Python glob2.glob() Examples
The following are 21
code examples of glob2.glob().
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Example #1
Source File: From pywren with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def create_mod_data(mod_paths): module_data = {} # load mod paths for m in mod_paths: if os.path.isdir(m): files = glob2.glob(os.path.join(m, "**/*.py")) pkg_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(m)) else: pkg_root = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(m)) files = [m] for f in files: f = os.path.abspath(f) mod_str = open(f, 'rb').read() dest_filename = f[len(pkg_root)+1:].replace(os.sep, "/") module_data[dest_filename] = bytes_to_b64str(mod_str) return module_data
Example #2
Source File: From comics with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, panels_path, ocr_file, ad_path, dims, max_panels, max_boxes, max_words, max_vocab_size, h5path): self.panels_path = panels_path # self.images_path = images_path # self.n_pages = glob2.glob(join(self.images_path, '*', '*.jpg')) # takes a really long time self.ocr_file = ocr_file self.dev_idx, self.test_idx, self.n_pages = self.compute_fold_starts() self.n_pages -= self.subtract_ad_pages(ad_path) self.dims = dims self.h5path = h5path self.max_panels = max_panels self.max_boxes = max_boxes self.max_words = max_words self.max_vocab_size = max_vocab_size self.dump_vocabulary('./data/comics_vocab.p')
Example #3
Source File: From repo-scraper with MIT License | 6 votes |
def list_files_in(directory, ignore_git_folder, ignore_file): '''Receives a path to a directory and returns paths to all files along with each mimetype''' file_list = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(directory): for file in files: file_list.append(os.path.join(root, file)) file_list = set(file_list) glob_rules = [] if ignore_git_folder: glob_rules.append('.git/**') #Check if ignore file was provided if ignore_file is not None: glob_rules += parse_ignore_file(ignore_file) if len(glob_rules): glob_matches = match_glob_rules_in_directory(glob_rules, directory) #Remove files in file_list that matched any glob rule file_list = file_list - glob_matches return file_list
Example #4
Source File: From deep_human with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _reset_filelist(self): sample_set = self.sample_set datatype = self.datatype print(datatype) print(sample_set) print(self.train_dir) if sample_set == 'train': if datatype == 'detail_data': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*_rgb.npy') random.shuffle(self.filelist) if sample_set == 'valid': if datatype == 'detail_data': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*_rgb.npy') random.shuffle(self.filelist) if sample_set == 'test': if datatype == 'detail_data': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/*_rgb.npy') random.shuffle(self.filelist) self.currentindex = 0 self.datanum = len(self.filelist)
Example #5
Source File: From Massive-PotreeConverter with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def getFiles(inputElement, extensions = PC_FILE_FORMATS, recursive = False): """ Get the list of files with certain extensions contained in the folder (and possible subfolders) given by inputElement. If inputElement is directly a file it returns a list with only one element, the given file """ # If extensions is not a list but a string we converted to a list if type(extensions) == str: extensions = [extensions,] # If input element is file, return it if(os.path.isfile(inputElement)): fname,fext = os.path.splitext(inputElement) return [inputElement] if fext.lower() in extensions else [] # Else, use recursive globbing files = [] globpath = os.path.join(inputElement,'**') if recursive else inputElement for ext in extensions: files.extend(glob2.glob(os.path.join(globpath,'*.' + ext))) files.extend(glob2.glob(os.path.join(globpath,'*.' + ext.upper()))) return list(set(files))
Example #6
Source File: From pywren with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def copy_runtime(tgt_dir): files = glob(os.path.join(pywren.SOURCE_DIR, "jobrunner/*.py")) for f in files: shutil.copy(f, os.path.join(tgt_dir, os.path.basename(f)))
Example #7
Source File: From repo-scraper with MIT License | 5 votes |
def match_glob_rules_in_directory(glob_rules, directory): #Append directory to each glob_rule glob_rules = [os.path.join(directory, rule) for rule in glob_rules] glob_matches = [glob.glob(rule) for rule in glob_rules] #Flatten matches glob_matches = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, glob_matches) #Convert to a set to remove duplicates return set(glob_matches)
Example #8
Source File: From deep_human with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def produce_normal_file(data_dir): filelist = glob2.glob(data_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') print('Total {} images'.format(len(filelist))) for curidx in range(len(filelist)): if curidx % 100 ==0: print('Processing image number', curidx) name = filelist[curidx] frameindex = name[-12:-8] # name = '/home/sicong/detail_data/data/3/0235_rgb.png' try: img_full = io.imread(name) except: continue depth_full = io.imread(name[0:-8] + '_depth.png') depthcount = np.sum(depth_full > 100) if depthcount < 100 * 100: continue rot = 0 scale = util.getScale_detail(depth_full) center = util.getCenter_detail(depth_full) if (center[0] < 1 or center[1] < 1 or center[1] > img_full.shape[0] or center[0] > img_full.shape[1]): continue ori_mask = depth_full > 100 pcd = PointCloud(np.expand_dims(depth_full, 0), np.expand_dims(ori_mask, 0)) ori_normal = pcd.get_normal().squeeze(0) gt_normal = util_detail.cropfor3d(ori_normal, center, scale, rot, 256, 'nearest') gt_normal = normal_util.normalize(gt_normal) normal_file_name = name[0:-8] + '_normal.npy', gt_normal)
Example #9
Source File: From SimplyTemplate with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def LoadModules(self): # loop and assign key and name warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', '.*Parent module*',) x = 1 for name in glob2.glob('Modules/**/*.py'): if name.endswith(".py") and ("__init__" not in name): loaded_modules = imp.load_source( name.replace("/", ".").rstrip('.py'), name) self.Modules[name] = loaded_modules self.Dmodules[x] = loaded_modules x += 1 # print self.Dmodules # print self.Modules
Example #10
Source File: From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _RmGlob(file_wildcard, root, include_hidden): """Removes files matching 'file_wildcard' in root and its subdirectories, if any exists. An exception is thrown if root doesn't exist.""" wildcard = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(root), file_wildcard) for item in glob2.glob(wildcard, include_hidden=include_hidden): try: os.remove(item) except OSError, e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise
Example #11
Source File: From Flask-Boost with MIT License | 5 votes |
def live(): """Run livereload server""" from livereload import Server server = Server(app) map(, glob2.glob("application/pages/**/*.*")) # pages map(, glob2.glob("application/macros/**/*.html")) # macros map(, glob2.glob("application/static/**/*.*")) # public assets server.serve(port=PORT)
Example #12
Source File: From learning-python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def live(): """Run livereload server""" from livereload import Server server = Server(app) map(, glob2.glob("application/pages/**/*.*")) # pages map(, glob2.glob("application/macros/**/*.html")) # macros map(, glob2.glob("application/static/**/*.*")) # public assets server.serve(port=PORT)
Example #13
Source File: From mappyfile with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_maps(): sample_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "mapfiles") pth = sample_dir + r'/**/*.map' mapfiles = glob2.glob(pth) mapfiles = [f for f in mapfiles if "basemaps" not in f] for fn in mapfiles:"Processing {}".format(fn)) fn = os.path.join(sample_dir, fn) pr = cProfile.Profile() pr.enable() output(fn) pr.disable() # pr.print_stats(sort='time')
Example #14
Source File: From web2board with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def list_serial_ports(ports_filter=None): ports = list( if ports_filter is not None: ports = filter(ports_filter, ports) if is_mac(): ports = ports + [[x] for x in glob('/dev/tty.*') if x not in map(lambda x: x[0], ports)] return list(ports)
Example #15
Source File: From web2board with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def find_files(path, patterns): if not isinstance(patterns, (list, tuple, set)): patterns = [patterns] files = [] for pattern in patterns: files += glob2.glob(path + os.sep + pattern) return list(set(files))
Example #16
Source File: From web2board with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_module_string(tests_path): path = get_module_path() tests_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(path, os.path.pardir, tests_path)) test_files = glob2.glob(tests_path) relative_test_files = [get_ws_relative_route(test_file) for test_file in test_files] module_strings = [".".join(test_file)[:-3] for test_file in relative_test_files] return module_strings
Example #17
Source File: From recipes-py with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _Glob(base, pattern, include_hidden): base = os.path.realpath(base) hits = glob2.glob(os.path.join(base, pattern), include_hidden=include_hidden) if hits: print('\n'.join(sorted((os.path.relpath(hit, start=base) for hit in hits))))
Example #18
Source File: From databench with MIT License | 4 votes |
def register_metas(self): """register metas""" # concatenate some attributes to global lists: aggregated = {'build': [], 'watch': []} for attribute, values in aggregated.items(): for info in['analyses'] + []: if attribute in info: values.append(info[attribute]) for meta in self.metas: log.debug('Registering meta information {}'.format( # grab routes self.routes += [(r'/{}/{}'.format(, route), handler, data) for route, handler, data in meta.routes] # process files to watch for autoreload if aggregated['watch']: to_watch = [expr for w in aggregated['watch'] for expr in w]'watching additional files: {}'.format(to_watch)) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(self.analyses_path) if glob2: files = [os.path.join(self.analyses_path, fn) for expr in to_watch for fn in glob2.glob(expr)] else: files = [os.path.join(self.analyses_path, fn) for expr in to_watch for fn in glob.glob(expr)] if any('**' in expr for expr in to_watch): log.warning('Please run "pip install glob2" to properly ' 'process watch patterns with "**".') os.chdir(cwd) for fn in files: log.debug('watch file {}'.format(fn)) # save build commands self.build_cmds = aggregated['build']
Example #19
Source File: From deep_human with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _reset_filelist(self, datatype=None, sample_set = 'train'): if sample_set == 'train': if datatype == 'up-3d': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/pose_prepared/91/500/up-p91/' + '/**/*_image.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'normal_dataset': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*.tiff') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'detail_data': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'realtest': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*.jpg') random.shuffle(self.filelist) else: self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*.mp4') random.shuffle(self.filelist) if sample_set == 'valid': if datatype == 'up-3d': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/pose_prepared/91/500/up-p91/' + '/**/*_image.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'normal_dataset': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*.tiff') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'detail_data': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'realtest': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*.jpg') random.shuffle(self.filelist) else: self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*.mp4') random.shuffle(self.filelist) if sample_set == 'test': if datatype == 'up-3d': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/pose_prepared/91/500/up-p91/' + '/**/*_image.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'normal_dataset': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/**.tiff') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'detail_data': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'realtest': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/*.jpg') random.shuffle(self.filelist) else: self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/*.mp4') random.shuffle(self.filelist) self.currentindex = 0 self.datanum = len(self.filelist) #print('finding data in folder:',self.train_dir, 'with ending:', )
Example #20
Source File: From deep_human with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _reset_filelist(self, datatype=None, sample_set='train'): if sample_set == 'train': if datatype == 'up-3d': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/pose_prepared/91/500/up-p91/' + '/**/*_image.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'normal_dataset': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*.tiff') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'detail_data': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'realtest': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*.jpg') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'detail_data2': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) else: self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*.mp4') random.shuffle(self.filelist) if sample_set == 'valid': if datatype == 'up-3d': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/pose_prepared/91/500/up-p91/' + '/**/*_image.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'normal_dataset': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*.tiff') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'detail_data': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'realtest': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*.jpg') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'detail_dat2': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) else: self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*.mp4') random.shuffle(self.filelist) if sample_set == 'test': if datatype == 'up-3d': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/pose_prepared/91/500/up-p91/' + '/**/*_image.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'normal_dataset': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/**.tiff') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'detail_data': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'realtest': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/*.jpg') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'detail_data2': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) else: self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/*.mp4') random.shuffle(self.filelist) self.currentindex = 0 self.datanum = len(self.filelist)
Example #21
Source File: From deep_human with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _reset_filelist(self): sample_set = self.sample_set datatype = self.datatype if sample_set == 'train': if datatype == 'up-3d': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/pose_prepared/91/500/up-p91/' + '/**/*_image.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'normal_dataset': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*.tiff') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'detail_data': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'realtest': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*.jpg') random.shuffle(self.filelist) else: self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.train_dir + '/**/*.mp4') random.shuffle(self.filelist) if sample_set == 'valid': if datatype == 'up-3d': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/pose_prepared/91/500/up-p91/' + '/**/*_image.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'normal_dataset': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*.tiff') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'detail_data': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'realtest': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*.jpg') random.shuffle(self.filelist) else: self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.valid_dir + '/**/*.mp4') random.shuffle(self.filelist) if sample_set == 'test': if datatype == 'up-3d': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/pose_prepared/91/500/up-p91/' + '/**/*_image.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'normal_dataset': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/**.tiff') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'detail_data': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/*_rgb.png') random.shuffle(self.filelist) elif datatype == 'realtest': self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/*.jpg') random.shuffle(self.filelist) else: self.filelist = glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/**/*.mp4') random.shuffle(self.filelist) if sample_set == 'test_seq': self.filelist = sorted(glob2.glob(self.test_dir + '/*_rgb.png')) self.currentindex = 0 self.datanum = len(self.filelist) print('{} in dir'.format(self.datanum)) # print('finding data in folder:',self.train_dir, 'with ending:', )