Python sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist.ordering_list() Examples
The following are 18
code examples of sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist.ordering_list().
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Example #1
Source File: From pyA2L with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def annotation_association(cls): name = cls.__name__ discriminator = name.lower() assoc_cls = type( "%sAnnotationAssociation" % name, (AnnotationAssociation,), dict( __tablename__ = None, __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": discriminator}, ), ) cls.annotation = association_proxy( "annotation_association", "annotation", creator = lambda annotation: assoc_cls(annotation = annotation), ) return relationship( assoc_cls, backref = backref("parent", uselist = False, collection_class = ordering_list('position')) )
Example #2
Source File: From pyA2L with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def if_data_association(cls): name = cls.__name__ discriminator = name.lower() assoc_cls = type( "%sIfDataAssociation" % name, (IfDataAssociation,), dict( __tablename__ = None, __mapper_args__ = {"polymorphic_identity": discriminator}, ), ) cls.if_data = association_proxy( "if_data_association", "if_data", creator = lambda if_data: assoc_cls(if_data = if_data), ) return relationship( assoc_cls, backref = backref("parent", uselist = False, collection_class = ordering_list('position')) )
Example #3
Source File: From incubator-ariatosca with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def inbound_relationships(cls): """ Relationships from other nodes. :type: [:class:`Relationship`] """ return relationship.one_to_many( cls, 'relationship', other_fk='target_node_fk', back_populates='target_node', rel_kwargs=dict( order_by='Relationship.target_position', collection_class=ordering_list('target_position', count_from=0) ) ) # endregion # region many_to_one relationships
Example #4
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ordering_list(attr, count_from=None, **kw): """Prepares an :class:`OrderingList` factory for use in mapper definitions. Returns an object suitable for use as an argument to a Mapper relationship's ``collection_class`` option. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list class Slide(Base): __tablename__ = 'slide' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) bullets = relationship("Bullet", order_by="Bullet.position", collection_class=ordering_list('position')) :param attr: Name of the mapped attribute to use for storage and retrieval of ordering information :param count_from: Set up an integer-based ordering, starting at ``count_from``. For example, ``ordering_list('pos', count_from=1)`` would create a 1-based list in SQL, storing the value in the 'pos' column. Ignored if ``ordering_func`` is supplied. Additional arguments are passed to the :class:`.OrderingList` constructor. """ kw = _unsugar_count_from(count_from=count_from, **kw) return lambda: OrderingList(attr, **kw) # Ordering utility functions
Example #5
Source File: From android_universal with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ordering_list(attr, count_from=None, **kw): """Prepares an :class:`OrderingList` factory for use in mapper definitions. Returns an object suitable for use as an argument to a Mapper relationship's ``collection_class`` option. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list class Slide(Base): __tablename__ = 'slide' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) bullets = relationship("Bullet", order_by="Bullet.position", collection_class=ordering_list('position')) :param attr: Name of the mapped attribute to use for storage and retrieval of ordering information :param count_from: Set up an integer-based ordering, starting at ``count_from``. For example, ``ordering_list('pos', count_from=1)`` would create a 1-based list in SQL, storing the value in the 'pos' column. Ignored if ``ordering_func`` is supplied. Additional arguments are passed to the :class:`.OrderingList` constructor. """ kw = _unsugar_count_from(count_from=count_from, **kw) return lambda: OrderingList(attr, **kw) # Ordering utility functions
Example #6
Source File: From moviegrabber with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def ordering_list(attr, count_from=None, **kw): """Prepares an :class:`OrderingList` factory for use in mapper definitions. Returns an object suitable for use as an argument to a Mapper relationship's ``collection_class`` option. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list class Slide(Base): __tablename__ = 'slide' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) bullets = relationship("Bullet", order_by="Bullet.position", collection_class=ordering_list('position')) :param attr: Name of the mapped attribute to use for storage and retrieval of ordering information :param count_from: Set up an integer-based ordering, starting at ``count_from``. For example, ``ordering_list('pos', count_from=1)`` would create a 1-based list in SQL, storing the value in the 'pos' column. Ignored if ``ordering_func`` is supplied. Additional arguments are passed to the :class:`.OrderingList` constructor. """ kw = _unsugar_count_from(count_from=count_from, **kw) return lambda: OrderingList(attr, **kw) # Ordering utility functions
Example #7
Source File: From jarvis with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def ordering_list(attr, count_from=None, **kw): """Prepares an :class:`OrderingList` factory for use in mapper definitions. Returns an object suitable for use as an argument to a Mapper relationship's ``collection_class`` option. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list class Slide(Base): __tablename__ = 'slide' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) bullets = relationship("Bullet", order_by="Bullet.position", collection_class=ordering_list('position')) :param attr: Name of the mapped attribute to use for storage and retrieval of ordering information :param count_from: Set up an integer-based ordering, starting at ``count_from``. For example, ``ordering_list('pos', count_from=1)`` would create a 1-based list in SQL, storing the value in the 'pos' column. Ignored if ``ordering_func`` is supplied. Additional arguments are passed to the :class:`.OrderingList` constructor. """ kw = _unsugar_count_from(count_from=count_from, **kw) return lambda: OrderingList(attr, **kw) # Ordering utility functions
Example #8
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_replace(self): self._setup(ordering_list("position")) s1 = Slide("Slide #1") s1.bullets = [Bullet("1"), Bullet("2"), Bullet("3")] self.assert_(len(s1.bullets) == 3) self.assert_(s1.bullets[2].position == 2) session = create_session() session.add(s1) session.flush() new_bullet = Bullet("new 2") self.assert_(new_bullet.position is None) # mark existing bullet as db-deleted before replacement. # session.delete(s1.bullets[1]) s1.bullets[1] = new_bullet self.assert_(new_bullet.position == 1) self.assert_(len(s1.bullets) == 3) id_ = session.flush() session.expunge_all() srt = session.query(Slide).get(id_) self.assert_(srt.bullets) self.assert_(len(srt.bullets) == 3) self.assert_(srt.bullets[1].text == "new 2") self.assert_(srt.bullets[2].text == "3")
Example #9
Source File: From jbox with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ordering_list(attr, count_from=None, **kw): """Prepares an :class:`OrderingList` factory for use in mapper definitions. Returns an object suitable for use as an argument to a Mapper relationship's ``collection_class`` option. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list class Slide(Base): __tablename__ = 'slide' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) bullets = relationship("Bullet", order_by="Bullet.position", collection_class=ordering_list('position')) :param attr: Name of the mapped attribute to use for storage and retrieval of ordering information :param count_from: Set up an integer-based ordering, starting at ``count_from``. For example, ``ordering_list('pos', count_from=1)`` would create a 1-based list in SQL, storing the value in the 'pos' column. Ignored if ``ordering_func`` is supplied. Additional arguments are passed to the :class:`.OrderingList` constructor. """ kw = _unsugar_count_from(count_from=count_from, **kw) return lambda: OrderingList(attr, **kw) # Ordering utility functions
Example #10
Source File: From stdm with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def ordering_list(attr, count_from=None, **kw): """Prepares an :class:`OrderingList` factory for use in mapper definitions. Returns an object suitable for use as an argument to a Mapper relationship's ``collection_class`` option. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list class Slide(Base): __tablename__ = 'slide' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) bullets = relationship("Bullet", order_by="Bullet.position", collection_class=ordering_list('position')) :param attr: Name of the mapped attribute to use for storage and retrieval of ordering information :param count_from: Set up an integer-based ordering, starting at ``count_from``. For example, ``ordering_list('pos', count_from=1)`` would create a 1-based list in SQL, storing the value in the 'pos' column. Ignored if ``ordering_func`` is supplied. Additional arguments are passed to the :class:`.OrderingList` constructor. """ kw = _unsugar_count_from(count_from=count_from, **kw) return lambda: OrderingList(attr, **kw) # Ordering utility functions
Example #11
Source File: From incubator-ariatosca with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def outbound_relationships(cls): """ Relationships to other nodes. :type: [:class:`Relationship`] """ return relationship.one_to_many( cls, 'relationship', other_fk='source_node_fk', back_populates='source_node', rel_kwargs=dict( order_by='Relationship.source_position', collection_class=ordering_list('source_position', count_from=0) ) )
Example #12
Source File: From pyRevit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def ordering_list(attr, count_from=None, **kw): """Prepares an :class:`OrderingList` factory for use in mapper definitions. Returns an object suitable for use as an argument to a Mapper relationship's ``collection_class`` option. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list class Slide(Base): __tablename__ = 'slide' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) bullets = relationship("Bullet", order_by="Bullet.position", collection_class=ordering_list('position')) :param attr: Name of the mapped attribute to use for storage and retrieval of ordering information :param count_from: Set up an integer-based ordering, starting at ``count_from``. For example, ``ordering_list('pos', count_from=1)`` would create a 1-based list in SQL, storing the value in the 'pos' column. Ignored if ``ordering_func`` is supplied. Additional arguments are passed to the :class:`.OrderingList` constructor. """ kw = _unsugar_count_from(count_from=count_from, **kw) return lambda: OrderingList(attr, **kw) # Ordering utility functions
Example #13
Source File: From planespotter with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ordering_list(attr, count_from=None, **kw): """Prepares an :class:`OrderingList` factory for use in mapper definitions. Returns an object suitable for use as an argument to a Mapper relationship's ``collection_class`` option. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list class Slide(Base): __tablename__ = 'slide' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) bullets = relationship("Bullet", order_by="Bullet.position", collection_class=ordering_list('position')) :param attr: Name of the mapped attribute to use for storage and retrieval of ordering information :param count_from: Set up an integer-based ordering, starting at ``count_from``. For example, ``ordering_list('pos', count_from=1)`` would create a 1-based list in SQL, storing the value in the 'pos' column. Ignored if ``ordering_func`` is supplied. Additional arguments are passed to the :class:`.OrderingList` constructor. """ kw = _unsugar_count_from(count_from=count_from, **kw) return lambda: OrderingList(attr, **kw) # Ordering utility functions
Example #14
Source File: From Fluid-Designer with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def ordering_list(attr, count_from=None, **kw): """Prepares an :class:`OrderingList` factory for use in mapper definitions. Returns an object suitable for use as an argument to a Mapper relationship's ``collection_class`` option. e.g.:: from sqlalchemy.ext.orderinglist import ordering_list class Slide(Base): __tablename__ = 'slide' id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) name = Column(String) bullets = relationship("Bullet", order_by="Bullet.position", collection_class=ordering_list('position')) :param attr: Name of the mapped attribute to use for storage and retrieval of ordering information :param count_from: Set up an integer-based ordering, starting at ``count_from``. For example, ``ordering_list('pos', count_from=1)`` would create a 1-based list in SQL, storing the value in the 'pos' column. Ignored if ``ordering_func`` is supplied. Additional arguments are passed to the :class:`.OrderingList` constructor. """ kw = _unsugar_count_from(count_from=count_from, **kw) return lambda: OrderingList(attr, **kw) # Ordering utility functions
Example #15
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_append_no_reorder(self): self._setup( ordering_list("position", count_from=1, reorder_on_append=False) ) s1 = Slide("Slide #1") self.assert_(not s1.bullets) self.assert_(len(s1.bullets) == 0) s1.bullets.append(Bullet("s1/b1")) self.assert_(s1.bullets) self.assert_(len(s1.bullets) == 1) self.assert_(s1.bullets[0].position == 1) s1.bullets.append(Bullet("s1/b2")) self.assert_(len(s1.bullets) == 2) self.assert_(s1.bullets[0].position == 1) self.assert_(s1.bullets[1].position == 2) bul = Bullet("s1/b100") bul.position = 100 s1.bullets.append(bul) self.assert_(s1.bullets[0].position == 1) self.assert_(s1.bullets[1].position == 2) self.assert_(s1.bullets[2].position == 100) s1.bullets.append(Bullet("s1/b4")) self.assert_(s1.bullets[0].position == 1) self.assert_(s1.bullets[1].position == 2) self.assert_(s1.bullets[2].position == 100) self.assert_(s1.bullets[3].position == 4) s1.bullets._reorder() self.assert_(s1.bullets[0].position == 1) self.assert_(s1.bullets[1].position == 2) self.assert_(s1.bullets[2].position == 3) self.assert_(s1.bullets[3].position == 4) session = create_session() session.add(s1) session.flush() id_ = session.expunge_all() del s1 srt = session.query(Slide).get(id_) self.assert_(srt.bullets) self.assert_(len(srt.bullets) == 4) titles = ["s1/b1", "s1/b2", "s1/b100", "s1/b4"] found = [b.text for b in srt.bullets] self.assert_(titles == found)
Example #16
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_insert(self): self._setup(ordering_list("position")) s1 = Slide("Slide #1") s1.bullets.append(Bullet("1")) s1.bullets.append(Bullet("2")) s1.bullets.append(Bullet("3")) s1.bullets.append(Bullet("4")) self.assert_(s1.bullets[0].position == 0) self.assert_(s1.bullets[1].position == 1) self.assert_(s1.bullets[2].position == 2) self.assert_(s1.bullets[3].position == 3) s1.bullets.insert(2, Bullet("insert_at_2")) self.assert_(s1.bullets[0].position == 0) self.assert_(s1.bullets[1].position == 1) self.assert_(s1.bullets[2].position == 2) self.assert_(s1.bullets[3].position == 3) self.assert_(s1.bullets[4].position == 4) self.assert_(s1.bullets[1].text == "2") self.assert_(s1.bullets[2].text == "insert_at_2") self.assert_(s1.bullets[3].text == "3") s1.bullets.insert(999, Bullet("999")) self.assert_(len(s1.bullets) == 6) self.assert_(s1.bullets[5].position == 5) session = create_session() session.add(s1) session.flush() id_ = session.expunge_all() del s1 srt = session.query(Slide).get(id_) self.assert_(srt.bullets) self.assert_(len(srt.bullets) == 6) texts = ["1", "2", "insert_at_2", "3", "4", "999"] found = [b.text for b in srt.bullets] self.assert_(texts == found)
Example #17
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_slice(self): self._setup(ordering_list("position")) b = [ Bullet("1"), Bullet("2"), Bullet("3"), Bullet("4"), Bullet("5"), Bullet("6"), ] s1 = Slide("Slide #1") # 1, 2, 3 s1.bullets[0:3] = b[0:3] for i in 0, 1, 2: self.assert_(s1.bullets[i].position == i) self.assert_(s1.bullets[i] == b[i]) # 1, 4, 5, 6, 3 s1.bullets[1:2] = b[3:6] for li, bi in (0, 0), (1, 3), (2, 4), (3, 5), (4, 2): self.assert_(s1.bullets[li].position == li) self.assert_(s1.bullets[li] == b[bi]) # 1, 6, 3 del s1.bullets[1:3] for li, bi in (0, 0), (1, 5), (2, 2): self.assert_(s1.bullets[li].position == li) self.assert_(s1.bullets[li] == b[bi]) session = create_session() session.add(s1) session.flush() id_ = session.expunge_all() del s1 srt = session.query(Slide).get(id_) self.assert_(srt.bullets) self.assert_(len(srt.bullets) == 3) texts = ["1", "6", "3"] for i, text in enumerate(texts): self.assert_(srt.bullets[i].position == i) self.assert_(srt.bullets[i].text == text)
Example #18
Source File: From sqlalchemy with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_funky_ordering(self): class Pos(object): def __init__(self): self.position = None step_factory = ordering_list( "position", ordering_func=step_numbering(2) ) stepped = step_factory() stepped.append(Pos()) stepped.append(Pos()) stepped.append(Pos()) stepped.append(Pos()) for li, pos in (0, 0), (1, 2), (2, 4), (3, 6): self.assert_(stepped[li].position == pos) fib_factory = ordering_list( "position", ordering_func=fibonacci_numbering("position") ) fibbed = fib_factory() fibbed.append(Pos()) fibbed.append(Pos()) fibbed.append(Pos()) fibbed.append(Pos()) fibbed.append(Pos()) for li, pos in (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 5), (4, 8): self.assert_(fibbed[li].position == pos) fibbed.insert(2, Pos()) fibbed.insert(4, Pos()) fibbed.insert(6, Pos()) for li, pos in ( (0, 1), (1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 5), (4, 8), (5, 13), (6, 21), (7, 34), ): self.assert_(fibbed[li].position == pos) alpha_factory = ordering_list("position", ordering_func=alpha_ordering) alpha = alpha_factory() alpha.append(Pos()) alpha.append(Pos()) alpha.append(Pos()) alpha.insert(1, Pos()) for li, pos in (0, "A"), (1, "B"), (2, "C"), (3, "D"): self.assert_(alpha[li].position == pos)