Python bs4.element.NavigableString() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of bs4.element.NavigableString().
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Example #1
Source File: From mkdocstrings with ISC License | 6 votes |
def replace_code_tags(self, soup: BeautifulSoup) -> None: """ Recursively replace code nodes with navigable strings whose values are unique IDs. Arguments: soup: The root tag of a BeautifulSoup HTML tree. """ def recursive_replace(tag): if hasattr(tag, "contents"): for i in range(len(tag.contents)): child = tag.contents[i] if == "code": tag.contents[i] = NavigableString( else: recursive_replace(child) recursive_replace(soup)
Example #2
Source File: From RTFMbot with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_content(self, tag): """Returns content between two h2 tags""" bssiblings = tag.next_siblings siblings = [] for elem in bssiblings: # get only tag elements, before the next h2 # Putting away the comments, we know there's # at least one after it. if type(elem) == NavigableString: continue # It's a tag if == 'h2': break siblings.append(elem.text) content = '\n'.join(siblings) if len(content) >= 1024: content = content[:1021] + '...' return content
Example #3
Source File: From cc98 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def text(self, target=None, ignore_pureascii_words=False): """ Get all text in HTML, skip script and comment :param target: the BeatuifulSoup object, default self.b :param ignore_pureascii_words: if set True, only return words that contains Chinese charaters (may be useful for English version website) :return: list of str """ if target is None: target = self.b from bs4 import Comment from bs4.element import NavigableString,Doctype result = [] for descendant in target.descendants: if not isinstance(descendant, NavigableString) \ or isinstance(descendant,Doctype) \ or in ["script", "style"] \ or isinstance(descendant, Comment) \ or "none" in descendant.parent.get("style","")\ or "font-size:0px" in descendant.parent.get("style",""): continue data = descendant.strip() if len(data) > 0: if not ignore_pureascii_words or any([ord(i)>127 for i in data]): if PY2: result.append(data.encode()) else: result.append(data) return result
Example #4
Source File: From converse_reading_cmr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def insert_escaped_tags(tags, label=None): """For each tag in "tags", insert contextual tags (e.g., <p> </p>) as escaped text so that these tags are still there when html markup is stripped out.""" found = False for tag in tags: strs = list(tag.strings) if len(strs) > 0: if label != None: l = label else: l = strs[0].parent.insert(0, NavigableString("<"+l+">")) strs[-1].parent.append(NavigableString("</"+l+">")) found = True return found
Example #5
Source File: From converse_reading_cmr with MIT License | 5 votes |
def insert_escaped_tags(self, tags): """For each tag in "tags", insert contextual tags (e.g., <p> </p>) as escaped text so that these tags are still there when html markup is stripped out.""" found = False for tag in tags: strs = list(tag.strings) if len(strs) > 0: l = strs[0].parent.insert(0, NavigableString("<"+l+">")) strs[-1].parent.append(NavigableString("</"+l+">")) found = True return found
Example #6
Source File: From icecaps with MIT License | 5 votes |
def insert_escaped_tags(tags, label=None): """For each tag in "tags", insert contextual tags (e.g., <p> </p>) as escaped text so that these tags are still there when html markup is stripped out.""" found = False for tag in tags: strs = list(tag.strings) if len(strs) > 0: if label != None: l = label else: l = strs[0].parent.insert(0, NavigableString("<"+l+">")) strs[-1].parent.append(NavigableString("</"+l+">")) found = True return found
Example #7
Source File: From icecaps with MIT License | 5 votes |
def insert_escaped_tags(tags, label=None): """For each tag in "tags", insert contextual tags (e.g., <p> </p>) as escaped text so that these tags are still there when html markup is stripped out.""" found = False for tag in tags: strs = list(tag.strings) if len(strs) > 0: if label != None: l = label else: l = strs[0].parent.insert(0, NavigableString("<"+l+">")) strs[-1].parent.append(NavigableString("</"+l+">")) found = True return found
Example #8
Source File: From ITWSV with MIT License | 4 votes |
def study(bs_node, parent=None, keyword=""): entries = [] # if parent is None: # print("Keyword is: {0}".format(keyword)) if keyword in str(bs_node).lower(): if isinstance(bs_node, element.Tag): if keyword in str(bs_node.attrs): for k, v in bs_node.attrs.items(): if keyword in v: # print("Found in attribute value {0} of tag {1}".format(k, noscript = close_noscript(bs_node) d = {"type": "attrval", "name": k, "tag":, "noscript": noscript} if d not in entries: entries.append(d) if keyword in k: # print("Found in attribute name {0} of tag {1}".format(k, noscript = close_noscript(bs_node) d = {"type": "attrname", "name": k, "tag":, "noscript": noscript} if d not in entries: entries.append(d) elif keyword in # print("Found in tag name") noscript = close_noscript(bs_node) d = {"type": "tag", "value":, "noscript": noscript} if d not in entries: entries.append(d) # recursively search injection points for the same variable for x in bs_node.contents: for entry in study(x, parent=bs_node, keyword=keyword): if entry not in entries: entries.append(entry) elif isinstance(bs_node, element.Comment): # print("Found in comment, tag {0}".format( noscript = close_noscript(bs_node) d = {"type": "comment", "parent":, "noscript": noscript} if d not in entries: entries.append(d) elif isinstance(bs_node, element.NavigableString): # print("Found in text, tag {0}".format( noscript = close_noscript(bs_node) d = {"type": "text", "parent":, "noscript": noscript} if d not in entries: entries.append(d) return entries # generate a list of payloads based on where in the webpage the js-code will be injected