Python colorama.Back.CYAN Examples
The following are 11
code examples of colorama.Back.CYAN().
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Example #1
Source File: From Loki with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def print_highlighted(line, hl_color=Back.WHITE): """ Print a highlighted line """ # Tags colorer = re.compile('(HARMLESS|SIGNED|MS_SOFTWARE_CATALOGUE)', re.VERBOSE) line = colorer.sub(Fore.BLACK + Back.GREEN + r'\1' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' ', line) colorer = re.compile('(SIG_REVOKED)', re.VERBOSE) line = colorer.sub(Fore.BLACK + Back.RED + r'\1' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' ', line) colorer = re.compile('(SIG_EXPIRED)', re.VERBOSE) line = colorer.sub(Fore.BLACK + Back.YELLOW + r'\1' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' ', line) # Extras colorer = re.compile('(\[!\])', re.VERBOSE) line = colorer.sub(Fore.BLACK + Back.CYAN + r'\1' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' ', line) # Standard colorer = re.compile('([A-Z_]{2,}:)\s', re.VERBOSE) line = colorer.sub(Fore.BLACK + hl_color + r'\1' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' ', line) print line
Example #2
Source File: From Yugioh-bot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def copy_nox_bin_files(): adb_file_name = 'nox_adb.exe' dll_file_name = 'AdbWinApi.dll' path = NOX_BIN try: os.stat(os.path.join(path, adb_file_name)) os.stat(os.path.join(path, dll_file_name)) except FileNotFoundError: try: path = NOX_BIN_OTHER os.stat(os.path.join(path, adb_file_name)) os.stat(os.path.join(path, dll_file_name)) except FileNotFoundError: print(Fore.RED + """Cannot find the required nox files in either {} or {}, help is requireed""".format(NOX_BIN_OTHER, NOX_BIN)) return copyfile(os.path.join(path, adb_file_name), os.path.join('bin', 'adb.exe')) copyfile(os.path.join(path, dll_file_name), os.path.join('bin', dll_file_name)) print(Back.GREEN + "Copied [{}] into bin folder".format(', '.join([adb_file_name, dll_file_name])) + Back.CYAN)
Example #3
Source File: From Yugioh-bot with MIT License | 6 votes |
def install_tesseract(): is_installed, message = check_if_tesseract_installed() if is_installed: print(Back.GREEN + message + Back.CYAN) return try: os.stat(TESSERACT_SETUP_FILE) command_runner(TESSERACT_SETUP_FILE) except FileNotFoundError: setup_file = download_tesseract() try: print(Style.BRIGHT + Back.CYAN + 'Make sure to point the installer to the following directory: {}'.format( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'bin', 'tess'))) command_runner(setup_file) except FileNotFoundError: print("Oooo something happened when I downloaded the file, rerun this script")
Example #4
Source File: From with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _back_color(code): if code == 0 or (isinstance(code, str) and code.lower() == "white"): return Back.WHITE if code == 1 or (isinstance(code, str) and code.lower() == "cyan"): return Back.CYAN if code == 2 or (isinstance(code, str) and code.lower() == "red"): return Back.RED return Back.WHITE
Example #5
Source File: From PRET with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def send(self, str, mode): if str: print(Back.CYAN + str + Style.RESET_ALL) if str and mode == 'hex': print(Fore.CYAN + conv().hex(str, ':') + Style.RESET_ALL) # show recv commands (debug mode)
Example #6
Source File: From PyFunceble with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _colorify(self, data): """ Retun colored string. :param str data: The string to colorify. :return: A colored string. :rtype: str """ if self.template in ["Generic", "Less"]: # The template is in the list of template that need the coloration. if ( self.data_to_print[1].lower() in PyFunceble.STATUS.list.up or self.data_to_print[1].lower() in PyFunceble.STATUS.list.valid or self.data_to_print[1].lower() in PyFunceble.STATUS.list.sane ): # The status is in the list of up status. # We print the data with a green background. data = Fore.BLACK + Back.GREEN + data elif ( self.data_to_print[1].lower() in PyFunceble.STATUS.list.down or self.data_to_print[1].lower() in PyFunceble.STATUS.list.malicious ): # The status is in the list of down status. # We print the data with a red background. data = Fore.BLACK + Back.RED + data else: # The status is not in the list of up and down status. # We print the data with a cyan background. data = Fore.BLACK + Back.CYAN + data # We return the data. return data
Example #7
Source File: From Yugioh-bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run_command(command, check_output=False): if DEBUG: print(Fore.WHITE + Back.YELLOW + "Running `{}`".format(command) + Style.NORMAL + Back.CYAN) if check_output: return subprocess.check_output(command, shell=True) return, shell=True)
Example #8
Source File: From Yugioh-bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def check_required_packages(): if SKIP_PIP_TEST: return installed_packages = pkg_resources.working_set packages = {} for package in installed_packages: packages[package.project_name] = package.version with open('requirements.txt') as f: required = list(map(lambda x: x.split('=')[0].replace('>', ''), required = filter(lambda x: not '#' in x, required) all_installed = True for x in required: if x in ['scikit_image', 'scikit_learn', 'opencv_contrib_python']: continue if x not in packages: print(Back.YELLOW + "Not in pip {}".format(x)) all_installed = False try: import sklearn import skimage import cv2 except ImportError as e: print(Back.RED + "Import error for package") print(Back.Red + e) if not all_installed: print( Back.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "Not all packages required were found\ntry running `pip -r requirements.txt` again" + Back.CYAN) else: print(Back.GREEN + "All required packages found" + Back.CYAN) # Commands to Run
Example #9
Source File: From Yugioh-bot with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main_install(): print(Back.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT + warning) print(Back.CYAN + "Installing Required components to get this bot up and running") for index, command in enumerate(commands): print(Back.CYAN + "Component {}: {}{}".format(index, Fore.RED, command[0]) + Fore.WHITE) command_runner(command[1])
Example #10
Source File: From munin with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def printResult(info, count, total): """ prints the result block :param info: all collected info :param count: counter (number of samples checked) :param total: total number of lines to check :return: """ # Rating and Color info["res_color"] = Back.CYAN # If VT returned results if "total" in info: info["res_color"] = Back.GREEN if info["positives"] > 0: info["res_color"] = Back.YELLOW if info["positives"] > 10: info["res_color"] = Back.RED # Head line printSeparator(count, total, info['res_color'], info["rating"]) headline = "HASH: {0}".format(info["hash"]) if 'comment' in info and info['comment'] != '': headline += " COMMENT: {0}".format(info['comment']) if 'matching_rule' in info and info['matching_rule'] != '': headline += " RULE: {0}".format(info['matching_rule']) printHighlighted(headline) # More VT info if "total" in info: # Result info["result"] = "%s / %s" % (info["positives"], info["total"]) if info["virus"] != "-": printHighlighted("VIRUS: {0}".format(info["virus"])) printHighlighted("TYPE: {1} SIZE: {2} FILENAMES: {0}".format(removeNonAsciiDrop(info["filenames"]), info['filetype'], info['filesize'])) # Tags to show tags = "" if isinstance(info['tags'], list): tags = " ".join(map(lambda x: x.upper(), info['tags'])) # Extra Info printPeInfo(info) printHighlighted("FIRST: {0} LAST: {1} SUBMISSIONS: {5} REPUTATION: {6}\nCOMMENTS: {2} USERS: {3} TAGS: {4}".format( info["first_submitted"], info["last_submitted"], info["comments"], ', '.join(info["commenter"]), tags, info["times_submitted"], info["reputation"] ), tag_color=True) # Print the highlighted result line printHighlighted("RESULT: %s" % (info["result"]), hl_color=info["res_color"])
Example #11
Source File: From PyFunceble with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def test_colorify(self): """ Tests the method which colors a line depending of the status. """ # pylint: disable=protected-access expected = False actual = self.file_instance.exists() self.assertEqual(expected, actual) # Test with a template that is not designed for colorify expected = self.to_print["basic_string"] actual = Prints(None, "Hehehe", output_file=None, only_on_file=False)._colorify( self.to_print["basic_string"] ) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) # Test with a template that is designed for colorify + Status is UP expected = Fore.BLACK + Back.GREEN + self.to_print["basic_string"] actual = Prints( ["This is a test", PyFunceble.STATUS.official.up], "Generic", output_file=None, only_on_file=False, )._colorify(self.to_print["basic_string"]) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) # Test with a template that is designed for colorify + Status is DOWN expected = Fore.BLACK + Back.RED + self.to_print["basic_string"] actual = Prints( ["This is a test", PyFunceble.STATUS.official.down], "Generic", output_file=None, only_on_file=False, )._colorify(self.to_print["basic_string"]) self.assertEqual(expected, actual) # Test with a template that is designed for colorify + Status is # UNKNOWN or INVALID expected = Fore.BLACK + Back.CYAN + self.to_print["basic_string"] actual = Prints( ["This is a test", PyFunceble.STATUS.official.invalid], "Generic", output_file=None, only_on_file=False, )._colorify(self.to_print["basic_string"]) self.assertEqual(expected, actual)