Python greenlet.settrace() Examples

The following are 5 code examples of greenlet.settrace(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module greenlet , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From gunicorn_thrift with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def init_process(self):
        # Set up a greenlet tracing hook to monitor for event-loop blockage,
        # but only if monitoring is both possible and required.
        if hasattr(greenlet, "settrace") and \
       > 0:
            # Grab a reference to the gevent hub.
            # It is needed in a background thread, but is only visible from
            # the main thread, so we need to store an explicit reference to it.
            self._active_hub = gevent.hub.get_hub()
            # Set up a trace function to record each greenlet switch.
            self._active_greenlet = None
            self._greenlet_switch_counter = 0
            self._main_thread_id = _real_get_ident()
            # Create a real thread to monitor out execution.
            # Since this will be a long-running daemon thread, it's OK to
            # fire-and-forget using the low-level start_new_thread function.
            _real_start_new_thread(self._process_monitoring_thread, ())

        return super(GeventThriftPyWorker, self).init_process() 
Example #2
Source File:    From greentor with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def enable_debug():
    if IS_PYPY:
        sys.stderr.write("settrace api unsupported on pypy")

    import inspect

    def trace_green(event, args):
        src, target = args
        if event == "switch":
            print("from %s switch to %s" % (src, target))
        elif event == "throw":
            print("from %s throw exception to %s" % (src, target))

        if src.gr_frame:
            tracebacks = inspect.getouterframes(src.gr_frame)
            buff = []
            for traceback in tracebacks:
                srcfile, lineno, func_name, codesample = traceback[1:-1]
                trace_line = '''File "%s", line %d, in %s\n%s '''
                buff.append(trace_line %
                            (srcfile, lineno, func_name, "".join(codesample)))


Example #3
Source File:    From mrq with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def enable_greenlet_tracing():

    # Tracing seems to cause a 2-5% performance loss.

    import greenlet
    greenlet.GREENLET_USE_TRACING = True

    def trace(*args):

        time_since_last_switch = time.time() - trace.last_switch

        # Record the time of the current switch
        trace.last_switch = time.time()

        if args[0] == "switch":
            # We are switching from the greenlet args[1][0] to the greenlet
            # args[1][1]
            args[1][0].__dict__.setdefault("_trace_time", 0)
            args[1][0].__dict__["_trace_time"] += time_since_last_switch
            args[1][0].__dict__.setdefault("_trace_switches", 0)
            args[1][0].__dict__["_trace_switches"] += 1

        elif args[0] == "throw":

    trace.last_switch = time.time()

    greenlet.settrace(trace)  # pylint: disable=no-member 
Example #4
Source File:    From easypy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def apply_patch(hogging_detection=False, real_threads=1):'applying gevent patch (%s real threads)', real_threads)

    # real_threads is 1 by default so it will be possible to run watch_threads concurrently
    if hogging_detection:
        real_threads += 1

    if real_threads:


    import gevent
    import gevent.monkey

    for m in ["easypy.threadtree", "easypy.concurrency"]:
        assert m not in sys.modules, "Must apply the gevent patch before importing %s" % m

    gevent.monkey.patch_all(Event=True, sys=True)


    global HUB
    HUB = gevent.get_hub()

    global threading
    import threading
    for thread in threading.enumerate():
    _set_main_uuid()  # the patched threading has a new ident for the main thread

    # this will declutter the thread dumps from gevent/greenlet frames
    from .threadtree import _BOOTSTRAPPERS
    import gevent, gevent.threading, gevent.greenlet
    _BOOTSTRAPPERS.update([gevent, gevent.threading, gevent.greenlet])

    if hogging_detection:
        import greenlet
        greenlet.settrace(lambda *args: _greenlet_trace_func(*args))
        defer_to_thread(detect_hogging, 'detect-hogging') 
Example #5
Source File:    From sync-engine with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def start(self):
        self.start_time = time.time()
        # Spawn a separate OS thread to periodically check if the active
        # greenlet on the main thread is blocking.
        gevent._threading.start_new_thread(self._monitoring_thread, ())