Python elasticsearch.helpers.parallel_bulk() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of elasticsearch.helpers.parallel_bulk().
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Example #1
Source File: From flask-shop with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def bulk_update(cls, items, chunk_size=5000, op_type="update", **kwargs): index = cls._index._name _type = obj = [ { "_op_type": op_type, "_id": f"{}", "_index": index, "_type": _type, "_source": get_item_data(doc), } for doc in items ] client = cls.get_es() rs = list(parallel_bulk(client, obj, chunk_size=chunk_size, **kwargs)) return rs
Example #2
Source File: From search-MjoLniR with MIT License | 5 votes |
def bulk_import(**kwargs) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: """Bulk import data to elasticsearch. Tracks bulk import response metrics, reporting both externally to prometheus and to the caller. """'Starting bulk import: {}'.format(str(kwargs))) good, missing, errors = 0, 0, 0 for ok, result in parallel_bulk(raise_on_exception=False, raise_on_error=False, **kwargs): action, result = result.popitem() status_code = result.get('status', 500) if ok: good += 1 try: Metric.ACTION_RESULTS[result['result']].inc() except KeyError: elif status_code == 'TIMEOUT': errors += 1 elif not isinstance(status_code, int): # Previously found TIMEOUT status_code here log.warning( 'Failed bulk %s request with invalid status_code %s: %s', action, str(status_code), str(result)[:1024]) errors += 1 elif status_code == 404: # 404 are quite common so we log them separately. The analytics # side doesn't know the namespace mappings and attempts to send all # updates to <wiki>_content, letting the docs that don't exist fail missing += 1 elif status_code >= 400 and status_code < 500: # Bulk contained invalid records, can't do much beyond logging log.warning('Failed bulk %s request: %s', action, str(result)[:1024]) errors += 1 elif status_code >= 500 and status_code < 600: # primary not available, etc. Internal elasticsearch errors. Should be retryable raise Exception( "Internal elasticsearch error on {}, status code {}: {}".format(action, status_code, str(result))) else: raise Exception( "Unexpected response on {}, status code {}: {}".format(action, status_code, str(result)))'Completed import with %d success %d missing and %d errors', good, missing, errors) return good, missing, errors
Example #3
Source File: From series-tiempo-ar-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self, distribution): actions = self.generate_es_actions(distribution) if not actions: return for success, info in parallel_bulk(self.elastic, actions): if not success: logger.warning(strings.BULK_REQUEST_ERROR, info) self.update_distribution_indexation_metadata(distribution)
Example #4
Source File: From series-tiempo-ar-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def index_data(self): """Indexa la data leía desde el archivo de datos""" with open(DATA_FILE_PATH) as f: self.elastic.indices.create(settings.TS_INDEX, body=INDEX_CREATION_BODY) actions = [json.loads(row) for row in f.readlines()] for success, info in parallel_bulk(self.elastic, actions): if not success: print("ERROR:", info) segments = FORCE_MERGE_SEGMENTS self.elastic.indices.forcemerge(index=settings.TS_INDEX, max_num_segments=segments)
Example #5
Source File: From series-tiempo-ar-api with MIT License | 5 votes |
def index(self, queryset: QuerySet): self._init_index() for success, info in parallel_bulk(self.es_connection, generate_es_query(queryset)): if not success: raise RuntimeError(f"Error indexando query a ES: {info}")
Example #6
Source File: From browbeat with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def flush_cache(self): if len(self.cache) == 0: return True retry = 2 for i in range(retry): try: to_upload = helpers.parallel_bulk(, self.cache_insertable_iterable()) counter = 0 num_items = len(self.cache) for item in to_upload: self.logger.debug( "{} of {} Elastic objects uploaded".format( num_items, counter)) counter = counter + 1 output = "Pushed {} items to Elasticsearch to index {}".format( num_items, self.index) output += " and browbeat UUID {}".format(str(browbeat_uuid)) self.cache = deque() self.last_upload = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return True except Exception as Err: self.logger.error( "Error pushing data to Elasticsearch, going to retry" " in 10 seconds") self.logger.error("Exception: {}".format(Err)) time.sleep(10) if i == (retry - 1): self.logger.error( "Pushing Data to Elasticsearch failed in spite of retry," " dumping JSON for {} cached items".format( len( self.cache))) for item in self.cache: filename = item['test_name'] + '-' + item['identifier'] filename += '-elastic' + '.' + 'json' elastic_file = os.path.join(item['result_dir'], filename) with open(elastic_file, 'w') as result_file: json.dump(item['result'], result_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) "Saved Elasticsearch consumable result JSON to {}". format( elastic_file)) self.cache = deque() self.last_upload = datetime.datetime.utcnow() return False
Example #7
Source File: From aws-la with MIT License | 4 votes |
def processFiles(f): # list for bulk documents documents = [] for log_line in f: # Create the body and sanitize source = {"message": log_line.strip('\n') } body = {"_index": options.index_name, "_type": options.index_name, "pipeline": options.index_name, "_source": source } # append record to list before bulk send to ES documents.append(body) options.totalDocCount +=1 if len(documents) >= options.bulk_limit: # bulk send all our entries status = helpers.parallel_bulk(es, documents) # look through each result for status for i in status: if i[0] == False: print "There was an error importing a record. Error: ", i[1] # Using this to have the doc count stay on one line and continually be updated sys.stdout.write("Total Documents sent to Elasticsearch: " + str(options.totalDocCount) + "\r") sys.stdout.flush() # now clean out the document list documents[:] = [] # If we've made it here, then the file ended, and it's possible we still have documents in documents list. Need to send what we have if len(documents) > 0: # bulk send all our entries status = helpers.parallel_bulk(es, documents) # look through each result for status for i in status: if i[0] == False: print "There was an error importing a record. Error: ", i[1] # Using this to have the doc count stay on one line and continually be updated sys.stdout.write("Total Documents sent to Elasticsearch: " + str(options.totalDocCount) + "\r") sys.stdout.flush() # now clean out the document list documents[:] = [] # print the final doc count before moving out of the function sys.stdout.write("Total Documents sent to Elasticsearch: " + str(options.totalDocCount) + "\r")