Python matplotlib.pylab.title() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of matplotlib.pylab.title().
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Example #1
Source File: From Building-Machine-Learning-Systems-With-Python-Second-Edition with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plot_roc(auc_score, name, tpr, fpr, label=None): pylab.clf() pylab.figure(num=None, figsize=(5, 4)) pylab.grid(True) pylab.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], 'k--') pylab.plot(fpr, tpr) pylab.fill_between(fpr, tpr, alpha=0.5) pylab.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) pylab.ylim([0.0, 1.0]) pylab.xlabel('False Positive Rate') pylab.ylabel('True Positive Rate') pylab.title('ROC curve (AUC = %0.2f) / %s' % (auc_score, label), verticalalignment="bottom") pylab.legend(loc="lower right") filename = name.replace(" ", "_") pylab.savefig( os.path.join(CHART_DIR, "roc_" + filename + ".png"), bbox_inches="tight")
Example #2
Source File: From Building-Machine-Learning-Systems-With-Python-Second-Edition with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plot_clustering(x, y, title, mx=None, ymax=None, xmin=None, km=None): pylab.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 6)) if km: pylab.scatter(x, y, s=50, c=km.predict(list(zip(x, y)))) else: pylab.scatter(x, y, s=50) pylab.title(title) pylab.xlabel("Occurrence word 1") pylab.ylabel("Occurrence word 2") pylab.autoscale(tight=True) pylab.ylim(ymin=0, ymax=1) pylab.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=1) pylab.grid(True, linestyle='-', color='0.75') return pylab
Example #3
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plotallfuncs(allfuncs=allfuncs): from matplotlib import pylab as pl pl.ioff() nnt = NNTester(npoints=1000) lpt = LinearTester(npoints=1000) for func in allfuncs: print(func.title) nnt.plot(func, interp=False, plotter='imshow') pl.savefig('%s-ref-img.png' % func.func_name) nnt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='imshow') pl.savefig('%s-nn-img.png' % func.func_name) lpt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='imshow') pl.savefig('%s-lin-img.png' % func.func_name) nnt.plot(func, interp=False, plotter='contour') pl.savefig('%s-ref-con.png' % func.func_name) nnt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='contour') pl.savefig('%s-nn-con.png' % func.func_name) lpt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='contour') pl.savefig('%s-lin-con.png' % func.func_name) pl.ion()
Example #4
Source File: From Building-Machine-Learning-Systems-With-Python-Second-Edition with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plot_entropy(): pylab.clf() pylab.figure(num=None, figsize=(5, 4)) title = "Entropy $H(X)$" pylab.title(title) pylab.xlabel("$P(X=$coin will show heads up$)$") pylab.ylabel("$H(X)$") pylab.xlim(xmin=0, xmax=1.1) x = np.arange(0.001, 1, 0.001) y = -x * np.log2(x) - (1 - x) * np.log2(1 - x) pylab.plot(x, y) # pylab.xticks([w*7*24 for w in [0,1,2,3,4]], ['week %i'%(w+1) for w in # [0,1,2,3,4]]) pylab.autoscale(tight=True) pylab.grid(True) filename = "entropy_demo.png" pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CHART_DIR, filename), bbox_inches="tight")
Example #5
Source File: From statistical-learning-methods-note with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def plotKChart(self, misClassDict, saveFigPath): kList = [] misRateList = [] for k, misClassNum in misClassDict.iteritems(): kList.append(k) misRateList.append(1.0 - 1.0/k*misClassNum) fig = plt.figure(saveFigPath) plt.plot(kList, misRateList, 'r--') plt.title(saveFigPath) plt.xlabel('k Num.') plt.ylabel('Misclassified Rate') plt.legend(saveFigPath) plt.grid(True) plt.savefig(saveFigPath) ################################### PART3 TEST ######################################## # 例子
Example #6
Source File: From ndvr-dml with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def plot_pr_curve(pr_curve_dml, pr_curve_base, title): """ Function that plots the PR-curve. Args: pr_curve: the values of precision for each recall value title: the title of the plot """ plt.figure(figsize=(16, 9)) plt.plot(np.arange(0.0, 1.05, 0.05), pr_curve_base, color='r', marker='o', linewidth=3, markersize=10) plt.plot(np.arange(0.0, 1.05, 0.05), pr_curve_dml, color='b', marker='o', linewidth=3, markersize=10) plt.grid(True, linestyle='dotted') plt.xlabel('Recall', color='k', fontsize=27) plt.ylabel('Precision', color='k', fontsize=27) plt.yticks(color='k', fontsize=20) plt.xticks(color='k', fontsize=20) plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05]) plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) plt.title(title, color='k', fontsize=27) plt.tight_layout()
Example #7
Source File: From Image-Restoration with MIT License | 6 votes |
def show_pred(images, predictions, ground_truth): # choose 10 indice from images and visualize them indice = [np.random.randint(0, len(images)) for i in range(40)] for i in range(0, 40): plt.figure() plt.subplot(1, 3, 1) plt.tight_layout() plt.title('deformed image') plt.imshow(images[indice[i]]) plt.subplot(1, 3, 2) plt.tight_layout() plt.title('predicted mask') plt.imshow(predictions[indice[i]]) plt.subplot(1, 3, 3) plt.tight_layout() plt.title('ground truth label') plt.imshow(ground_truth[indice[i]]) # Load Data Science Bowl 2018 training dataset
Example #8
Source File: From Building-Machine-Learning-Systems-With-Python-Second-Edition with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plot_confusion_matrix(cm, genre_list, name, title): pylab.clf() pylab.matshow(cm, fignum=False, cmap='Blues', vmin=0, vmax=1.0) ax = pylab.axes() ax.set_xticks(range(len(genre_list))) ax.set_xticklabels(genre_list) ax.xaxis.set_ticks_position("bottom") ax.set_yticks(range(len(genre_list))) ax.set_yticklabels(genre_list) pylab.title(title) pylab.colorbar() pylab.grid(False) pylab.xlabel('Predicted class') pylab.ylabel('True class') pylab.grid(False) pylab.savefig( os.path.join(CHART_DIR, "confusion_matrix_%s.png" % name), bbox_inches="tight")
Example #9
Source File: From text-classifier with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def plot_pr(auc_score, precision, recall, label=None, figure_path=None): """绘制R/P曲线""" try: from matplotlib import pylab pylab.figure(num=None, figsize=(6, 5)) pylab.xlim([0.0, 1.0]) pylab.ylim([0.0, 1.0]) pylab.xlabel('Recall') pylab.ylabel('Precision') pylab.title('P/R (AUC=%0.2f) / %s' % (auc_score, label)) pylab.fill_between(recall, precision, alpha=0.5) pylab.grid(True, linestyle='-', color='0.75') pylab.plot(recall, precision, lw=1) pylab.savefig(figure_path) except Exception as e: print("save image error with matplotlib") pass
Example #10
Source File: From Building-Machine-Learning-Systems-With-Python-Second-Edition with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plot_feat_importance(feature_names, clf, name): pylab.clf() coef_ = clf.coef_ important = np.argsort(np.absolute(coef_.ravel())) f_imp = feature_names[important] coef = coef_.ravel()[important] inds = np.argsort(coef) f_imp = f_imp[inds] coef = coef[inds] xpos = np.array(range(len(coef))), coef, width=1) pylab.title('Feature importance for %s' % (name)) ax = pylab.gca() ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(coef))) labels = ax.set_xticklabels(f_imp) for label in labels: label.set_rotation(90) filename = name.replace(" ", "_") pylab.savefig(os.path.join( CHART_DIR, "feat_imp_%s.png" % filename), bbox_inches="tight")
Example #11
Source File: From whynot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def error_bar_plot(experiment_data, results, title="", ylabel=""): true_effect = experiment_data.true_effects.mean() estimators = list(results.keys()) x = list(estimators) y = [results[estimator].ate for estimator in estimators] cis = [ np.array(results[estimator].ci) - results[estimator].ate if results[estimator].ci is not None else [0, 0] for estimator in estimators ] err = [[abs(ci[0]) for ci in cis], [abs(ci[1]) for ci in cis]] plt.figure(figsize=(12, 5)) (_, caps, _) = plt.errorbar(x, y, yerr=err, fmt="o", markersize=8, capsize=5) for cap in caps: cap.set_markeredgewidth(2) plt.plot(x, [true_effect] * len(x), label="True Effect") plt.legend(fontsize=12, loc="lower right") plt.ylabel(ylabel) plt.title(title)
Example #12
Source File: From FinQuant with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plot_efrontier(self): """Plots the Efficient Frontier.""" if self.efrontier is None: # compute efficient frontier first self.efficient_frontier() plt.plot( self.efrontier[:, 0], self.efrontier[:, 1], linestyle="-.", color="black", lw=2, label="Efficient Frontier", ) plt.title("Efficient Frontier") plt.xlabel("Volatility") plt.ylabel("Expected Return") plt.legend()
Example #13
Source File: From Building-Machine-Learning-Systems-With-Python-Second-Edition with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plot_feat_importance(feature_names, clf, name): pylab.clf() coef_ = clf.coef_ important = np.argsort(np.absolute(coef_.ravel())) f_imp = feature_names[important] coef = coef_.ravel()[important] inds = np.argsort(coef) f_imp = f_imp[inds] coef = coef[inds] xpos = np.array(range(len(coef))), coef, width=1) pylab.title('Feature importance for %s' % (name)) ax = pylab.gca() ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(coef))) labels = ax.set_xticklabels(f_imp) for label in labels: label.set_rotation(90) filename = name.replace(" ", "_") pylab.savefig(os.path.join( CHART_DIR, "feat_imp_%s.png" % filename), bbox_inches="tight")
Example #14
Source File: From neural-network-animation with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plotallfuncs(allfuncs=allfuncs): from matplotlib import pylab as pl pl.ioff() nnt = NNTester(npoints=1000) lpt = LinearTester(npoints=1000) for func in allfuncs: print(func.title) nnt.plot(func, interp=False, plotter='imshow') pl.savefig('%s-ref-img.png' % func.__name__) nnt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='imshow') pl.savefig('%s-nn-img.png' % func.__name__) lpt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='imshow') pl.savefig('%s-lin-img.png' % func.__name__) nnt.plot(func, interp=False, plotter='contour') pl.savefig('%s-ref-con.png' % func.__name__) nnt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='contour') pl.savefig('%s-nn-con.png' % func.__name__) lpt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='contour') pl.savefig('%s-lin-con.png' % func.__name__) pl.ion()
Example #15
Source File: From matplotlib-4-abaqus with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plotallfuncs(allfuncs=allfuncs): from matplotlib import pylab as pl pl.ioff() nnt = NNTester(npoints=1000) lpt = LinearTester(npoints=1000) for func in allfuncs: print(func.title) nnt.plot(func, interp=False, plotter='imshow') pl.savefig('%s-ref-img.png' % func.func_name) nnt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='imshow') pl.savefig('%s-nn-img.png' % func.func_name) lpt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='imshow') pl.savefig('%s-lin-img.png' % func.func_name) nnt.plot(func, interp=False, plotter='contour') pl.savefig('%s-ref-con.png' % func.func_name) nnt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='contour') pl.savefig('%s-nn-con.png' % func.func_name) lpt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='contour') pl.savefig('%s-lin-con.png' % func.func_name) pl.ion()
Example #16
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 6 votes |
def plotallfuncs(allfuncs=allfuncs): from matplotlib import pylab as pl pl.ioff() nnt = NNTester(npoints=1000) lpt = LinearTester(npoints=1000) for func in allfuncs: print(func.title) nnt.plot(func, interp=False, plotter='imshow') pl.savefig('%s-ref-img.png' % func.__name__) nnt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='imshow') pl.savefig('%s-nn-img.png' % func.__name__) lpt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='imshow') pl.savefig('%s-lin-img.png' % func.__name__) nnt.plot(func, interp=False, plotter='contour') pl.savefig('%s-ref-con.png' % func.__name__) nnt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='contour') pl.savefig('%s-nn-con.png' % func.__name__) lpt.plot(func, interp=True, plotter='contour') pl.savefig('%s-lin-con.png' % func.__name__) pl.ion()
Example #17
Source File: From incubator-sdap-nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def contourMap(var, variable, coordinates, n, plotFile): '''Make contour plot for the var array using coordinates vector for lat/lon coordinates.''' # TODO: Downscale variable array (SST) before contouring, matplotlib is TOO slow on large arrays # Fixed color scale, write file, turn off auto borders, set title, etc. lats = coordinates[0][:] lons = coordinates[1][:] if lats[1] < lats[0]: # if latitudes decreasing, reverse lats = N.flipud(lats) var = N.flipud(var[:]) imageMap(lons, lats, var, vmin=-2., vmax=45., outFile=plotFile, autoBorders=False, title='%s %d-day Mean from %s' % (variable.upper(), n, os.path.splitext(plotFile)[0])) print >> sys.stderr, 'Writing contour plot to %s' % plotFile return plotFile
Example #18
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def example1(): m,k = 500,4 upper = 6 scale=10 xs1a = np.linspace(1,upper,m)[:,np.newaxis] xs1 = xs1a*np.ones((1,4)) + 1/(1.0+np.exp(np.random.randn(m,k))) xs1 /= np.std(xs1[::k,:],0) # normalize scale, could use cov to normalize y1true = np.sum(np.sin(xs1)+np.sqrt(xs1),1)[:,np.newaxis] y1 = y1true + 0.250 * np.random.randn(m,1) stride = 2 #use only some points as trainig points e.g 2 means every 2nd gp1 = GaussProcess(xs1[::stride,:],y1[::stride,:], kernel=kernel_euclid, ridgecoeff=1e-10) yhatr1 = gp1.predict(xs1) plt.figure() plt.plot(y1true, y1,'bo',y1true, yhatr1,'r.') plt.title('euclid kernel: true y versus noisy y and estimated y') plt.figure() plt.plot(y1,'bo-',y1true,'go-',yhatr1,'r.-') plt.title('euclid kernel: true (green), noisy (blue) and estimated (red) '+ 'observations') gp2 = GaussProcess(xs1[::stride,:],y1[::stride,:], kernel=kernel_rbf, scale=scale, ridgecoeff=1e-1) yhatr2 = gp2.predict(xs1) plt.figure() plt.plot(y1true, y1,'bo',y1true, yhatr2,'r.') plt.title('rbf kernel: true versus noisy (blue) and estimated (red) observations') plt.figure() plt.plot(y1,'bo-',y1true,'go-',yhatr2,'r.-') plt.title('rbf kernel: true (green), noisy (blue) and estimated (red) '+ 'observations') #gp2.plot(y1)
Example #19
Source File: From incubator-sdap-nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def histogram(vals, variable, n, outFile): figFile = os.path.splitext(outFile)[0] + '_hist.png' M.clf() # M.hist(vals, 47, (-2., 45.)) M.hist(vals, 94) M.xlim(-5, 45) M.xlabel('SST in degrees Celsius') M.ylim(0, 300000) M.ylabel('Count') M.title('Histogram of %s %d-day Mean from %s' % (variable.upper(), n, outFile)) print >> sys.stderr, 'Writing histogram plot to %s' % figFile M.savefig(figFile) return figFile
Example #20
Source File: From incubator-sdap-nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def plotTllv(inFile, markerType='kx', outFile=None, groupBy=None, **options): """Plot the lat/lon locations of points from a time/lat/lon/value file.""" fields = N.array([map(float, line.split()) for line in open(inFile, 'r')]) lons = fields[:,2]; lats = fields[:,1] marksOnMap(lons, lats, markerType, outFile, \ title='Lat/lon plot of '+inFile, **options)
Example #21
Source File: From incubator-sdap-nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def histogram(vals, variable, n, outFile): figFile = os.path.splitext(outFile)[0] + '_hist.png' M.clf() # M.hist(vals, 47, (-2., 45.)) M.hist(vals, 94) M.xlim(-5, 45) M.xlabel('SST in degrees Celsius') M.ylim(0, 300000) M.ylabel('Count') M.title('Histogram of %s %d-day Mean from %s' % (variable.upper(), n, outFile)) print >>sys.stderr, 'Writing histogram plot to %s' % figFile M.savefig(figFile) return figFile
Example #22
Source File: From incubator-sdap-nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def contourMap(var, variable, coordinates, n, outFile): figFile = os.path.splitext(outFile)[0] + '_hist.png' # TODO: Downscale variable array (SST) before contouring, matplotlib is TOO slow on large arrays vals = var[variable][:] # Fixed color scale, write file, turn off auto borders, set title, reverse lat direction so monotonically increasing?? imageMap(var[coordinates[1]][:], var[coordinates[0]][:], var[variable][:], vmin=-2., vmax=45., outFile=figFile, autoBorders=False, title='%s %d-day Mean from %s' % (variable.upper(), n, outFile)) print >>sys.stderr, 'Writing contour plot to %s' % figFile return figFile
Example #23
Source File: From tierpsy-tracker with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _h_smooth_cnt(food_cnt, resampling_N = 1000, smooth_window=None, _is_debug=False): if smooth_window is None: smooth_window = resampling_N//20 if not _is_valid_cnt(food_cnt): #invalid contour arrays return food_cnt smooth_window = smooth_window if smooth_window%2 == 1 else smooth_window+1 # calculate the cumulative length for each segment in the curve dx = np.diff(food_cnt[:, 0]) dy = np.diff(food_cnt[:, 1]) dr = np.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) lengths = np.cumsum(dr) lengths = np.hstack((0, lengths)) # add the first point tot_length = lengths[-1] fx = interp1d(lengths, food_cnt[:, 0]) fy = interp1d(lengths, food_cnt[:, 1]) subLengths = np.linspace(0 + np.finfo(float).eps, tot_length, resampling_N) rx = fx(subLengths) ry = fy(subLengths) pol_degree = 3 rx = savgol_filter(rx, smooth_window, pol_degree, mode='wrap') ry = savgol_filter(ry, smooth_window, pol_degree, mode='wrap') food_cnt_s = np.stack((rx, ry), axis=1) if _is_debug: import matplotlib.pylab as plt plt.figure() plt.plot(food_cnt[:, 0], food_cnt[:, 1], '.-') plt.plot(food_cnt_s[:, 0], food_cnt_s[:, 1], '.-') plt.axis('equal') plt.title('smoothed contour') return food_cnt_s #%%
Example #24
Source File: From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def example2(m=100, scale=0.01, stride=2): #m,k = 100,1 upper = 6 xs1 = np.linspace(1,upper,m)[:,np.newaxis] y1true = np.sum(np.sin(xs1**2),1)[:,np.newaxis]/xs1 y1 = y1true + 0.05*np.random.randn(m,1) ridgecoeff = 1e-10 #stride = 2 #use only some points as trainig points e.g 2 means every 2nd gp1 = GaussProcess(xs1[::stride,:],y1[::stride,:], kernel=kernel_euclid, ridgecoeff=1e-10) yhatr1 = gp1.predict(xs1) plt.figure() plt.plot(y1true, y1,'bo',y1true, yhatr1,'r.') plt.title('euclid kernel: true versus noisy (blue) and estimated (red) observations') plt.figure() plt.plot(y1,'bo-',y1true,'go-',yhatr1,'r.-') plt.title('euclid kernel: true (green), noisy (blue) and estimated (red) '+ 'observations') gp2 = GaussProcess(xs1[::stride,:],y1[::stride,:], kernel=kernel_rbf, scale=scale, ridgecoeff=1e-2) yhatr2 = gp2.predict(xs1) plt.figure() plt.plot(y1true, y1,'bo',y1true, yhatr2,'r.') plt.title('rbf kernel: true versus noisy (blue) and estimated (red) observations') plt.figure() plt.plot(y1,'bo-',y1true,'go-',yhatr2,'r.-') plt.title('rbf kernel: true (green), noisy (blue) and estimated (red) '+ 'observations') #gp2.plot(y1)
Example #25
Source File: From incubator-sdap-nexus with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def plotVtecAndJasonTracks(gtcFiles, outFile=None, names=None, makeFigure=True, show=False, **options): """Plot GAIM climate and assim VTEC versus JASON using at least two 'gc' files. First file is usually climate file, and rest are assim files. """ ensureItems(options, {'title': 'GAIM vs. JASON for '+gtcFiles[0], \ 'xlabel': 'Geographic Latitude (deg)', 'ylabel': 'VTEC (TECU)'}) if 'show' in options: show = True del options['show'] M.subplot(211) gtcFile = gtcFiles.pop(0) name = 'clim_' if names: name = names.pop(0) specs = [(gtcFile, 'latitude:2,jason:6,gim__:8,%s:13,iri__:10' % name)] name = 'assim' for i, gtcFile in enumerate(gtcFiles): label = name if len(gtcFiles) > 1: label += str(i+1) specs.append( (gtcFile, 'latitude:2,%s:13' % label) ) plotColumns(specs, rmsDiffFrom='jason', floatFormat='%5.1f', **options) M.legend() M.subplot(212) options.update({'title': 'JASON Track Plot', 'xlabel': 'Longitude (deg)', 'ylabel': 'Latitude (deg)'}) fields = N.array([map(floatOrMiss, line.split()) for line in open(gtcFiles[0], 'r')]) lons = fields[:,2]; lats = fields[:,1] marksOnMap(lons, lats, show=show, **options) if outFile: M.savefig(outFile)
Example #26
Source File: From rmats2sashimiplot with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def plotkde(covfact): gkde.reset_covfact(covfact) kdepdf = gkde.evaluate(ind) plt.figure() # plot histgram of sample plt.hist(xn, bins=20, normed=1) # plot estimated density plt.plot(ind, kdepdf, label='kde', color="g") # plot data generating density plt.plot(ind, alpha * stats.norm.pdf(ind, loc=mlow) + (1-alpha) * stats.norm.pdf(ind, loc=mhigh), color="r", label='DGP: normal mix') plt.title('Kernel Density Estimation - ' + str(gkde.covfact)) plt.legend()
Example #27
Source File: From text-classifier with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def plt_history(history, output_dir='output/', model_name='cnn'): try: from matplotlib import pyplot model_name = model_name.upper() fig1 = pyplot.figure() pyplot.plot(history.history['loss'], 'r', linewidth=3.0) pyplot.plot(history.history['val_loss'], 'b', linewidth=3.0) pyplot.legend(['Training loss', 'Validation Loss'], fontsize=18) pyplot.xlabel('Epochs ', fontsize=16) pyplot.ylabel('Loss', fontsize=16) pyplot.title('Loss Curves :' + model_name, fontsize=16) loss_path = output_dir + model_name + '_loss.png' fig1.savefig(loss_path) print('save to:', loss_path) # fig2 = pyplot.figure() pyplot.plot(history.history['acc'], 'r', linewidth=3.0) pyplot.plot(history.history['val_acc'], 'b', linewidth=3.0) pyplot.legend(['Training Accuracy', 'Validation Accuracy'], fontsize=18) pyplot.xlabel('Epochs ', fontsize=16) pyplot.ylabel('Accuracy', fontsize=16) pyplot.title('Accuracy Curves : ' + model_name, fontsize=16) acc_path = output_dir + model_name + '_accuracy.png' fig2.savefig(acc_path) print('save to:', acc_path) except Exception as e: print("save image error with matplotlib") pass
Example #28
Source File: From speaker_recognition with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_roc(score_list, save_dir, plot_name): save_path = os.path.join(save_dir, plot_name + ".jpg") # 按照 score 排序 threshold_value = sorted([score for score, _ in score_list]) threshold_num = len(threshold_value) accracy_array = np.zeros(threshold_num) precision_array = np.zeros(threshold_num) TPR_array = np.zeros(threshold_num) TNR_array = np.zeros(threshold_num) FNR_array = np.zeros(threshold_num) FPR_array = np.zeros(threshold_num) # calculate all the rates for thres in range(threshold_num): accracy, precision, TPR, TNR, FNR, FPR = cal_rate(score_list, threshold_value[thres]) accracy_array[thres] = accracy precision_array[thres] = precision TPR_array[thres] = TPR TNR_array[thres] = TNR FNR_array[thres] = FNR FPR_array[thres] = FPR AUC = np.trapz(TPR_array, FPR_array) threshold = np.argmin(abs(FNR_array - FPR_array)) EER = (FNR_array[threshold] + FPR_array[threshold]) / 2 # print('EER : %f AUC : %f' % (EER, -AUC)) plt.plot(FPR_array, TPR_array) plt.title('ROC') plt.xlabel('FPR') plt.ylabel('TPR') plt.text(0.2, 0, s="EER :{} AUC :{} Threshold:{}".format(round(EER, 4), round(-AUC, 4), round(threshold_value[threshold], 4)), fontsize=10) plt.legend() plt.savefig(save_path)
Example #29
Source File: From OpenTrader with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def vPlotTrades(self, subset=None): if subset is None: subset = slice(None, None) fr = self.trades.ix[subset] le = fr.price[(fr.pos > 0) & (fr.vol > 0)] se = fr.price[(fr.pos < 0) & (fr.vol < 0)] lx = fr.price[(fr.pos.shift() > 0) & (fr.vol < 0)] sx = fr.price[(fr.pos.shift() < 0) & (fr.vol > 0)] import matplotlib.pylab as pylab pylab.plot(le.index, le.values, '^', color='lime', markersize=12, label='long enter') pylab.plot(se.index, se.values, 'v', color='red', markersize=12, label='short enter') pylab.plot(lx.index, lx.values, 'o', color='lime', markersize=7, label='long exit') pylab.plot(sx.index, sx.values, 'o', color='red', markersize=7, label='short exit') eq = self.equity.ix[subset].cumsum() ix = eq.index oOS = getattr(self.ohlc, self.open_label) (eq + oOS[ix[0]]).plot(color='red', style='-', label='strategy') # self.ohlc.O.ix[ix[0]:ix[-1]].plot(color='black', label='price') oOS.ix[subset].plot(color='black', label='price') pylab.legend(loc='best') pylab.title('%s\nTrades for %s' % (self, subset))
Example #30
Source File: From Building-Machine-Learning-Systems-With-Python-Second-Edition with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_k_complexity(ks, train_errors, test_errors): pylab.figure(num=None, figsize=(6, 5)) pylab.ylim([0.0, 1.0]) pylab.xlabel('k') pylab.ylabel('Error') pylab.title('Errors for for different values of $k$') pylab.plot( ks, test_errors, "--", ks, train_errors, "-", lw=1) pylab.legend(["test error", "train error"], loc="upper right") pylab.grid(True, linestyle='-', color='0.75') pylab.savefig( os.path.join(CHART_DIR, "kcomplexity.png"), bbox_inches="tight")