Python bokeh.models.CustomJS() Examples
The following are 11
code examples of bokeh.models.CustomJS().
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Example #1
Source File: From ipyvolume with MIT License | 6 votes |
def link_data_source_selection_to_widget(data_source, widget, trait_name): _ensure_widget_manager_hack() callback = CustomJS( args=dict(data=data_source), code=""" var indices = data.selected["1d"].indices var widget_id = '%s' if(jupyter_widget_manager) { // MYSTERY: if we use require, we end up at bokeh's require, which cannot find it, using requirejs it seems to work requirejs(["@jupyter-widgets/base"], function(widgets) { var widget_promise = widgets.unpack_models('IPY_MODEL_' +widget_id, jupyter_widget_manager) widget_promise.then(function(widget) { widget.set(%r, indices) widget.save_changes() }) }) } else { console.error("no widget manager") } """ % (widget.model_id, trait_name), ) data_source.selected.js_on_change("indices", callback)
Example #2
Source File: From EarthSim with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _create_vertex_split_link(self, action, poly_renderer, vertex_renderer, vertex_tool): cb = CustomJS(code=self.split_code, args={ 'poly': poly_renderer, 'vertex': vertex_renderer, 'tool': vertex_tool}) action.callback = cb
Example #3
Source File: From parambokeh with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _get_customjs(self, change, p_name): """ Returns a CustomJS callback that can be attached to send the widget state across the notebook comms. """ data_template = "data = {{p_name: '{p_name}', value: cb_obj['{change}']}};" fetch_data = data_template.format(change=change, p_name=p_name) self_callback = JS_CALLBACK.format(, timeout=self.timeout, debounce=self.debounce, plot_id=self.plot_id) js_callback = CustomJS(code='\n'.join([fetch_data, self_callback])) return js_callback
Example #4
Source File: From panel with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _get_model(self, doc, root=None, parent=None, comm=None): if root is None: return self._get_root(doc, comm) if self.object is None: model = BkSpacer() else: model = self.object properties = {} for p, value in self.param.get_param_values(): if (p not in Layoutable.param or p == 'name' or value is self.param[p].default): continue properties[p] = value model.update(**properties) if comm: self._wrap_bokeh_callbacks(root, model, doc, comm) ref = root.ref['id'] for js in{'type': CustomJS}): js.code = js.code.replace(model.ref['id'], ref) if model._document and doc is not model._document: remove_root(model, doc) self._models[ref] = (model, parent) return model
Example #5
Source File: From panel with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _get_embed_state(self, root, values=None, max_opts=3): ref = root.ref['id'] w_model, parent = self._models[ref] _, _, doc, comm = state._views[ref] # Compute sampling start, end, step = w_model.start, w_model.end, w_model.step if values is None: span = end-start dtype = int if isinstance(step, int) else float if (span/step) > (max_opts-1): step = dtype(span/(max_opts-1)) values = [dtype(v) for v in np.arange(start, end+step, step)] elif any(v < start or v > end for v in values): raise ValueError('Supplied embed states for %s widget outside ' 'of valid range.' % type(self).__name__) # Replace model layout_opts = {k: v for k, v in self.param.get_param_values() if k in Layoutable.param and k != 'name'} dw = DiscreteSlider(options=values,, **layout_opts), value='value') self._models.pop(ref) index = parent.children.index(w_model) with config.set(embed=True): w_model = dw._get_model(doc, root, parent, comm) link = CustomJS(code=dw._jslink.code['value'], args={ 'source': w_model.children[1], 'target': w_model.children[0]}) parent.children[index] = w_model w_model = w_model.children[1] w_model.js_on_change('value', link) return (dw, w_model, values, lambda x: x.value, 'value', 'cb_obj.value')
Example #6
Source File: From geoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _create_vertex_split_link(self, action, poly_renderer, vertex_renderer, vertex_tool): cb = CustomJS(code=self.split_code, args={ 'poly': poly_renderer, 'vertex': vertex_renderer, 'tool': vertex_tool}) action.callback = cb
Example #7
Source File: From panel with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def test_embed_param_jslink(document, comm): select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C']) params = Param(select, parameters=['disabled']).layout panel = Row(select, params) with config.set(embed=True): model = panel.get_root(document, comm) embed_state(panel, model, document) assert len(document.roots) == 1 ref = model.ref['id'] cbs = list({'type': CustomJS})) assert len(cbs) == 2 cb1, cb2 = cbs cb1, cb2 = (cb1, cb2) if select._models[ref][0] is cb1.args['target'] else (cb2, cb1) assert cb1.code == """ var value = source['active']; value = value.indexOf(0) >= 0; value = value; try { var property =['disabled']; if (property !== undefined) { property.validate(value); } } catch(err) { console.log('WARNING: Could not set disabled on target, raised error: ' + err); return; } try { target['disabled'] = value; } catch(err) { console.log(err) } """ assert cb2.code == """ var value = source['disabled']; value = value; value = value ? [0] : []; try { var property =['active']; if (property !== undefined) { property.validate(value); } } catch(err) { console.log('WARNING: Could not set active on target, raised error: ' + err); return; } try { target['active'] = value; } catch(err) { console.log(err) } """
Example #8
Source File: From panel with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def test_embed_select_str_jslink(document, comm): select = Select(options=['A', 'B', 'C']) string = Str(), value='object') panel = Row(select, string) with config.set(embed=True): model = panel.get_root(document, comm) embed_state(panel, model, document) assert len(document.roots) == 1 assert model is document.roots[0] ref = model.ref['id'] cbs = list({'type': CustomJS})) assert len(cbs) == 2 cb1, cb2 = cbs cb1, cb2 = (cb1, cb2) if select._models[ref][0] is cb1.args['source'] else (cb2, cb1) assert cb1.code == """ var value = source['value']; value = value; value = JSON.stringify(value).replace(/,/g, ", ").replace(/:/g, ": "); try { var property =['text']; if (property !== undefined) { property.validate(value); } } catch(err) { console.log('WARNING: Could not set text on target, raised error: ' + err); return; } try { target['text'] = value; } catch(err) { console.log(err) } """ assert cb2.code == """ var value = source['text']; value = value; value = value; try { var property =['value']; if (property !== undefined) { property.validate(value); } } catch(err) { console.log('WARNING: Could not set value on target, raised error: ' + err); return; } try { target['value'] = value; } catch(err) { console.log(err) } """
Example #9
Source File: From panel with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def test_embed_checkbox_str_jslink(document, comm): checkbox = Checkbox() string = Str(), value='object') panel = Row(checkbox, string) with config.set(embed=True): model = panel.get_root(document, comm) embed_state(panel, model, document) assert len(document.roots) == 1 assert model is document.roots[0] ref = model.ref['id'] cbs = list({'type': CustomJS})) assert len(cbs) == 2 cb1, cb2 = cbs cb1, cb2 = (cb1, cb2) if checkbox._models[ref][0] is cb1.args['source'] else (cb2, cb1) assert cb1.code == """ var value = source['active']; value = value.indexOf(0) >= 0; value = JSON.stringify(value).replace(/,/g, ", ").replace(/:/g, ": "); try { var property =['text']; if (property !== undefined) { property.validate(value); } } catch(err) { console.log('WARNING: Could not set text on target, raised error: ' + err); return; } try { target['text'] = value; } catch(err) { console.log(err) } """ assert cb2.code == """ var value = source['text']; value = value; value = value ? [0] : []; try { var property =['active']; if (property !== undefined) { property.validate(value); } } catch(err) { console.log('WARNING: Could not set active on target, raised error: ' + err); return; } try { target['active'] = value; } catch(err) { console.log(err) } """
Example #10
Source File: From panel with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _get_objects(self, model, old_objects, doc, root, comm=None): """ Returns new child models for the layout while reusing unchanged models and cleaning up any dropped objects. """ from panel.pane.base import RerenderError, panel new_models = [] if len(self._names) != len(self): raise ValueError('Accordion names do not match objects, ensure ' 'that the Tabs.objects are not modified ' 'directly. Found %d names, expected %d.' % (len(self._names), len(self))) for i, (name, pane) in enumerate(zip(self._names, self)): pane = panel(pane, name=name) self.objects[i] = pane for obj in old_objects: if obj not in self.objects: self._panels[id(obj)]._cleanup(root) params = {k: v for k, v in self.param.get_param_values() if k in self._synced_properties} ref = root.ref['id'] current_objects = list(self) for i, (name, pane) in enumerate(zip(self._names, self)): params.update(self._apply_style(i)) if id(pane) in self._panels: card = self._panels[id(pane)] else: card = Card( pane, title=name, css_classes=['accordion'], header_css_classes=['accordion-header'] ) self._panels[id(pane)] = card card.param.set_param(**params) if ref in card._models: panel = card._models[ref][0] else: try: panel = card._get_model(doc, root, model, comm) if self.toggle: cb = CustomJS(args={'accordion': model}, code=self._toggle) panel.js_on_change('collapsed', cb) except RerenderError: return self._get_objects(model, current_objects[:i], doc, root, comm) new_models.append(panel) self._update_cards() return new_models
Example #11
Source File: From CAVE with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _contour_radiobuttongroup(self, contour_data, color_mapper): """ Returns ------- radiobuttongroup: RadioButtonGroup radiobuttongroup widget to select one of the elements title: Div text-element to "show title" of widget """ labels = [l.replace('_', ' ') if l.startswith('budget') else l for l in contour_data.keys()] aliases = ['glyph' + str(i) for i in range(len(labels))] values = list(contour_data.values()) glyphs = [v[0] for v in values] mins = [v[1][0] for v in values] maxs = [v[1][1] for v in values] args = {name: glyph for name, glyph in zip(aliases, glyphs)} args['colormapper'] = color_mapper # Create javascript-code code = "var len_labels = " + str(len(aliases)) + "," code += "glyphs = [ " + ','.join(aliases) + '],' code += "mins = " + str(mins) + ',' code += "maxs = " + str(maxs) + ';' code += """ for (i = 0; i < len_labels; i++) { if ( === i) { // console.log('Setting to true: ' + i); glyphs[i].visible = true; colormapper.low = mins[i]; colormapper.high = maxs[i]; } else { // console.log('Setting to false: ' + i); glyphs[i].visible = false; } } """ # Create the actual checkbox-widget callback = CustomJS(args=args, code=code) radio = RadioButtonGroup(labels=labels, active=0, callback=callback) title = Div(text="Data used to estimate contour-plot") return radio, title