Python numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of numpy.polynomial.polynomial.polyfit().
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Example #1
Source File: From allesfitter with MIT License | 6 votes |
def baseline_hybrid_poly(*args): x, y, yerr_w, xx, params, inst, key = args polyorder = int(config.BASEMENT.settings['baseline_'+key+'_'+inst][-1]) xx = (xx - x[0])/x[-1] #polyfit needs the xx-axis scaled to [0,1], otherwise it goes nuts x = (x - x[0])/x[-1] #polyfit needs the x-axis scaled to [0,1], otherwise it goes nuts if polyorder>=0: yerr_weights = yerr_w/np.nanmean(yerr_w) weights = 1./yerr_weights ind = np.isfinite(y) #polyfit can't handle NaN params_poly = poly.polyfit(x[ind],y[ind],polyorder,w=weights[ind]) #WARNING: returns params in reverse order than np.polyfit!!! baseline = poly.polyval(xx, params_poly) #evaluate on xx (!) else: raise ValueError("'polyorder' has to be > 0.") return baseline #============================================================================== #::: calculate baseline: hybrid_spline (like Gillon+2012, but with a cubic spline) #==============================================================================
Example #2
Source File: From altanalyze with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def disp(hgvfile): lab={} me=[] std=[] for line in open(hgvfile,'rU').xreadlines(): data = line.rstrip() t = string.split(data,'\t') me.append(float(t[2])) std.append(float(t[1])) me=np.asarray(me) std=np.asarray(std) coefs = poly.polyfit(me, std, 2) ffit = poly.Polynomial(coefs) print len(ffit(me)) np.savetxt("fitted.txt",ffit(me),delimiter="\t") fig1 = plt.figure() ax1 = fig1.add_subplot(111) ax1.scatter(me, std, facecolors='None') ax1.plot(me, ffit(me))
Example #3
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 5 votes |
def work(self, fig=None, ax=None): """Draw the polynomial fit on matplotlib figure or axis Parameters: ----------- fig: matplotlib figure ax: matplotlib axis Returns: -------- a tuple with figure and axis objects """ if ax is None: if fig is None: return fig, ax else: ax = fig.gca() from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyfit from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import polyval x =[self.aes['x']] y =[self.aes['y']] min_x = min(x) max_x = max(x) c = polyfit(x, y, x_ = np.linspace(min_x, max_x, len(x)) y_ = polyval(x_, c) ax.plot(x_, y_, lw=self.lw, c=self.colour) return fig, ax
Example #4
Source File: From Computable with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_polyfit(self) : def f(x) : return x*(x - 1)*(x - 2) # Test exceptions assert_raises(ValueError, poly.polyfit, [1], [1], -1) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [[1]], [1], 0) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [], [1], 0) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [1], [[[1]]], 0) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [1, 2], [1], 0) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [1], [1, 2], 0) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [1], [1], 0, w=[[1]]) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [1], [1], 0, w=[1, 1]) # Test fit x = np.linspace(0, 2) y = f(x) # coef3 = poly.polyfit(x, y, 3) assert_equal(len(coef3), 4) assert_almost_equal(poly.polyval(x, coef3), y) # coef4 = poly.polyfit(x, y, 4) assert_equal(len(coef4), 5) assert_almost_equal(poly.polyval(x, coef4), y) # coef2d = poly.polyfit(x, np.array([y, y]).T, 3) assert_almost_equal(coef2d, np.array([coef3, coef3]).T) # test weighting w = np.zeros_like(x) yw = y.copy() w[1::2] = 1 yw[0::2] = 0 wcoef3 = poly.polyfit(x, yw, 3, w=w) assert_almost_equal(wcoef3, coef3) # wcoef2d = poly.polyfit(x, np.array([yw, yw]).T, 3, w=w) assert_almost_equal(wcoef2d, np.array([coef3, coef3]).T) # test scaling with complex values x points whose square # is zero when summed. x = [1, 1j, -1, -1j] assert_almost_equal(poly.polyfit(x, x, 1), [0, 1])
Example #5
Source File: From ImageFusion with MIT License | 4 votes |
def test_polyfit(self): def f(x): return x*(x - 1)*(x - 2) # Test exceptions assert_raises(ValueError, poly.polyfit, [1], [1], -1) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [[1]], [1], 0) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [], [1], 0) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [1], [[[1]]], 0) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [1, 2], [1], 0) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [1], [1, 2], 0) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [1], [1], 0, w=[[1]]) assert_raises(TypeError, poly.polyfit, [1], [1], 0, w=[1, 1]) # Test fit x = np.linspace(0, 2) y = f(x) # coef3 = poly.polyfit(x, y, 3) assert_equal(len(coef3), 4) assert_almost_equal(poly.polyval(x, coef3), y) # coef4 = poly.polyfit(x, y, 4) assert_equal(len(coef4), 5) assert_almost_equal(poly.polyval(x, coef4), y) # coef2d = poly.polyfit(x, np.array([y, y]).T, 3) assert_almost_equal(coef2d, np.array([coef3, coef3]).T) # test weighting w = np.zeros_like(x) yw = y.copy() w[1::2] = 1 yw[0::2] = 0 wcoef3 = poly.polyfit(x, yw, 3, w=w) assert_almost_equal(wcoef3, coef3) # wcoef2d = poly.polyfit(x, np.array([yw, yw]).T, 3, w=w) assert_almost_equal(wcoef2d, np.array([coef3, coef3]).T) # test scaling with complex values x points whose square # is zero when summed. x = [1, 1j, -1, -1j] assert_almost_equal(poly.polyfit(x, x, 1), [0, 1])