Python Examples
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Example #1
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_kexdh_reply(self, m): # client mode host_key = m.get_string() self.f = m.get_mpint() if (self.f < 1) or (self.f > P - 1): raise SSHException('Server kex "f" is out of range') sig = m.get_string() K = pow(self.f, self.x, P) # okay, build up the hash H of (V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || e || f || K) hm = Message() hm.add(self.transport.local_version, self.transport.remote_version, self.transport.local_kex_init, self.transport.remote_kex_init) hm.add_string(host_key) hm.add_mpint(self.e) hm.add_mpint(self.f) hm.add_mpint(K) self.transport._set_K_H(K, self.transport._verify_key(host_key, sig) self.transport._activate_outbound()
Example #2
Source File: From Safejumper-for-Desktop with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def generateQ(randfunc): S=randfunc(20) q = bignum(0) for i in range(0,20): c=bord(hash1[i])^bord(hash2[i]) if i==0: c=c | 128 if i==19: c= c | 1 q=q*256+c while (not isPrime(q)): q=q+2 if pow(2,159L) < q < pow(2,160L): return S, q raise RuntimeError('Bad q value generated')
Example #3
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_bytes (self, N): """get_bytes(N:int) : string Return N bytes of random data. """ s='' i, pool = self._getPos, self._randpool dsize = self._hash.digest_size num = N while num > 0: h.update( self._randpool[i:i+dsize] ) s = s + h.digest() num = num - dsize i = (i + dsize) % self.bytes if i<dsize: self.stir() i=self._getPos self._getPos = i self._updateEntropyEstimate(- 8*N) return s[:N]
Example #4
Source File: From cryptovenom with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def signMsg(text, imported_key): seq2 = asn1.DerSequence() data = '\n'.join(imported_key.strip().split('\n')[1:-1]).decode('base64') seq2.decode(data) p, q, g, y, x = seq2[1:] key2 = DSA.construct((y, g, p, q, x)) k1 = random.StrongRandom().randint(1,key2.q-1) h = sig = key2.sign(h, k1) return sig
Example #5
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def generateQ(randfunc): S=randfunc(20) q = bignum(0) for i in range(0,20): c=ord(hash1[i])^ord(hash2[i]) if i==0: c=c | 128 if i==19: c= c | 1 q=q*256+c while (not isPrime(q)): q=q+2 if pow(2,159) < q < pow(2,160): return S, q raise error('Bad q value generated')
Example #6
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def generateQ(randfunc): S=randfunc(20) q = bignum(0) for i in range(0,20): c=ord(hash1[i])^ord(hash2[i]) if i==0: c=c | 128 if i==19: c= c | 1 q=q*256+c while (not isPrime(q)): q=q+2 if pow(2,159L) < q < pow(2,160L): return S, q raise error, 'Bad q value generated'
Example #7
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def stir (self, s = ''): """stir(s:string) Mix up the randomness pool. This will call add_event() twice, but out of paranoia the entropy attribute will not be increased. The optional 's' parameter is a string that will be hashed with the randomness pool. """ entropy=self.entropy # Save inital entropy value self.add_event() # Loop over the randomness pool: hash its contents # along with a counter, and add the resulting digest # back into the pool. for i in range(self.bytes / self._hash.digest_size): h = h.update(str(self.__counter) + str(i) + str(self._addPos) + s) self._addBytes( h.digest() ) self.__counter = (self.__counter + 1) & 0xFFFFffff self._addPos, self._getPos = 0, self._hash.digest_size self.add_event() # Restore the old value of the entropy. self.entropy=entropy
Example #8
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def stir (self, s = ''): """stir(s:string) Mix up the randomness pool. This will call add_event() twice, but out of paranoia the entropy attribute will not be increased. The optional 's' parameter is a string that will be hashed with the randomness pool. """ entropy=self.entropy # Save inital entropy value self.add_event() # Loop over the randomness pool: hash its contents # along with a counter, and add the resulting digest # back into the pool. for i in range(self.bytes / self._hash.digest_size): h = h.update(str(self.__counter) + str(i) + str(self._addPos) + s) self._addBytes( h.digest() ) self.__counter = (self.__counter + 1) & 0xFFFFffffL self._addPos, self._getPos = 0, self._hash.digest_size self.add_event() # Restore the old value of the entropy. self.entropy=entropy
Example #9
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def get_bytes (self, N): """get_bytes(N:int) : string Return N bytes of random data. """ s='' i, pool = self._getPos, self._randpool dsize = self._hash.digest_size num = N while num > 0: h.update( self._randpool[i:i+dsize] ) s = s + h.digest() num = num - dsize i = (i + dsize) % self.bytes if i<dsize: self.stir() i=self._getPos self._getPos = i self._updateEntropyEstimate(- 8*N) return s[:N]
Example #10
Source File: From cryptovenom with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def verifyMsg(text, imported_key, sig): seq2 = asn1.DerSequence() data = '\n'.join(imported_key.strip().split('\n')[1:-1]).decode('base64') seq2.decode(data) p, q, g, y, x = seq2[1:] key2 = DSA.construct((y, g, p, q, x)) k1 = random.StrongRandom().randint(1,key2.q-1) h = a = key2.verify(h, sig) return a
Example #11
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_kexdh_gex_reply(self, m): host_key = m.get_string() self.f = m.get_mpint() sig = m.get_string() if (self.f < 1) or (self.f > self.p - 1): raise SSHException('Server kex "f" is out of range') K = pow(self.f, self.x, self.p) # okay, build up the hash H of (V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || min || n || max || p || g || e || f || K) hm = Message() hm.add(self.transport.local_version, self.transport.remote_version, self.transport.local_kex_init, self.transport.remote_kex_init, host_key) if not self.old_style: hm.add_int(self.min_bits) hm.add_int(self.preferred_bits) if not self.old_style: hm.add_int(self.max_bits) hm.add_mpint(self.p) hm.add_mpint(self.g) hm.add_mpint(self.e) hm.add_mpint(self.f) hm.add_mpint(K) self.transport._set_K_H(K, self.transport._verify_key(host_key, sig) self.transport._activate_outbound()
Example #12
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate(bits, progress_func=None): """ Generate a new private RSA key. This factory function can be used to generate a new host key or authentication key. @param bits: number of bits the generated key should be. @type bits: int @param progress_func: an optional function to call at key points in key generation (used by C{pyCrypto.PublicKey}). @type progress_func: function @return: new private key @rtype: L{RSAKey} """ rsa = RSA.generate(bits,, progress_func) key = RSAKey(vals=(rsa.e, rsa.n)) key.d = rsa.d key.p = rsa.p key.q = rsa.q return key
Example #13
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_kexdh_reply(self, m): # client mode host_key = m.get_string() self.f = m.get_mpint() if (self.f < 1) or (self.f > P - 1): raise SSHException('Server kex "f" is out of range') sig = m.get_string() K = pow(self.f, self.x, P) # okay, build up the hash H of (V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || e || f || K) hm = Message() hm.add(self.transport.local_version, self.transport.remote_version, self.transport.local_kex_init, self.transport.remote_kex_init) hm.add_string(host_key) hm.add_mpint(self.e) hm.add_mpint(self.f) hm.add_mpint(K) self.transport._set_K_H(K, self.transport._verify_key(host_key, sig) self.transport._activate_outbound()
Example #14
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate(bits=1024, progress_func=None): """ Generate a new private DSS key. This factory function can be used to generate a new host key or authentication key. @param bits: number of bits the generated key should be. @type bits: int @param progress_func: an optional function to call at key points in key generation (used by C{pyCrypto.PublicKey}). @type progress_func: function @return: new private key @rtype: L{DSSKey} """ dsa = DSA.generate(bits,, progress_func) key = DSSKey(vals=(dsa.p, dsa.q, dsa.g, dsa.y)) key.x = dsa.x return key
Example #15
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def verify_ssh_sig(self, data, msg): if len(str(msg)) == 40: # bug: signature has no header sig = str(msg) else: kind = msg.get_string() if kind != 'ssh-dss': return 0 sig = msg.get_string() # pull out (r, s) which are NOT encoded as mpints sigR = util.inflate_long(sig[:20], 1) sigS = util.inflate_long(sig[20:], 1) sigM = util.inflate_long(, 1) dss = DSA.construct((long(self.y), long(self.g), long(self.p), long(self.q))) return dss.verify(sigM, (sigR, sigS))
Example #16
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_newkeys(self, m): self._log(DEBUG, 'Switch to new keys ...') self._activate_inbound() # can also free a bunch of stuff here self.local_kex_init = self.remote_kex_init = None self.K = None self.kex_engine = None if self.server_mode and (self.auth_handler is None): # create auth handler for server mode self.auth_handler = AuthHandler(self) if not self.initial_kex_done: # this was the first key exchange self.initial_kex_done = True # send an event? if self.completion_event != None: self.completion_event.set() # it's now okay to send data again (if this was a re-key) if not self.packetizer.need_rekey(): self.in_kex = False self.clear_to_send_lock.acquire() try: self.clear_to_send.set() finally: self.clear_to_send_lock.release() return
Example #17
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_cipher(self, name, key, iv): if name not in self._cipher_info: raise SSHException('Unknown client cipher ' + name) if name in ('arcfour128', 'arcfour256'): # arcfour cipher cipher = self._cipher_info[name]['class'].new(key) # as per RFC 4345, the first 1536 bytes of keystream # generated by the cipher MUST be discarded cipher.encrypt(" " * 1536) return cipher elif name.endswith("-ctr"): # CTR modes, we need a counter counter =[name]['block-size'] * 8, initial_value=util.inflate_long(iv, True)) return self._cipher_info[name]['class'].new(key, self._cipher_info[name]['mode'], iv, counter) else: return self._cipher_info[name]['class'].new(key, self._cipher_info[name]['mode'], iv)
Example #18
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _compute_key(self, id, nbytes): "id is 'A' - 'F' for the various keys used by ssh" m = Message() m.add_mpint(self.K) m.add_bytes(self.H) m.add_byte(id) m.add_bytes(self.session_id) out = sofar = while len(out) < nbytes: m = Message() m.add_mpint(self.K) m.add_bytes(self.H) m.add_bytes(sofar) digest = out += digest sofar += digest return out[:nbytes]
Example #19
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def renegotiate_keys(self): """ Force this session to switch to new keys. Normally this is done automatically after the session hits a certain number of packets or bytes sent or received, but this method gives you the option of forcing new keys whenever you want. Negotiating new keys causes a pause in traffic both ways as the two sides swap keys and do computations. This method returns when the session has switched to new keys. @raise SSHException: if the key renegotiation failed (which causes the session to end) """ self.completion_event = threading.Event() self._send_kex_init() while True: self.completion_event.wait(0.1) if not e = self.get_exception() if e is not None: raise e raise SSHException('Negotiation failed.') if self.completion_event.isSet(): break return
Example #20
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _compute_key(self, id, nbytes): "id is 'A' - 'F' for the various keys used by ssh" m = Message() m.add_mpint(self.K) m.add_bytes(self.H) m.add_byte(id) m.add_bytes(self.session_id) out = sofar = while len(out) < nbytes: m = Message() m.add_mpint(self.K) m.add_bytes(self.H) m.add_bytes(sofar) digest = out += digest sofar += digest return out[:nbytes]
Example #21
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_cipher(self, name, key, iv): if name not in self._cipher_info: raise SSHException('Unknown client cipher ' + name) if name in ('arcfour128', 'arcfour256'): # arcfour cipher cipher = self._cipher_info[name]['class'].new(key) # as per RFC 4345, the first 1536 bytes of keystream # generated by the cipher MUST be discarded cipher.encrypt(" " * 1536) return cipher elif name.endswith("-ctr"): # CTR modes, we need a counter counter =[name]['block-size'] * 8, initial_value=util.inflate_long(iv, True)) return self._cipher_info[name]['class'].new(key, self._cipher_info[name]['mode'], iv, counter) else: return self._cipher_info[name]['class'].new(key, self._cipher_info[name]['mode'], iv)
Example #22
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def sign_ssh_data(self, rng, data): digest = dss = DSA.construct((long(self.y), long(self.g), long(self.p), long(self.q), long(self.x))) # generate a suitable k qsize = len(util.deflate_long(self.q, 0)) while True: k = util.inflate_long(, 1) if (k > 2) and (k < self.q): break r, s = dss.sign(util.inflate_long(digest, 1), k) m = Message() m.add_string('ssh-dss') # apparently, in rare cases, r or s may be shorter than 20 bytes! rstr = util.deflate_long(r, 0) sstr = util.deflate_long(s, 0) if len(rstr) < 20: rstr = '\x00' * (20 - len(rstr)) + rstr if len(sstr) < 20: sstr = '\x00' * (20 - len(sstr)) + sstr m.add_string(rstr + sstr) return m
Example #23
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def verify_ssh_sig(self, data, msg): if len(str(msg)) == 40: # bug: signature has no header sig = str(msg) else: kind = msg.get_string() if kind != 'ssh-dss': return 0 sig = msg.get_string() # pull out (r, s) which are NOT encoded as mpints sigR = util.inflate_long(sig[:20], 1) sigS = util.inflate_long(sig[20:], 1) sigM = util.inflate_long(, 1) dss = DSA.construct((long(self.y), long(self.g), long(self.p), long(self.q))) return dss.verify(sigM, (sigR, sigS))
Example #24
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate(bits=1024, progress_func=None): """ Generate a new private DSS key. This factory function can be used to generate a new host key or authentication key. @param bits: number of bits the generated key should be. @type bits: int @param progress_func: an optional function to call at key points in key generation (used by C{pyCrypto.PublicKey}). @type progress_func: function @return: new private key @rtype: L{DSSKey} """ dsa = DSA.generate(bits,, progress_func) key = DSSKey(vals=(dsa.p, dsa.q, dsa.g, dsa.y)) key.x = dsa.x return key
Example #25
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _parse_kexdh_gex_reply(self, m): host_key = m.get_string() self.f = m.get_mpint() sig = m.get_string() if (self.f < 1) or (self.f > self.p - 1): raise SSHException('Server kex "f" is out of range') K = pow(self.f, self.x, self.p) # okay, build up the hash H of (V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || min || n || max || p || g || e || f || K) hm = Message() hm.add(self.transport.local_version, self.transport.remote_version, self.transport.local_kex_init, self.transport.remote_kex_init, host_key) if not self.old_style: hm.add_int(self.min_bits) hm.add_int(self.preferred_bits) if not self.old_style: hm.add_int(self.max_bits) hm.add_mpint(self.p) hm.add_mpint(self.g) hm.add_mpint(self.e) hm.add_mpint(self.f) hm.add_mpint(K) self.transport._set_K_H(K, self.transport._verify_key(host_key, sig) self.transport._activate_outbound()
Example #26
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate(bits, progress_func=None): """ Generate a new private RSA key. This factory function can be used to generate a new host key or authentication key. @param bits: number of bits the generated key should be. @type bits: int @param progress_func: an optional function to call at key points in key generation (used by C{pyCrypto.PublicKey}). @type progress_func: function @return: new private key @rtype: L{RSAKey} """ rsa = RSA.generate(bits,, progress_func) key = RSAKey(vals=(rsa.e, rsa.n)) key.d = rsa.d key.p = rsa.p key.q = rsa.q return key
Example #27
Source File: From earthengine with MIT License | 6 votes |
def generateQ(randfunc): S=randfunc(20) q = bignum(0) for i in range(0,20): c=bord(hash1[i])^bord(hash2[i]) if i==0: c=c | 128 if i==19: c= c | 1 q=q*256+c while (not isPrime(q)): q=q+2 if pow(2,159L) < q < pow(2,160L): return S, q raise RuntimeError('Bad q value generated')
Example #28
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def publickey(self): """Return a new key object containing only the public information.""" return construct((self.p, self.q, self.g, self.y))
Example #29
Source File: From imoocc with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def open_session(self): """ Request a new channel to the server, of type C{"session"}. This is just an alias for C{open_channel('session')}. @return: a new L{Channel} @rtype: L{Channel} @raise SSHException: if the request is rejected or the session ends prematurely """ return self.open_channel('session')
Example #30
Source File: From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _measureTickSize(self): # _measureTickSize() tries to estimate a rough average of the # resolution of time that you can see from Python. It does # this by measuring the time 100 times, computing the delay # between measurements, and taking the median of the resulting # list. (We also hash all the times and add them to the pool) interval = [None] * 100 h =`(id(self),id(interval))`) # Compute 100 differences t=time.time() h.update(`t`) i = 0 j = 0 while i < 100: t2=time.time() h.update(`(i,j,t2)`) j += 1 delta=int((t2-t)*1e6) if delta: interval[i] = delta i += 1 t=t2 # Take the median of the array of intervals interval.sort() self._ticksize=interval[len(interval)/2] h.update(`(interval,self._ticksize)`) # mix in the measurement times and wash the random pool self.stir(h.digest())