Python torchfile.load() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of torchfile.load().
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Example #1
Source File: From tagan with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _load_dataset(self, img_root, caption_root, classes_filename, word_embedding): output = [] with open(os.path.join(caption_root, classes_filename)) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: cls = line.replace('\n', '') filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(caption_root, cls)) for filename in filenames: datum = torchfile.load(os.path.join(caption_root, cls, filename)) raw_desc = datum.char desc, len_desc = self._get_word_vectors(raw_desc, word_embedding, self.max_word_length) output.append({ 'img': os.path.join(img_root, datum.img), 'desc': desc, 'len_desc': len_desc }) return output
Example #2
Source File: From multiple-objects-gan with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_network_stageI(self): from model import STAGE1_G, STAGE1_D netG = STAGE1_G() netG.apply(weights_init) print(netG) netD = STAGE1_D() netD.apply(weights_init) print(netD) if cfg.NET_G != '': state_dict = \ torch.load(cfg.NET_G, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) netG.load_state_dict(state_dict["netG"]) print('Load from: ', cfg.NET_G) if cfg.NET_D != '': state_dict = \ torch.load(cfg.NET_D, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) netD.load_state_dict(state_dict) print('Load from: ', cfg.NET_D) if cfg.CUDA: netG.cuda() netD.cuda() return netG, netD # ############# For training stageII GAN #############
Example #3
Source File: From im2recipe-Pytorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_st(file): info = torchfile.load(file) ids = info[b'ids'] imids = [] for i,id in enumerate(ids): imids.append(''.join(chr(i) for i in id)) st_vecs = {} st_vecs['encs'] = info['encs'] st_vecs['rlens'] = info['rlens'] st_vecs['rbps'] = info['rbps'] st_vecs['ids'] = imids print(np.shape(st_vecs['encs']),len(st_vecs['rlens']),len(st_vecs['rbps']),len(st_vecs['ids'])) return st_vecs # =============================================================================
Example #4
Source File: From vgg-face.pytorch with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_weights(self, path="pretrained/VGG_FACE.t7"): """ Function to load luatorch pretrained Args: path: path for the luatorch pretrained """ model = torchfile.load(path) counter = 1 block = 1 for i, layer in enumerate(model.modules): if layer.weight is not None: if block <= 5: self_layer = getattr(self, "conv_%d_%d" % (block, counter)) counter += 1 if counter > self.block_size[block - 1]: counter = 1 block += 1[...] = torch.tensor(layer.weight).view_as(self_layer.weight)[...][...] = torch.tensor(layer.bias).view_as(self_layer.bias)[...] else: self_layer = getattr(self, "fc%d" % (block)) block += 1[...] = torch.tensor(layer.weight).view_as(self_layer.weight)[...][...] = torch.tensor(layer.bias).view_as(self_layer.bias)[...]
Example #5
Source File: From im2recipe with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_st(file): info = torchfile.load(file) ids = info['ids'] imids = [] for i,id in enumerate(ids): imids.append(''.join(chr(i) for i in id)) st_vecs = {} st_vecs['encs'] = info['encs'] st_vecs['rlens'] = info['rlens'] st_vecs['rbps'] = info['rbps'] st_vecs['ids'] = imids print(np.shape(st_vecs['encs']),len(st_vecs['rlens']),len(st_vecs['rbps']),len(st_vecs['ids'])) return st_vecs
Example #6
Source File: From TFSegmentation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def load_overfit_data(self): print("Loading data..") self.train_data = {'X': np.load(self.args.data_dir + "X_train.npy"), 'Y': np.load(self.args.data_dir + "Y_train.npy")} self.train_data_len = self.train_data['X'].shape[0] - self.train_data['X'].shape[0] % self.args.batch_size self.num_iterations_training_per_epoch = ( self.train_data_len + self.args.batch_size - 1) // self.args.batch_size print("Train-shape-x -- " + str(self.train_data['X'].shape)) print("Train-shape-y -- " + str(self.train_data['Y'].shape)) print("Num of iterations in one epoch -- " + str(self.num_iterations_training_per_epoch)) print("Overfitting data is loaded") print("Loading Validation data..") self.val_data = self.train_data self.val_data_len = self.val_data['X'].shape[0] - self.val_data['X'].shape[0] % self.args.batch_size self.num_iterations_validation_per_epoch = ( self.val_data_len + self.args.batch_size - 1) // self.args.batch_size print("Val-shape-x -- " + str(self.val_data['X'].shape) + " " + str(self.val_data_len)) print("Val-shape-y -- " + str(self.val_data['Y'].shape)) print("Num of iterations on validation data in one epoch -- " + str(self.num_iterations_validation_per_epoch)) print("Validation data is loaded")
Example #7
Source File: From TFSegmentation with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def load_train_data_h5(self): print("Loading Training data..") self.train_data = h5py.File(self.args.data_dir + self.args.h5_train_file, 'r') self.train_data_len = self.args.h5_train_len self.num_iterations_training_per_epoch = ( self.train_data_len + self.args.batch_size - 1) // self.args.batch_size print("Train-shape-x -- " + str(self.train_data['X'].shape) + " " + str(self.train_data_len)) print("Train-shape-y -- " + str(self.train_data['Y'].shape)) print("Num of iterations on training data in one epoch -- " + str(self.num_iterations_training_per_epoch)) print("Training data is loaded") print("Loading Validation data..") self.val_data = {'X': np.load(self.args.data_dir + "X_val.npy"), 'Y': np.load(self.args.data_dir + "Y_val.npy")} self.val_data_len = self.val_data['X'].shape[0] - self.val_data['X'].shape[0] % self.args.batch_size self.num_iterations_validation_per_epoch = ( self.val_data_len + self.args.batch_size - 1) // self.args.batch_size print("Val-shape-x -- " + str(self.val_data['X'].shape) + " " + str(self.val_data_len)) print("Val-shape-y -- " + str(self.val_data['Y'].shape)) print("Num of iterations on validation data in one epoch -- " + str(self.num_iterations_validation_per_epoch)) print("Validation data is loaded")
Example #8
Source File: From python-torchfile with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_classnames_never_decoded(self): obj = load('custom_class.t7', utf8_decode_strings=True) self.assertNotIsInstance(obj.torch_typename(), unicode_type) obj = load('custom_class.t7', utf8_decode_strings=False) self.assertNotIsInstance(obj.torch_typename(), unicode_type)
Example #9
Source File: From StackGAN-Pytorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_network_stageII(self): from model import STAGE1_G, STAGE2_G, STAGE2_D Stage1_G = STAGE1_G() netG = STAGE2_G(Stage1_G) netG.apply(weights_init) print(netG) if cfg.NET_G != '': state_dict = \ torch.load(cfg.NET_G, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) netG.load_state_dict(state_dict) print('Load from: ', cfg.NET_G) elif cfg.STAGE1_G != '': state_dict = \ torch.load(cfg.STAGE1_G, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) netG.STAGE1_G.load_state_dict(state_dict) print('Load from: ', cfg.STAGE1_G) else: print("Please give the Stage1_G path") return netD = STAGE2_D() netD.apply(weights_init) if cfg.NET_D != '': state_dict = \ torch.load(cfg.NET_D, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) netD.load_state_dict(state_dict) print('Load from: ', cfg.NET_D) print(netD) if cfg.CUDA: netG.cuda() netD.cuda() return netG, netD
Example #10
Source File: From python-torchfile with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_basic_tensors(self): f64 = load('doubletensor.t7') self.assertTrue((f64 == np.array([[1, 2, 3, ], [4, 5, 6.9]], dtype=np.float64)).all()) f32 = load('floattensor.t7') self.assertAlmostEqual(f32.sum(), 12.97241666913, delta=1e-5)
Example #11
Source File: From python-torchfile with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_dict_accessors(self): obj = load('hello=123.t7', use_int_heuristic=True, utf8_decode_strings=True) self.assertIsInstance(obj['hello'], int) self.assertIsInstance(obj.hello, int) obj = load('hello=123.t7', use_int_heuristic=True, utf8_decode_strings=False) self.assertIsInstance(obj[b'hello'], int) self.assertIsInstance(obj.hello, int)
Example #12
Source File: From python-torchfile with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_recursive_class(self): obj = load('recursive_class.t7') self.assertEqual(obj.a, obj)
Example #13
Source File: From python-torchfile with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_recursive_table(self): obj = load('recursive_kv_table.t7') # both the key and value point to itself: key, = obj.keys() self.assertEqual(key, obj) self.assertEqual(obj[key], obj)
Example #14
Source File: From python-torchfile with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_hash(self): obj = load('tds_hash.t7') self.assertEqual(len(obj), 3) self.assertEqual(obj[1], 2) self.assertEqual(obj[10], 11)
Example #15
Source File: From python-torchfile with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_vec(self): # Should not be affected by list heuristic at all vec = load('tds_vec.t7', use_list_heuristic=False) self.assertEqual(vec, [123, 456])
Example #16
Source File: From python-torchfile with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_int_heuristic(self): obj = load('hello=123.t7', use_int_heuristic=True) self.assertIsInstance(obj[b'hello'], int) obj = load('hello=123.t7', use_int_heuristic=False) self.assertNotIsInstance(obj[b'hello'], int) obj = load('list_table.t7', use_list_heuristic=False, use_int_heuristic=False) self.assertEqual( dict(obj), {1: b'hello', 2: b'world', 3: b'third item', 4: 123}) self.assertNotIsInstance(list(obj.keys())[0], int)
Example #17
Source File: From im2recipe with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_layer(json_file): with open(json_file) as f_layer: return json.load(f_layer)
Example #18
Source File: From crnn.pytorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def torch_to_pytorch(model, t7_file, output): py_layers = [] for layer in list(model.children()): py_layer_serial(layer, py_layers) t7_data = torchfile.load(t7_file) t7_layers = [] for layer in t7_data: torch_layer_serial(layer, t7_layers) j = 0 for i, py_layer in enumerate(py_layers): py_name = type(py_layer).__name__ t7_layer = t7_layers[j] t7_name = t7_layer[0].split('.')[-1] if layer_map[t7_name] != py_name: raise RuntimeError('%s does not match %s' % (py_name, t7_name)) if py_name == 'LSTM': n_layer = 2 if py_layer.bidirectional else 1 n_layer *= py_layer.num_layers t7_layer = t7_layers[j:j + n_layer] j += n_layer else: j += 1 load_params(py_layer, t7_layer), output)
Example #19
Source File: From crnn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def torch_to_pytorch(model, t7_file, output): py_layers = [] for layer in list(model.children()): py_layer_serial(layer, py_layers) t7_data = torchfile.load(t7_file) t7_layers = [] for layer in t7_data: torch_layer_serial(layer, t7_layers) j = 0 for i, py_layer in enumerate(py_layers): py_name = type(py_layer).__name__ t7_layer = t7_layers[j] t7_name = t7_layer[0].split('.')[-1] if layer_map[t7_name] != py_name: raise RuntimeError('%s does not match %s' % (py_name, t7_name)) if py_name == 'LSTM': n_layer = 2 if py_layer.bidirectional else 1 n_layer *= py_layer.num_layers t7_layer = t7_layers[j:j + n_layer] j += n_layer else: j += 1 load_params(py_layer, t7_layer), output)
Example #20
Source File: From basicOCR with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def torch_to_pytorch(model, t7_file, output): py_layers = [] for layer in list(model.children()): py_layer_serial(layer, py_layers) t7_data = torchfile.load(t7_file) t7_layers = [] for layer in t7_data: torch_layer_serial(layer, t7_layers) j = 0 for i, py_layer in enumerate(py_layers): py_name = type(py_layer).__name__ t7_layer = t7_layers[j] t7_name = t7_layer[0].split('.')[-1] if layer_map[t7_name] != py_name: raise RuntimeError('%s does not match %s' % (py_name, t7_name)) if py_name == 'LSTM': n_layer = 2 if py_layer.bidirectional else 1 n_layer *= py_layer.num_layers t7_layer = t7_layers[j:j + n_layer] j += n_layer else: j += 1 load_params(py_layer, t7_layer), output)
Example #21
Source File: From tagan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def convert_and_save(self, caption_root, word_embedding, max_word_length): with open(os.path.join(caption_root, 'allclasses.txt'), 'r') as f: classes = f.readlines() for cls in classes: cls = cls[:-1] os.makedirs(caption_root + '_vec/' + cls) filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(caption_root, cls)) for filename in filenames: datum = torchfile.load(os.path.join(caption_root, cls, filename)) raw_desc = datum.char desc, len_desc = self._get_word_vectors(raw_desc, word_embedding, max_word_length){'img': datum.img, 'word_vec': desc, 'len_desc': len_desc}, os.path.join(caption_root + '_vec', cls, filename[:-2] + 'pth'))
Example #22
Source File: From tagan with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _load_dataset(self, img_root, caption_root, classes_filename): output = [] with open(os.path.join(caption_root, classes_filename)) as f: lines = f.readlines() for line in lines: cls = line.replace('\n', '') filenames = os.listdir(os.path.join(caption_root + '_vec', cls)) for filename in filenames: datum = torch.load(os.path.join(caption_root + '_vec', cls, filename)) output.append({ 'img': os.path.join(bytes(img_root, 'utf-8'), datum['img']), 'word_vec': datum['word_vec'], 'len_desc': datum['len_desc'] }) return output
Example #23
Source File: From python-torchfile with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_dict(self): obj = load('hello=123.t7') self.assertEqual(dict(obj), {b'hello': 123})
Example #24
Source File: From StackGAN-Pytorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_network_stageI(self): from model import STAGE1_G, STAGE1_D netG = STAGE1_G() netG.apply(weights_init) print(netG) netD = STAGE1_D() netD.apply(weights_init) print(netD) if cfg.NET_G != '': state_dict = \ torch.load(cfg.NET_G, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) netG.load_state_dict(state_dict) print('Load from: ', cfg.NET_G) if cfg.NET_D != '': state_dict = \ torch.load(cfg.NET_D, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) netD.load_state_dict(state_dict) print('Load from: ', cfg.NET_D) if cfg.CUDA: netG.cuda() netD.cuda() return netG, netD # ############# For training stageII GAN #############
Example #25
Source File: From tensorflow-litterbox with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('torch_file') args = parser.parse_args() torch_file = args.torch_file data = torchfile.load(torch_file, force_8bytes_long=True) if data.modules: process_obj(data)
Example #26
Source File: From multiple-objects-gan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load_network_stageII(self): from model import STAGE1_G, STAGE2_G, STAGE2_D Stage1_G = STAGE1_G() netG = STAGE2_G(Stage1_G) netG.apply(weights_init) print(netG) if cfg.NET_G != '': state_dict = torch.load(cfg.NET_G, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) netG.load_state_dict(state_dict["netG"]) print('Load from: ', cfg.NET_G) elif cfg.STAGE1_G != '': state_dict = torch.load(cfg.STAGE1_G, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) netG.STAGE1_G.load_state_dict(state_dict["netG"]) print('Load from: ', cfg.STAGE1_G) else: print("Please give the Stage1_G path") return netD = STAGE2_D() netD.apply(weights_init) if cfg.NET_D != '': state_dict = \ torch.load(cfg.NET_D, map_location=lambda storage, loc: storage) netD.load_state_dict(state_dict) print('Load from: ', cfg.NET_D) print(netD) if cfg.CUDA: netG.cuda() netD.cuda() return netG, netD
Example #27
Source File: From crnn-pytorch with MIT License | 5 votes |
def torch_to_pytorch(model, t7_file, output): py_layers = [] for layer in list(model.children()): py_layer_serial(layer, py_layers) t7_data = torchfile.load(t7_file) t7_layers = [] for layer in t7_data: torch_layer_serial(layer, t7_layers) j = 0 for i, py_layer in enumerate(py_layers): py_name = type(py_layer).__name__ t7_layer = t7_layers[j] t7_name = t7_layer[0].split('.')[-1] if layer_map[t7_name] != py_name: raise RuntimeError('%s does not match %s' % (py_name, t7_name)) if py_name == 'LSTM': n_layer = 2 if py_layer.bidirectional else 1 n_layer *= py_layer.num_layers t7_layer = t7_layers[j:j + n_layer] j += n_layer else: j += 1 load_params(py_layer, t7_layer), output)
Example #28
Source File: From SoundNet-tensorflow with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load(o, param_list): """ Get torch7 weights into numpy array """ try: num = len(o['modules']) except: num = 0 for i in xrange(num): # 2D conv if o['modules'][i]._typename == 'nn.SpatialConvolution' or \ o['modules'][i]._typename == 'cudnn.SpatialConvolution': temp = {'weights': o['modules'][i]['weight'].transpose((2,3,1,0)), 'biases': o['modules'][i]['bias']} param_list.append(temp) # 2D deconv elif o['modules'][i]._typename == 'nn.SpatialFullConvolution': temp = {'weights': o['modules'][i]['weight'].transpose((2,3,1,0)), 'biases': o['modules'][i]['bias']} param_list.append(temp) # 3D conv elif o['modules'][i]._typename == 'nn.VolumetricFullConvolution': temp = {'weights': o['modules'][i]['weight'].transpose((2,3,4,1,0)), 'biases': o['modules'][i]['bias']} param_list.append(temp) # batch norm elif o['modules'][i]._typename == 'nn.SpatialBatchNormalization' or \ o['modules'][i]._typename == 'nn.VolumetricBatchNormalization': param_list[-1]['gamma'] = o['modules'][i]['weight'] param_list[-1]['beta'] = o['modules'][i]['bias'] param_list[-1]['mean'] = o['modules'][i]['running_mean'] param_list[-1]['var'] = o['modules'][i]['running_var'] load(o['modules'][i], param_list)
Example #29
Source File: From tf_videogan with MIT License | 5 votes |
def load(o, param_list): try: num = len(o['modules']) except: num = 0 for i in xrange(num): # 2D conv if o['modules'][i]._typename == 'nn.SpatialFullConvolution': temp = {'weights': o['modules'][i]['weight'].transpose((2,3,1,0)), 'biases': o['modules'][i]['bias']} param_list.append(temp) # 3D conv elif o['modules'][i]._typename == 'nn.VolumetricFullConvolution': temp = {'weights': o['modules'][i]['weight'].transpose((2,3,4,1,0)), 'biases': o['modules'][i]['bias']} param_list.append(temp) # batch norm elif o['modules'][i]._typename == 'nn.SpatialBatchNormalization' or o['modules'][i]._typename == 'nn.VolumetricBatchNormalization': # temp = {'gamma': o['modules'][i]['weight'], # 'beta': o['modules'][i]['bias']} # param_list.append(temp) param_list[-1]['gamma'] = o['modules'][i]['weight'] param_list[-1]['beta'] = o['modules'][i]['bias'] load(o['modules'][i], param_list)
Example #30
Source File: From TFSegmentation with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def init_tfdata(self, batch_size, main_dir, resize_shape, mode='train'): self.data_session = tf.Session() print("Creating the iterator for training data") with tf.device('/cpu:0'): segdl = SegDataLoader(main_dir, batch_size, (resize_shape[0], resize_shape[1]), resize_shape, # * 2), resize_shape, 'data/cityscapes_tfdata/train.txt') iterator = Iterator.from_structure(segdl.data_tr.output_types, segdl.data_tr.output_shapes) next_batch = iterator.get_next() self.init_op = iterator.make_initializer(segdl.data_tr) print("Loading Validation data in memoryfor faster training..") self.val_data = {'X': np.load(self.args.data_dir + "X_val.npy"), 'Y': np.load(self.args.data_dir + "Y_val.npy")} # self.crop() # import cv2 # cv2.imshow('crop1', self.val_data['X'][0,:,:,:]) # cv2.imshow('crop2', self.val_data['X'][1,:,:,:]) # cv2.imshow('seg1', self.val_data['Y'][0,:,:]) # cv2.imshow('seg2', self.val_data['Y'][1,:,:]) # cv2.waitKey() self.val_data_len = self.val_data['X'].shape[0] - self.val_data['X'].shape[0] % self.args.batch_size # self.num_iterations_validation_per_epoch = ( # self.val_data_len + self.args.batch_size - 1) // self.args.batch_size self.num_iterations_validation_per_epoch = self.val_data_len // self.args.batch_size print("Val-shape-x -- " + str(self.val_data['X'].shape) + " " + str(self.val_data_len)) print("Val-shape-y -- " + str(self.val_data['Y'].shape)) print("Num of iterations on validation data in one epoch -- " + str(self.num_iterations_validation_per_epoch)) print("Validation data is loaded") return next_batch, segdl.data_len