Python scipy.sparse.bmat() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of scipy.sparse.bmat(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.sparse , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def rotate_mag(m,angle=0.0,axis=[0,0,1]):
  """ Rotates the magnetization along a particular axis """
  nat = len(m)/2

  ## rotate the dmat ##
  from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, bmat
  sx = np.matrix([[0.,1.],[1.,0.]])
  sy = np.matrix([[0.,1j],[-1j,0.]])
  sz = np.matrix([[1.,0.],[0.,-1.]])

  from scipy.linalg import expm
  rmat = expm(1j*np.pi*angle*(axis[0]*sx + axis[1]*sy + axis[2]*sz))
  rmat = coo_matrix(rmat) # to sparse
  rot = [[None for i in range(nat)] for j in range(nat)]
  for i in range(nat):
    rot[i][i] = rmat
  rot = bmat(rot).todense() # rotational matrix

  # rotate the matrix
  m = rot * m * rot.H

  return m 
Example #2
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _compute_jacobian(self, J_eq, J_ineq, s):
        if self.n_ineq == 0:
            return J_eq
            if sps.issparse(J_eq) or sps.issparse(J_ineq):
                # It is expected that J_eq and J_ineq
                # are already `csr_matrix` because of
                # the way ``BoxConstraint``, ``NonlinearConstraint``
                # and ``LinearConstraint`` are defined.
                J_eq = sps.csr_matrix(J_eq)
                J_ineq = sps.csr_matrix(J_ineq)
                return self._assemble_sparse_jacobian(J_eq, J_ineq, s)
                S = np.diag(s)
                zeros = np.zeros((self.n_eq, self.n_ineq))
                # Convert to matrix
                if sps.issparse(J_ineq):
                    J_ineq = J_ineq.toarray()
                if sps.issparse(J_eq):
                    J_eq = J_eq.toarray()
                # Concatenate matrices
                return np.asarray(np.bmat([[J_eq, zeros],
                                           [J_ineq, S]])) 
Example #3
Source File:    From ip-nonlinear-solver with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _compute_jacobian(self, J_eq, J_ineq, s):
        if self.n_ineq == 0:
            return J_eq
            if spc.issparse(J_eq) or spc.issparse(J_ineq):
                # It is expected that J_eq and J_ineq
                # are already `csr_matrix` because of
                # the way ``BoxConstraint``, ``NonlinearConstraint``
                # and ``LinearConstraint`` are defined.
                J_eq = spc.csr_matrix(J_eq)
                J_ineq = spc.csr_matrix(J_ineq)
                return self._assemble_sparse_jacobian(J_eq, J_ineq, s)
                S = np.diag(s)
                zeros = np.zeros((self.n_eq, self.n_ineq))
                # Convert to matrix
                if spc.issparse(J_ineq):
                    J_ineq = J_ineq.toarray()
                if spc.issparse(J_eq):
                    J_eq = J_eq.toarray()
                # Concatenate matrices
                return np.asarray(np.bmat([[J_eq, zeros],
                                           [J_ineq, S]])) 
Example #4
Source File:    From dislib with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _merge_blocks(blocks):
        Helper function that merges the _blocks attribute of a ds-array into
        a single ndarray / sparse matrix.
        sparse = None
        b0 = blocks[0][0]
        if sparse is None:
            sparse = issparse(b0)

        if sparse:
            ret = sp.bmat(blocks, format=b0.getformat(), dtype=b0.dtype)
            ret = np.block(blocks)

        return ret 
Example #5
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def edge_dos(intra0,inter0,scale=4.,w=20,npol=300,ne=500,bulk=False,
  """Calculated the edge DOS using the KPM"""
  h = [[None for j in range(w)] for i in range(w)]
  intra = csc_matrix(intra0)
  inter = csc_matrix(inter0)
  for i in range(w): h[i][i] = intra
  for i in range(w-1): 
    h[i+1][i] = inter.H
    h[i][i+1] = inter
  h = bmat(h) # sparse hamiltonian
  ds = np.zeros(ne)
  dsb = np.zeros(ne)
  norb = intra0.shape[0] # orbitals ina cell
  for i in range(norb):
    (xs,ys) = ldos0d(h,i=i,scale=scale,npol=npol,ne=ne) 
    ds += ys # store
    if bulk:
      (xs,zs) = ldos0d(h,i=w*norb//2 + i,scale=scale,npol=npol,ne=ne) 
      dsb += zs # store
  if not bulk: return (xs,ds/w)
  else: return (xs,ds/w,dsb/w) 
Example #6
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def add_interlayer(t,ri,rj,has_spin=True,is_sparse=True):
  """Calculate interlayer coupling"""
  m = np.matrix([[0. for i in ri] for j in rj])
  if has_spin: m = bmat([[csc(m),None],[None,csc(m)]]).todense()
  zi = [r[2] for r in ri]
  zj = [r[2] for r in rj]
  for i in range(len(ri)): # add the interlayer
    for j in range(len(ri)): # add the interlayer
      rij = ri[i] - rj[j] # distance between atoms
      dz = zi[i] - zj[j] # vertical distance
      if (3.99<<4.01) and (3.99<(dz*dz)<4.01): # check if connect
        if has_spin: # spin polarized
          m[2*i,2*j] = t
          m[2*i+1,2*j+1] = t
        else:  # spin unpolarized
          m[i,j] = t
  return m 
Example #7
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def bulk2ribbon_zz(h,n=10):
  """Converts a hexagonal bulk hamiltonian into a ribbon hamiltonian"""
  h = honeycomb2square(h) # create a square 2d geometry
  go = h.geometry.copy() # copy geometry
  ho = h.copy() # copy hamiltonian
  ho.dimensionality = 1 # reduce dimensionality
  go.dimensionality = 1 # reduce dimensionality
  intra = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
  inter = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
  for i in range(n): # to the the sam index
    intra[i][i] = csc(h.intra) 
    inter[i][i] = csc(h.tx) 
  for i in range(n-1): # one more or less
    intra[i][i+1] = csc(h.ty)  
    intra[i+1][i] = csc(h.ty.H)  
    inter[i+1][i] = csc(h.txmy) 
    inter[i][i+1] = csc(h.txy) 
  ho.intra = bmat(intra).todense()
  ho.inter = bmat(inter).todense()
  return ho 
Example #8
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def ldos_finite(h,e=0.0,n=10,nwf=4,delta=0.0001):
  """Calculate the density of states for a finite system"""
  if h.dimensionality!=1: raise # if it is not one dimensional
  intra = csc(h.intra) # convert to sparse
  inter = csc(h.inter) # convert to sparse
  interH = inter.H # hermitian
  m = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] # full matrix
  for i in range(n): # add intracell
    m[i][i] = intra
  for i in range(n-1): # add intercell
    m[i][i+1] = inter
    m[i+1][i] = interH
  m = bmat(m) # convert to matrix
  (ene,wfs) = slg.eigsh(m,k=nwf,which="LM",sigma=0.0) # diagonalize
  wfs = wfs.transpose() # transpose wavefunctions
  dos = (wfs[0].real)*0.0 # calculate dos
  for (ie,f) in zip(ene,wfs): # loop over waves
    c = 1./(1.+((ie-e)/delta)**2) # calculate coefficient
    dos += np.abs(f)*c # add contribution
  odos = spatial_dos(h,dos) # get the spatial distribution
  go = h.geometry.supercell(n) # get the supercell
  write_ldos(go.x,go.y,odos) # write in a file
  return dos # return the dos 
Example #9
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def block_inverse(m,i=0,j=0):
  """ Calculate a certain element of the inverse of a block matrix"""
  from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix,bmat
  nb = len(m) # number of blocks
  if i<0: i += nb 
  if j<0: j += nb 
  mt = [[None for ii in range(nb)] for jj in range(nb)]
  for ii in range(nb): # diagonal part
    mt[ii][ii] = csc_matrix(m[ii][ii])
  for ii in range(nb-1):
    mt[ii][ii+1] = csc_matrix(m[ii][ii+1])
    mt[ii+1][ii] = csc_matrix(m[ii+1][ii])
  mt = bmat(mt).todense() # create dense matrix
  # select which elements you need
  ilist = [m[ii][ii].shape[0] for ii in range(i)] 
  jlist = [m[jj][jj].shape[1] for jj in range(j)] 
  imin = sum(ilist)
  jmin = sum(jlist)
  mt = mt.I # calculate inverse
  imax = imin + m[i][i].shape[0]
  jmax = jmin + m[j][j].shape[1]
  mo = [ [mt[ii,jj] for jj in range(jmin,jmax)] for ii in range(imin,imax) ] 
  mo = np.matrix(mo)
  return mo 
Example #10
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def interface(h1,h2,k=[0.0,0.,0.],energy=0.0,delta=0.01):
  """Get the Green function of an interface"""
  from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix as csc
  from scipy.sparse import bmat
  gs1,sf1 = green_kchain(h1,k=k,energy=energy,delta=delta,
                   only_bulk=False,reverse=True) # surface green function 
  gs2,sf2 = green_kchain(h2,k=k,energy=energy,delta=delta,
                   only_bulk=False,reverse=False) # surface green function 
  ## 1  C  2 ##
  # Now apply the Dyson equation
  (ons1,hop1) = get1dhamiltonian(h1,k,reverse=True) # get 1D Hamiltonian
  (ons2,hop2) = get1dhamiltonian(h2,k,reverse=False) # get 1D Hamiltonian
  havg = (hop1.H + hop2)/2. # average hopping
  ons = bmat([[csc(ons1),csc(havg)],[csc(havg.H),csc(ons2)]]) # onsite
  self2 = bmat([[csc(ons1)*0.0,None],[None,csc(hop2@sf2@hop2.H)]])
  self1 = bmat([[csc(hop1@sf1@hop1.H),None],[None,csc(ons2)*0.0]])
  # Dyson equation
  ez = (energy+1j*delta)*np.identity(ons1.shape[0]+ons2.shape[0]) # energy
  ginter = (ez - ons - self1 - self2).I # Green function
  # now return everything, first, second and hybrid
  return (gs1,sf1,gs2,sf2,ginter) 
Example #11
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def bulk_and_surface(h1,nk=100,energies=np.linspace(-1.,1.,100),**kwargs):
  """Get the surface DOS of an interface"""
  from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix,bmat
  if h1.dimensionality==2:
      kpath = [[k,0.,0.] for k in np.linspace(0.,1.,nk)]
  else: raise
  ik = 0
  h1 = h1.get_multicell() # multicell Hamiltonian
  tr = timing.Testimator("DOS") # generate object
  dos_bulk = energies*0.0
  dos_sur = energies*0.0
  for k in kpath:
    tr.remaining(ik,len(kpath)) # generate object
    ik += 1
    outs = green.surface_multienergy(h1,k=k,energies=energies,**kwargs)
    dos_bulk += np.array([-algebra.trace(g[1]).imag for g in outs])
    dos_sur += np.array([-algebra.trace(g[0]).imag for g in outs])
  dos_bulk /= len(kpath)
  dos_sur /= len(kpath)
  return energies,dos_bulk,dos_sur 
Example #12
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_interface(h,fun=None):
  """Return an operator that projects onte the interface"""
  dind = 1 # index to which divide the positions
  if h.has_spin:  dind *= 2 # duplicate for spin
  if h.has_eh:  dind *= 2  # duplicate for eh
  iden = csc(np.matrix(np.identity(dind,dtype=np.complex))) # identity matrix
  r = h.geometry.r # positions
  out = [[None for ri in r] for rj in r] # initialize
  if fun is None: # no input function
    cut = 2.0 # cutoff
    if h.dimensionality==1: index = 1
    elif h.dimensionality==2: index = 2
    else: raise
    def fun(ri): # define the function
      if np.abs(ri[index])<cut: return 1.0
      else: return 0.0
  for i in range(len(r)): # loop over positions
    out[i][i] = fun(r[i])*iden 
  return bmat(out) # return matrix 
Example #13
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_si(h,i=1):
  """Return a certain Pauli matrix for the full Hamiltonian"""
  if not h.has_spin: return None # no spin
  if i==1: si = sx # sx matrix
  elif i==2: si = sy # sy matrix
  elif i==3: si = sz # sz matrix
  else: raise # unknown pauli matrix
  if h.has_eh: ndim = h.intra.shape[0]//4 # half the dimension
  else: ndim = h.intra.shape[0]//2 # dimension
  if h.has_spin: # spinful system
    op = [[None for i in range(ndim)] for j in range(ndim)] # initialize
    for i in range(ndim): op[i][i] = si # store matrix
    op = bmat(op) # create matrix
  if h.has_eh: op = build_eh(op,is_sparse=True) # add electron and hole parts 
  return op

# define the functions for the three spin components 
Example #14
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def eh_operator(m):
  """Return the electron hole symmetry operator, as a function"""
  n = m.shape[0]//4 # number of sites 
  from .hamiltonians import sy
  msy = [[None for ri in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
  for i in range(n): msy[i][i] = sy # add sy
  msy = bmat(msy) # sy matrix in the electron subspace
  out = [[None,1j*msy],[-1j*msy,None]]
#  out = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] # output matrix
#  tau = csc_matrix([[0.,0.,0.,-1.],[0,0,1,0],[0,1,0,0],[-1,0,0,0]])
#  for i in range(n):
#    out[i][i] = tau
  out = bmat(out) # sparse matrix
  out = reorder(out) # reshufle the matrix
  def ehop(inm):
    """Function that applies electron-hole symmetry to a matrix"""
    return out*np.conjugate(inm)*out # return matrix
  return ehop # return operator 
Example #15
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def floquet_selfenergy(selfgen,e,omega,n=20,less=False,delta=0.01):
  """Generate a floquet selfenergy starting from
  a function that returns selfenergies"""
  out = [[None for i in range(2*n+1)] for i in range(2*n+1)] # output
  for i in range(-n,n+1): # loop
    ebar = e+i*omega # floquet energy
    term = selfgen(ebar) # call and store
    if less: # special propagator with the < symbol
#      bfac = 1./(np.exp(ebar/delta)+1) # boltzman factor
#      term *= bfac
      if ebar<0.: term *= 0.
      else: term = -(term-term.H)
    out[i+n][i+n] = term # store
  return bmat(out) # return dense matrix 
Example #16
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def spiralhopping(m,ri,rj,svector = np.array([0.,0.,1.]),
  """ Rotates a hopping matrix to create a spin spiral
      - ri and rj must be coordinates in lattice constants
      - svector is the axis of the rotation
      - qvector is the vector of the spin spiral
  from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix,bmat
  iden = csc_matrix([[1.,0.],[0.,1.]]) # identity matrix
  def getR(r):
      """Return a rotation matrix"""
      n = len(r) # number of sites 
      R = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] # rotation matrix
      u = np.array(svector) # rotation direction
      u = u/np.sqrt( # normalize rotation direction
      for i in range(n): # loop over sites
         rot = u[0]*sx + u[1]*sy + u[2]*sz 
         angle = np.array(qvector).dot(np.array(r[i])) # angle of rotation
         # a factor 2 is taken out due to 1/2 of S
         # a factor 2 is added to have BZ in the interval 0,1
         R[i][i] = lg.expm(2.*np.pi*1j*rot*angle/2.0)
      return bmat(R)  # convert to full sparse matrix
  Roti = getR(ri) # get the first rotation matrix
  Rotj = getR(rj) # get the second rotation matrix
#  print(Roti@Rotj.H)
#  print(ri,rj)
  return Rotj @ m @ Roti.H # return the rotated matrix 
Example #17
Source File:    From netrd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def pseudo_hashimoto(graph):
    """Return the pseudo-Hashimoto matrix.

    The pseudo Hashimoto matrix of a graph is the block matrix defined as
    B' = [0  D-I]
         [-I  A ]

    Where D is the degree-diagonal matrix, I is the identity matrix and A
    is the adjacency matrix.  The eigenvalues of B' are always eigenvalues
    of B, the non-backtracking or Hashimoto matrix.


    graph (nx.Graph): A NetworkX graph object.


    A sparse matrix in csr format.

    # Note: the rows of nx.adjacency_matrix(graph) are in the same order as
    # the list returned by graph.nodes().
    degrees =
    degrees = sparse.diags([degrees[n] for n in graph.nodes()])
    adj = nx.adjacency_matrix(graph)
    ident = sparse.eye(graph.order())
    pseudo = sparse.bmat([[None, degrees - ident], [-ident, adj]])
    return pseudo.asformat('csr') 
Example #18
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def intra_super2d(h,n=1,central=None):
  """ Calculates the intra of a 2d system"""
  from scipy.sparse import bmat
  from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix as csc
  tx = csc(h.tx)
  ty = csc(h.ty)
  txy = csc(h.txy)
  txmy = csc(h.txmy)
  intra = csc(h.intra)
  for i in range(n):
    intrasuper[i][i] = intra # intracell
    (x1,y1) = inds[i]
    for j in range(n):
      (x2,y2) = inds[j]
      dx = x2-x1
      dy = y2-y1
      if dx==1 and  dy==0: intrasuper[i][j] = tx
      if dx==-1 and dy==0: intrasuper[i][j] = tx.H
      if dx==0 and  dy==1: intrasuper[i][j] = ty
      if dx==0 and  dy==-1: intrasuper[i][j] = ty.H
      if dx==1 and  dy==1: intrasuper[i][j] = txy
      if dx==-1 and dy==-1: intrasuper[i][j] = txy.H
      if dx==1 and  dy==-1: intrasuper[i][j] = txmy
      if dx==-1 and dy==1: intrasuper[i][j] = txmy.H
  # substitute the central cell if it is the case
  if central!=None:
    ic = (n-1)/2
    intrasuper[ic][ic] = central
  # now convert to matrix
  intrasuper = bmat(intrasuper).todense() # supercell
  return intrasuper 
Example #19
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def rotation_matrix(m,vectors):
  """ Rotates a matrix, to align its components with the direction
  of the magnetism """
  if not len(m)==2*len(vectors): # stop if they don't have
                                  # compatible dimensions
  # pauli matrices
  n = len(m)/2 # number of sites
  R = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] # rotation matrix
  from scipy.linalg import expm  # exponenciate matrix
  for (i,v) in zip(range(n),vectors): # loop over sites
    vv = np.sqrt( # norm of v
    if vv>0.000001: # if nonzero scale
      u = v/vv
    else: # if zero put to zero
      u = np.array([0.,0.,0.,])
#    rot = u[0]*sx + u[1]*sy + u[2]*sz 
    uxy = np.sqrt(u[0]**2 + u[1]**2) # component in xy plane
    phi = np.arctan2(u[1],u[0])
    theta = np.arctan2(uxy,u[2])
    r1 =  phi*sz/2.0 # rotate along z
    r2 =  theta*sy/2.0 # rotate along y
    # a factor 2 is taken out due to 1/2 of S
    rot = expm(1j*r2) * expm(1j*r1)   
    R[i][i] = rot  # save term
  R = bmat(R)  # convert to full sparse matrix
  return R.todense() 
Example #20
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def global_spin_rotation(m,vector = np.array([0.,0.,1.]),angle = 0.0,
                             spiral = False,atoms = None):
  """ Rotates a matrix along a certain qvector """
  # pauli matrices
  from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix,bmat
  iden = csc_matrix([[1.,0.],[0.,1.]])
  n = m.shape[0]//2 # number of sites
  if atoms==None: 
    atoms = range(n) # all the atoms
  R = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)] # rotation matrix
  for i in range(n): # loop over sites
    u = np.array(vector) # rotation direction
    u = u/np.sqrt( # normalize rotation direction
    rot = (u[0]*sx + u[1]*sy + u[2]*sz)/2. # rotation
    # a factor 2 is taken out due to 1/2 of S
    # a factor 2 is added to have BZ in the interval 0,1
    rot = lg.expm(2.*np.pi*1j*rot*angle/2.0)
#    if i in atoms:
    R[i][i] = rot  # save term
#    else:
#      R[i][i] = iden  # save term
  R = bmat(R)  # convert to full sparse matrix
  if spiral:  # for spin spiral
    mout = R @ m  # rotate matrix
  else:  # normal global rotation
    mout = R @ m @ R.H  # rotate matrix
  return mout # return dense matrix 
Example #21
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def floquet_tauz(m,n=20):
  """Calculate the floquet Hamiltonian"""
  # hamgen is a function that return a time dependent hamiltonian
  out = [[None for i in range(2*n+1)] for i in range(2*n+1)] # output
  for i in range(-n,n+1): # loop
    out[i+n][i+n] = m # store
  return bmat(out) # return dense matrix 
Example #22
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def element(i,n,p,d=2,j=None):
  if j is None: j=i
  o = csc_matrix(([1.0],[[d*i+p[0]],[d*j+p[1]]]),
  return o
  o = csc_matrix(([1.0],[[p[0]],[p[1]]]),shape=(d,d),dtype=np.complex)
  m = [[None for i1 in range(n)] for i2 in range(n)]
  for i1 in range(n): m[i1][i1] = zero(d)
  m[i][j] = o.copy()
  return bmat(m) # return matrix 
Example #23
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _assemble_sparse_jacobian(self, J_eq, J_ineq, s):
        """Assemble sparse jacobian given its components.

        Given ``J_eq``, ``J_ineq`` and ``s`` returns:
            jacobian = [ J_eq,     0     ]
                       [ J_ineq, diag(s) ]

        It is equivalent to:
            sps.bmat([[ J_eq,   None    ],
                      [ J_ineq, diag(s) ]], "csr")
        but significantly more efficient for this
        given structure.
        n_vars, n_ineq, n_eq = self.n_vars, self.n_ineq, self.n_eq
        J_aux = sps.vstack([J_eq, J_ineq], "csr")
        indptr, indices, data = J_aux.indptr, J_aux.indices,
        new_indptr = indptr + np.hstack((np.zeros(n_eq, dtype=int),
                                         np.arange(n_ineq+1, dtype=int)))
        size = indices.size+n_ineq
        new_indices = np.empty(size)
        new_data = np.empty(size)
        mask = np.full(size, False, bool)
        mask[new_indptr[-n_ineq:]-1] = True
        new_indices[mask] = n_vars+np.arange(n_ineq)
        new_indices[~mask] = indices
        new_data[mask] = s
        new_data[~mask] = data
        J = sps.csr_matrix((new_data, new_indices, new_indptr),
                           (n_eq + n_ineq, n_vars + n_ineq))
        return J 
Example #24
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def generate_soc(specie,value,input_file="",nsuper=1,path=None):
  """Add SOC to a hamiltonian based on"""
  if path is not None: 
      inipath = os.getcwd() # current path
      os.chdir(path) # go there
  o = open(".soc.status","w")
  iat = 1 # atom counter
  orbnames = names_soc_orbitals(specie) # get which are the orbitals
  ls = soc_l((len(orbnames)-1)/2) # get the SOC matrix
  norb = get_num_wannier(input_file) # number of wannier orbitals
  m = np.matrix([[0.0j for i in range(norb*2)] for j in range(norb*2)]) # matrix
  nat = get_num_atoms(specie,input_file) # number of atoms of this specie
  for iat in range(nat):
   # try:
#      fo.write("Attempting "+specie+"  "+str(iat+1)+"\n")
      for i in range(len(orbnames)): # loop over one index
        orbi = orbnames[i] 
        for j in range(len(orbnames)): # loop over other index
          orbj = orbnames[j]
          ii = get_index_orbital(specie,iat+1,orbi)  # index in wannier
          jj = get_index_orbital(specie,iat+1,orbj) # index in wannier
#          fo.write(str(ii)+"   "+str(jj)+"\n")
          ii += -1 # python starts in 0
          jj += -1 # python starts in 0
          m[2*ii,2*jj] = ls[2*i,2*j] # store the soc coupling
          m[2*ii+1,2*jj] = ls[2*i+1,2*j] # store the soc coupling
          m[2*ii,2*jj+1] = ls[2*i,2*j+1] # store the soc coupling
          m[2*ii+1,2*jj+1] = ls[2*i+1,2*j+1] # store the soc coupling
   #   return
   # except: break
#  fo.close()
  n = nsuper**2 # supercell
  mo = [[None for i in range(n)] for j in range(n)]
  for i in range(n): mo[i][i] = csc(m) # diagonal elements
  mo = bmat(mo).todense() # dense matrix
  if path is not None: 
      os.chdir(inipath) # go there
  return np.matrix(mo*value) # return matrix
#  for name in atoms: # loop over atoms 
Example #25
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def surface(h1,energies=np.linspace(-1.,1.,100),operator=None,
  """Get the surface DOS of an interface"""
  from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix,bmat
  if kpath is None: 
    if h1.dimensionality==3:
      g2d = h1.geometry.copy() # copy Hamiltonian
      g2d = sculpt.set_xy_plane(g2d)
      kpath = klist.default(g2d,nk=100)
    elif h1.dimensionality==2:
      kpath = [[k,0.,0.] for k in np.linspace(0.,1.,40)]
    else: raise
  fo = open("KDOS.OUT","w")
  fo.write("# k, E, Surface, Bulk\n")
  tr = timing.Testimator("KDOS") # generate object
  ik = 0
  h1 = h1.get_multicell() # multicell Hamiltonian
  for k in kpath:
    tr.remaining(ik,len(kpath)) # generate object
    ik += 1
    outs = green.surface_multienergy(h1,k=k,energies=energies,delta=delta,hs=hs)
    for (energy,out) in zip(energies,outs):
      # write everything
      fo.write(str(ik)+"   "+str(energy)+"   ")
      for g in out: # loop
        if operator is None: d = -g.trace()[0,0].imag # only the trace 
        elif callable(operator): d = operator(g,k=k) # call the operator
        else:  d = -(g@operator).trace()[0,0].imag # assume it is a matrix
        fo.write(str(d)+"   ") # write in a file
      fo.write("\n") # next line
      fo.flush() # flush
Example #26
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def densebmat(ms):
    """Turn a block matrix dense"""
    ms = [[todense(mi) for mi in mij] for mij in m]
    return todense(bmat(ms)) # return block matrix 
Example #27
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def parametric_hopping_spinful(r1,r2,fc,is_sparse=False):
  """ Generates a parametric hopping based on a function, that returns
  a 2x2 matrix"""
  m = [[None for i in range(len(r2))] for j in range(len(r1))]
  for i in range(len(r1)):
    for j in range(len(r2)):
      val = fc(r1[i],r2[j]) # add hopping based on function
      m[i][j] = val # store this result
  m = bmat(m) # convert to matrix
  if not is_sparse: m = m.todense() # dense matrix
  return m 
Example #28
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_pairing(h,ptype="s"):
  """Return an operator that calculates the expectation value of the
  s-wave pairing"""
  if not h.has_eh: raise # only for e-h systems
  if ptype=="s": op = superconductivity.spair
  elif ptype=="deltax": op = superconductivity.deltax
  elif ptype=="deltay": op = superconductivity.deltay
  elif ptype=="deltaz": op = superconductivity.deltaz
  else: raise
  r = h.geometry.r
  out = [[None for ri in r] for rj in r]
  for i in range(len(r)): # loop over positions
    out[i][i] = op
  return bmat(out) # return matrix 
Example #29
Source File:    From quantum-honeycomp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_electron(h):
  """Operator to project on the electron sector"""
  if not h.has_eh:
      return np.identity(h.intra.shape[0])
  elif h.check_mode("spinful_nambu"): # only for e-h systems
      op = superconductivity.proje
      r = h.geometry.r
      out = [[None for ri in r] for rj in r]
      for i in range(len(r)): # loop over positions
        out[i][i] = op
      return bmat(out)
  elif h.check_mode("spinless_nambu"):
      from .sctk import spinless
      return spinless.proje(h.intra.shape[0])
  else: raise 
Example #30
Source File:    From netrd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def pseudo_hashimoto(graph):
    Return the pseudo-Hashimoto matrix.

    The pseudo Hashimoto matrix of a graph is the block matrix defined as
    B' = [0  D-I]
         [-I  A ]

    Where D is the degree-diagonal matrix, I is the identity matrix and A
    is the adjacency matrix.  The eigenvalues of B' are always eigenvalues
    of B, the non-backtracking or Hashimoto matrix.


    graph (nx.Graph): A NetworkX graph object.


    A sparse matrix in csr format.

    NOTE: duplicated from "" to avoid excessive imports.

    # Note: the rows of nx.adjacency_matrix(graph) are in the same order as
    # the list returned by graph.nodes().
    degrees =
    degrees = sp.diags([degrees[n] for n in graph.nodes()])
    adj = nx.adjacency_matrix(graph)
    ident = sp.eye(graph.order())
    pseudo = sp.bmat([[None, degrees - ident], [-ident, adj]])
    return pseudo.asformat('csr')