Python bs4.element.Tag() Examples
The following are 28
code examples of bs4.element.Tag().
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Example #1
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def parse_build_notes(h: Tag) -> None: entries = [] for n in h.next_elements: if isinstance(n, Tag) and == 'p': if 'posted-in' in n.attrs.get('class', []): break if n.text: entries.append(n.text) embed = { 'title': 'MTGO Build Notes', 'type': 'rich', 'description': '\n'.join(entries), 'url': fetcher.find_announcements()[0], } if configuration.get_optional_str('bugs_webhook_id') is not None: fetch_tools.post_discord_webhook( configuration.get_str('bugs_webhook_id'), configuration.get_str('bugs_webhook_token'), embeds=[embed], username='Magic Online Announcements', avatar_url='' )
Example #2
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def parse_changelog(collapsible_block: Tag) -> None: # They never show Fixed bugs in the Bug Blog anymore. Fixed bugs are now listed on the Build Notes section of MTGO weekly announcements. # This is frustrating. for added in collapsible_block.find_all('ul'): for item in added.find_all('li'): print(item) bbt = strings.remove_smartquotes(item.get_text()) issue = find_issue_by_code(bbt) if issue is not None: if not repo.is_issue_from_bug_blog(issue): print('Adding Bug Blog to labels') issue.add_to_labels('From Bug Blog') elif find_issue_by_name(bbt): print('Already exists.') else: print('Creating new issue') text = 'From Bug Blog.\nBug Blog Text: {0}'.format(bbt) repo.get_repo().create_issue(bbt, body=strings.remove_smartquotes(text), labels=['From Bug Blog'])
Example #3
Source File: From Anti-Spider with MIT License | 6 votes |
def decrypt_woff_tag(tag,TTGlyphs,d_list): contents = tag.contents _ = [] while contents: i = contents.pop(0) if isinstance(i, Tag): if in decrypt_tags: text = dec(i.text) for index,name in enumerate(TTGlyphs): if text in name: i = d_list[index] else: continue if not isinstance(i, str): continue _.append(i) return ''.join(_)
Example #4
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def check_if_removed_from_bugblog(bbt: Match, b: Tag, issue: Issue) -> None: if bbt is not None: text = strings.remove_smartquotes( for row in b.find_all('tr'): data = row.find_all('td') rowtext = strings.remove_smartquotes(data[1].text.strip()) if rowtext == text: break if strip_squarebrackets(rowtext) == strip_squarebrackets(text): # Fix this print("Issue #{id}'s bug blog text has differing autocard notation.".format(id=issue.number)) old_bbt = strings.get_body_field(issue.body, 'Bug Blog Text') body = re.sub(BBT_REGEX, 'Bug Blog Text: {0}'.format(rowtext), issue.body, flags=re.MULTILINE) new_bbt = strings.get_body_field(body, 'Bug Blog Text') issue.edit(body=body) print('Updated to `{0}`'.format(rowtext)) issue.create_comment(f'Changed bug blog text from `{old_bbt}` to `{new_bbt}`') break else: print('{id} is fixed!'.format(id=issue.number)) repo.create_comment(issue, 'This bug has been removed from the bug blog!') issue.edit(state='closed')
Example #5
Source File: From DeerU with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_tag_from_bs(cls, soup): from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs from bs4.element import Tag as bs_tag father = None if isinstance(soup, bs): father = soup.find() elif isinstance(soup, bs_tag): father = soup if not father or not return None tag = cls(, father.text, father.attrs) for c in father.children: c_tag = cls.get_tag_from_bs(c) tag.append(c_tag) return tag
Example #6
Source File: From robobrowser with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def ensure_soup(value, parser=None): """Coerce a value (or list of values) to Tag (or list of Tag). :param value: String, BeautifulSoup, Tag, or list of the above :param str parser: Parser to use; defaults to BeautifulSoup default :return: Tag or list of Tags """ if isinstance(value, BeautifulSoup): return value.find() if isinstance(value, Tag): return value if isinstance(value, list): return [ ensure_soup(item, parser=parser) for item in value ] parsed = BeautifulSoup(value, features=parser) return parsed.find()
Example #7
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def parse_article_item_extended(a: Tag) -> Tuple[Tag, str]: title = a.find_all('h3')[0] link = '' + a.find_all('a')[0]['href'] return (title, link)
Example #8
Source File: From assimilator with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get(self): if not logger.error("{0}: Firewall timed out or incorrect device credentials.".format(self.firewall_config['name'])) return {'error' : 'Could not connect to device.'}, 504 else:"{0}: Connected successfully.".format(self.firewall_config['name'])) try: rpc = etree.tostring(str(jns.rpc.get_security_policies_hit_count()), encoding='unicode') except Exception as e: logger.error("Error parsing rpc: {0}".format(str(e))) return {'error' : 'Error parsing soup.'}, 500 finally: soup = BS(rpc,'xml') entries = list() for hitcount in soup.find('policy-hit-count').children: if type(hitcount) != Tag or != 'policy-hit-count-entry': continue aux = { 'count' : int(hitcount.find('policy-hit-count-count').text), 'from' : hitcount.find('policy-hit-count-from-zone').text, 'to' : hitcount.find('policy-hit-count-to-zone').text, 'policy' : hitcount.find('policy-hit-count-policy-name').text } entries.append(aux) return {'len' : len(entries), 'hitcount' : entries}
Example #9
Source File: From assimilator with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get(self): if not logger.error("{0}: Firewall timed out or incorrect device credentials.".format(self.firewall_config['name'])) return {'error' : 'Could not connect to device.'}, 504 else:"{0}: Connected successfully.".format(self.firewall_config['name'])) rpc = etree.tostring(, encoding='unicode') soup = BS(rpc,'xml') entries = list() logger.debug("soup: {0}".format(str(soup))) for entry in soup.find('commit-information').children: if type(entry) != Tag: continue entries.append({'user' : entry.user.text, 'sequence' : entry.find('sequence-number').text, 'date' : entry.find('date-time').text, 'comment' : entry.log.text if entry.log else None}) return {'len' : len(entries), 'commit' : entries}
Example #10
Source File: From NBAsh with MIT License | 5 votes |
def GetTextOfItem(item, default_value=''): if item is not None and isinstance(item, element.Tag): return item.get_text() else: return default_value
Example #11
Source File: From dactyl with MIT License | 5 votes |
def filter_soup(soup, currentpage={}, config={}, **kwargs): """ Find patterns that look like callouts, for example **Note:**, and add callout classes to their parent elements (usually <p>) """ # callout classes are defined by page>target>config>default callout_classes = currentpage.get(CALLOUT_TYPES_FIELD, config.get(CALLOUT_TYPES_FIELD, DEFAULT_CALLOUT_TYPES)) callout_intro = re.compile(r"("+"|".join(callout_classes)+"):?$", re.I) callout_base_class = currentpage.get(CALLOUT_CLASS_FIELD, config.get(CALLOUT_CLASS_FIELD, DEFAULT_CALLOUT_CLASS)) callouts = soup.find_all(name=["strong","em"], string=callout_intro) for c in callouts: if not c.previous_sibling: #This callout starts a block callout_type = c.string.replace(":","").lower() if callout_type in callout_classes: if ( == "blockquote" and Tag not in [type(u) for u in c.parent.previous_siblings]): # Special case for blockquotes, to allow multiline callouts. # First element of BQ must start with a callout keyword callout_el = c.parent.parent else: callout_el = c.parent callout_el["class"] = [callout_base_class, callout_type]
Example #12
Source File: From notifications-admin with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_email_address_required_for_problems_and_questions( client_request, mocker, data, ticket_type, ): mocker.patch('') client_request.logout() page = '', ticket_type=ticket_type, _data=data, _expected_status=200 ) assert isinstance(page.find('span', {'class': 'error-message'}), element.Tag)
Example #13
Source File: From open-context-py with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_fix_photobox(self, node): """ gets rid of empty tags """ if isinstance(node, Tag): if node.get('class') is not None: node_clases = node.get('class') if node_clases[0] == self.pc_photobox_class: # print('Check: '+ node_clases[0]) make_span = False show_img = False img_nodes = node.find_all(['img']) if len(img_nodes) < 1: make_span = True else: for img in img_nodes: # print('img style: ' + str(img.get('style'))) if img.get('style') is None: show_img = True else: img_styles = img.get('style') if 'display:none;' in img_styles: # print('ok img..') pass else: # print('crap!') show_img = True if show_img is False: # print('img ok to span transform') make_span = True if make_span: # print('Span transform') = 'span'
Example #14
Source File: From lightnovel-crawler with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def download_chapter_body(self, chapter):'Visiting %s', chapter['json_url']) data = self.get_json(chapter['json_url']) soup = BeautifulSoup(data['data']['content'], 'lxml') if self.bad_selectors: for tag in tag.extract() # end for # end if body = soup.find('body') self.clean_contents(body) for tag in body.contents: if not str(tag).strip(): tag.extract() elif isinstance(tag, Tag): = 'p' # end if # end for # body = data['data']['content'] result = str(body) result = re.sub(r'\n\n', '<br><br>', result) return result # end def # end class
Example #15
Source File: From robobrowser with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def lowercase_attr_names(tag): """Lower-case all attribute names of the provided BeautifulSoup tag. Note: this mutates the tag's attribute names and does not return a new tag. :param Tag: BeautifulSoup tag """ # Use list comprehension instead of dict comprehension for 2.6 support tag.attrs = dict([ (key.lower(), value) for key, value in iteritems(tag.attrs) ])
Example #16
Source File: From fonduer with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _coordinates_from_HTML( self, page: Tag, page_num: int ) -> Tuple[ List[PdfWord], Dict[PdfWordId, Bbox], ]: pdf_word_list: List[PdfWord] = [] coordinate_map: Dict[PdfWordId, Bbox] = {} block_coordinates: Dict[PdfWordId, Tuple[int, int]] = {} blocks = page.find_all("block") i = 0 # counter for word_id in page_num for block in blocks: x_min_block = int(float(block.get("xmin"))) y_min_block = int(float(block.get("ymin"))) lines = block.find_all("line") for line in lines: y_min_line = int(float(line.get("ymin"))) y_max_line = int(float(line.get("ymax"))) words = line.find_all("word") for word in words: xmin = int(float(word.get("xmin"))) xmax = int(float(word.get("xmax"))) for content in self.separators.split(word.getText()): if len(content) > 0: # Ignore empty characters word_id: PdfWordId = (page_num, i) pdf_word_list.append((word_id, content)) coordinate_map[word_id] = Bbox( page_num, y_min_line, y_max_line, xmin, xmax, ) block_coordinates[word_id] = (y_min_block, x_min_block) i += 1 # sort pdf_word_list by page, block top then block left, top, then left pdf_word_list = sorted( pdf_word_list, key=lambda word_id__: block_coordinates[word_id__[0]] + (coordinate_map[word_id__[0]].top, coordinate_map[word_id__[0]].left), ) return pdf_word_list, coordinate_map
Example #17
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def find_bbt_in_issue_title(issue: Issue, known_issues: Tag) -> None: title = strip_squarebrackets(issue.title).replace(' ', '') for row in known_issues.find_all('tr'): data = row.find_all('td') row_text = strip_squarebrackets(data[1].text.strip()).replace(' ', '') if row_text == title: body = issue.body body += '\nBug Blog Text: {0}'.format(data[1].text.strip()) if body != issue.body: issue.edit(body=body) return
Example #18
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_for_missing_bugs(b: Tag) -> None: for row in b.find_all('tr'): data = row.find_all('td') row_text = data[1].text.strip() if row_text == 'Description': # BS4 is bad. continue issue = find_issue_by_code(row_text) if issue: labels = [ for c in issue.labels] categories = [c for c in labels if c in strings.METACATS] if categories: continue bbcat = re.match(strings.REGEX_BBCAT, data[2].text.strip()) if bbcat is None: continue g1 = if g1 in strings.METACATS: issue.add_to_labels(g1) continue if is not None: g2 = if g2 in strings.METACATS: issue.add_to_labels(g2) continue print(f'Unknown BBCat: {}') continue print('Could not find issue for `{row}`'.format(row=row_text)) text = 'From Bug Blog.\nBug Blog Text: {0}'.format(row_text) repo.get_repo().create_issue(strings.remove_smartquotes(row_text), body=strings.remove_smartquotes(text), labels=['From Bug Blog'])
Example #19
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def parse_downtimes(h: Tag) -> None: for n in h.next_elements: if isinstance(n, Tag) and n.text: with open('downtimes.txt', 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: txt = n.text.strip() txt = txt.replace("Please note that there are no more 'extended' or 'normal' downtimes; in the new world with fewer downtimes, they're all the same length of time.", '') print(txt) f.write(txt) break
Example #20
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def parse_header(h: Tag) -> None: txt = h.text if txt.startswith('Downtime'): parse_downtimes(h) elif txt.startswith('Build Notes'): parse_build_notes(h)
Example #21
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_article_archive() -> List[Tuple[Tag, str]]: try: html = fetch_tools.fetch('') except fetch_tools.FetchException: html = fetch_tools.fetch('') soup = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') return [parse_article_item_extended(a) for a in soup.find_all('div', class_='article-item-extended')]
Example #22
Source File: From bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _match_end_tag(tag: Tag) -> bool: """Matches `tag` if its class value is in `SEARCH_END_TAG_ATTRS` or the tag is table.""" for attr in SEARCH_END_TAG_ATTRS: if attr in tag.get("class", ()): return True return == "table"
Example #23
Source File: From ITWSV with MIT License | 4 votes |
def study(bs_node, parent=None, keyword=""): entries = [] # if parent is None: # print("Keyword is: {0}".format(keyword)) if keyword in str(bs_node).lower(): if isinstance(bs_node, element.Tag): if keyword in str(bs_node.attrs): for k, v in bs_node.attrs.items(): if keyword in v: # print("Found in attribute value {0} of tag {1}".format(k, noscript = close_noscript(bs_node) d = {"type": "attrval", "name": k, "tag":, "noscript": noscript} if d not in entries: entries.append(d) if keyword in k: # print("Found in attribute name {0} of tag {1}".format(k, noscript = close_noscript(bs_node) d = {"type": "attrname", "name": k, "tag":, "noscript": noscript} if d not in entries: entries.append(d) elif keyword in # print("Found in tag name") noscript = close_noscript(bs_node) d = {"type": "tag", "value":, "noscript": noscript} if d not in entries: entries.append(d) # recursively search injection points for the same variable for x in bs_node.contents: for entry in study(x, parent=bs_node, keyword=keyword): if entry not in entries: entries.append(entry) elif isinstance(bs_node, element.Comment): # print("Found in comment, tag {0}".format( noscript = close_noscript(bs_node) d = {"type": "comment", "parent":, "noscript": noscript} if d not in entries: entries.append(d) elif isinstance(bs_node, element.NavigableString): # print("Found in text, tag {0}".format( noscript = close_noscript(bs_node) d = {"type": "text", "parent":, "noscript": noscript} if d not in entries: entries.append(d) return entries # generate a list of payloads based on where in the webpage the js-code will be injected
Example #24
Source File: From open-context-py with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def remove_empty_node(self, node): """ gets rid of empty tags """ if isinstance(node, Tag): keep_nodes = [ 'img', 'td', 'tr', 'th', ] if not in keep_nodes: remove_node = False no_child_remove_tags = [ 'a', 'img', 'th', 'tr', 'td', 'strong', 'ul', 'ol', 'li', 'em', 'i', 'u', 'b', 'sup', 'sub', 'mark', 'q', 'samp', 'small' ] ok_child_nodes = node.find_all(no_child_remove_tags) if len(ok_child_nodes) < 1: # ok no images check for text all_string = '' for act_string in node.stripped_strings: all_string += str(act_string) for d_child in node.descendants: if isinstance(d_child, Tag): for act_string in d_child.stripped_strings: all_string += str(act_string) all_string = all_string.strip() # print('Check on: <' + + '> with: ' + str(all_string)) if len(all_string) < 1: remove_node = True if isinstance(node.string, str): n_string = node.string n_string = n_string.strip() if len(n_string) < 1: remove_node = True else: remove_node = False if remove_node: # print('Removing a: <' + + '>') node.extract()
Example #25
Source File: From Penny-Dreadful-Tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def parse_knownbugs(b: Tag) -> None: # attempt to find all the fixed bugs all_codes = b.find_all(string=lambda text: isinstance(text, Comment)) all_codes = [str(code).replace('\t', ' ') for code in all_codes] for issue in repo.get_repo().get_issues(): # code =, issue.body, re.MULTILINE) bbt =, issue.body, re.MULTILINE) if bbt is None: cards = strings.get_cards_from_string(issue.title) if repo.is_issue_from_bug_blog(issue): find_bbt_in_body_or_comments(issue) find_bbt_in_issue_title(issue, b) bbt =, issue.body, re.MULTILINE) if bbt is None: print('Issue #{id} {cards} has no Bug Blog text!'.format(id=issue.number, cards=cards)) issue.add_to_labels('Invalid Bug Blog') continue if not cards: continue lines = b.find_all(string=re.compile(r'\[' + cards[0] + r'\]')) if not lines: continue for line in lines: parent = line.parent bb_text = parent.get_text().strip() if find_issue_by_code(bb_text) is not None: print('Already assigned.') continue text = ''.join(parent.strings) print(text) repo.create_comment(issue, 'Found in bug blog.\nBug Blog Text: {0}'.format(text)) if not repo.is_issue_from_bug_blog(issue): issue.add_to_labels('From Bug Blog') continue if 'Invalid Bug Blog' in [ for i in issue.labels]: issue.remove_from_labels('Invalid Bug Blog') if repo.is_issue_from_bug_blog(issue): # Don't check for Bug Blog Text if it's not marked as a BB issue (Maybe because it was reopened) check_if_removed_from_bugblog(bbt, b, issue) check_for_missing_bugs(b)
Example #26
Source File: From dart-fss with MIT License | 4 votes |
def seek_table(tables: List, includes: Pattern, excludes: Union[Pattern, None] = None) -> Tuple[Union[str, None], Union[str, None], Union[str, None]]: """ Table 검색 """ regex = re.compile(r'\d{4}(.*?)\d{2}(.*?)\d{2}') for table in tables: for tag in table.previous_siblings: if tag in tables: break if isinstance(tag, Tag): children = tag.findChildren(text=includes) for child in children: title = child if title: title = re.sub(r'\s+', '', title) if excludes and continue if len(title) > 12: continue header = table.find_previous('table', class_='nb') if header is None: continue tr_list = header.find_all('tr') if len(tr_list) < 2: continue tr_cnt = 0 for tr in tr_list: if tr_cnt += 1 if tr_cnt == 0: found = table.find_previous(text=re.compile(r'\d{4}(.*?)\d{2}(.*?)\d{2}')) if found is None: continue header = found.parent extract_text = re.sub('<.*?>', '\n', str(header)) extract_text = extract_text.split('\n') html = '<table class="nb"><tbody>' error = False for t in extract_text: if t.strip() == '': pass else: if len(t) > 100: error = True break html += '<tr><td>' + t + '</td></tr>' if error: continue html += '</tbody></table>' header = BeautifulSoup(html, 'html.parser') return title, header, table return None, None, None
Example #27
Source File: From assimilator with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get(self,args): logger.debug("class rules(JUNOS).get({0})".format(str(args))) if not logger.error("{0}: Firewall timed out or incorrect device credentials.".format(self.firewall_config['name'])) return {'error' : 'Could not connect to device.'}, 504 else:"{0}: Connected successfully.".format(self.firewall_config['name'])) try: soup = BS(str(etree.tostring(, encoding='unicode')),'xml') logger.debug("soup: " + str(soup)) except Exception as e: logger.error("Error parsing soup: {0}".format(str(e))) return {'error' : 'Error parsing soup.'}, 500 finally: logger.debug("Closing device...") entries = list() for context in soup.find("security-policies").children: if type(context) != Tag: continue elif == "default-policy": continue else: logger.debug("context: {0}".format(str(context))) src_zone = context.find("context-information").find("source-zone-name").text dst_zone = context.find("context-information").find("destination-zone-name").text logger.debug("src_zone: {0}\ndst_zone: {1}\n".format(src_zone,dst_zone)) for rule in context.children: logger.debug("Rule: {0}".format(str(rule))) if == "context-information" or type(rule) != Tag: continue aux = { "enabled" : True if rule.find('policy-state').text == 'enabled' else False, "id" : int(rule.find('policy-identifier').text), "action": rule.find('policy-information').find('policy-action').find('action-type').text, "destination": list(), "from": src_zone, "logging": False if rule.find('policy-information').find('policy-action').find('log') else rule.find('policy-information').find('policy-action').find('log'), "name": rule.find('policy-information').find('policy-name').text, "application": list(), "source": list(), "to": dst_zone } for addr in rule.find('source-addresses').children: if type(addr) != Tag: continue aux['source'].append(addr.find('address-name').text) for addr in rule.find('destination-addresses').children: if type(addr) != Tag: continue aux['destination'].append(addr.find('address-name').text) for addr in rule.find('applications').children: if type(addr) != Tag: continue aux['application'].append(addr.find('application-name').text) entries.append(aux) #entries = self.filter(args,entries) return {'len' : len(entries), 'rules' : entries}
Example #28
Source File: From RHEAS with MIT License | 4 votes |
def download(dbname, dts, bbox): """Downloads the MODIS evapotranspiration data product MOD16 for a set of dates *dt* and imports them into the PostGIS database *dbname*.""" log = logging.getLogger(__name__) res = 0.01 urlbase = "" tiles = modis.findTiles(bbox) if tiles is not None: for dt in [dts[0] + timedelta(dti) for dti in range((dts[-1] - dts[0]).days + 1)]: url = "{0}/data/NTSG_Products/MOD16/MOD16A2.105_MERRAGMAO/Y{1}".format(urlbase, dt.year) resp_year = requests.get(url) try: assert resp_year.status_code == 200 days = [link for link in BeautifulSoup(resp_year.text, parse_only=SoupStrainer('a')) if isinstance(link, Tag) and link.text.find(dt.strftime("%j")) >= 0] assert len(days) > 0 resp_day = requests.get("{0}{1}".format(urlbase, days[0].get('href'))) assert resp_day.status_code == 200 files = [link.get('href') for link in BeautifulSoup(resp_day.text, parse_only=SoupStrainer('a')) if isinstance(link, Tag) and link.text.find("hdf") > 0] files = [f for f in files if any(f.find("h{0:02d}v{1:02d}".format(t[1], t[0])) > 0 for t in tiles)] outpath = tempfile.mkdtemp() for fname in files: resp_file = requests.get("{0}{1}".format(urlbase, fname)) filename = fname.split("/")[-1] with open("{0}/{1}".format(outpath, filename), 'wb') as fout: for chunk in resp_file: fout.write(chunk) proc = subprocess.Popen(["gdal_translate", "HDF4_EOS:EOS_GRID:{0}/{1}:MOD_Grid_MOD16A2:ET_1km".format( outpath, filename), "{0}/{1}".format(outpath, filename).replace("hdf", "tif")], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out, err = proc.communicate() log.debug(out) tifs = glob.glob("{0}/*.tif".format(outpath)) proc = subprocess.Popen( ["", "-o", "{0}/et.tif".format(outpath)] + tifs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out, err = proc.communicate() log.debug(out) proc = subprocess.Popen(["", "-A", "{0}/et.tif".format(outpath), "--outfile={0}/et1.tif".format( outpath), "--NoDataValue=-9999", "--calc=(A<32701)*(0.1*A+9999)-9999"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out, err = proc.communicate() log.debug(out) proc = subprocess.Popen(["gdalwarp", "-t_srs", "+proj=latlong +ellps=sphere", "-tr", str( res), str(-res), "{0}/et1.tif".format(outpath), "{0}/et2.tif".format(outpath)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out, err = proc.communicate() log.debug(out) if bbox is None: pstr = [] else: pstr = ["-projwin", str(bbox[0]), str(bbox[3]), str(bbox[2]), str(bbox[1])] proc = subprocess.Popen(["gdal_translate"] + pstr + ["-a_srs", "epsg:4326", "{0}/et2.tif".format(outpath), "{0}/et3.tif".format(outpath)], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) out, err = proc.communicate() log.debug(out) dbio.ingest( dbname, "{0}/et3.tif".format(outpath), dt, table, False) shutil.rmtree(outpath) except: log.warning("MOD16 data not available for {0}. Skipping download!".format( dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")))