Python telegram.ext.RegexHandler() Examples
The following are 3
code examples of telegram.ext.RegexHandler().
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Example #1
Source File: From daysandbox_bot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def register_handlers(dispatcher, mode): assert mode in ('production', 'test') dispatcher.add_handler(MessageHandler( Filters.status_update.new_chat_members, handle_new_chat_members )) dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler( ['start', 'help'], handle_start_help )) dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('stat', handle_stat)) dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler( ['daysandbox_set', 'daysandbox_get'], handle_set_get )) dispatcher.add_handler(RegexHandler( r'^/setlogformat ', handle_setlogformat, channel_post_updates=True )) dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('setlog', handle_setlog)) dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('unsetlog', handle_unsetlog)) dispatcher.add_handler(MessageHandler( Filters.all, partial(handle_any_message, mode), edited_updates=True ))
Example #2
Source File: From OpenCryptoBot with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _add_link_handler(self): self.dispatcher.add_handler(RegexHandler( utl.comp("^/_([a-zA-Z0-9]*)__([\w]*)$"), self._cmd_link_callback))
Example #3
Source File: From DisAtBot with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 4 votes |
def main(): """ Main function. This function handles the conversation flow by setting states on each step of the flow. Each state has its own handler for the interaction with the user. """ global LANG # Create the EventHandler and pass it your bot's token. updater = Updater(telegram_token) # Get the dispatcher to register handlers: dp = updater.dispatcher # Add conversation handler with predefined states: conv_handler = ConversationHandler( entry_points=[CommandHandler('start', start)], states={ SET_LANG: [RegexHandler('^(ES|EN)$', set_lang)], MENU: [CommandHandler('menu', menu)], SET_STAT: [RegexHandler( '^({}|{}|{}|{})$'.format( send_report['ES'], view_map['ES'], view_faq['ES'], view_about['ES']), set_state), RegexHandler( '^({}|{}|{}|{})$'.format( send_report['EN'], view_map['EN'], view_faq['EN'], view_about['EN']), set_state)], LOCATION: [MessageHandler(Filters.location, location), CommandHandler('menu', menu)] }, fallbacks=[CommandHandler('cancel', cancel), CommandHandler('help', help)] ) dp.add_handler(conv_handler) # Log all errors: dp.add_error_handler(error) # Start DisAtBot: updater.start_polling() # Run the bot until the user presses Ctrl-C or the process # receives SIGINT, SIGTERM or SIGABRT: updater.idle()