Python colorama.Back.RESET Examples
The following are 22
code examples of colorama.Back.RESET().
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Example #1
Source File: From chepy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def red(s: str) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Red color string if tty Args: s (str): String to color Returns: str: Colored string Examples: >>> from chepy.modules.internal.colors import red >>> print(RED("some string")) """ if sys.stdout.isatty(): return Fore.RED + s + Fore.RESET else: return s
Example #2
Source File: From chepy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def blue(s: str) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Blue color string if tty Args: s (str): String to color Returns: str: Colored string Examples: >>> from chepy.modules.internal.colors import blue >>> print(BLUE("some string")) """ if sys.stdout.isatty(): return Fore.BLUE + s + Fore.RESET else: return s
Example #3
Source File: From chepy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def cyan(s: str) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Cyan color string if tty Args: s (str): String to color Returns: str: Colored string Examples: >>> from chepy.modules.internal.colors import cyan >>> print(CYAN("some string")) """ if sys.stdout.isatty(): return Fore.CYAN + s + Fore.RESET else: return s
Example #4
Source File: From chepy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def green(s: str) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Green color string if tty Args: s (str): String to color Returns: str: Colored string Examples: >>> from chepy.modules.internal.colors import green >>> print(GREEN("some string")) """ if sys.stdout.isatty(): return Fore.GREEN + s + Fore.RESET else: return s
Example #5
Source File: From chepy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def magenta(s: str) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Magenta color string if tty Args: s (str): String to color Returns: str: Colored string Examples: >>> from chepy.modules.internal.colors import magenta >>> print(MAGENTA("some string")) """ if sys.stdout.isatty(): return Fore.MAGENTA + s + Fore.RESET else: return s
Example #6
Source File: From podfox with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pretty_print_episodes(feed): format_str = Fore.GREEN + '{0:40} |' format_str += Fore.BLUE + ' {1:20}' + Fore.RESET + Back.RESET for e in feed['episodes'][:20]: status = 'Downloaded' if e['downloaded'] else 'Not Downloaded' print(format_str.format(e['title'][:40], status))
Example #7
Source File: From pyta with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _wrap_color(code_string): """Wrap key parts in styling and resets. Stying for each key part from, (col_offset, fromlineno) to (end_col_offset, end_lineno). Note: use this to set color back to default (on mac, and others?): Style.RESET_ALL + Style.DIM """ ret = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + Back.BLACK ret += code_string ret += Style.RESET_ALL + Style.DIM + Fore.RESET + Back.RESET return ret
Example #8
Source File: From podfox with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def pretty_print_feeds(feeds): format_str = Fore.GREEN + '{0:45.45} |' format_str += Fore.BLUE + ' {1:40}' + Fore.RESET + Back.RESET print(format_str.format('title', 'shortname')) print('='*80) for feed in feeds: format_str = Fore.GREEN + '{0:40.40} {1:3d}{2:1.1} |' format_str += Fore.BLUE + ' {3:40}' + Fore.RESET + Back.RESET feed = sort_feed(feed) amount = len([ep for ep in feed['episodes'] if ep['downloaded']]) dl = '' if feed['episodes'][0]['downloaded'] else '*' print(format_str.format(feed['title'], amount, dl, feed['shortname']))
Example #9
Source File: From podfox with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def print_green(s): print(Fore.GREEN + s + Fore.RESET)
Example #10
Source File: From podfox with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def print_err(err): print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + err + Fore.RESET + Back.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL, file=sys.stderr)
Example #11
Source File: From domained with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def colored(msg, fore=Fore.RESET, back=Back.RESET): print("{}{}{}".format(fore, back, msg))
Example #12
Source File: From stanford-ctc with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def disp_err_corr(hyp_corr, ref_corr): hyp_str = '' ref_str = '' assert len(hyp_corr) == len(ref_corr) for k in xrange(len(hyp_corr)): if hyp_corr[k] == '[space]': hc = ' ' elif hyp_corr[k] == '<ins>': hc = Back.GREEN + ' ' + Back.RESET else: hc = hyp_corr[k] if ref_corr[k] == '[space]': rc = ' ' elif ref_corr[k] == '<del>': rc = Back.RED + ' ' + Back.RESET else: rc = ref_corr[k] if hc != rc and len(hc) == 1 and len(rc) == 1: hc = Back.BLUE + Fore.BLACK + hc + Fore.RESET + Back.RESET rc = Back.BLUE + Fore.BLACK + rc + Fore.RESET + Back.RESET hyp_str += hc ref_str += rc print hyp_str print ref_str
Example #13
Source File: From passhole with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def show(args): """Print out the contents of an entry to console""" kp = open_database(**vars(args)) entry = get_entry(kp, args.path) # show specified field if args.field: # handle lowercase field input gracefully field = get_field(entry, args.field) print(entry._get_string_field(field), end='') # otherwise, show all fields else: print(green("Title: ") + (entry.title or '')) print(green("UserName: ") + (entry.username or '')) print( green("Password: ") + Fore.RED + Back.RED + (entry.password or '') + Fore.RESET + Back.RESET ) print(green("URL: ") + (entry.url or '')) for field_name, field_value in entry.custom_properties.items(): print(green("{}: ".format(field_name)) + str(field_value or '')) print(green("Created: ") + entry.ctime.isoformat()) print(green("Modified: ") + entry.mtime.isoformat())
Example #14
Source File: From oh-my-stars with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _highlight_keywords(self, text, keywords, fore_color=Fore.GREEN): if keywords and self.enable_color: for keyword in keywords: regex = re.compile(keyword, re.I | re.U | re.M) color = fore_color + Back.RED + Style.BRIGHT text = regex.sub( color + keyword + Back.RESET + Style.NORMAL, text) return text
Example #15
Source File: From oh-my-stars with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _print(self, text='', fore_color=Fore.WHITE, end=' '): if self.enable_color: print(fore_color + text, end='') print(Fore.RESET + Back.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL, end=end) else: print(text, end=end)
Example #16
Source File: From chepy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def yellow_background(s: str) -> str: # pragma: no cover """Yellow color string if tty Args: s (str): String to color Returns: str: Colored string """ if sys.stdout.isatty(): return Back.YELLOW + Fore.BLACK + s + Fore.RESET + Back.RESET else: return s
Example #17
Source File: From scrapple with MIT License | 5 votes |
def traverse_next(page, nextx, results, tabular_data_headers=[], verbosity=0): """ Recursive generator to traverse through the next attribute and \ crawl through the links to be followed. :param page: The current page being parsed :param next: The next attribute of the current scraping dict :param results: The current extracted content, stored in a dict :return: The extracted content, through a generator """ for link in page.extract_links(selector=nextx['follow_link']): if verbosity > 0: print('\n') print(Back.YELLOW + Fore.BLUE + "Loading page ", link.url + Back.RESET + Fore.RESET, end='') r = results.copy() for attribute in nextx['scraping'].get('data'): if attribute['field'] != "": if verbosity > 1: print("\nExtracting", attribute['field'], "attribute", sep=' ', end='') r[attribute['field']] = link.extract_content(**attribute) if not nextx['scraping'].get('table'): result_list = [r] else: tables = nextx['scraping'].get('table', []) for table in tables: table.update({ 'result': r, 'verbosity': verbosity }) table_headers, result_list = link.extract_tabular(**table) tabular_data_headers.extend(table_headers) if not nextx['scraping'].get('next'): for r in result_list: yield (tabular_data_headers, r) else: for nextx2 in nextx['scraping'].get('next'): for tdh, result in traverse_next(link, nextx2, r, tabular_data_headers=tabular_data_headers, verbosity=verbosity): yield (tdh, result)
Example #18
Source File: From scrapple with MIT License | 5 votes |
def execute_command(self): """ The genconfig command depends on predefined `Jinja2 <>`_ \ templates for the skeleton configuration files. Taking the --type argument from the \ CLI input, the corresponding template file is used. Settings for the configuration file, like project name, selector type and URL \ are taken from the CLI input and using these as parameters, the template is \ rendered. This rendered JSON document is saved as <project_name>.json. """ print(Back.GREEN + Fore.BLACK + "Scrapple Genconfig") print(Back.RESET + Fore.RESET) directory = os.path.join(scrapple.__path__[0], 'templates', 'configs') with open(os.path.join(directory, self.args['--type'] + '.txt'), 'r') as f: template_content = print("\n\nUsing the", self.args['--type'], "template\n\n") template = Template(template_content) settings = { 'projectname': self.args['<projectname>'], 'selector_type': self.args['--selector'], 'url': self.args['<url>'], 'levels': int(self.args['--levels']) } rendered = template.render(settings=settings) with open(self.args['<projectname>'] + '.json', 'w') as f: rendered_data = json.loads(rendered) json.dump(rendered_data, f, indent=3) print(Back.WHITE + Fore.RED + self.args['<projectname>'], ".json has been created" \ + Back.RESET + Fore.RESET, sep="")
Example #19
Source File: From scrapple with MIT License | 5 votes |
def execute_command(self): """ The generate command uses `Jinja2 <>`_ templates \ to create Python scripts, according to the specification in the configuration \ file. The predefined templates use the extract_content() method of the \ :ref:`selector classes <implementation-selectors>` to implement linear extractors \ and use recursive for loops to implement multiple levels of link crawlers. This \ implementation is effectively a representation of the traverse_next() \ :ref:`utility function <implementation-utils>`, using the loop depth to \ differentiate between levels of the crawler execution. According to the --output_type argument in the CLI input, the results are \ written into a JSON document or a CSV document. The Python script is written into <output_filename>.py - running this file \ is the equivalent of using the Scrapple :ref:`run command <command-run>`. """ print(Back.GREEN + Fore.BLACK + "Scrapple Generate") print(Back.RESET + Fore.RESET) directory = os.path.join(scrapple.__path__[0], 'templates', 'scripts') with open(os.path.join(directory, 'generate.txt'), 'r') as f: template_content = template = Template(template_content) try: with open(self.args['<projectname>'] + '.json', 'r') as f: config = json.load(f) if self.args['--output_type'] == 'csv': from scrapple.utils.config import extract_fieldnames config['fields'] = str(extract_fieldnames(config)) config['output_file'] = self.args['<output_filename>'] config['output_type'] = self.args['--output_type'] rendered = template.render(config=config) with open(self.args['<output_filename>'] + '.py', 'w') as f: f.write(rendered) print(Back.WHITE + Fore.RED + self.args['<output_filename>'], \ ".py has been created" + Back.RESET + Fore.RESET, sep="") except IOError: print(Back.WHITE + Fore.RED + self.args['<projectname>'], ".json does not ", \ "exist. Use ``scrapple genconfig``." + Back.RESET + Fore.RESET, sep="")
Example #20
Source File: From scrapple with MIT License | 5 votes |
def execute_command(self): """ The web command runs the Scrapple web interface through a simple \ `Flask <>`_ app. When the execute_command() method is called from the \ :ref:`runCLI() <implementation-cli>` function, it starts of two simultaneous \ processes : - Calls the run_flask() method to start the Flask app on port 5000 of localhost - Opens the web interface on a web browser The '/' view of the Flask app, opens up the Scrapple web interface. This \ provides a basic form, to fill in the required configuration file. On submitting \ the form, it makes a POST request, passing in the form in the request header. \ This form is passed to the form_to_json() \ :ref:`utility function <implementation-utils>`, where the form is converted into \ the resultant JSON configuration file. Currently, closing the web command execution requires making a keyboard interrupt \ on the command line after the web interface has been closed. """ print(Back.GREEN + Fore.BLACK + "Scrapple Web Interface") print(Back.RESET + Fore.RESET) p1 = Process(target = self.run_flask) p2 = Process(target = lambda :'')) p1.start() p2.start()
Example #21
Source File: From podfox with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def import_feed(url, shortname=''): ''' creates a folder for the new feed, and then inserts a new feed.json that will contain all the necessary information about this feed, and all the episodes contained. ''' # configuration for this feed, will be written to file. feed = {} #get the feed. d = feedparser.parse(url) if shortname: folder = get_folder(shortname) if os.path.exists(folder): print_err( '{} already exists'.format(folder)) exit(-1) else: os.makedirs(folder) #if the user did not specify a folder name, #we have to create one from the title if not shortname: # the rss advertises a title, lets use that. if hasattr(d['feed'], 'title'): title = d['feed']['title'] # still no succes, lets use the last part of the url else: title = url.rsplit('/', 1)[-1] # we wanna avoid any filename crazyness, # so foldernames will be restricted to lowercase ascii letters, # numbers, and dashes: title = ''.join(ch for ch in title if ch.isalnum() or ch == ' ') shortname = title.replace(' ', '-').lower() if not shortname: print_err('could not auto-deduce shortname.') print_err('please provide one explicitly.') exit(-1) folder = get_folder(shortname) if os.path.exists(folder): print_err( '{} already exists'.format(folder)) exit(-1) else: os.makedirs(folder) #we have succesfully generated a folder that we can store the files #in #trawl all the entries, and find links to audio files. feed['episodes'] = episodes_from_feed(d) feed['shortname'] = shortname feed['title'] = d['feed']['title'] feed['url'] = url # write the configuration to a feed.json within the folder feed_file = get_feed_file(shortname) feed = sort_feed(feed) with open(feed_file, 'x') as f: json.dump(feed, f, indent=4) print('imported ' + Fore.GREEN + feed['title'] + Fore.RESET + ' with shortname ' + Fore.BLUE + feed['shortname'] + Fore.RESET)
Example #22
Source File: From scrapple with MIT License | 4 votes |
def execute_command(self): """ The run command implements the web content extractor corresponding to the given \ configuration file. The execute_command() validates the input project name and opens the JSON \ configuration file. The run() method handles the execution of the extractor run. The extractor implementation follows these primary steps : 1. Selects the appropriate :ref:`selector class <implementation-selectors>` through \ a dynamic dispatch, with the selector_type argument from the CLI input. #. Iterate through the data section in level-0 of the configuration file. \ On each data item, call the extract_content() method from the selector class to \ extract the content according to the specified extractor rule. #. If there are multiple levels of the extractor, i.e, if there is a 'next' \ attribute in the configuration file, call the traverse_next() \ :ref:`utility function <implementation-utils>` and parse through successive levels \ of the configuration file. #. According to the --output_type argument, the result data is saved in a JSON \ document or a CSV document. """ try: self.args['--verbosity'] = int(self.args['--verbosity']) if self.args['--verbosity'] not in [0, 1, 2]: raise ValueError if self.args['--verbosity'] > 0: print(Back.GREEN + Fore.BLACK + "Scrapple Run") print(Back.RESET + Fore.RESET) import json with open(self.args['<projectname>'] + '.json', 'r') as f: self.config = json.load(f) validate_config(self.config) except ValueError: print(Back.WHITE + Fore.RED + "Use 0, 1 or 2 for verbosity." \ + Back.RESET + Fore.RESET, sep="") except IOError: print(Back.WHITE + Fore.RED + self.args['<projectname>'], ".json does not ", \ "exist. Use ``scrapple genconfig``." + Back.RESET + Fore.RESET, sep="") except InvalidConfigException as e: print(Back.WHITE + Fore.RED + e + Back.RESET + Fore.RESET, sep="")