Python jsonfield.JSONField() Examples
The following are 1
code examples of jsonfield.JSONField().
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Example #1
Source File: From kpi with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def optimize_queryset_for_list(queryset): """ Used by serializers to improve performance when listing assets """ queryset = queryset.defer( # Avoid pulling these `JSONField`s from the database because: # * they are stored as plain text, and just deserializing them # to Python objects is CPU-intensive; # * they are often huge; # * we don't need them for list views. 'content', 'report_styles' ).select_related( # We only need `username`, but `select_related('owner__username')` # actually pulled in the entire `auth_user` table under Django 1.8. # In Django 1.9+, "select_related() prohibits non-relational fields # for nested relations." 'owner', ).prefetch_related( # We previously prefetched `permissions__content_object`, but that # actually pulled the entirety of each permission's linked asset # from the database! For now, the solution is to remove # `content_object` here *and* from # `ObjectPermissionNestedSerializer`. 'permissions__permission', 'permissions__user', # `Prefetch(..., to_attr='prefetched_list')` stores the prefetched # related objects in a list (`prefetched_list`) that we can use in # other methods to avoid additional queries; see: # Prefetch('tags', to_attr='prefetched_tags'), Prefetch( 'asset_versions', queryset=AssetVersion.objects.order_by( '-date_modified' ).only('uid', 'asset', 'date_modified', 'deployed'), to_attr='prefetched_latest_versions', ), ) return queryset