Python munch.munchify() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of munch.munchify().
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Example #1
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def createNewDateFieldDefinition(name, alias='', autoUpdate=False): """Creates a json definition for a new date field. Args name: Name of new date field. alias: Optional field name for alias. autoUpdate: Optional boolean to automatically populate the field with the current date/time when a new record is added or updated (like editor tracking). The default is False. """ return munch.munchify({ NAME: name, TYPE: DATE_FIELD, ALIAS: alias or name, SQL_TYPE: SQL_TYPE_OTHER, NULLABLE: FALSE, EDITABLE: TRUE, DOMAIN: NULL, DEFAULT_VALUE: SQL_AUTO_DATE_EXP if autoUpdate else NULL })
Example #2
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def getFeatureExtent(in_features): """Gets the extent for a FeatureSet() or GeometryCollection(), must be convertible to a GeometryCollection(). Arg: in_features: Input features (Feature|FeatureSet|GeometryCollection|json). Returns: An envelope json structure (extent). """ if not isinstance(in_features, GeometryCollection): in_features = GeometryCollection(in_features) extents = [g.envelopeAsJSON() for g in iter(in_features)] full_extent = {SPATIAL_REFERENCE: extents[0].get(SPATIAL_REFERENCE)} for attr, op in {XMIN: min, YMIN: min, XMAX: max, YMAX: max}.iteritems(): full_extent[attr] = op([e.get(attr) for e in extents]) return munch.munchify(full_extent)
Example #3
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def disableEditorTracking(self): """Disables editor tracking.""" capabilities = self.get(CAPABILITIES, '').split(',') editorInfo = self.get(EDITOR_TRACKING_INFO, { "enableEditorTracking": False, "enableOwnershipAccessControl": False, "allowOthersToUpdate": True, "allowOthersToDelete": True, "allowOthersToQuery": True, "allowAnonymousToUpdate": True, "allowAnonymousToDelete": True }) editorInfo["enableEditorTracking"] = False # enable editor tracking at Feature Service level result = {} if CHANGE_TRACKING in capabilities: capabilities.remove(CHANGE_TRACKING) capabilities = ','.join(capabilities) result['disabled_at_feature_service'] = self.updateDefinition({CAPABILITIES: capabilities, HAS_STATIC_DATA: self.get(HAS_STATIC_DATA), EDITOR_TRACKING_INFO: editorInfo}) else: result['disabled_at_feature_service'] = {'status': 'already disabled'} return munch.munchify(result)
Example #4
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def unqualify_fields(fs): """Removes fully qualified field names from a feature set. Arg: fs: restapi.FeatureSet() object or JSON. """ if not isinstance(fs, FeatureSet): fs = FeatureSet(fs) clean_fields = {} for f in fs.fields: if f: clean ='.')[-1] clean_fields[] = clean = clean for i,feature in enumerate(fs.features): feature_copy = {} for f, val in six.iteritems(feature.attributes): feature_copy[clean_fields.get(f, f)] = val fs.features[i].attributes = munch.munchify(feature_copy)
Example #5
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _spatialReference(self): """Gets the spatial reference dict.""" resp_d = {} if SPATIAL_REFERENCE in self.json: resp_d = self.json[SPATIAL_REFERENCE] elif self.json.get(EXTENT) and SPATIAL_REFERENCE in self.json[EXTENT]: resp_d = self.json[EXTENT][SPATIAL_REFERENCE] elif GEOMETRIES in self.json: try: first = self.json.get(GEOMETRIES, [])[0] resp_d = first.get(SPATIAL_REFERENCE) or {} except IndexError: pass elif CRS in self.json: resp_d = self.json.get(CRS, {}) return munch.munchify(resp_d)
Example #6
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, in_json): """Inits class with JSON as geo feature set. Arg: in_json: Input json response from request. """ if isinstance(in_json, six.string_types): if not in_json.startswith('{') and os.path.isfile(in_json): with open(in_json, 'r') as f: in_json = json.load(f) else: in_json = json.loads(in_json) if isinstance(in_json, self.__class__): self.json = in_json.json elif isinstance(in_json, dict): self.json = munch.munchify(in_json)
Example #7
Source File: From lsq-net with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_config(default_file): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Learned Step Size Quantization') p.add_argument('config_file', metavar='PATH', nargs='+', help='path to a configuration file') arg = p.parse_args() with open(default_file) as yaml_file: cfg = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file) for f in arg.config_file: if not os.path.isfile(f): raise FileNotFoundError('Cannot find a configuration file at', f) with open(f) as yaml_file: c = yaml.safe_load(yaml_file) cfg = merge_nested_dict(cfg, c) return munch.munchify(cfg)
Example #8
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, response): """Handler for GP Task Response. response: JSON response from GP Task execution. """ self._values = {} self.json = munch.munchify(response) # get values cache if isinstance(self.results, dict): for key in self.results.keys(): self.getValue(key) elif isinstance(self.results, list): for res in self.results: self.getValue(res.get(PARAM_NAME))
Example #9
Source File: From basecrm-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_fetch_got_data(self): queue_items = munchify({ 'items': [{ 'data': { 'id': 1 }, 'meta': { 'type': 'user', 'sync': { 'event_type': 'created', 'ack_key': 'User-1234-1', 'revision': 1 } } }] }) http_client = mock.create_autospec(basecrm.HttpClient) http_client.get.return_value = (200, {}, queue_items) sync = basecrm.SyncService(http_client) self.assertEquals(sync.fetch(self.device_uuid, self.session_id), queue_items['items']) http_client.get.assert_called_once_with("/sync/{session_id}/queues/main".format(session_id=self.session_id), params=None, headers={'X-Basecrm-Device-UUID': self.device_uuid}, raw=True)
Example #10
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, jobInfo): self.json = munch.munchify(jobInfo)
Example #11
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, in_json): """Creates a JSON form input JSON.""" self.json = munch.munchify(in_json) super(self.__class__, self).__init__()
Example #12
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, feature): """Inits the class with a feature. Arg: feature: Input json for feature. """ self.json = munch.munchify(feature) self._propsGetter = ATTRIBUTES if ATTRIBUTES in self.json else PROPERTIES self._type = GEOJSON if self._propsGetter == PROPERTIES else ESRI_JSON_FORMAT
Example #13
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, in_json): """Inits class with json for query related records. Arg: in_json: json response for query related records operation. """ self.json = munch.munchify(in_json) self.geometryType = self.json.get(enums.geometry.type) self.spatialReference = self.json.get(SPATIAL_REFERENCE)
Example #14
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, response): """Response JSON object from generate_token.""" self.json = munch.munchify(response) super(JsonGetter, self).__init__() self._cookie = {AGS_TOKEN: self.token} self._portal = self.json.get('_{}'.format(PORTAL_INFO)) if '_portalInfo' in self.json: del self.json._portalInfo ## self.isAGOL = self.json.get(IS_AGOL, False) ## self.isAdmin = self.json.get(IS_ADMIN, False)
Example #15
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def createNewGlobalIdFieldDefinition(): """Adds a new global id field json defition.""" return munch.munchify({ NAME: 'GlobalID', TYPE: GLOBALID, ALIAS: 'GlobalID', SQL_TYPE: SQL_TYPE_OTHER, NULLABLE: FALSE, EDITABLE: FALSE, DOMAIN: NULL, DEFAULT_VALUE: SQL_GLOBAL_ID_EXP })
Example #16
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, error): self.json = munch.munchify(error) self.showWarning()
Example #17
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, res_dict, feature_id=None): """Inits class with response Args: res_dict: Dictionary of response. """ RequestError(res_dict) self.json = munch.munchify(res_dict)
Example #18
Source File: From models-comparison.pytorch with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, opts, scale=0.875, random_crop=False, random_hflip=False, random_vflip=False): if type(opts) == dict: opts = munchify(opts) self.input_size = opts.input_size self.input_space = opts.input_space self.input_range = opts.input_range self.mean = opts.mean self.std = opts.std # self.scale = scale self.random_crop = random_crop self.random_hflip = random_hflip self.random_vflip = random_vflip tfs = [] tfs.append(transforms.Resize(int(math.floor(max(self.input_size)/self.scale)))) if random_crop: tfs.append(transforms.RandomCrop(max(self.input_size))) else: tfs.append(transforms.CenterCrop(max(self.input_size))) if random_hflip: tfs.append(transforms.RandomHorizontalFlip()) if random_vflip: tfs.append(transforms.RandomVerticalFlip()) tfs.append(transforms.ToTensor()) tfs.append(ToSpaceBGR(self.input_space=='BGR')) tfs.append(ToRange255(max(self.input_range)==255)) tfs.append(transforms.Normalize(mean=self.mean, std=self.std)) = transforms.Compose(tfs)
Example #19
Source File: From SA-ctf_scoreboard with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def _load_global_setting(self, candidate, variables): """ Load and render global setting with variables. :param candidate: Global setting as a `dict` :param variables: variables from context to render setting :return: A `Munch` object """ candidate = candidate or {} proxy_setting = self._load_proxy(candidate.get('proxy'), variables) log_setting = self._load_logging(candidate.get('logging'), variables) return munchify({'proxy': proxy_setting, 'logging': log_setting})
Example #20
Source File: From SA-ctf_scoreboard with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def _load_request(self, request): options = self._load_options(request['request']) pre_process = self._load_processor(request.get('pre_process', {})) post_process = self._load_processor(request['post_process']) checkpoint = self._load_checkpoint(request.get('checkpoint')) iteration_mode = self._load_iteration_mode(request['iteration_mode']) return munchify({ 'request': options, 'pre_process': pre_process, 'post_process': post_process, 'checkpoint': checkpoint, 'iteration_mode': iteration_mode, })
Example #21
Source File: From SA-ctf_scoreboard with Creative Commons Zero v1.0 Universal | 5 votes |
def load(self, definition, schema_file, context): """Load cloud connect configuration from a `dict` and validate it with schema and global settings will be rendered. :param schema_file: Schema file location used to validate config. :param definition: A dictionary contains raw configs. :param context: variables to render template in global setting. :return: A `Munch` object. """ try: validate(definition, self._get_schema_from_file(schema_file)) except ValidationError: raise ConfigException( 'Failed to validate interface with schema: {}'.format( traceback.format_exc())) try: global_settings = self._load_global_setting( definition.get('global_settings'), context ) requests = [self._load_request(item) for item in definition['requests']] return munchify({ 'meta': munchify(definition['meta']), 'tokens': definition['tokens'], 'global_settings': global_settings, 'requests': requests, }) except Exception as ex: error = 'Unable to load configuration: %s' % str(ex) _logger.exception(error) raise ConfigException(error)
Example #22
Source File: From qstrader with MIT License | 5 votes |
def from_file(fname=DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILENAME, testing=False): if testing: return TEST try: with open(os.path.expanduser(fname)) as fd: conf = yaml.load(fd) conf = munchify(conf) return conf except IOError: print("A configuration file named '%s' is missing" % fname) s_conf = yaml.dump(unmunchify(DEFAULT), explicit_start=True, indent=True, default_flow_style=False) print(""" Creating this file %s You still have to create directories with data and put your data in! """ % s_conf) time.sleep(3) try: with open(os.path.expanduser(fname), "w") as fd: fd.write(s_conf) except IOError: print("Can create '%s'" % fname) print("Trying anyway with default configuration") return DEFAULT
Example #23
Source File: From DeepBSDE with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(argv): del argv with open(FLAGS.config_path) as json_data_file: config = json.load(json_data_file) config = munch.munchify(config) bsde = getattr(eqn, config.eqn_config.eqn_name)(config.eqn_config) tf.keras.backend.set_floatx(config.net_config.dtype) if not os.path.exists(FLAGS.log_dir): os.mkdir(FLAGS.log_dir) path_prefix = os.path.join(FLAGS.log_dir, FLAGS.exp_name) with open('{}_config.json'.format(path_prefix), 'w') as outfile: json.dump(dict((name, getattr(config, name)) for name in dir(config) if not name.startswith('__')), outfile, indent=2) absl_logging.get_absl_handler().setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)-6s %(message)s')) absl_logging.set_verbosity('info')'Begin to solve %s ' % config.eqn_config.eqn_name) bsde_solver = BSDESolver(config, bsde) training_history = bsde_solver.train() if bsde.y_init:'Y0_true: %.4e' % bsde.y_init)'relative error of Y0: %s', '{:.2%}'.format(abs(bsde.y_init - training_history[-1, 2])/bsde.y_init)) np.savetxt('{}_training_history.csv'.format(path_prefix), training_history, fmt=['%d', '%.5e', '%.5e', '%d'], delimiter=",", header='step,loss_function,target_value,elapsed_time', comments='')
Example #24
Source File: From basecrm-python with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, http_status, errors_payload): """ :param int http_status: Http status code. :param dict errors_payload: Json decoded payload from the errors response. """ self.http_status = http_status self.errors = [munchify(error_envelope['error']) for error_envelope in errors_payload['errors']] self.logref = errors_payload['meta']['logref'] message = "\n".join([str(error) for error in self.errors]) super(BaseError, self).__init__(message)
Example #25
Source File: From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _load_request(self, request): options = self._load_options(request['request']) pre_process = self._load_processor(request.get('pre_process', {})) post_process = self._load_processor(request['post_process']) checkpoint = self._load_checkpoint(request.get('checkpoint')) iteration_mode = self._load_iteration_mode(request['iteration_mode']) return munchify({ 'request': options, 'pre_process': pre_process, 'post_process': post_process, 'checkpoint': checkpoint, 'iteration_mode': iteration_mode, })
Example #26
Source File: From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def load(self, definition, schema_file, context): """Load cloud connect configuration from a `dict` and validate it with schema and global settings will be rendered. :param schema_file: Schema file location used to validate config. :param definition: A dictionary contains raw configs. :param context: variables to render template in global setting. :return: A `Munch` object. """ try: validate(definition, self._get_schema_from_file(schema_file)) except ValidationError: raise ConfigException( 'Failed to validate interface with schema: {}'.format( traceback.format_exc())) try: global_settings = self._load_global_setting( definition.get('global_settings'), context ) requests = [self._load_request(item) for item in definition['requests']] return munchify({ 'meta': munchify(definition['meta']), 'tokens': definition['tokens'], 'global_settings': global_settings, 'requests': requests, }) except Exception as ex: error = 'Unable to load configuration: %s' % str(ex) _logger.exception(error) raise ConfigException(error)
Example #27
Source File: From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _load_global_setting(self, candidate, variables): """ Load and render global setting with variables. :param candidate: Global setting as a `dict` :param variables: variables from context to render setting :return: A `Munch` object """ candidate = candidate or {} proxy_setting = self._load_proxy(candidate.get('proxy'), variables) log_setting = self._load_logging(candidate.get('logging'), variables) return munchify({'proxy': proxy_setting, 'logging': log_setting})
Example #28
Source File: From misp42splunk with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _load_request(self, request): options = self._load_options(request['request']) pre_process = self._load_processor(request.get('pre_process', {})) post_process = self._load_processor(request['post_process']) checkpoint = self._load_checkpoint(request.get('checkpoint')) iteration_mode = self._load_iteration_mode(request['iteration_mode']) return munchify({ 'request': options, 'pre_process': pre_process, 'post_process': post_process, 'checkpoint': checkpoint, 'iteration_mode': iteration_mode, })
Example #29
Source File: From cloud-inquisitor with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def read_config(): """Attempts to read the application configuration file and will raise a `FileNotFoundError` if the configuration file is not found. Returns the folder where the configuration file was loaded from, and a `Munch` (dict-like object) containing the configuration Configuration file paths searched, in order: * ~/.cinq/config.json' * ./config.json * /usr/local/etc/cloud-inquisitor/config.json Returns: `str`, `dict` """ def __recursive_update(old, new): out = deepcopy(old) for k, v in new.items(): if issubclass(type(v), dict): if k in old: out[k] = __recursive_update(old[k], v) else: out[k] = v else: out[k] = v return out for fpath in CONFIG_FILE_PATHS: if os.path.exists(fpath): data = munch.munchify(json.load(open(fpath, 'r'))) # Our code expects a munch, so ensure that any regular dicts are converted return os.path.dirname(fpath), munch.munchify(__recursive_update(DEFAULT_CONFIG, data)) raise FileNotFoundError('Configuration file not found')
Example #30
Source File: From rdopkg with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def new_build(profile='cbs', scratch=True): # Very ugly: some utilities are only available in koji CLI # and not in the koji module if not KOJI_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotAvailable(module='koji') if not RPM_AVAILABLE: raise RpmModuleNotAvailable() import imp kojibin = find_executable('koji') kojicli = imp.load_source('kojicli', kojibin) # Koji 1.13 moves client internal API into another path try: from koji_cli.lib import _unique_path, _progress_callback, watch_tasks except ImportError: from kojicli import _unique_path, _progress_callback, watch_tasks kojiclient = setup_kojiclient(profile) # Note: required to make watch_tasks work kojicli.options = opts = munchify(kojiclient.opts) build_target = guess_build() if not build_target: log.warn("failed to identify build tag from branch") return retrieve_sources() srpm = create_srpm() if not srpm: log.warn('No srpm available') return serverdir = _unique_path('cli-build') kojiclient.uploadWrapper(srpm, serverdir, callback=_progress_callback) source = "%s/%s" % (serverdir, os.path.basename(srpm)) task_id =, build_target, {'scratch': scratch}) print("Created task:", task_id) print("Task info: {}/taskinfo?taskID={}".format(opts['weburl'], task_id)) kojiclient.logout() watch_tasks(kojiclient, [task_id])