Python schema.SchemaError() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of schema.SchemaError().
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Example #1
Source File: From skelebot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load(cls, config): """Instantiate the Repository Class Object based on a config dict""" cls.validate(config) s3 = None artifactory = None if ("s3" in config): s3 = S3Repo.load(config["s3"]) elif ("artifactory" in config): artifactory = ArtifactoryRepo.load(config["artifactory"]) else: raise SchemaError(None, "Repository must contain 's3' or 'artifactory' config") artifactDicts = config["artifacts"] artifacts = [] for artifact in artifactDicts: newArtifact = Artifact.load(artifact) artifacts.append(newArtifact) return cls(artifacts, s3, artifactory)
Example #2
Source File: From CO2MPAS-TA with European Union Public License 1.1 | 6 votes |
def hard_validation(inputs, errors): """ Parse input data for the hard validation. :param inputs: Input data. :type inputs: dict :param errors: Errors container. :type errors: dict :return: Parsed input data and errors container. :rtype: dict, dict """ from schema import SchemaError for k, v in sh.stack_nested_keys(inputs, depth=3): for c, msg in _hard_validation(v, *k): sh.get_nested_dicts(errors, *k)[c] = SchemaError([], [msg]) return inputs, errors
Example #3
Source File: From CO2MPAS-TA with European Union Public License 1.1 | 6 votes |
def validate(data): if isinstance(data, str) and data == 'EMPTY': return sh.EMPTY try: empty = not (data or data == 0) except ValueError: empty = np.isnan(data).all() if empty: return sh.NONE else: raise SchemaError('%r is not empty' % data) # noinspection PyUnusedLocal
Example #4
Source File: From CO2MPAS-TA with European Union Public License 1.1 | 6 votes |
def _parameters2df(data, data_descriptions, write_schema): import schema validate, df = write_schema.validate, [] for k, v in data.items(): try: for param_id, vl in validate({_param_parts(k)['param']: v}).items(): if vl is not sh.NONE: df.append({ 'Parameter': _parse_name(param_id, data_descriptions), 'Model Name': k, 'Value': vl }) except schema.SchemaError as ex: raise ValueError(k, v, ex) if df: import pandas as pd df = pd.DataFrame(df) df.set_index(['Parameter', 'Model Name'], inplace=True) return df else: return None
Example #5
Source File: From hoaxy-backend with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def run(cls, args): """Overriding method as the entry point of this command.""" try: args = cls.args_schema.validate(args) except SchemaError as e: raise SystemExit('\n' + e + '\n') session = Session(expire_on_commit=False) if args['--twitter-streaming'] is True: configure_logging('twitter.streaming') cls.twitter_stream(session, args) elif args['--load-tweets'] is True: configure_logging('twitter.load-tweets') cls.load_tweets(session, args) elif args['--reparse-db-tweets'] is True: configure_logging('twitter.reparse-db', file_level='WARNING') cls._test_table_names(session, args) cls.reparse_db(session, args)
Example #6
Source File: From policy_sentry with MIT License | 6 votes |
def validate_condition_block(condition_block): """ Validates the format of the condition block that should be supplied in the template. Arguments: condition_block: {"condition_key_string": "ec2:ResourceTag/purpose", "condition_type_string": "StringEquals", "condition_value": "test"} Returns: Boolean: The decision """ # TODO: Validate that the values are legit somehow CONDITION_BLOCK_SCHEMA = Schema( { "condition_key_string": And(Use(str)), "condition_type_string": And(Use(str)), "condition_value": And(Use(str)), } ) try: CONDITION_BLOCK_SCHEMA.validate(condition_block) # TODO: Try to validate whether or not the condition keys are legit return True except SchemaError as s_e: logger.warning(s_e) return False
Example #7
Source File: From skelebot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_validate_mising(self): artifactoryDict = copy.deepcopy(self.artifactoryDict) del artifactoryDict['url'] del artifactoryDict['repo'] del artifactoryDict['path'] try: sb.components.artifactory.Artifactory.validate(artifactoryDict) except SchemaError as error: self.assertEqual(error.code, "Missing keys: 'path', 'repo', 'url'") artifactDict = copy.deepcopy(self.artifactDict) del artifactDict['name'] del artifactDict['file'] try: sb.components.artifactory.Artifact.validate(artifactDict) except SchemaError as error: self.assertEqual(error.code, "Missing keys: 'file', 'name'")
Example #8
Source File: From policy_sentry with MIT License | 6 votes |
def check(conf_schema, conf): """ Validates a user-supplied JSON vs a defined schema. Arguments: conf_schema: The Schema object that defines the required structure. conf: The user-supplied schema to validate against the required structure. Returns: Boolean: The decision about whether the JSON meets expected Schema requirements """ try: conf_schema.validate(conf) return True except SchemaError as schema_error: try: # workarounds for Schema's logging approach print([0]) detailed_error_message =[2] print(detailed_error_message.split(" in {'")[0]) # for error in except: # pylint: disable=bare-except logger.critical(schema_error) return False
Example #9
Source File: From tsrc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def parse_config( file_path: Path, config_schema: Optional[schema.Schema] = None ) -> Config: try: contents = file_path.read_text() except OSError as os_error: raise tsrc.InvalidConfig(file_path, os_error) try: yaml = ruamel.yaml.YAML(typ="safe", pure=True) parsed = yaml.load(contents) except ruamel.yaml.error.YAMLError as yaml_error: raise tsrc.InvalidConfig(file_path, yaml_error) if config_schema: try: config_schema.validate(parsed) except schema.SchemaError as schema_error: raise tsrc.InvalidConfig(file_path, schema_error) return Config(parsed)
Example #10
Source File: From nni with MIT License | 6 votes |
def validate_annotation_content(self, experiment_config, spec_key, builtin_name): ''' Valid whether useAnnotation and searchSpacePath is coexist spec_key: 'advisor' or 'tuner' builtin_name: 'builtinAdvisorName' or 'builtinTunerName' ''' if experiment_config.get('useAnnotation'): if experiment_config.get('searchSpacePath'): raise SchemaError('If you set useAnnotation=true, please leave searchSpacePath empty') else: # validate searchSpaceFile if experiment_config[spec_key].get(builtin_name) == 'NetworkMorphism': return if experiment_config[spec_key].get(builtin_name): if experiment_config.get('searchSpacePath') is None: raise SchemaError('Please set searchSpacePath!') self.validate_search_space_content(experiment_config)
Example #11
Source File: From nni with MIT License | 6 votes |
def validate_kubeflow_operators(self, experiment_config): '''Validate whether the kubeflow operators are valid''' if experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig'): if experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('operator') == 'tf-operator': if experiment_config.get('trial').get('master') is not None: raise SchemaError('kubeflow with tf-operator can not set master') if experiment_config.get('trial').get('worker') is None: raise SchemaError('kubeflow with tf-operator must set worker') elif experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('operator') == 'pytorch-operator': if experiment_config.get('trial').get('ps') is not None: raise SchemaError('kubeflow with pytorch-operator can not set ps') if experiment_config.get('trial').get('master') is None: raise SchemaError('kubeflow with pytorch-operator must set master') if experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('storage') == 'nfs': if experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('nfs') is None: raise SchemaError('please set nfs configuration!') elif experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('storage') == 'azureStorage': if experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('azureStorage') is None: raise SchemaError('please set azureStorage configuration!') elif experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('storage') is None: if experiment_config.get('kubeflowConfig').get('azureStorage'): raise SchemaError('please set storage type!')
Example #12
Source File: From nni with MIT License | 6 votes |
def validate_extras(self, data, algo_type): builtin_key = self.builtin_keys[algo_type] if (builtin_key in data) and (set(data.keys()) & self.customized_keys): raise SchemaError('{} and {} cannot be specified at the same time.'.format( builtin_key, set(data.keys()) & self.customized_keys )) if self.missing_customized_keys(data) and builtin_key not in data: raise SchemaError('Either customized {} ({}) or builtin {} ({}) must be set.'.format( algo_type, self.customized_keys, algo_type, builtin_key)) if not self.missing_customized_keys(data): class_file_name = os.path.join(data['codeDir'], data['classFileName']) if not os.path.isfile(class_file_name): raise SchemaError('classFileName {} not found.'.format(class_file_name)) builtin_name = data.get(builtin_key) class_args = data.get('classArgs') self.validate_class_args(class_args, algo_type, builtin_name)
Example #13
Source File: From bob with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def Scm(spec, env, overrides, recipeSet): # resolve with environment spec = { k : ( env.substitute(v, "checkoutSCM::"+k) if isinstance(v, str) else v) for (k, v) in spec.items() } # apply overrides before creating scm instances. It's possible to switch the Scm type with an override.. matchedOverrides = [] for override in overrides: matched, spec = override.mangle(spec, env) if matched: matchedOverrides.append(override) # check schema again if any SCM override matched if matchedOverrides: try: recipeSet.SCM_SCHEMA.validate({ k:v for k,v in spec.items() if k != '__source' and k != 'recipe' }) except schema.SchemaError as e: raise ParseError("Error validating SCM after applying scmOverrides: {}".format(str(e))) # create scm instance return getScm(spec, matchedOverrides, recipeSet)
Example #14
Source File: From bob with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def auditFromData(data): typ = data.get("type") if typ == "git": scm = GitAudit elif typ == "import": scm = ImportAudit elif typ == "url": scm = UrlAudit elif typ == "svn": scm = SvnAudit else: from ..errors import ParseError raise ParseError("Cannot handle SCM: " + str(typ)) try: data = scm.SCHEMA.validate(data) return scm.fromData(data) except schema.SchemaError as e: from ..errors import ParseError raise ParseError("Error while validating audit: {} {}".format(str(e), str(data)))
Example #15
Source File: From testplan with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_same_name_func(): """`name_func` should be used for generating method names.""" @testsuite class MySuite(object): @testcase( parameters=(("foo", "bar"), ("alpha", "beta")), name_func=lambda func_name, kwargs: "same_name", ) def sample_test(self, env, result, a, b): pass @testcase( parameters=(("foo", "bar"), ("alpha", "beta")), name_func=lambda func_name, kwargs: "same_name", ) def other_test(self, env, result, a, b): pass with pytest.raises(SchemaError): MultiTest(name="abc", suites=[MySuite()])
Example #16
Source File: From skelebot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def main(): """ The main function for Skelebot CLI where the config is loaded, arguments are parsed, and commands are executed """ try: env = get_env() config = yaml.loadConfig(env) parser = skeleParser.SkeleParser(config, env) executor.execute(config, parser) except SchemaError as error: print(SCHEMA_ERROR.format(error)) sys.exit(1) except RuntimeError as error: print(ERROR.format(error)) sys.exit(1)
Example #17
Source File: From git-webhook with MIT License | 6 votes |
def param(self, schema): """A decorator for validate request data""" if not isinstance(schema, collections.Mapping): raise TypeError('schema must be Mapping') # add error message schema = {k: And(v, error='%s invalid' % k) for k, v in schema.items()} validate = Schema(schema).validate def decorator(f): @functools.wraps(f) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): data = self.get_data() try: data = validate(data) except SchemaError as ex: self.handle_error(str(ex)) kwargs.update(data) return f(*args, **kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
Example #18
Source File: From sismic with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def import_from_yaml(text: str=None, filepath: str=None, *, ignore_schema: bool=False, ignore_validation: bool=False) -> Statechart: """ Import a statechart from a YAML representation (first argument) or a YAML file (filepath argument). Unless specified, the structure contained in the YAML is validated against a predefined schema (see **), and the resulting statechart is validated using its *validate()* method. :param text: A YAML text. If not provided, filepath argument has to be provided. :param filepath: A path to a YAML file. :param ignore_schema: set to *True* to disable yaml validation. :param ignore_validation: set to *True* to disable statechart validation. :return: a *Statechart* instance """ if not text and not filepath: raise TypeError('A YAML must be provided, either using first argument or filepath argument.') elif text and filepath: raise TypeError('Either provide first argument or filepath argument, not both.') elif filepath: with open(filepath, 'r') as f: text = if yaml.version_info < (0, 15): data = yaml.safe_load(text) # type: dict else: yml = yaml.YAML(typ='safe', pure=True) data = yml.load(text) if not ignore_schema: try: data = schema.Schema(SCHEMA.statechart).validate(data) except schema.SchemaError as e: raise StatechartError('YAML validation failed') from e sc = import_from_dict(data) if not ignore_validation: sc.validate() return sc
Example #19
Source File: From snaql with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_wrong_case(self): news_queries = self.snaql.load_queries('unsafe_news.sql') now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() schema = Schema({ 'news_id': And(Use(int), lambda i: i > 0), 'rating': And(Use(float), lambda r: r > 0), 'date_from': And(Use(guard_date)), }) context = { 'news_id': '0', 'date_from': now, 'rating': 4.22, } with self.assertRaises(SchemaError): news_queries.select_by_id(schema=schema, **context)
Example #20
Source File: From nni with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_invalid_config(self): file_names = glob.glob('./config_files/invalid/*.yml') for fn in file_names: experiment_config = get_yml_content(fn) try: validate_all_content(experiment_config, fn) print_error('config file:', fn,'Schema error should be raised for invalid config file!') assert False except SchemaError as e: print_green('config file:', fn, 'Expected error catched:', e)
Example #21
Source File: From aws-deployment-framework with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _read(self, file_path=None): if file_path is None: file_path = self.map_path try:'Loading deployment_map file %s', file_path) with open(file_path, 'r') as stream: _input = yaml.load(stream, Loader=yaml.FullLoader) return SchemaValidation(_input).validated except FileNotFoundError:'No default map file found at %s, continuing', file_path) return {} except SchemaError as err: LOGGER.error(err.code) sys.exit(1)
Example #22
Source File: From tsrc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def validate_repo(data: Any) -> None: copy_schema = {"file": str, schema.Optional("dest"): str} symlink_schema = {"source": str, "target": str} remote_schema = {"name": str, "url": str} repo_schema = schema.Schema( { "dest": str, schema.Optional("branch"): str, schema.Optional("copy"): [copy_schema], schema.Optional("symlink"): [symlink_schema], schema.Optional("sha1"): str, schema.Optional("tag"): str, schema.Optional("remotes"): [remote_schema], schema.Optional("url"): str, } ) repo_schema.validate(data) url = data.get("url") remotes = data.get("remotes") if url and remotes: raise schema.SchemaError( "Repo config cannot contain both an url and a list of remotes" ) if not url and not remotes: raise schema.SchemaError( "Repo config should contain either a url or a non-empty list of remotes" )
Example #23
Source File: From tsrc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_invalid_schema(tmp_path: Path) -> None: foo_yml = tmp_path / "foo.yml" foo_yml.write_text( textwrap.dedent( """ foo: bar: 42 """ ) ) foo_schema = schema.Schema({"foo": {"bar": str}}) with pytest.raises(tsrc.InvalidConfig) as e: tsrc.parse_config(foo_yml, foo_schema) assert isinstance(e.value.cause, schema.SchemaError)
Example #24
Source File: From CO2MPAS-TA with European Union Public License 1.1 | 5 votes |
def validate_meta(meta=None, hard_validation=False): """ Validate meta data. :param meta: Meta data. :type meta: dict :param hard_validation: Add extra data validations. :type hard_validation: bool :return: Validated meta data. :rtype: dict """ i, e = _validate_base_with_schema(meta or {}, depth=2) if hard_validation: from schema import SchemaError from .hard import _hard_validation for k, v in sorted(sh.stack_nested_keys(i, depth=1)): for c, msg in _hard_validation(v, 'meta'): sh.get_nested_dicts(e, *k)[c] = SchemaError([], [msg]) if _log_errors_msg(e): return sh.NONE return i
Example #25
Source File: From nni with MIT License | 5 votes |
def validate_class_args(self, class_args, algo_type, builtin_name): if not builtin_name or not class_args: return meta = get_builtin_algo_meta(algo_type+'s', builtin_name) if meta and 'accept_class_args' in meta and meta['accept_class_args'] == False: raise SchemaError('classArgs is not allowed.') validator = create_validator_instance(algo_type+'s', builtin_name) if validator: try: validator.validate_class_args(**class_args) except Exception as e: raise SchemaError(str(e))
Example #26
Source File: From nni with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_torch_quantizer_validation(self): # test bad configuraiton quantizer_classes = [torch_compressor.__dict__[x] for x in \ ['NaiveQuantizer', 'QAT_Quantizer', 'DoReFaQuantizer', 'BNNQuantizer']] bad_configs = [ [ {'bad_key': 'abc'} ], [ {'quant_types': 'abc'} ], [ {'quant_bits': 34} ], [ {'op_types': 'default'} ], [ {'quant_bits': {'abc': 123}} ] ] model = TorchModel() optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01) for quantizer_class in quantizer_classes: for config_list in bad_configs: try: quantizer_class(model, config_list, optimizer) print(config_list) assert False, 'Validation error should be raised for bad configuration' except schema.SchemaError: pass except: print('FAILED:', quantizer_class, config_list) raise
Example #27
Source File: From nni with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_torch_pruner_validation(self): # test bad configuraiton pruner_classes = [torch_compressor.__dict__[x] for x in \ ['LevelPruner', 'SlimPruner', 'FPGMPruner', 'L1FilterPruner', 'L2FilterPruner', 'AGP_Pruner', \ 'ActivationMeanRankFilterPruner', 'ActivationAPoZRankFilterPruner']] bad_configs = [ [ {'sparsity': '0.2'}, {'sparsity': 0.6 } ], [ {'sparsity': 0.2}, {'sparsity': 1.6 } ], [ {'sparsity': 0.2, 'op_types': 'default'}, {'sparsity': 0.6 } ], [ {'sparsity': 0.2 }, {'sparsity': 0.6, 'op_names': 'abc' } ] ] model = TorchModel() optimizer = torch.optim.SGD(model.parameters(), lr=0.01) for pruner_class in pruner_classes: for config_list in bad_configs: try: pruner_class(model, config_list, optimizer) print(config_list) assert False, 'Validation error should be raised for bad configuration' except schema.SchemaError: pass except: print('FAILED:', pruner_class, config_list) raise
Example #28
Source File: From nni with MIT License | 5 votes |
def validate_op_types_op_names(data): if not ('op_types' in data or 'op_names' in data): raise SchemaError('Either op_types or op_names must be specified.') return True
Example #29
Source File: From GloboNetworkAPI with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _validate_neighbor(self): """Validate neighbor against Schema.""" neighbor_schema = Schema({ 'remote_ip': basestring, 'remote_as': And(basestring, lambda n: 0 <= int(n) <= 4294967295), Optional('password'): basestring, Optional('maximum_hops'): And(basestring, lambda n: 1 <= int(n) <= 255), Optional('timer_keepalive'): And(basestring, lambda n: 1 <= int(n) <= 65535), Optional('timer_timeout'): And(basestring, lambda n: 3 <= int(n) <= 65536), Optional('description'): basestring, Optional('soft_reconfiguration'): bool, Optional('community'): bool, Optional('remove_private_as'): bool, Optional('next_hop_self'): bool }) try: neighbor_schema.validate(self.neighbor) except SchemaWrongKeyError: # It doesn't matter if neighbor dict has other keys besides these. pass except SchemaError as e: raise InvalidNeighborException(e.code)
Example #30
Source File: From spotty with MIT License | 5 votes |
def validate_config(schema: Schema, config): try: validated = schema.validate(config) except SchemaError as e: raise ValueError(e.errors[-1] if e.errors[-1] else[-1]) return validated