Python scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.interpolate , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From burnman with GNU General Public License v2.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def compute_depth_gravity_profiles(pressures, densities, surface_gravity, outer_radius):
    gravity = [surface_gravity] * len(pressures) # starting guess
    n_gravity_iterations = 5
    for i in range(n_gravity_iterations):    
        # Integrate the hydrostatic equation
        # Make a spline fit of densities as a function of pressures
        rhofunc = UnivariateSpline(pressures, densities)
        # Make a spline fit of gravity as a function of depth
        gfunc = UnivariateSpline(pressures, gravity)
        # integrate the hydrostatic equation
        depths = np.ravel(odeint((lambda p, x: 1./(gfunc(x) * rhofunc(x))), 0.0, pressures))
        radii = outer_radius - depths
        rhofunc = UnivariateSpline(radii[::-1], densities[::-1])
        poisson = lambda p, x: 4.0 * np.pi * burnman.constants.G * rhofunc(x) * x * x
        gravity = np.ravel(odeint(poisson, surface_gravity*radii[0]*radii[0], radii))
        gravity = gravity / radii / radii
    return depths, gravity


# Declare the rock we want to use 
Example #2
Source File:    From fluids with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def set_table(self, n=100, dx=None):
        r'''Method to set an interpolation table of liquids levels versus
        volumes in the tank, for a fully defined tank. Normally run by the
        h_from_V method, this may be run prior to its use with a custom
        specification. Either the number of points on the table, or the
        vertical distance between steps may be specified.

        n : float, optional
            Number of points in the interpolation table, [-]
        dx : float, optional
            Vertical distance between steps in the interpolation table, [m]
        if dx:
            self.heights = linspace(0.0, self.h_max, int(self.h_max/dx)+1)
            self.heights = linspace(0.0, self.h_max, n)
        self.volumes = [self.V_from_h(h) for h in self.heights]
        from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
        self.interp_h_from_V = UnivariateSpline(self.volumes, self.heights, ext=3, s=0.0)
        self.table = True 
Example #3
Source File:    From CO2MPAS-TA with European Union Public License 1.1 6 votes vote down vote up
def calculate_service_battery_currents_v1(
        service_battery_capacity, times, service_battery_state_of_charges):
    Calculate the service battery current vector [A].

    :param service_battery_capacity:
        Service battery capacity [Ah].
    :type service_battery_capacity: float

    :param times:
        Time vector [s].
    :type times: numpy.array

    :param service_battery_state_of_charges:
        State of charge of the service battery [%].
    :type service_battery_state_of_charges: numpy.array

        Service battery current vector [A].
    :rtype: numpy.array
    from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as Spline
    soc = service_battery_state_of_charges
    ib = Spline(times, soc, w=np.tile(10, times.shape[0])).derivative()(times)
    return ib * (service_battery_capacity * 36.0) 
Example #4
Source File:    From QuantEcon.lectures.code with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def fit_policy_function(self,PF):
        Fits the policy functions PF using the points xgrid using UnivariateSpline
        xgrid,S = self.xgrid,self.S

        Vf,cf,nf,xprimef = {},{},{},{}
        for s in range(S):
            PFvec = np.vstack(map(lambda x:PF(x,s),xgrid))
            Vf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,PFvec[:,0],s=0)
            cf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,PFvec[:,1],s=0,k=1)
            nf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,PFvec[:,2],s=0,k=1)
            for sprime in range(S):
                xprimef[s,sprime] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,PFvec[:,3+sprime],s=0,k=1)

        return Vf,[cf,nf,xprimef] 
Example #5
Source File:    From burnman with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _compute_gravity(self, density, gravity_bottom):
        Computes the gravity of a layer
        Used by _evaluate_eos()
        # Create a spline fit of density as a function of radius
        rhofunc = UnivariateSpline(self.radii, density)
        # Numerically integrate Poisson's equation

        def poisson(p, x): return 4.0 * np.pi * \
            constants.G * rhofunc(x) * x * x
        grav = np.ravel(
            odeint( poisson, gravity_bottom *
                self.radii[0] * self.radii[0], self.radii))
        if self.radii[0] == 0:
            grav[0] = 0
            grav[1:] = grav[1:] / self.radii[1:] / self.radii[1:]
            grav[:] = grav[:] / self.radii[:] / self.radii[:]
        return grav 
Example #6
Source File:    From QuantEcon.lectures.code with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def fit_policy_function(self, PF):
        Fits the policy functions PF using the points xgrid using UnivariateSpline
        xgrid, S = self.xgrid, self.S

        Vf, cf, nf, xprimef = {}, {}, {}, {}
        for s in range(S):
            PFvec = np.vstack(map(lambda x: PF(x, s), xgrid))
            Vf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid, PFvec[:, 0], s=0)
            cf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid, PFvec[:, 1], s=0, k=1)
            nf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid, PFvec[:, 2], s=0, k=1)
            for sprime in range(S):
                xprimef[s, sprime] = UnivariateSpline(
                    xgrid, PFvec[:, 3 + sprime], s=0, k=1)

        return Vf, [cf, nf, xprimef] 
Example #7
Source File:    From typhon with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def linewidth(f, a):
    """Calculate the full-width at half maximum (FWHM) of an absorption line.

        f (ndarray): Frequency grid.
        a (ndarray): Line properties
            (e.g. absorption coefficients or cross-sections).

        float: Linewidth.

        >>> f = np.linspace(0, np.pi, 100)
        >>> a = np.sin(f)**2
        >>> linewidth(f, a)
    s = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(f, a - np.max(a)/2, s=0)
    return float(np.diff(s.roots())) 
Example #8
Source File:    From QuantEcon.lectures.code with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def fit_policy_function(self,PF):
        Fits the policy functions PF using the points xgrid using UnivariateSpline
        xgrid,S = self.xgrid,self.S
        Vf,cf,nf,xprimef = {},{},{},{}
        for s in range(S):
            PFvec = np.vstack(map(lambda x:PF(x,s),xgrid))
            Vf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,PFvec[:,0],s=0)
            cf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,PFvec[:,1],s=0,k=1)
            nf[s] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,PFvec[:,2],s=0,k=1)
            for sprime in range(S):
                xprimef[s,sprime] = UnivariateSpline(xgrid,PFvec[:,3+sprime],s=0,k=1)
        return Vf,[cf,nf,xprimef] 
Example #9
Source File:    From sharpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def process_trajectory(self, dxdt=True):
        self.trajectory_interp = []
        # Make sure s = 0.5 is ok.
        self.t_limits[:] = (np.min(self.input_history[:, 0]),
                            np.max(self.input_history[:, 0]))
        for i_dim in range(3):
                interpolate.UnivariateSpline(self.input_history[:, 0],
                                             self.input_history[:, i_dim + 1],
        if dxdt:
            self.trajectory_vel_interp = []
            for i_dim in range(3):
Example #10
Source File:    From PyAbel with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _residual(param, radial, profile, previous):
    """ `scipy.optimize.leastsq` residuals function.

        Evaluate the difference between a radial-scaled intensity profile
        and its adjacent "previous" angular slice.


    radial_scaling, amplitude = param[0], param[1]

    newradial = radial * radial_scaling
    spline_prof = UnivariateSpline(newradial, profile, s=0, ext=3)
    newprof = spline_prof(radial) * amplitude

    # residual cf adjacent slice profile
    return newprof - previous 
Example #11
Source File:    From Pic-Numero with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def roc():
    Plots an ROC curve illustrating the performance of the classifier used in
    grain detection.
    n_classes = 2
    clf = get_model()
    (train_data, train_targets, test_data, test_targets) = Helper.unserialize("../Datasets/")
    y_score = clf.decision_function(test_data)

    fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(test_targets, y_score)

    xnew = np.linspace(fpr.min(),fpr.max(),300)
    spl = UnivariateSpline(fpr,tpr)

    plt.plot(fpr, tpr, label='Exact ROC curve')
    plt.plot(xnew, spl(xnew), label='Smoothed ROC curve', color='red', linestyle='--')
    plt.xlim([0.0, 1.0])
    plt.ylim([0.0, 1.05])
    plt.xlabel('1 - Specificity (False Positive Rate)')
    plt.ylabel('Sensitivity (True Positive Rate)')
    plt.title('Receiver Operating Characteristic curve')
    plt.legend(loc="lower right") 
Example #12
Source File:    From MJHMC with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def fit_inv_pdf(ladder_energies):
    """ Fit an interpolant to the inverse pdf of ladder energies
    Nasty hack to allow drawing energies from arbitrary distributions of ladder_energies

      ladder_energies: array, output of ladder_numerical_err_hist

      interp_inv_pdf: inverse pdf interpolant
    hist, bin_edges = np.histogram(ladder_energies, bins='auto')
    bin_mdpts = (np.diff(bin_edges) / 2) + bin_edges[:-1]
    # interpolation backward using slope bin_mdpts[1] - bin_mdpts[0]
    zero_interp_mdpt = -2 * bin_mdpts[0] + bin_mdpts[1]
    pdf = np.cumsum(hist) / np.sum(hist)
    # we add zero so that the interpolation is defined everywhere on [0, 1]
    pdf = np.concatenate([[0], pdf])
    bin_mdpts = np.concatenate([[zero_interp_mdpt], bin_mdpts])
    return UnivariateSpline(pdf, bin_mdpts, bbox=[0, 1], k=1) 
Example #13
Source File:    From pyunfold with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def on_iteration_end(self, iteration, status=None):
        y = status['unfolded']
        x = np.arange(len(y), dtype=float)
        if self.groups is None:
            spline = UnivariateSpline(x, y,, s=self.smooth)
            fitted_unfolded = spline(x)
            # Check that a group is specified for each cause bin
            if len(self.groups) != len(y):
                err_msg = ('Invalid groups array. There should be an entry '
                           'for each cause bin. However, got len(groups)={} '
                           'while there are {} cause bins.'.format(len(self.groups), len(y)))
                raise ValueError(err_msg)
            fitted_unfolded = np.empty(len(y))
            group_ids = np.unique(self.groups)
            for group in group_ids:
                group_mask = self.groups == group
                x_group = x[group_mask]
                y_group = y[group_mask]
                spline_group = UnivariateSpline(x_group, y_group,, s=self.smooth)
                fitted_unfolded_group = spline_group(x_group)
                fitted_unfolded[group_mask] = fitted_unfolded_group

        status['unfolded'] = fitted_unfolded 
Example #14
Source File:    From MCEq with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _integrate(self):
        """Walks through material list and computes the depth along the
        position (path). Computes the spline for the position-depth relation
        and determines the maximum depth for the material selection.

        Method does not need to be called by the user, instead the class
        calls it when necessary.

        from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
        self.density_depth = None
        self.knots = [0.]
        self.X_int = [0.]

        for start, end, density, _ in self.mat_list:
            self.X_int.append(density * (end - start) + self.X_int[-1])

        self._s_X2h = UnivariateSpline(self.X_int, self.knots, k=1, s=0.)
        self._s_h2X = UnivariateSpline(self.knots, self.X_int, k=1, s=0.)
        self._max_X = self.X_int[-1] 
Example #15
Source File:    From ht with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_Zukauskas_tube_row_correction_refit():
    from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
    from ht.conv_tube_bank import Zukauskas_Czs_low_Re_staggered, Zukauskas_Czs_high_Re_staggered, Zukauskas_Czs_inline 
    # Commands used to obtain the fitted data:
    Zukauskas_Cz_Zs = [0.968219, 1.01968, 1.04164, 1.04441, 1.07539, 1.09332, 1.13914, 1.16636, 1.23636, 1.2394, 1.24505, 1.3125, 1.33358, 1.38554, 1.43141, 1.48282, 1.4876, 1.55352, 1.58004, 1.60466, 1.65726, 1.67493, 1.70188, 1.79682, 1.91823, 1.99323, 1.99665, 2.04002, 2.16306, 2.18556, 2.19045, 2.30691, 2.3086, 2.36006, 2.45272, 2.45413, 2.57543, 2.59826, 2.72341, 2.7451, 2.8896, 2.91482, 2.98759, 3.1572, 3.23203, 3.25334, 3.3511, 3.42295, 3.4499, 3.52072, 3.6168, 3.83565, 3.9076, 3.9826, 4.02939, 4.17411, 4.20042, 4.44242, 4.48937, 4.61023, 4.82811, 4.95071, 5.07038, 5.28825, 5.31232, 5.3621, 5.50606, 5.53014, 5.60405, 5.74801, 5.74807, 5.82181, 5.99012, 5.99017, 6.13636, 6.23207, 6.23212, 6.37826, 6.44983, 6.44988, 6.62015, 6.69183, 6.69188, 6.95807, 6.95812, 6.98312, 7.1767, 7.20001, 7.41772, 7.41848, 7.65967, 7.87743, 7.90156, 7.95003, 7.97416, 7.97476, 8.21606, 8.2166, 8.45795, 8.60365, 8.67571, 8.79712, 8.91809, 8.96597, 9.18368, 9.20824, 9.42551, 9.45013, 9.66741, 9.69197, 10.0786, 10.3208, 10.5623, 10.5626, 10.7803, 10.9737, 10.9978, 11.2398, 11.2399, 11.4574, 11.4575, 11.6993, 11.7478, 11.9653, 11.9896, 12.2072, 12.2315, 12.4491, 12.691, 12.7152, 12.9812, 13.2231, 13.2715, 13.465, 13.7068, 13.9246, 13.9487, 14.1905, 14.4324, 14.6743, 14.9161, 14.9887, 15.2305, 15.4724, 15.7142, 15.787, 15.811, 15.8835, 16.0046, 16.0287, 16.2465, 16.3673, 16.4883, 16.5124, 16.706, 16.7301, 16.9477, 16.9479, 17.1897, 17.2138, 17.4315, 17.6734, 17.9152, 17.9636, 18.2054, 18.2055, 18.4473, 18.6891, 18.9068, 18.931, 18.9793, 19.2212, 19.4631, 19.5599, 19.7049, 19.9467, 19.9952]
    low_Re_staggered_Cz = [0.828685, 0.831068, 0.832085, 0.832213, 0.833647, 0.834478, 0.836599, 0.83786, 0.8411, 0.841241, 0.841503, 0.845561, 0.84683, 0.849956, 0.852715, 0.855808, 0.856096, 0.859148, 0.860376, 0.861516, 0.863952, 0.864828, 0.866165, 0.870874, 0.876897, 0.880617, 0.880787, 0.882293, 0.886566, 0.887348, 0.887517, 0.89214, 0.892207, 0.894249, 0.897396, 0.897444, 0.901563, 0.902338, 0.906589, 0.907258, 0.911719, 0.912497, 0.914744, 0.91998, 0.92229, 0.922729, 0.92474, 0.926218, 0.926772, 0.928561, 0.930987, 0.936514, 0.938332, 0.940226, 0.940947, 0.943179, 0.943584, 0.946941, 0.947769, 0.9499, 0.95374, 0.955902, 0.957529, 0.960492, 0.96082, 0.961497, 0.962826, 0.963048, 0.96373, 0.965208, 0.965208, 0.965965, 0.967759, 0.96776, 0.969318, 0.969757, 0.969758, 0.970428, 0.970757, 0.970757, 0.971538, 0.972422, 0.972422, 0.975703, 0.975704, 0.976012, 0.978249, 0.978139, 0.977115, 0.977111, 0.977585, 0.978013, 0.97806, 0.978155, 0.978202, 0.978204, 0.97819, 0.97819, 0.979578, 0.980416, 0.980411, 0.980405, 0.981521, 0.981333, 0.980478, 0.980382, 0.981379, 0.981492, 0.981479, 0.981478, 0.982147, 0.982566, 0.982553, 0.982553, 0.98254, 0.981406, 0.98171, 0.98476, 0.984762, 0.98475, 0.98475, 0.984736, 0.984733, 0.985732, 0.985843, 0.986842, 0.986953, 0.985817, 0.986825, 0.986926, 0.986911, 0.987834, 0.988018, 0.988008, 0.987994, 0.991353, 0.991148, 0.98909, 0.9902, 0.990187, 0.991297, 0.991293, 0.991279, 0.991266, 0.992054, 0.992292, 0.99237, 0.992366, 0.992359, 0.992358, 0.993068, 0.993463, 0.993456, 0.993454, 0.994443, 0.994566, 0.994553, 0.994553, 0.99454, 0.994539, 0.996774, 0.99676, 0.996746, 0.996744, 0.99673, 0.99673, 0.997466, 0.998201, 0.998863, 0.998936, 0.99902, 0.999439, 0.999857, 1.00002, 1.00002, 1, 1]
    high_Re_staggered_Cz = [0.617923, 0.630522, 0.635897, 0.636344, 0.64134, 0.644232, 0.651621, 0.654452, 0.661728, 0.662045, 0.662632, 0.669643, 0.671835, 0.683767, 0.694302, 0.704706, 0.705673, 0.719014, 0.721221, 0.72327, 0.727649, 0.729119, 0.73359, 0.749337, 0.759443, 0.770509, 0.771014, 0.777413, 0.785006, 0.786394, 0.786756, 0.795376, 0.795545, 0.800697, 0.809975, 0.810062, 0.817547, 0.818955, 0.829084, 0.830839, 0.842534, 0.843935, 0.847977, 0.857398, 0.861555, 0.862739, 0.866619, 0.869471, 0.870563, 0.873432, 0.877325, 0.886614, 0.889668, 0.89251, 0.894282, 0.899765, 0.900781, 0.910119, 0.911931, 0.916595, 0.921077, 0.925619, 0.930052, 0.932064, 0.932286, 0.933053, 0.935273, 0.935644, 0.937165, 0.940127, 0.940128, 0.941835, 0.945731, 0.945731, 0.947081, 0.947964, 0.947965, 0.949465, 0.950199, 0.9502, 0.952562, 0.953557, 0.953558, 0.958036, 0.958037, 0.958267, 0.960054, 0.96027, 0.961381, 0.961388, 0.963615, 0.964614, 0.964725, 0.965472, 0.965844, 0.965847, 0.966954, 0.966957, 0.968064, 0.96956, 0.970299, 0.970762, 0.971224, 0.971406, 0.972518, 0.972516, 0.972504, 0.972617, 0.973614, 0.97368, 0.974715, 0.975264, 0.975811, 0.975814, 0.978048, 0.980033, 0.980281, 0.982515, 0.982515, 0.982502, 0.982503, 0.983612, 0.98361, 0.983597, 0.983709, 0.984707, 0.984819, 0.985817, 0.985804, 0.985896, 0.986911, 0.986898, 0.98712, 0.988008, 0.987994, 0.988994, 0.989104, 0.98909, 0.9902, 0.990187, 0.991297, 0.991293, 0.991279, 0.991266, 0.991252, 0.995742, 0.994903, 0.992366, 0.99573, 0.995729, 0.995716, 0.99571, 0.995703, 0.995826, 0.996814, 0.996813, 0.996801, 0.996801, 0.996787, 0.996786, 0.996774, 0.99676, 0.997682, 0.997867, 0.997854, 0.997854, 0.99784, 0.997826, 0.997814, 0.997813, 0.99781, 0.99892, 0.998907, 0.998901, 0.998893, 0.998879, 0.998877]
    inline_Cz = [0.658582, 0.681965, 0.69194, 0.6932, 0.700314, 0.704433, 0.710773, 0.714541, 0.724228, 0.724649, 0.725518, 0.735881, 0.738799, 0.74599, 0.751285, 0.75722, 0.757717, 0.76457, 0.767327, 0.776314, 0.781783, 0.783619, 0.786421, 0.794105, 0.803931, 0.81, 0.810227, 0.813093, 0.821227, 0.822615, 0.822917, 0.830103, 0.830207, 0.833383, 0.839101, 0.839188, 0.847046, 0.848103, 0.853898, 0.854902, 0.862547, 0.863881, 0.868371, 0.875104, 0.878568, 0.879555, 0.884081, 0.886933, 0.888003, 0.890813, 0.894236, 0.902032, 0.904114, 0.906285, 0.907639, 0.910812, 0.911389, 0.916696, 0.917725, 0.92029, 0.924912, 0.927513, 0.930052, 0.934534, 0.934906, 0.935673, 0.937893, 0.938227, 0.939252, 0.941249, 0.94125, 0.942957, 0.946853, 0.946854, 0.948204, 0.949088, 0.949088, 0.950588, 0.951322, 0.951323, 0.953685, 0.954679, 0.95468, 0.959159, 0.95916, 0.959274, 0.960163, 0.96027, 0.961381, 0.961388, 0.963615, 0.96585, 0.966222, 0.966969, 0.966968, 0.966968, 0.966954, 0.966957, 0.968064, 0.96956, 0.970299, 0.970762, 0.971224, 0.971406, 0.972518, 0.972516, 0.972504, 0.972617, 0.973614, 0.973737, 0.975675, 0.976888, 0.978099, 0.9781, 0.979191, 0.98016, 0.980281, 0.982515, 0.982515, 0.982502, 0.982503, 0.983612, 0.98361, 0.983597, 0.983709, 0.984707, 0.984819, 0.985817, 0.985804, 0.985896, 0.986911, 0.986898, 0.98712, 0.988008, 0.987994, 0.988994, 0.989104, 0.98909, 0.9902, 0.990187, 0.991297, 0.991293, 0.991279, 0.991266, 0.991252, 0.995742, 0.994903, 0.992366, 0.99573, 0.995729, 0.995716, 0.99571, 0.995703, 0.995826, 0.996814, 0.996813, 0.996801, 0.996801, 0.996787, 0.996786, 0.996774, 0.99676, 0.997682, 0.997867, 0.997854, 0.997854, 0.99784, 0.997826, 0.997814, 0.997813, 0.99781, 0.99892, 0.998907, 0.998901, 0.998893, 0.998879, 0.998877]
    # hand tuned smoothing
    Zukauskas_Cz_low_Re_staggered_obj = UnivariateSpline(Zukauskas_Cz_Zs, low_Re_staggered_Cz, s=0.0001) 
    Zukauskas_Cz_high_Re_staggered_obj = UnivariateSpline(Zukauskas_Cz_Zs, high_Re_staggered_Cz, s=0.0005)
    Zukauskas_Cz_inline_obj = UnivariateSpline(Zukauskas_Cz_Zs, inline_Cz, s=0.0005)
    Zukauskas_Czs_inline2 = np.round(Zukauskas_Cz_inline_obj(range(1, 20)), 4).tolist()
    assert_allclose(Zukauskas_Czs_inline, Zukauskas_Czs_inline2)

    Zukauskas_Czs_low_Re_staggered2 = np.round(Zukauskas_Cz_low_Re_staggered_obj(range(1, 20)), 4).tolist()
    assert_allclose(Zukauskas_Czs_low_Re_staggered, Zukauskas_Czs_low_Re_staggered2)

    Zukauskas_Czs_high_Re_staggered2 = np.round(Zukauskas_Cz_high_Re_staggered_obj(range(1, 20)), 4).tolist()
    assert_allclose(Zukauskas_Czs_high_Re_staggered, Zukauskas_Czs_high_Re_staggered2) 
Example #16
Source File:    From ht with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_baffle_correction_Bell_fit():
    from ht.conv_tube_bank import Bell_baffle_configuration_tck
    # 125 us to create.
    spl = splrep(Bell_baffle_configuration_Fcs, Bell_baffle_configuration_Jcs, s=8e-5)
    [assert_allclose(i, j) for (i, j) in zip(spl, Bell_baffle_configuration_tck)]
    Bell_baffle_configuration_obj = UnivariateSpline(Bell_baffle_configuration_Fcs, 
#    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#    plt.plot(Bell_baffle_configuration_Fcs, Bell_baffle_configuration_Jcs)
#    pts = np.linspace(0, 1, 5000)
#    plt.plot(pts, [Bell_baffle_configuration_obj(i) for i in pts])
#    plt.plot(pts, [0.55 + 0.72*i for i in pts]) # Serth and HEDH 3.3.6g misses the tip
Example #17
Source File:    From choochoo with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def smooth_elevation(df, smooth=4):
    if not present(df, Names.ELEVATION):
        log.debug(f'Smoothing {Names.RAW_ELEVATION} to get {Names.ELEVATION}')
        unique = df.loc[~df[Names.DISTANCE].isna() & ~df[Names.RAW_ELEVATION].isna(),
                        [Names.DISTANCE, Names.RAW_ELEVATION]].drop_duplicates(Names.DISTANCE)
        # the smoothing factor is from eyeballing results only.  maybe it should be a parameter.
        # it seems better to smooth along the route rather that smooth the terrain model since
        # 1 - we expect the route to be smoother than the terrain in general (roads / tracks)
        # 2 - smoothing the 2d terrain is difficult to control and can give spikes
        # 3 - we better handle errors from mismatches between terrain model and position
        #     (think hairpin bends going up a mountainside)
        # the main drawbacks are
        # 1 - speed on loading
        # 2 - no guarantee of consistency between routes (or even on the same routine retracing a path)
        spline = UnivariateSpline(unique[Names.DISTANCE], unique[Names.RAW_ELEVATION], s=len(unique) * smooth)
        df[Names.ELEVATION] = spline(df[Names.DISTANCE])
        df[Names.GRADE] = (spline.derivative()(df[Names.DISTANCE]) / 10)  # distance in km
        df[Names.GRADE] = df[Names.GRADE].rolling(5, center=True).median().ffill().bfill()
        # avoid extrapolation / interpolation
        df.loc[df[Names.RAW_ELEVATION].isna(), [Names.ELEVATION]] = None
    return df 
Example #18
Source File:    From tierpsy-tracker with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _curvature_spline(skeletons, points_window=None, length=None):
    Calculate the curvature using univariate splines. This method is slower and can fail
    badly if the fit does not work, so I am only using it as testing

    def _spline_curvature(skel):
        if np.any(np.isnan(skel)):
            return np.full(skel.shape[0], np.nan)
        x = skel[:, 0]
        y = skel[:, 1]
        n = np.arange(x.size)

        fx = UnivariateSpline(n, x, k=5)
        fy = UnivariateSpline(n, y, k=5)

        x_d = fx.derivative(1)(n)
        x_dd = fx.derivative(2)(n)
        y_d = fy.derivative(1)(n)
        y_dd = fy.derivative(2)(n)

        curvature = _curvature_fun(x_d, y_d, x_dd, y_dd)
        return  curvature

    curvatures_fit = np.array([_spline_curvature(skel) for skel in skeletons])
    return curvatures_fit

Example #19
Source File:    From burnman with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def moment_of_inertia(self):
        Returns the moment of inertia of the layer [kg m^2]
        moment = 0.0
        radii = self.radii
        density = self.evaluate(['density'])
        rhofunc = UnivariateSpline(radii, density)
        moment = np.abs(quad(lambda r: 8.0 / 3.0 * np.pi * rhofunc(r)
                             * r * r * r * r, radii[0], radii[-1])[0])
        return moment 
Example #20
Source File:    From burnman with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def mass(self):
        Calculates the mass of the layer [kg]
        mass = 0.0
        radii = self.radii
        density = self.evaluate(['density'])
        rhofunc = UnivariateSpline(radii, density)
        mass = np.abs(quad(lambda r: 4 * np.pi * rhofunc(r) *
                           r * r, radii[0], radii[-1])[0])
        return mass 
Example #21
Source File:    From ht with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_dP_Kern_data():
    from ht.conv_tube_bank import Kern_f_Re_tck

    _Kern_dP_Res = np.array([9.9524, 11.0349, 12.0786, 13.0504, 14.0121, 15.0431, 16.1511, 17.1176, 17.9105, 18.9822,
        19.9879, 21.0484, 22.0217, 23.1893, 24.8973, 26.0495, 27.7862, 29.835, 31.8252, 33.9506, 35.9822, 38.3852,
        41.481, 43.9664, 47.2083, 50.6891, 54.0782, 58.0635, 63.5667, 68.2537, 74.247, 78.6957, 83.9573, 90.1511,
        95.5596, 102.613, 110.191, 116.806, 128.724, 137.345, 150.384, 161.484, 171.185, 185.031, 196.139, 210.639,
        230.653, 250.933, 281.996, 300.884, 329.472, 353.842, 384.968, 408.108, 444.008, 505.513, 560.821, 638.506,
        690.227, 741.254, 827.682, 918.205, 1018.63, 1122.76, 1213.62, 1320.38, 1417.94, 1522.93, 1667.69, 1838.11,
        2012.76, 2247.44, 2592.21, 2932.18, 3381.87, 3875.42, 4440.83, 5056.16, 5608.95, 6344.58, 7038.48, 8224.34,
        9123.83, 10121.7, 11598, 12701.4, 14090, 15938.5, 17452.9, 19112.6, 20929.3, 24614, 29324.6, 34044.8,
        37282.2, 42999.9, 50570.2, 55737.9, 59860.6, 65553, 70399.2, 78101.5, 84965.7, 96735.3, 110139, 122977,
        136431, 152339, 165740, 180319, 194904, 207981, 223357, 241440, 257621, 283946, 317042, 353996, 408315,
        452956, 519041, 590939, 668466, 751216, 827981, 894985, 1012440
    _Kern_dP_fs = 144.0 * np.array([0.0429177, 0.0382731, 0.0347901, 0.0316208, 0.0298653, 0.0276702, 0.0259671, 0.024523,
        0.0237582, 0.0224369, 0.0211881, 0.0202668, 0.0193847, 0.0184234, 0.0172894, 0.0166432, 0.0155182,
        0.0147509, 0.0138423, 0.0131572, 0.0124255, 0.0118105, 0.0110842, 0.0106028, 0.0100785, 0.00958019,
        0.0092235, 0.00871144, 0.00817649, 0.0077722, 0.00743616, 0.0071132, 0.00684836, 0.00655159, 0.00634789,
        0.00611185, 0.00592242, 0.00577517, 0.00552603, 0.00542355, 0.00522267, 0.00502847, 0.00493497, 0.00481301,
        0.00469334, 0.00460654, 0.00449314, 0.00438231, 0.00424799, 0.00416922, 0.00406658, 0.00401703, 0.00394314,
        0.0038947, 0.00382305, 0.00373007, 0.00368555, 0.00359592, 0.00357512, 0.003509, 0.00344515, 0.00338229,
        0.00332057, 0.00328077, 0.00322026, 0.00316102, 0.00308274, 0.00308446, 0.00302787, 0.00297247, 0.0028993,
        0.00284654, 0.00277759, 0.0027099, 0.00262738, 0.00256361, 0.00248541, 0.00244055, 0.00238072, 0.0023227,
        0.00228032, 0.00222531, 0.00218471, 0.00214484, 0.00206613, 0.00205439, 0.00200402, 0.00196775, 0.00191932,
        0.00189622, 0.00186143, 0.00180501, 0.0017393, 0.00170817, 0.00168761, 0.00163622, 0.00158663, 0.0015576,
        0.00153862, 0.0015201, 0.00149199, 0.00147418, 0.00142864, 0.00139389, 0.00136874, 0.00133524, 0.00131931,
        0.0012953, 0.00127147, 0.00124808, 0.00121724, 0.00121785, 0.00119533, 0.00118082, 0.00116638, 0.00114504,
        0.00111702, 0.00108969, 0.00107013, 0.00104389, 0.00101205, 0.000987437, 0.000969567, 0.000939849,
        0.000922653, 0.000905634, 0.000894962
#    # Used in preference over interp1d as saves 30% of execution time, and
#    # performs some marginally small amount of smoothing
#    # s=0.1 is chosen to have 9 knots, a reasonable amount.
#    Kern_f_Re = UnivariateSpline(_Kern_dP_Res, _Kern_dP_fs, s=0.1)
    tck = splrep(_Kern_dP_Res, _Kern_dP_fs, s=0.1)
    [assert_allclose(i, j) for i, j in zip(Kern_f_Re_tck, tck)] 
Example #22
Source File:    From ht with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_Rac_Nusselt_Rayleigh_disk_fits():
    from fluids.optional import pychebfun
    from ht.conv_free_enclosed import insulated_disk_coeffs, uninsulated_disk_coeffs
    ratios = [0.4, 0.5, 0.7, 1.0, 1.4, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6]
    Ras_uninsulated = [151200, 66600, 21300, 8010, 4350, 2540, 2010, 1880, 1708]
    Ras_insulated = [51800, 23800, 8420, 3770, 2650, 2260, 1900, 1830, 1708]
    uninsulated = UnivariateSpline(ratios, 1/np.log(Ras_uninsulated), k=1, s=0)
    insulated = UnivariateSpline(ratios, 1/np.log(Ras_insulated), k=1, s=0)
    N = 8
    insulated_fun = pychebfun.chebfun(insulated, domain=[ratios[0], ratios[-1]], N=N)
    uninsulated_fun = pychebfun.chebfun(uninsulated, domain=[ratios[0], ratios[-1]], N=N)

    insulated_coeffs = pychebfun.chebfun_to_poly(insulated_fun)
    uninsulated_coeffs = pychebfun.chebfun_to_poly(uninsulated_fun)
    assert_allclose(insulated_coeffs, insulated_disk_coeffs)
    assert_allclose(uninsulated_coeffs, uninsulated_disk_coeffs)
#    more_ratios = np.logspace(np.log10(ratios[0]), np.log10(ratios[-1]), 1000)
#    plt.semilogy(ratios, Ras_insulated)
#    plt.semilogy(ratios, Ras_uninsulated)
#    plt.semilogy(more_ratios, np.exp(1/insulated_fun(np.array(more_ratios))), 'x')
#    plt.semilogy(more_ratios, np.exp(1/uninsulated_fun(np.array(more_ratios))), 'o')
Example #23
Source File:    From pyunfold with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_SplineRegularizer_groups(example_dataset):
    degree = 3
    smooth = 20
    groups = np.empty_like(
    groups[:len(groups) // 2] = 0
    groups[len(groups) // 2:] = 1
    spline_reg = SplineRegularizer(degree=degree, smooth=smooth, groups=groups)
    unfolded_with_reg = iterative_unfold(,

    unfolded_no_reg = iterative_unfold(,
    # Manually regularize each group independently
    y_no_reg = unfolded_no_reg.iloc[0]['unfolded']
    x = np.arange(len(y_no_reg), dtype=float)
    fitted_unfolded_no_reg = np.empty(len(y_no_reg))
    group_ids = np.unique(groups)
    for group in group_ids:
        group_mask = groups == group
        x_group = x[group_mask]
        y_group = y_no_reg[group_mask]
        spline_group = UnivariateSpline(x_group, y_group, k=degree, s=smooth)
        fitted_unfolded_group = spline_group(x_group)
        fitted_unfolded_no_reg[group_mask] = fitted_unfolded_group

Example #24
Source File:    From astroABC with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def inv_transform_spline(self):
                '''Only for "nonstandard". Method to create inverse spline to discrete cumulative distribution function
                to allow drawing random variables.
                Warning: user should check that spline faithfully matches actual cdf.
                cdf = np.array(range(len(self.param)))/float(len(self.param))
                #create a spline
                self.spline2_cdf = UnivariateSpline(cdf,srt_param,k=5) 
Example #25
Source File:    From platon with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _solve(P_profile, T_profile, ref_pressure, mu_profile,
           planet_mass, planet_radius, star_radius,
           above_cloud_cond, T_star=None):
    assert(len(P_profile) == len(T_profile))

    # Ensure that the atmosphere is bound by making rough estimates of the
    # Hill radius and atmospheric height
    if T_star is None:
        T_star = Teff_sun

    R_hill = star_radius * \
        (T_star / T_profile[0])**2 * (planet_mass / (3 * M_sun))**(1.0 / 3)
    max_r_estimate = 1.0 / (1 / planet_radius + k_B * np.mean(T_profile) * np.log(
        P_profile[0] / P_profile[-1]) / (G * planet_mass * np.mean(mu_profile) * AMU))
    # The above equation is negative if the real answer is infinity

    if max_r_estimate < 0 or max_r_estimate > R_hill:
        raise AtmosphereError("Atmosphere unbound: height > hill radius")

    mu_interpolator = UnivariateSpline(np.log(P_profile), mu_profile, s=0)
    T_interpolator = UnivariateSpline(np.log(P_profile), T_profile, s=0)

    P_below = np.append(ref_pressure, P_profile[P_profile > ref_pressure])
    P_above = np.append(ref_pressure,
                        P_profile[P_profile <= ref_pressure][::-1])
    radii_below = _get_radii(np.log(P_below), planet_mass, planet_radius,
                             T_interpolator, mu_interpolator)
    radii_above = _get_radii(np.log(P_above), planet_mass, planet_radius,
                             T_interpolator, mu_interpolator)
    radii = np.append(radii_above.flatten()[1:][::-1],
    radii = radii[above_cloud_cond]
    dr = -np.diff(radii)

    return radii, dr 
Example #26
Source File:    From gatspy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _interpolated_template(self, templateid):
        """Return an interpolator for the given template"""
        phase, y = self._get_template_by_id(templateid)

        # double-check that phase ranges from 0 to 1
        assert phase.min() >= 0
        assert phase.max() <= 1

        # at the start and end points, we need to add ~5 points to make sure
        # the spline & derivatives wrap appropriately
        phase = np.concatenate([phase[-5:] - 1, phase, phase[:5] + 1])
        y = np.concatenate([y[-5:], y, y[:5]])

        # Univariate spline allows for derivatives; use this!
        return UnivariateSpline(phase, y, s=0, k=5) 
Example #27
Source File:    From gatspy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_basic_template_model():
    template_id = 25

        templates = fetch_rrlyrae_templates()
    except(URLError, ConnectionError):
        raise SkipTest("No internet connection: "
                       "data download test skipped")

    phase, y = templates.get_template(templates.ids[template_id])
    model = UnivariateSpline(phase, y, s=0, k=5)

    theta = [17, 0.5, 0.3]
    period = 0.63
    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
    t = rng.rand(20)
    mag = theta[0] + theta[1] * model((t / period - theta[2]) % 1)

    model = RRLyraeTemplateModeler('ugriz'), mag, 1)

    # check that the model matches what we expect
    assert_allclose(model._model(t, theta, period, template_id), mag)

    # check that the optimized model matches the input
    for use_gradient in [True, False]:
        theta_fit = model._optimize(period, template_id, use_gradient)
        assert_allclose(theta, theta_fit, rtol=1E-4)

    # check that the chi2 is near zero
    assert_allclose(model._chi2(theta_fit, period, template_id), 0,
Example #28
Source File:    From ross with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, coefficient, frequency=None):
        if isinstance(coefficient, (int, float)):
            if frequency is not None and type(frequency) != float:
                coefficient = [coefficient for _ in range(len(frequency))]
                coefficient = [coefficient]

        self.coefficient = coefficient
        self.frequency = frequency

        if len(self.coefficient) > 1:
                with warnings.catch_warnings():
                    self.interpolated = interpolate.UnivariateSpline(
                        self.frequency, self.coefficient
            #  dfitpack.error is not exposed by scipy
            #  so a bare except is used
                    if len(self.frequency) in (2, 3):
                        self.interpolated = interpolate.interp1d(
                            kind=len(self.frequency) - 1,
                    raise ValueError(
                        "Arguments (coefficients and frequency)"
                        " must have the same dimension"
            self.interpolated = lambda x: np.array(self.coefficient[0]) 
Example #29
Source File:    From CO2MPAS-TA with European Union Public License 1.1 5 votes vote down vote up
def set_virtual(self, motors_maximum_powers):
        from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline as Spline
        p, pb = self.hev_power_model.delta_ice_power(motors_maximum_powers)[:-1]
        pb, i = np.unique(-pb, return_index=True)
        self._battery_power = Spline(pb, np.abs(p.ravel()[i]), k=1, s=0)

    # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences 
Example #30
Source File:    From QuantEcon.lectures.code with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def bellman_operator(pgrid, c, f0, f1, L0, L1, J):
    Evaluates the value function for a given continuation value
    function; that is, evaluates

        J(p) = min((1 - p) L0, p L1, c + E J(p'))

    Uses linear interpolation between points.
    m = np.size(pgrid)
    assert m == np.size(J)
    J_out = np.zeros(m)
    J_interp = interp.UnivariateSpline(pgrid, J, k=1, ext=0)

    for (p_ind, p) in enumerate(pgrid):
        # Payoff of choosing model 0
        p_c_0 = expect_loss_choose_0(p, L0)
        p_c_1 = expect_loss_choose_1(p, L1)
        p_con = expect_loss_cont(p, c, f0, f1, J_interp)
        J_out[p_ind] = min(p_c_0, p_c_1, p_con)

    return J_out

#  == Now run at given parameters == #

#  First set up distributions