Python past.builtins.basestring() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of past.builtins.basestring().
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Example #1
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, fdesc, pcap_filter=None): """Creates the NetFlow object. fdesc: a file-like object or a filename pcap_filter: a PCAP filter to use with nfdump """ cmd = ["nfdump", "-aq", "-o", self.fmt] cmdkargs = {} if isinstance(fdesc, basestring): with open(fdesc, 'rb') as fde: if not in utils.FileOpener.FILE_OPENERS_MAGIC: cmd.extend(["-r", fdesc]) else: cmdkargs["stdin"] = utils.open_file(fdesc) else: cmdkargs["stdin"] = fdesc if pcap_filter is not None: cmd.append(pcap_filter) super(NetFlow, self).__init__(cmd, cmdkargs)
Example #2
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def searchfile(self, fname=None, scripts=None): """Search shared files from a file name (either a string or a regexp), only from scripts using the "ls" NSE module. """ q = Query() if fname is None: fname = q.filename.exists() else: fname = self._searchstring_re(q.filename, fname) if scripts is None: return q.ports.any(q.scripts.any( q.files.any(fname) ))) if isinstance(scripts, basestring): scripts = [scripts] if len(scripts) == 1: return q.ports.any(q.scripts.any( ( == scripts[0]) & )) return q.ports.any(q.scripts.any( & ))
Example #3
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def rec2internal(cls, rec): """Given a record as presented to the user, fixes it before it can be inserted in the database. """ rec = deepcopy(rec) try: rec['addr'] = cls.ip2internal(rec['addr']) except (KeyError, ValueError): pass for fld in ['firstseen', 'lastseen']: if fld not in rec: continue if isinstance(rec[fld], datetime): rec[fld] = utils.datetime2timestamp(rec[fld]) elif isinstance(rec[fld], basestring): rec[fld] = utils.datetime2timestamp( utils.all2datetime(rec[fld]) ) if '_id' in rec: del rec['_id'] return rec
Example #4
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def distinct(self, field, flt=None, sort=None, limit=None, skip=None, **kargs): """This method produces a generator of distinct values for a given field. """ if isinstance(field, basestring): field = self.fields[field] if flt is None: flt = self.flt_empty sort = [ (self.fields[key] if isinstance(key, basestring) else key, way) for key, way in sort or [] ] req = self._distinct_req(field, flt, **kargs) for key, way in sort: req = req.order_by(key if way >= 0 else desc(key)) if skip is not None: req = req.offset(skip) if limit is not None: req = req.limit(limit) return (next(iter(viewvalues(res))) for res in self.db.execute(req))
Example #5
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def validate(self, value, session=None): # Check that the assigned value is a subclass of the nested class. nested_cls = SerializedObject.ImplementationByClass(self.nested) # Direct assignment of the correct type. if value.__class__ is nested_cls: return value # Assign a dict to this object, parse from primitive. elif isinstance(value, (dict, basestring, int, int, float)): return nested_cls.from_primitive(value, session=session) # A subclass is assigned. elif issubclass(value.__class__, nested_cls): return value raise ValueError("value is not valid.")
Example #6
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def all2datetime(arg): """Return a datetime object from an int (timestamp) or an iso formatted string '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'. """ if isinstance(arg, datetime.datetime): return arg if isinstance(arg, basestring): for fmt in ['%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S', '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f']: try: return datetime.datetime.strptime(arg, fmt) except ValueError: pass raise ValueError('time data %r does not match standard formats' % arg) if isinstance(arg, (int_types, float)): return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(arg) raise TypeError("%s is of unknown type." % repr(arg))
Example #7
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def normalize_props(props, braces=True): """Returns a normalized property list/dict so that (roughly): - a list gives {k: "{k}"} if braces=True, {k: "k"} otherwise - a dict gives {k: v if v is not None else "{%s}" % v} if braces=True, {k: v if v is not Node else "%s" % v} otherwise """ if not isinstance(props, dict): props = dict.fromkeys(props) # Remove braces if necessary if not braces: for key, value in viewitems(props): if (isinstance(value, basestring) and value.startswith('{') and value.endswith('}')): props[key] = value[1:-1] form = "{%s}" if braces else "%s" props = dict( (key, (value if isinstance(value, basestring) else (form % key) if value is None else str(value))) for key, value in viewitems(props) ) return props
Example #8
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def country_unalias(country): """Takes either a country code (or an iterator of country codes) and returns either a country code or a list of country codes. Current aliases are: - "UK": alias for "GB". - "EU": alias for a list containing the list of the country codes of the European Union member states. It also includes "EU" itself, because that was a valid "country" code in previous Maxmind GeoIP databases. """ if isinstance(country, basestring): return COUNTRY_ALIASES.get(country, country) if hasattr(country, '__iter__'): return functools.reduce( lambda x, y: x + (y if isinstance(y, list) else [y]), (country_unalias(country_elt) for country_elt in country), [], ) return country
Example #9
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, fdesc, pcap_filter=None): """Creates the Argus object. fdesc: a file-like object or a filename pcap_filter: a PCAP filter to use with racluster """ cmd = ["racluster", "-u", "-n", "-c", ",", "-m"] cmd.extend(self.aggregation) cmd.append("-s") cmd.extend(self.fields) cmd.extend(["-r", fdesc if isinstance(fdesc, basestring) else "-"]) if pcap_filter is not None: cmd.extend(["--", pcap_filter]) super(Argus, self).__init__( cmd, {} if isinstance(fdesc, basestring) else {"stdin": fdesc}, ) self.fdesc.readline()
Example #10
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_init_flt(dbase): """Return a filter corresponding to the current user's privileges. """ init_queries = dict([key, _parse_query(dbase, value)] for key, value in viewitems(config.WEB_INIT_QUERIES)) user = get_user() if user in init_queries: return init_queries[user] if isinstance(user, basestring) and '@' in user: realm = user[user.index('@'):] if realm in init_queries: return init_queries[realm] if config.WEB_PUBLIC_SRV: return dbase.searchcategory(["Shared", get_anonymized_user()]) return _parse_query(dbase, config.WEB_DEFAULT_INIT_QUERY)
Example #11
Source File: From panoptes with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _get_metrics_groups_with_oid(self, oid_name): """ Given an oid_name, returns a set of the names of all metrics groups which use that oid. Args: oid_name: The name of the oid to query as defined in the oid map. Returns: A set of the names (as defined in the metrics_groups map) of all metrics groups that reference that oid. """ metrics_groups = set() for metrics_group_map in self._config[u"metrics_groups"]: for metric_value in list(metrics_group_map[u"metrics"].values()): if isinstance(metric_value[u"value"], basestring): if oid_name in metric_value[u"value"]: metrics_groups.add(metrics_group_map[u"group_name"]) for dimension_value in list(metrics_group_map[u"dimensions"].values()): if isinstance(dimension_value[u"value"], basestring): if oid_name in dimension_value[u"value"]: metrics_groups.add(metrics_group_map[u"group_name"]) return metrics_groups
Example #12
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def _set_live(self, live, _): if live is not None and not if isinstance(live, basestring): live = [live] # Default is to use Memory analysis. if len(live) == 0: mode = "Memory" elif len(live) == 1: mode = live[0] else: raise RuntimeError( "--live parameter should specify only one mode.") live_plugin = # When the session is destroyed, close the live plugin. self.session.register_flush_hook(self, live_plugin.close) return live
Example #13
Source File: From aerospike-admin with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _cast(value, return_type=None): """ Function takes value and data type to cast. Returns result of casting and success status """ if not return_type or value is None: return value, True try: if return_type == bool and isinstance(value, future_basestring): if value.lower() == "false": return False, True if value.lower() == "true": return True, True except Exception: pass try: return return_type(value), True except Exception: pass return None, False
Example #14
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def GetRenderer(self, output=None): """Get a renderer for this session. If a renderer is currently active we just reuse it, otherwise we instantiate the renderer specified in self.GetParameter("format"). """ # Reuse the current renderer. if self.renderers and output is None: return self.renderers[-1] ui_renderer = self.GetParameter("format", "text") if isinstance(ui_renderer, basestring): ui_renderer_cls = renderer.BaseRenderer.ImplementationByName( ui_renderer) ui_renderer = ui_renderer_cls(session=self, output=output) return ui_renderer
Example #15
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def testDirectoryIOManager(self): manager = io_manager.DirectoryIOManager( self.temp_directory, session=self.MakeUserSession()) # Cant decode from json. self.assertEqual(manager.GetData("foo"), None) self.assertEqual(manager.GetData("foo", raw=True), b"hello") # Test ListFiles(). self.assertListEqual(sorted(manager.ListFiles()), ["bar", "foo"]) # Storing a data structure. data = dict(a=1) manager.StoreData("baz", data) self.assertDictEqual(manager.GetData("baz"), data) self.assertTrue( isinstance(manager.GetData("baz", raw=True), basestring))
Example #16
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def __getitem__(self, item): """Get a particular descriptor. Descriptors can be requested by name (e.g. VirtualAddressDescriptor) or index (e.g. -1). """ if isinstance(item, basestring): for descriptor_cls, args, kwargs in self.descriptors: if descriptor_cls.__name__ == item: kwargs["session"] = self.session return descriptor_cls(*args, **kwargs) return obj.NoneObject("No descriptor found.") try: cls, args, kwargs = self.descriptors[item] kwargs["session"] = self.session return cls(*args, **kwargs) except KeyError: return obj.NoneObject("No descriptor found.")
Example #17
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, filename, filesystem=u"API", path_sep=None): super(FileSpec, self).__init__() if isinstance(filename, FileSpec): # Copy the other file spec. = self.filesystem = filename.filesystem self.path_sep = filename.path_sep elif isinstance(filename, basestring): = utils.SmartUnicode(filename) self.filesystem = filesystem self.path_sep = path_sep or self.default_path_sep else: raise TypeError("Filename must be a string or file spec not %s." % type( filename))
Example #18
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def open_key(self, key=""): """Opens a key. Args: key: A string path to the key (separated with / or \\) or a list of path components (useful if the keyname contains /). """ if isinstance(key, basestring): # / can be part of the key name... key = [_f for _f in re.split(r"[\\/]", key) if _f] result = self.root for component in key: result = result.open_subkey(component) return result
Example #19
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def render(self, renderer): if isinstance(, basestring): = self.profile.Object(, offset=self.plugin_args.offset, vm=self.plugin_args.address_space) item = if isinstance(item, obj.Pointer): item = item.deref() if isinstance(item, obj.Struct): return self.render_Struct(renderer, item) self.session.plugins.p(
Example #20
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _searchstring_list(field, value, neg=False, map_=None): if not isinstance(value, basestring) and hasattr(value, '__iter__'): if map_ is not None: value = [map_(elt) for elt in value] if neg: return field.notin_(value) return field.in_(value) if map_ is not None: value = map_(value) if neg: return field != value return field == value
Example #21
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def render(self, renderer): renderer.format("Legend: (S) = Stable (V) = Volatile\n\n") for reg, key in self.list_keys(): self.session.report_progress( "Printing %s", lambda key=key: key.Path) if key: renderer.format("----------------------------\n") renderer.format("Registry: {0}\n", reg.Name) renderer.format("Key name: {0} {1} @ {2:addrpad}\n", key.Name, self.voltext(key), key.obj_vm.vtop(int(key))) renderer.format("Last updated: {0}\n", key.LastWriteTime) renderer.format("\n") renderer.format("Subkeys:\n") for subkey in key.subkeys(): if not subkey.Name: renderer.format( " Unknown subkey: {0}\n", subkey.Name.reason) else: renderer.format(u" {1} {0}\n", subkey.Name, self.voltext(subkey)) renderer.format("\n") renderer.format("Values:\n") for value in list(key.values()): renderer.format("{0:addrpad} ", value.obj_vm.vtop(value)) if value.Type == 'REG_BINARY': data = value.DecodedData if isinstance(data, basestring): renderer.format( u"{0:width=13} {1:width=15} : {2}\n", value.Type, value.Name, self.voltext(value)) utils.WriteHexdump(renderer, value.DecodedData) else: renderer.format( u"{0:width=13} {1:width=15} : {2} {3}\n", value.Type, value.Name, self.voltext(value), utils.SmartUnicode(value.DecodedData).strip())
Example #22
Source File: From pygraphistry with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def certificate_validation(value=None): """Enable/Disable SSL certificate validation (True, False). Also set via environment variable GRAPHISTRY_CERTIFICATE_VALIDATION.""" if value is None: return PyGraphistry._config['certificate_validation'] # setter v = bool(strtobool(value)) if isinstance(value, basestring) else value if v == False: requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() PyGraphistry._config['certificate_validation'] = v
Example #23
Source File: From python-sdk with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_from_file(self): failed_json_files = [] processed_files = [] for language in DBVuln.get_all_languages(): json_path = os.path.join(DBVuln.DB_PATH, language) for _fname in os.listdir(json_path): _file_path = os.path.join(json_path, _fname) if os.path.isdir(_file_path): continue try: DBVuln.LANG = language dbv = DBVuln.from_file(_file_path) except: failed_json_files.append(_fname) continue processed_files.append(_fname) self.assertIsInstance(dbv.title, basestring) self.assertIsInstance(dbv.description, basestring) self.assertIsInstance(, int) self.assertIsInstance(dbv.severity, basestring) self.assertIsInstance(dbv.wasc, (type(None), list)) self.assertIsInstance(dbv.tags, (type(None), list)) self.assertIsInstance(dbv.cwe, (type(None), list)) self.assertIsInstance(dbv.owasp_top_10, (type(None), dict)) self.assertIsInstance(dbv.fix_effort, int) self.assertIsInstance(dbv.fix_guidance, basestring) for ref in dbv.references: self.assertIsInstance(ref, Reference) self.assertEqual(failed_json_files, []) self.assertGreater(len(processed_files), 20)
Example #24
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_active_modes(self, cls): """Calculate the declared modes under which the plugin is active.""" modes = set() for subclass in cls.__mro__: mode = getattr(subclass, "mode", None) if isinstance(mode, basestring): modes.add(mode) elif isinstance(mode, (list, tuple)): modes.update(mode) return sorted(modes)
Example #25
Source File: From rekall with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def LookupProfile(self, symbols): """Returns which profiles in the index match a dict of symbols. Returns: A list of tuples of (profile, num_matched_traits). """ profiles = [] try: relative_symbols = self.RelativizeSymbols(symbols.copy()) except ValueError as e: self.session.logging.debug(str(e)) return [] for profile, traits in six.iteritems(self.traits): matched_traits = 0 for trait in traits: # A trait is a list of symbol-offset tuples. match = all([relative_symbols.get(symbol) == offset for (symbol, offset) in trait if isinstance(symbol, basestring)]) if match: matched_traits += 1 if matched_traits > 0: profiles.append((profile, matched_traits)) return profiles
Example #26
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _display_xml_scan(scan, out=sys.stdout): if 'scaninfos' in scan and scan['scaninfos']: for k in scan['scaninfos'][0]: scan['scaninfo.%s' % k] = scan['scaninfos'][0][k] del scan['scaninfos'] for k in ['version', 'start', 'startstr', 'args', 'scanner', 'xmloutputversion', 'scaninfo.type', 'scaninfo.protocol', 'scaninfo.numservices', '']: if k not in scan: scan[k] = '' elif isinstance(scan[k], basestring): scan[k] = scan[k].replace('"', '"').replace('--', '--') out.write('<!DOCTYPE nmaprun PUBLIC ' '"-//IDN Nmap XML 1.04//EN" ' '"">\n' '<?xml-stylesheet ' 'href="file:///usr/local/bin/../share/nmap/nmap.xsl" ' 'type="text/xsl"?>\n' '<!-- %(scanner)s %(version)s scan initiated %(startstr)s ' 'as: %(args)s -->\n' '<nmaprun scanner="%(scanner)s" args="%(args)s" ' 'start="%(start)s" startstr="%(startstr)s" ' 'version="%(version)s" ' 'xmloutputversion="%(xmloutputversion)s">\n' '<scaninfo type="%(scaninfo.type)s" ' 'protocol="%(scaninfo.protocol)s" ' 'numservices="%(scaninfo.numservices)s" ' 'services="%("/>\n' % scan)
Example #27
Source File: From pyflowgraph with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def connectPorts(self, srcNode, outputName, tgtNode, inputName): if isinstance(srcNode, Node): sourceNode = srcNode elif isinstance(srcNode, basestring): sourceNode = self.getNode(srcNode) if not sourceNode: raise Exception("Node not found:" + str(srcNode)) else: raise Exception("Invalid srcNode:" + str(srcNode)) sourcePort = sourceNode.getPort(outputName) if not sourcePort: raise Exception("Node '" + sourceNode.getName() + "' does not have output:" + outputName) if isinstance(tgtNode, Node): targetNode = tgtNode elif isinstance(tgtNode, basestring): targetNode = self.getNode(tgtNode) if not targetNode: raise Exception("Node not found:" + str(tgtNode)) else: raise Exception("Invalid tgtNode:" + str(tgtNode)) targetPort = targetNode.getPort(inputName) if not targetPort: raise Exception("Node '" + targetNode.getName() + "' does not have input:" + inputName) connection = Connection(self, sourcePort.outCircle(), targetPort.inCircle()) self.addConnection(connection, emitSignal=False) return connection ################################################ ## Events
Example #28
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _display_gnmap_scan(scan, out=sys.stdout): if 'scaninfos' in scan and scan['scaninfos']: for k in scan['scaninfos'][0]: scan['scaninfo.%s' % k] = scan['scaninfos'][0][k] del scan['scaninfos'] for k in ['version', 'startstr', 'args']: if k not in scan: scan[k] = '' elif isinstance(scan[k], basestring): scan[k] = scan[k].replace('"', '"').replace('--', '--') out.write('# Nmap %(version)s scan initiated %(startstr)s as: %(args)s\n')
Example #29
Source File: From ivre with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, asnum, categories=None, rand=True, maxnbr=None, state=None): if isinstance(asnum, basestring) and asnum.upper().startswith('AS'): asnum = int(asnum[2:]) else: asnum = int(asnum) super(TargetAS, self).__init__( geoiputils.get_ranges_by_asnum(asnum), rand=rand, maxnbr=maxnbr, state=state, name='AS-%d' % asnum, categories=categories, )
Example #30
Source File: From api-v1-client-python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_multi_address(addresses, filter=None, limit=None, offset=None, api_code=None): """Get aggregate summary for multiple addresses including overall balance, per address balance and list of relevant transactions. :param tuple addresses: addresses(xpub or base58) to look up :param FilterType filter: the filter for transactions selection (optional) :param int limit: limit number of transactions to fetch (optional) :param int offset: number of transactions to skip when fetch (optional) :param str api_code: API code (optional) :return: an instance of :class:`MultiAddress` class """ if isinstance(addresses, basestring): resource = 'multiaddr?active=' + addresses else: resource = 'multiaddr?active=' + '|'.join(addresses) if filter is not None: if isinstance(filter, FilterType): resource += '&filter=' + str(filter.value) else: raise ValueError('Filter must be of FilterType enum') if limit is not None: resource += '&limit=' + str(limit) if offset is not None: resource += '&offset=' + str(offset) if api_code is not None: resource += '&api_code=' + api_code response = util.call_api(resource) json_response = json.loads(response) return MultiAddress(json_response)