long long']: init_const = c_ast.Constant('int', 2) scalar_inits.append(c_ast.Assignment( '=', c_ast.ID(, init_const)) return scalar_inits
Example #11
Source File: From kerncraft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _build_const_declartions(self, with_init=True): """ Generate constants declarations :return: list of declarations """ decls = [] # Use type as provided by user in loop indices index_type = self.get_index_type() i = 2 # subscript for cli input, 1 is reserved for repeat for k in self.constants: # const long long N = strtoul(argv[2]) # with increasing N and 1 # TODO change subscript of argv depending on constant count type_decl = c_ast.TypeDecl(, ['const'], c_ast.IdentifierType(index_type)) init = None if with_init: init = c_ast.FuncCall( c_ast.ID('atoi'), c_ast.ExprList([c_ast.ArrayRef(c_ast.ID('argv'), c_ast.Constant('int', str(i)))])) i += 1 decls.append(c_ast.Decl(, ['const'], [], [], type_decl, init, None)) return decls
Example #12
Source File: From kerncraft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def transform_array_decl_to_malloc(decl, with_init=True): """ Transform ast of "type var_name[N]" to "type* var_name = aligned_malloc(sizeof(type)*N, 32)" In-place operation. :param with_init: if False, ommit malloc """ if type(decl.type) is not c_ast.ArrayDecl: # Not an array declaration, can be ignored return type_ = c_ast.PtrDecl([], decl.type.type) if with_init: decl.init = c_ast.FuncCall( c_ast.ID('aligned_malloc'), c_ast.ExprList([ c_ast.BinaryOp( '*', c_ast.UnaryOp( 'sizeof', c_ast.Typename(None, [], c_ast.TypeDecl( None, [], decl.type.type.type))), decl.type.dim), c_ast.Constant('int', '32')])) decl.type = type_
Example #13
Source File: From kerncraft with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_offsets(self, aref, dim=0): """ Return a tuple of offsets of an ArrayRef object in all dimensions. The index order is right to left (c-code order). e.g. c[i+1][j-2] -> (j-2, i+1) If aref is actually a c_ast.ID, None will be returned. """ if isinstance(aref, c_ast.ID): return None # Check for restrictions assert type( in [c_ast.ArrayRef, c_ast.ID], \ "array references must only be used with variables or other array references" assert type(aref.subscript) in [c_ast.ID, c_ast.Constant, c_ast.BinaryOp], \ 'array subscript must only contain variables or binary operations' # Convert subscript to sympy and append idxs = [self.conv_ast_to_sym(aref.subscript)] # Check for more indices (multi-dimensional access) if type( is c_ast.ArrayRef: idxs += self._get_offsets(, dim=dim+1) # Reverse to preserver order (the subscripts in the AST are traversed backwards) if dim == 0: idxs.reverse() return tuple(idxs)
Example #14
Source File: From CanCat with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, psize=4, bigend=False): self.psize = psize self.pclass = vs_prim.v_ptr32 self.cls_parsers = { c_ast.Decl: self.c_getVsDecl, c_ast.Struct: self.c_getVsStruct, c_ast.FileAST: self.c_getFileAst, c_ast.PtrDecl: self.c_getPointer, #c_ast.FuncDecl: self.c_getFuncDecl, c_ast.Constant: self.c_getConstant, c_ast.TypeDecl: self.c_getVsType, c_ast.ArrayDecl: self.c_getVsArray, c_ast.IdentifierType: self.c_getIdentType, } self.vs_ctypes = { ('char',): vs_prim.v_int8, ('unsigned','char'): vs_prim.v_uint8, ('short',): vs_prim.v_int16, ('short','int'): vs_prim.v_int16, ('unsigned', 'short',): vs_prim.v_uint16, ('unsigned', 'short','int'):vs_prim.v_uint16, ('int',): vs_prim.v_int32, ('unsigned','int',): vs_prim.v_uint32, ('long',): vs_prim.v_int32, ('long','int'): vs_prim.v_int32, ('unsigned','long',): vs_prim.v_uint32, ('unsigned','long','int'): vs_prim.v_uint32, } if psize == 8: self.pclass = vs_prim.v_ptr64 self.vs_ctypes.update({ ('long',): vs_prim.v_int64, ('long','int'): vs_prim.v_int64, ('unsigned','long',): vs_prim.v_uint64, ('unsigned','long','int'): vs_prim.v_uint64, })
Example #15
Source File: From nightmare with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def __init__(self, psize=4, bigend=False): self.psize = psize self.pclass = vs_prim.v_ptr32 self.cls_parsers = { c_ast.Decl: self.c_getVsDecl, c_ast.Struct: self.c_getVsStruct, c_ast.FileAST: self.c_getFileAst, c_ast.PtrDecl: self.c_getPointer, #c_ast.FuncDecl: self.c_getFuncDecl, c_ast.Constant: self.c_getConstant, c_ast.TypeDecl: self.c_getVsType, c_ast.ArrayDecl: self.c_getVsArray, c_ast.IdentifierType: self.c_getIdentType, } self.vs_ctypes = { ('char',): vs_prim.v_int8, ('unsigned','char'): vs_prim.v_uint8, ('short',): vs_prim.v_int16, ('short','int'): vs_prim.v_int16, ('unsigned', 'short',): vs_prim.v_uint16, ('unsigned', 'short','int'):vs_prim.v_uint16, ('int',): vs_prim.v_int32, ('unsigned','int',): vs_prim.v_uint32, ('long',): vs_prim.v_int32, ('long','int'): vs_prim.v_int32, ('unsigned','long',): vs_prim.v_uint32, ('unsigned','long','int'): vs_prim.v_uint32, } if psize == 8: self.pclass = vs_prim.v_ptr64 self.vs_ctypes.update({ ('long',): vs_prim.v_int64, ('long','int'): vs_prim.v_int64, ('unsigned','long',): vs_prim.v_uint64, ('unsigned','long','int'): vs_prim.v_uint64, })
Example #16
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def ast_eval_int(self, ast): """Eval a C ast object integer @ast: parsed pycparser.c_ast object """ if isinstance(ast, c_ast.BinaryOp): left = self.ast_eval_int(ast.left) right = self.ast_eval_int(ast.right) is_pure_int = (isinstance(left, int) and isinstance(right, int)) if is_pure_int: if ast.op == '*': result = left * right elif ast.op == '/': assert left % right == 0 result = left // right elif ast.op == '+': result = left + right elif ast.op == '-': result = left - right elif ast.op == '<<': result = left << right elif ast.op == '>>': result = left >> right else: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!") else: result = CTypeOp(ast.op, left, right) elif isinstance(ast, c_ast.UnaryOp): if ast.op == 'sizeof' and isinstance(ast.expr, c_ast.Typename): subobj = self.ast_to_typeid(ast.expr) result = CTypeSizeof(subobj) else: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!") elif isinstance(ast, c_ast.Constant): result = int(ast.value, 0) elif isinstance(ast, c_ast.Cast): # TODO: Can trunc integers? result = self.ast_eval_int(ast.expr) else: raise NotImplementedError("Not implemented!") return result
Example #17
Source File: From miasm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def ast_get_c_access_expr(ast, expr_types, lvl=0): """Transform C ast object into a C Miasm expression @ast: parsed pycparser.c_ast object @expr_types: a dictionary linking ID names to their types @lvl: actual recursion level Example: IN: StructRef: -> ID: ptr_Test ID: a OUT: ExprOp('->', ExprId('ptr_Test', 64), ExprId('a', 64)) """ if isinstance(ast, c_ast.Constant): obj = ExprInt(int(ast.value), 64) elif isinstance(ast, c_ast.StructRef): name, field =, name = ast_get_c_access_expr(name, expr_types) if ast.type == "->": s_name = name s_field = ExprId(field, 64) obj = ExprOp('->', s_name, s_field) elif ast.type == ".": s_name = name s_field = ExprId(field, 64) obj = ExprOp("field", s_name, s_field) else: raise RuntimeError("Unknown struct access") elif isinstance(ast, c_ast.UnaryOp) and ast.op == "&": tmp = ast_get_c_access_expr(ast.expr, expr_types, lvl + 1) obj = ExprOp("addr", tmp) elif isinstance(ast, c_ast.ArrayRef): tmp = ast_get_c_access_expr(, expr_types, lvl + 1) index = ast_get_c_access_expr(ast.subscript, expr_types, lvl + 1) obj = ExprOp("[]", tmp, index) elif isinstance(ast, c_ast.ID): assert in expr_types obj = ExprId(, 64) elif isinstance(ast, c_ast.UnaryOp) and ast.op == "*": tmp = ast_get_c_access_expr(ast.expr, expr_types, lvl + 1) obj = ExprOp("deref", tmp) else: raise NotImplementedError("Unknown type") return obj
Example #18
Source File: From ptracer with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def render_type(typedecl): res = [] if isinstance(typedecl, (c_ast.TypeDecl, c_ast.Typename)): res.extend(typedecl.quals) res.extend(render_type(typedecl.type)) elif isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.PtrDecl): res.extend(typedecl.quals) res.extend(render_type(typedecl.type)) res.append('*') elif isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.IdentifierType): res.extend(typedecl.names) elif isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.Struct): res.extend(['struct',]) elif isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.Union): res.extend(['union',]) elif isinstance(typedecl, (c_ast.FuncDecl, ext_c_parser.FuncDeclExt)): ret = render_type(typedecl.type) args = [] for param in typedecl.args.params: args.append(' '.join(render_type(param))) ret.append('({})'.format(', '.join(args))) res.extend(ret) elif isinstance(typedecl, c_ast.ArrayDecl): res.extend(render_type(typedecl.type)) if typedecl.dim is None: res.append('[]') elif isinstance(typedecl.dim, c_ast.Constant): res.append('[{}]'.format(typedecl.dim.value)) else: die('non-constant dimension in array declaration') else: die('unexpected {!r}'.format(typedecl)) return res