Python boto.elasticache() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of boto.elasticache(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module boto , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From ansible-playbook with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_intances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) 
Example #2
Source File:    From Ansible-2-Cloud-Automation-Cookbook with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            elif e.error_code == "OptInRequired":
                error = "ElastiCache hasn't been enabled for this account yet. " \
                    "You must either log in to the ElastiCache service through the AWS console to enable it, " \
                    "or set 'elasticache = False' in ec2.ini"
            elif not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) 
Example #3
Source File:    From Ansible-2-Cloud-Automation-Cookbook with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #4
Source File:    From mqperf with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #5
Source File:    From ansible-plugins with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_metadata(self):
        conn = boto.elasticache.connect_to_region(self.region)
        self.meta = conn.describe_replication_groups(self.replica_group)

        return self.meta 
Example #6
Source File:    From ansible-roadshow with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #7
Source File:    From Effective-DevOps-with-AWS with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            elif e.error_code == "OptInRequired":
                error = "ElastiCache hasn't been enabled for this account yet. " \
                    "You must either log in to the ElastiCache service through the AWS console to enable it, " \
                    "or set 'elasticache = False' in ec2.ini"
            elif not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) 
Example #8
Source File:    From Effective-DevOps-with-AWS with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #9
Source File:    From Effective-DevOps-with-AWS with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            elif e.error_code == "OptInRequired":
                error = "ElastiCache hasn't been enabled for this account yet. " \
                    "You must either log in to the ElastiCache service through the AWS console to enable it, " \
                    "or set 'elasticache = False' in ec2.ini"
            elif not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) 
Example #10
Source File:    From Effective-DevOps-with-AWS with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #11
Source File:    From Effective-DevOps-with-AWS with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            elif e.error_code == "OptInRequired":
                error = "ElastiCache hasn't been enabled for this account yet. " \
                    "You must either log in to the ElastiCache service through the AWS console to enable it, " \
                    "or set 'elasticache = False' in ec2.ini"
            elif not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) 
Example #12
Source File:    From Learning-Ansible-2-Second-Edition with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_intances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that wo can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #13
Source File:    From ansible-playbook with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_intances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #14
Source File:    From ECS-Kafka with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_intances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) 
Example #15
Source File:    From ECS-Kafka with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_intances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #16
Source File:    From Mastering-Ansible with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            elif e.error_code == "OptInRequired":
                error = "ElastiCache hasn't been enabled for this account yet. " \
                    "You must either log in to the ElastiCache service through the AWS console to enable it, " \
                    "or set 'elasticache = False' in ec2.ini"
            elif not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) 
Example #17
Source File:    From Mastering-Ansible with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #18
Source File:    From Mastering-Ansible with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            elif e.error_code == "OptInRequired":
                error = "ElastiCache hasn't been enabled for this account yet. " \
                    "You must either log in to the ElastiCache service through the AWS console to enable it, " \
                    "or set 'elasticache = False' in ec2.ini"
            elif not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) 
Example #19
Source File:    From Mastering-Ansible with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #20
Source File:    From Mastering-Ansible with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            elif e.error_code == "OptInRequired":
                error = "ElastiCache hasn't been enabled for this account yet. " \
                    "You must either log in to the ElastiCache service through the AWS console to enable it, " \
                    "or set 'elasticache = False' in ec2.ini"
            elif not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) 
Example #21
Source File:    From cloudwatch-to-graphite with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def list_elasticache(region, filter_by_kwargs):
    """List all ElastiCache Clusters."""
    conn = boto.elasticache.connect_to_region(region)
    req = conn.describe_cache_clusters()
    data = req["DescribeCacheClustersResponse"]["DescribeCacheClustersResult"]["CacheClusters"]
    if filter_by_kwargs:
        clusters = [x['CacheClusterId'] for x in data if x[filter_by_kwargs.keys()[0]] == filter_by_kwargs.values()[0]]
        clusters = [x['CacheClusterId'] for x in data]
    return clusters 
Example #22
Source File:    From learning-tools with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_intances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) 
Example #23
Source File:    From Hands-On-Auto-DevOps-with-GitLab-CI with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #24
Source File:    From cloud-blueprints with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #25
Source File:    From cloud-blueprints with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #26
Source File:    From devops-starter with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            elif e.error_code == "OptInRequired":
                error = "ElastiCache hasn't been enabled for this account yet. " \
                    "You must either log in to the ElastiCache service through the AWS console to enable it, " \
                    "or set 'elasticache = False' in ec2.ini"
            elif not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) 
Example #27
Source File:    From devops-starter with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse'][

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #28
Source File:    From ansible-hortonworks with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            elif e.error_code == "OptInRequired":
                error = "ElastiCache hasn't been enabled for this account yet. " \
                    "You must either log in to the ElastiCache service through the AWS console to enable it, " \
                    "or set 'elasticache = False' in ec2.ini"
            elif not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that we can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region) 
Example #29
Source File:    From ansible-hortonworks with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_replication_groups_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache replication groups
        in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_instances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                response = conn.describe_replication_groups()

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache [Replication Groups] is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to ReplicationGroups
            # Because of that we can't make use of the get_list method in the
            # AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            replication_groups = response['DescribeReplicationGroupsResponse']['DescribeReplicationGroupsResult']['ReplicationGroups']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache [Replication Groups] query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for replication_group in replication_groups:
            self.add_elasticache_replication_group(replication_group, region) 
Example #30
Source File:    From tidb-ansible with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_elasticache_clusters_by_region(self, region):
        ''' Makes an AWS API call to the list of ElastiCache clusters (with
        nodes' info) in a particular region.'''

        # ElastiCache boto module doesn't provide a get_all_intances method,
        # that's why we need to call describe directly (it would be called by
        # the shorthand method anyway...)
            conn = self.connect_to_aws(elasticache, region)
            if conn:
                # show_cache_node_info = True
                # because we also want nodes' information
                response = conn.describe_cache_clusters(None, None, None, True)

        except boto.exception.BotoServerError as e:
            error = e.reason

            if e.error_code == 'AuthFailure':
                error = self.get_auth_error_message()
            if not e.reason == "Forbidden":
                error = "Looks like AWS ElastiCache is down:\n%s" % e.message
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

            # Boto also doesn't provide wrapper classes to CacheClusters or
            # CacheNodes. Because of that wo can't make use of the get_list
            # method in the AWSQueryConnection. Let's do the work manually
            clusters = response['DescribeCacheClustersResponse']['DescribeCacheClustersResult']['CacheClusters']

        except KeyError as e:
            error = "ElastiCache query to AWS failed (unexpected format)."
            self.fail_with_error(error, 'getting ElastiCache clusters')

        for cluster in clusters:
            self.add_elasticache_cluster(cluster, region)