Python six.viewitems() Examples
The following are 26
code examples of six.viewitems().
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Example #1
Source File: From striatum with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def plot_avg_regret(policy): """Plot average regret with respect to time. Parameters ---------- policy: bandit object The bandit algorithm you want to evaluate. """ avg_reward = calculate_avg_reward(policy) points = sorted(six.viewitems(avg_reward), key=lambda x: x[0]) x, y = zip(*points) plt.plot(x, [1 - reward for reward in y], 'r-', label="average regret") plt.xlabel('time') plt.ylabel('avg regret') plt.legend() plt.title("Average Regret with respect to Time")
Example #2
Source File: From django-service-objects with MIT License | 6 votes |
def form_valid(self, form): """ Main functionality, creates :class:`Service` and calls :meth:`execute` with proper parameters. If everything is successful, calls Base :meth:`form_valid`. If error is throw, adds it to the form and calls :meth:`form_invalid` """ try: cls = self.get_service_class() cls.execute( self.get_service_input(form), self.get_service_files(), **self.get_service_kwargs() ) return super(ServiceViewMixin, self).form_valid(form) except InvalidInputsError as e: for k, v in viewitems(e.errors): form.add_error(k, v) return self.form_invalid(form) except ValidationError as e: form.add_error(None, e) return self.form_invalid(form)
Example #3
Source File: From ida-minsc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def dump(self): cls = self.__class__ # FIXME: doesn't support recursion def stringify(layer, indent=0, tab=' '): data = (k for k, v in six.viewitems(layer) if not isinstance(v, node)) result = [] for k in data: result.append("{:s}{!r} -> {!r}".format(tab * indent, k, layer[k])) branches = [k for k, v in six.viewitems(layer) if isinstance(v, node)] for k in branches: result.append("{:s}{!r}".format(tab * indent, k)) branch_data = stringify(layer[k], indent+1, tab=tab) result.extend(branch_data) return result return '\n'.join(("{!r}({:d})".format(cls,, '\n'.join(stringify(self)))) ### cache for looking up encoder/decoder types
Example #4
Source File: From feagen with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def match_node(self, key): found_node = None for regex_key, node in six.viewitems(self._key_node_dict): match_object = re.match("(?:%s)\Z" % regex_key, key) if match_object is not None: if found_node is None: found_node = node found_regex_key = regex_key found_match_object = match_object else: raise ValueError("The data key '{}' matches multiple keys: " "'{}' for {} and '{}' for {}.".format( key, found_regex_key, found_node, regex_key, node)) if found_node is None: raise KeyError(key) return found_regex_key, found_node, found_match_object
Example #5
Source File: From feagen with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 6 votes |
def get_data_keys_from_structure(structure): data_keys = [] def _get_data_keys_from_structure(structure): if isinstance(structure, basestring): data_keys.append(structure) elif isinstance(structure, list): data_keys.extend(structure) elif isinstance(structure, dict): for _, val in six.viewitems(structure): _get_data_keys_from_structure(val) else: raise TypeError("The bundle structure only support " "dict, list and str.") _get_data_keys_from_structure(structure) return data_keys
Example #6
Source File: From cloud-debug-python with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def CaptureFrameLocals(self, frame): """Captures local variables and arguments of the specified frame. Args: frame: frame to capture locals and arguments. Returns: (arguments, locals) tuple. """ # Capture all local variables (including method arguments). variables = {n: self.CaptureNamedVariable(n, v, 1, self.default_capture_limits) for n, v in six.viewitems(frame.f_locals)} # Split between locals and arguments (keeping arguments in the right order). nargs = frame.f_code.co_argcount if frame.f_code.co_flags & inspect.CO_VARARGS: nargs += 1 if frame.f_code.co_flags & inspect.CO_VARKEYWORDS: nargs += 1 frame_arguments = [] for argname in frame.f_code.co_varnames[:nargs]: if argname in variables: frame_arguments.append(variables.pop(argname)) return (frame_arguments, list(six.viewvalues(variables)))
Example #7
Source File: From openhtf with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_as_dict(self): conf_dict = conf._asdict() expected_dict = { 'flag_key': 'flag_value', 'other_flag': 'other_value', 'true_value': True, 'num_value': 100, 'none_default': None, 'string_default': 'default', } # assert first dict is a subset of second dict self.assertLessEqual(six.viewitems(expected_dict), six.viewitems(conf_dict))
Example #8
Source File: From flatten-dict with MIT License | 5 votes |
def inv_flat_tuple_dict(flat_tuple_dict): return {v: k for k, v in six.viewitems(flat_tuple_dict)}
Example #9
Source File: From flatten-dict with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_flat_underscore_dict(flat_tuple_dict): return {'_'.join(k): v for k, v in six.viewitems(flat_tuple_dict)}
Example #10
Source File: From flatten-dict with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_flat_path_dict(flat_tuple_dict): return {os.path.join(*k): v for k, v in six.viewitems(flat_tuple_dict)}
Example #11
Source File: From flatten-dict with MIT License | 5 votes |
def unflatten(d, splitter='tuple', inverse=False): """Unflatten dict-like object. Parameters ---------- d : dict-like object The dict that will be unflattened. splitter : {'tuple', 'path', 'underscore', 'dot', Callable} The key splitting method. If a Callable is given, the Callable will be used to split `d`. 'tuple': Use each element in the tuple key as the key of the unflattened dict. 'path': Use `` to split keys. 'underscore': Use underscores to split keys. 'dot': Use underscores to split keys. inverse : bool Whether you want to invert the key and value before flattening. Returns ------- unflattened_dict : dict """ if isinstance(splitter, str): splitter = SPLITTER_DICT[splitter] unflattened_dict = {} for flat_key, value in six.viewitems(d): if inverse: flat_key, value = value, flat_key key_tuple = splitter(flat_key) nested_set_dict(unflattened_dict, key_tuple, value) return unflattened_dict
Example #12
Source File: From feagen with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def write_data(self, result_dict): for key, val in six.viewitems(result_dict): pickle_path = os.path.join(self.pickle_dir, key + ".pkl") with SimpleTimer("Writing generated data %s to pickle file" % key, end_in_new_line=False), \ open(pickle_path, "wb") as fp: cPickle.dump(val, fp, protocol=cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
Example #13
Source File: From feagen with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _grow_ancestors(self, nx_digraph, root_node_key, successor_keys, re_args={}): successor_keys = {k: k.format(**re_args) for k in successor_keys} # grow the graph using DFS for template_key, key in six.viewitems(successor_keys): regex_key, node, match_object = self.match_node(key) # for merging node, we use key as the 'key' in nx_digraph mode = self._node_mode_dict[node] if mode == 'full': node_key = (self._node_key_dict[node]['keys'] + self._node_key_dict[node]['re_escape_keys']) elif mode == 'one': node_key = key else: raise ValueError("Mode '%s' is not supported." % mode) re_args = match_object.groupdict() if node_key not in nx_digraph: attr = self._node_attr_dict[node].copy() attr.setdefault('__name__', node) attr['__re_args__'] = re_args nx_digraph.add_node(node_key, attr) self._grow_ancestors(nx_digraph, node_key, self._node_succesor_dict[node], re_args) if not nx_digraph.has_edge(root_node_key, node_key): nx_digraph.add_edge(root_node_key, node_key, keys=set(), template_keys={}) edge_attr = nx_digraph[root_node_key][node_key] edge_attr['keys'].add(key) edge_attr['template_keys'].update(((template_key, key),))
Example #14
Source File: From feagen with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def bundle(self, structure, data_bundle_hdf_path, buffer_size=int(1e+9), structure_config=None): if structure_config is None: structure_config = {} def _bundle_data(structure, structure_config, dset_name=""): if isinstance(structure, basestring) and dset_name != "": (self.get_handler(structure) .bundle(structure, data_bundle_hdf_path, dset_name)) elif isinstance(structure, list): if structure_config.get('concat', False): self.fill_concat_data(data_bundle_hdf_path, dset_name, structure, buffer_size) else: for data_key in structure: (self.get_handler(data_key) .bundle(data_key, data_bundle_hdf_path, dset_name + "/" + data_key)) elif isinstance(structure, dict): for key, val in six.viewitems(structure): _bundle_data(val, structure_config.get(key, {}), dset_name + "/" + key) else: raise TypeError("The bundle structure only support " "dict, list and str (except the first layer).") if os.path.isfile(data_bundle_hdf_path): os.remove(data_bundle_hdf_path) with SimpleTimer("Bundling data"): _bundle_data(structure, structure_config)
Example #15
Source File: From python-esppy with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def viewflatitems(self): ''' Return view of flattened items ''' return six.viewitems(self.flattened())
Example #16
Source File: From odoo-rpc-client with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_ids_to_read(self, *fields): """ Return list of ids, that have no at least one of specified fields in cache For example:: cache.get_ids_to_read('name', 'country_id', 'parent_id') This code will traverse all record ids managed by this cache, and find those that have no at least one field in cache. This is highly useful in prefetching """ return [key for key, val in six.viewitems(self) if any(((field not in val) for field in fields))]
Example #17
Source File: From ida-minsc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def contents(Contents, **tagmap): '''Apply the tags in `Contents` back into each function within the database.''' global apply cls, tagmap_output = apply.__class__, u", {:s}".format(u', '.join(u"{:s}={:s}".format(internal.utils.string.escape(oldtag), internal.utils.string.escape(newtag)) for oldtag, newtag in six.iteritems(tagmap))) if tagmap else '' count = 0 for loc, res in Contents: ea = locationToAddress(loc) # warn the user if this address is not within a function if not func.within(ea): logging.warn(u"{:s}.contents(...{:s}) : Address {:#x} is not within a function. Using a global tag.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, ea)) # grab the current (old) tag state state = db.tag(ea) # transform the new tag state using the tagmap new = { tagmap.get(name, name) : value for name, value in six.viewitems(res) } # check if the tag mapping resulted in the deletion of a tag if len(new) != len(res): for name in six.viewkeys(res) - six.viewkeys(new): logging.warn(u"{:s}.contents(...{:s}) : Refusing requested tag mapping as it results in the tag \"{:s}\" overwriting tag \"{:s}\" for the contents at {:#x}. The value {!s} would be overwritten by {!s}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, internal.utils.string.escape(name, '"'), internal.utils.string.escape(tagmap[name], '"'), ea, internal.utils.string.repr(res[name]), internal.utils.string.repr(res[tagmap[name]]))) pass # inform the user if any tags are being overwritten with different values for name in six.viewkeys(state) & six.viewkeys(new): if state[name] == new[name]: continue logging.warn(u"{:s}.contents(...{:s}) : Overwriting contents tag \"{:s}\" for address {:#x} with new value {!s}. Old value was {!s}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, internal.utils.string.escape(name, '"'), ea, internal.utils.string.repr(new[name]), internal.utils.string.repr(state[name]))) # write the tags to the contents address try: [ db.tag(ea, name, value) for name, value in six.iteritems(new) if state.get(name, dummy) != value ] except: logging.warn(u"{:s}.contents(...{:s}) : Unable to apply tags {!s} to location {:#x}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, internal.utils.string.repr(new), ea), exc_info=True) # increase our counter count += 1 return count ## applying frames to all the functions
Example #18
Source File: From ida-minsc with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def globals(Globals, **tagmap): '''Apply the tags in `Globals` back into the database.''' global apply cls, tagmap_output = apply.__class__, u", {:s}".format(u', '.join(u"{:s}={:s}".format(internal.utils.string.escape(oldtag), internal.utils.string.escape(newtag)) for oldtag, newtag in six.iteritems(tagmap))) if tagmap else '' count = 0 for ea, res in Globals: ns = func if func.within(ea) else db # grab the current (old) tag state state = ns.tag(ea) # transform the new tag state using the tagmap new = { tagmap.get(name, name) : value for name, value in six.viewitems(res) } # check if the tag mapping resulted in the deletion of a tag if len(new) != len(res): for name in six.viewkeys(res) - six.viewkeys(new): logging.warn(u"{:s}.globals(...{:s}) : Refusing requested tag mapping as it results in the tag \"{:s}\" overwriting the tag \"{:s}\" in the global {:#x}. The value {!s} would be replaced with {!s}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, internal.utils.string.escape(name, '"'), internal.utils.string.escape(tagmap[name], '"'), ea, internal.utils.string.repr(res[name]), internal.utils.string.repr(res[tagmap[name]]))) pass # check what's going to be overwritten with different values prior to doing it for name in six.viewkeys(state) & six.viewkeys(new): if state[name] == new[name]: continue logging.warn(u"{:s}.globals(...{:s}) : Overwriting tag \"{:s}\" for global at {:#x} with new value {!s}. Old value was {!s}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, internal.utils.string.escape(name, '"'), ea, internal.utils.string.repr(new[name]), internal.utils.string.repr(state[name]))) # now we can apply the tags to the global address try: [ ns.tag(ea, name, value) for name, value in six.iteritems(new) if state.get(name, dummy) != value ] except: logging.warn(u"{:s}.globals(...{:s}) : Unable to apply tags ({!s}) to global {:#x}.".format('.'.join((__name__, cls.__name__)), tagmap_output, internal.utils.string.repr(new), ea), exc_info=True) # increase our counter count += 1 return count ## applying contents tags to all the functions
Example #19
Source File: From jqdatasdk with MIT License | 5 votes |
def hashable_lru(maxsize=16): def hashable_cache_internal(func): cache = lru_cache(maxsize=maxsize) def deserialize(value): if isinstance(value, Serialized): return json.loads(value.json) else: return value def func_with_serialized_params(*args, **kwargs): _args = tuple([deserialize(arg) for arg in args]) _kwargs = {k: deserialize(v) for k, v in six.viewitems(kwargs)} return func(*_args, **_kwargs) cached_func = cache(func_with_serialized_params) @wraps(func) def hashable_cached_func(*args, **kwargs): _args = tuple([ Serialized(json.dumps(arg, sort_keys=True)) if type(arg) in (list, dict) else arg for arg in args ]) _kwargs = { k: Serialized(json.dumps(v, sort_keys=True)) if type(v) in (list, dict) else v for k, v in kwargs.items() } return copy.deepcopy(cached_func(*_args, **_kwargs)) hashable_cached_func.cache_info = cached_func.cache_info hashable_cached_func.cache_clear = cached_func.cache_clear return hashable_cached_func return hashable_cache_internal
Example #20
Source File: From h5sparse with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_format_str(data): for format_str, format_class in six.viewitems(FORMAT_DICT): if isinstance(data, format_class): return format_str raise ValueError("Data type {} is not supported.".format(type(data)))
Example #21
Source File: From striatum with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def reward(self, history_id, rewards): """Reward the previous action with reward. Parameters ---------- history_id : int The history id of the action to reward. rewards : dictionary The dictionary {action_id, reward}, where reward is a float. """ context = (self._historystorage .get_unrewarded_history(history_id) .context) model = self._modelstorage.get_model() w = model['w'] action_probs = model['action_probs'] action_ids = list(six.viewkeys( # Update the model for action_id, reward in six.viewitems(rewards): y_hat = {} v_hat = {} for i in six.viewkeys(context): y_hat[i] = (context[i][action_id] * reward / action_probs[action_id]) v_hat[i] = sum( [context[i][k] / action_probs[k] for k in action_ids]) w[i] = w[i] * np.exp( self.p_min / 2 * (y_hat[i] + v_hat[i] * np.sqrt(np.log(len(context) / / (len(action_ids) * self.max_rounds)))) self._modelstorage.save_model({ 'action_probs': action_probs, 'w': w}) # Update the history self._historystorage.add_reward(history_id, rewards)
Example #22
Source File: From striatum with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def reward(self, history_id, rewards): """Reward the previous action with reward. Parameters ---------- history_id : int The history id of the action to reward. rewards : dictionary The dictionary {action_id, reward}, where reward is a float. """ context = (self._history_storage .get_unrewarded_history(history_id) .context) # Update the model model = self._model_storage.get_model() A = model['A'] # pylint: disable=invalid-name A_inv = model['A_inv'] # pylint: disable=invalid-name b = model['b'] theta = model['theta'] for action_id, reward in six.viewitems(rewards): action_context = np.reshape(context[action_id], (-1, 1)) A[action_id] += A_inv[action_id] = np.linalg.inv(A[action_id]) b[action_id] += reward * action_context theta[action_id] = A_inv[action_id].dot(b[action_id]) self._model_storage.save_model({ 'A': A, 'A_inv': A_inv, 'b': b, 'theta': theta, }) # Update the history self._history_storage.add_reward(history_id, rewards)
Example #23
Source File: From striatum with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def reward(self, history_id, rewards): """Reward the previous action with reward. Parameters ---------- history_id : int The history id of the action to reward. rewards : dictionary The dictionary {action_id, reward}, where reward is a float. """ context = (self._history_storage .get_unrewarded_history(history_id) .context) # Update the model model = self._model_storage.get_model() B = model['B'] # pylint: disable=invalid-name f = model['f'] for action_id, reward in six.viewitems(rewards): context_t = np.reshape(context[action_id], (-1, 1)) B += # pylint: disable=invalid-name f += reward * context_t mu_hat = np.linalg.inv(B).dot(f) self._model_storage.save_model({'B': B, 'mu_hat': mu_hat, 'f': f}) # Update the history self._history_storage.add_reward(history_id, rewards)
Example #24
Source File: From striatum with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def get_advice(context, action_ids, experts): advice = {} for t, context_t in six.viewitems(context): advice[t] = {} for exp_i, expert in enumerate(experts): prob = expert.predict_proba(context_t[np.newaxis, :])[0] advice[t][exp_i] = {} for action_id, action_prob in zip(action_ids, prob): advice[t][exp_i][action_id] = action_prob return advice
Example #25
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def push(self, expunge=False): """Push up cache data to Zookeeper. :param ``bool`` expunge: If `True`, remove all remote files not present locally. :returns: `True` - When new data was pushed up to Zookeeper. `False` - When Zookeeper was already up to date. """ assert self.zkclient is not None, 'Operation requires a ZK client.' new_data = False for name, entries in six.iteritems(self._cached): # We only consider the latest version (in case of dirty cache). cache_entry = entries[0] zk_entry = ( self._zkdata[name][0] if name in self._zkdata else None ) # Upload a new version if the chksum is different. if zk_entry is None or cache_entry.chksum != zk_entry.chksum: with, 'rb') as data: self.zkclient.create( '{path}/{name}#{chksum}#'.format( path=self._zkpath, name=name, chksum=cache_entry.chksum ),, sequence=True, makepath=True ) new_data = True if new_data: self.refresh_zk() for name, entries in list(six.viewitems(self._zkdata)): if name not in self._cached: if expunge: # Clean up all sequence numbers for that name. for zk_entry in entries: zkutils.ensure_deleted(self.zkclient, zk_entry.zname) else: # Clean up all "older" sequence numbers for that name. for zk_entry in entries[1:]: zkutils.ensure_deleted(self.zkclient, zk_entry.zname) return new_data
Example #26
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def synchronize(self): """Cleanup state resource. """ for app_unique_name in six.viewkeys(self._devices.copy()): if not self._devices[app_unique_name].get('stale', False): continue # This is a stale device, destroy it. self.on_delete_request(app_unique_name) # Reset the container environment sets to the IP we have now cleaned # up. This is more complex than expected because multiple environment # can be merged in the same set in _SET_BY_ENVIRONMENT. container_env_ips = {} for set_name in set(_SET_BY_ENVIRONMENT.values()): key = sorted( [ env for env in _SET_BY_ENVIRONMENT if _SET_BY_ENVIRONMENT[env] == set_name ] ) container_env_ips[tuple(key)] = set() for set_envs, set_ips in six.viewitems(container_env_ips): for device in six.viewvalues(self._devices): if device['environment'] not in set_envs: continue set_ips.add(device['ip']) for set_envs, set_ips in six.viewitems(container_env_ips): iptables.atomic_set( _SET_BY_ENVIRONMENT[set_envs[0]], set_ips, set_type='hash:ip', family='inet', hashsize=1024, maxelem=65536 ) # It is now safe to clean up all remaining vIPs without resource. self._vips.garbage_collect() # Read bridge status self._bridge_mtu = netdev.dev_mtu(self._TMBR_DEV)