Python telepot.namedtuple() Examples
The following are 17
code examples of telepot.namedtuple().
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Example #1
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def equivalent(data, nt): if type(data) is dict: keys = list(data.keys()) # number of dictionary keys == number of non-None values in namedtuple? if len(keys) != len([f for f in nt._fields if getattr(nt, f) is not None]): return False # map `from` to `from_` fields = list([k+'_' if k in ['from'] else k for k in keys]) return all(map(equivalent, [data[k] for k in keys], [getattr(nt, f) for f in fields])) elif type(data) is list: return all(map(equivalent, data, nt)) else: return data==nt
Example #2
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def see_every_content_types(msg): global expected_content_type, content_type_iterator content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) from_id = msg['from']['id'] if chat_id != USER_ID and from_id != USER_ID: print('Unauthorized user:', chat_id, from_id) return examine(msg, telepot.namedtuple.Message) try: if content_type == expected_content_type: expected_content_type = next(content_type_iterator) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Please give me a %s.' % expected_content_type) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'It is not a %s. Please give me a %s, please.' % (expected_content_type, expected_content_type)) except StopIteration: # reply to sender because I am kicked from group already bot.sendMessage(from_id, 'Thank you. I am done.')
Example #3
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def equivalent(data, nt): if type(data) is dict: keys = data.keys() # number of dictionary keys == number of non-None values in namedtuple? if len(keys) != len([f for f in nt._fields if getattr(nt, f) is not None]): return False # map `from` to `from_` fields = list(map(lambda k: k+'_' if k in ['from'] else k, keys)) return all(map(equivalent, [data[k] for k in keys], [getattr(nt, f) for f in fields])) elif type(data) is list: return all(map(equivalent, data, nt)) else: return data==nt
Example #4
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def examine(result, type): try: print 'Examining %s ......' % type nt = type(**result) assert equivalent(result, nt), 'Not equivalent:::::::::::::::\n%s\n::::::::::::::::\n%s' % (result, nt) if type == telepot.namedtuple.Message: print 'Message glance: %s' % str(telepot.glance(result, long=True)) pprint.pprint(result) pprint.pprint(nt) print except AssertionError: traceback.print_exc() answer = raw_input('Do you want to continue? [y] ') if answer != 'y': exit(1)
Example #5
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def handle(msg): content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) m = telepot.namedtuple.Message(**msg) if chat_id < 0: # group message print 'Received a %s from %s, by %s' % (content_type,, m.from_) else: # private message print 'Received a %s from %s' % (content_type, # == m.from_ if content_type == 'text': reply = '' # For long messages, only return the first 10 characters. if len(msg['text']) > 10: reply = u'First 10 characters:\n' # Length-checking and substring-extraction may work differently # depending on Python versions and platforms. See above. reply += msg['text'][:10].encode('unicode-escape').decode('ascii') bot.sendMessage(chat_id, reply)
Example #6
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def equivalent(data, nt): if type(data) is dict: keys = data.keys() # number of dictionary keys == number of non-None values in namedtuple? if len(keys) != len([f for f in nt._fields if getattr(nt, f) is not None]): return False # map `from` to `from_` fields = list(map(lambda k: k+'_' if k in ['from'] else k, keys)) return all(map(equivalent, [data[k] for k in keys], [getattr(nt, f) for f in fields])) elif type(data) is list: return all(map(equivalent, data, nt)) else: return data==nt
Example #7
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def equivalent(data, nt): if type(data) is dict: keys = data.keys() # number of dictionary keys == number of non-None values in namedtuple? if len(keys) != len([f for f in nt._fields if getattr(nt, f) is not None]): return False # map `from` to `from_` fields = list(map(lambda k: k+'_' if k in ['from'] else k, keys)) return all(map(equivalent, [data[k] for k in keys], [getattr(nt, f) for f in fields])) elif type(data) is list: return all(map(equivalent, data, nt)) else: return data==nt
Example #8
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def equivalent(data, nt): if type(data) is dict: keys = list(data.keys()) # number of dictionary keys == number of non-None values in namedtuple? if len(keys) != len([f for f in nt._fields if getattr(nt, f) is not None]): return False # map `from` to `from_` fields = list([k+'_' if k in ['from'] else k for k in keys]) return all(map(equivalent, [data[k] for k in keys], [getattr(nt, f) for f in fields])) elif type(data) is list: return all(map(equivalent, data, nt)) else: return data==nt
Example #9
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def see_every_content_types(msg): global expected_content_type, content_type_iterator content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) from_id = msg['from']['id'] if chat_id != USER_ID and from_id != USER_ID: print('Unauthorized user:', chat_id, from_id) return examine(msg, telepot.namedtuple.Message) try: if content_type == expected_content_type: expected_content_type = next(content_type_iterator) bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Please give me a %s.' % expected_content_type) else: bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'It is not a %s. Please give me a %s, please.' % (expected_content_type, expected_content_type)) except StopIteration: # reply to sender because I am kicked from group already bot.sendMessage(from_id, 'Thank you. I am done.')
Example #10
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def equivalent(data, nt): if type(data) is dict: keys = list(data.keys()) # number of dictionary keys == number of non-None values in namedtuple? if len(keys) != len([f for f in nt._fields if getattr(nt, f) is not None]): return False # map `from` to `from_` fields = list([k+'_' if k in ['from'] else k for k in keys]) return all(map(equivalent, [data[k] for k in keys], [getattr(nt, f) for f in fields])) elif type(data) is list: return all(map(equivalent, data, nt)) else: return data==nt
Example #11
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def see_every_content_types(msg): global expected_content_type, content_type_iterator content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) from_id = msg['from']['id'] if chat_id != USER_ID and from_id != USER_ID: print('Unauthorized user:', chat_id) return examine(msg, telepot.namedtuple.Message) try: if content_type == expected_content_type: expected_content_type = next(content_type_iterator) await bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'Please give me a %s.' % expected_content_type) else: await bot.sendMessage(chat_id, 'It is not a %s. Please give me a %s, please.' % (expected_content_type, expected_content_type)) except StopIteration: # reply to sender because I am kicked from group already await bot.sendMessage(from_id, 'Thank you. I am done.')
Example #12
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_user_profile_photos(): print('Getting user profile photos ...') r = bot.getUserProfilePhotos(USER_ID) examine(r, telepot.namedtuple.UserProfilePhotos)
Example #13
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_user_profile_photos(): print 'Getting user profile photos ...' r = bot.getUserProfilePhotos(USER_ID) examine(r, telepot.namedtuple.UserProfilePhotos)
Example #14
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_user_profile_photos(): print('Getting user profile photos ...') r = await bot.getUserProfilePhotos(USER_ID) examine(r, telepot.namedtuple.UserProfilePhotos)
Example #15
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 4 votes |
def on_new_chat_member(self, msg, new_chat_member): print 'New chat member:', new_chat_member content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) r = self.getChat(chat_id) print r r = self.getChatAdministrators(chat_id) print r print telepot.namedtuple.ChatMemberArray(r) r = self.getChatMembersCount(chat_id) print r while 1: try: self.setChatTitle(chat_id, 'AdminBot Title') print 'Set title successfully.' break except NotEnoughRightsError: print 'No right to set title. Try again in 10 seconds ...' time.sleep(10) while 1: try: self.setChatPhoto(chat_id, open('gandhi.png', 'rb')) print 'Set photo successfully.' time.sleep(2) # let tester see photo briefly break except NotEnoughRightsError: print 'No right to set photo. Try again in 10 seconds ...' time.sleep(10) while 1: try: self.deleteChatPhoto(chat_id) print 'Delete photo successfully.' break except NotEnoughRightsError: print 'No right to delete photo. Try again in 10 seconds ...' time.sleep(10) print 'I am done. You may remove me from the group.'
Example #16
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 4 votes |
def on_new_chat_member(self, msg, new_chat_member): print('New chat member:', new_chat_member) content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) r = self.getChat(chat_id) print(r) r = self.getChatAdministrators(chat_id) print(r) print(telepot.namedtuple.ChatMemberArray(r)) r = self.getChatMembersCount(chat_id) print(r) while 1: try: self.setChatTitle(chat_id, 'AdminBot Title') print('Set title successfully.') break except NotEnoughRightsError: print('No right to set title. Try again in 10 seconds ...') time.sleep(10) while 1: try: self.setChatPhoto(chat_id, open('gandhi.png', 'rb')) print('Set photo successfully.') time.sleep(2) # let tester see photo briefly break except NotEnoughRightsError: print('No right to set photo. Try again in 10 seconds ...') time.sleep(10) while 1: try: self.deleteChatPhoto(chat_id) print('Delete photo successfully.') break except NotEnoughRightsError: print('No right to delete photo. Try again in 10 seconds ...') time.sleep(10) print('I am done. Remove me from the group.')
Example #17
Source File: From telepot with MIT License | 4 votes |
def on_new_chat_member(self, msg, new_chat_member): print('New chat member:', new_chat_member) content_type, chat_type, chat_id = telepot.glance(msg) r = await self.getChat(chat_id) print(r) r = await self.getChatAdministrators(chat_id) print(r) print(telepot.namedtuple.ChatMemberArray(r)) r = await self.getChatMembersCount(chat_id) print(r) while 1: try: await self.setChatTitle(chat_id, 'AdminBot Title') print('Set title successfully.') break except NotEnoughRightsError: print('No right to set title. Try again in 10 seconds ...') await asyncio.sleep(10) while 1: try: await self.setChatPhoto(chat_id, open('gandhi.png', 'rb')) print('Set photo successfully.') await asyncio.sleep(2) # let tester see photo briefly break except NotEnoughRightsError: print('No right to set photo. Try again in 10 seconds ...') await asyncio.sleep(10) while 1: try: await self.deleteChatPhoto(chat_id) print('Delete photo successfully.') break except NotEnoughRightsError: print('No right to delete photo. Try again in 10 seconds ...') await asyncio.sleep(10) print('I am done. Remove me from the group.')