Python sendgrid.helpers.mail.Content() Examples
The following are 8
code examples of sendgrid.helpers.mail.Content().
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Example #1
Source File: From flask-sendgrid with MIT License | 7 votes |
def send_email(self, to_email, subject, from_email=None, html=None, text=None, *args, **kwargs): # noqa if not any([from_email, self.default_from]): raise ValueError("Missing from email and no default.") if not any([html, text]): raise ValueError("Missing html or text.") self.from_email = Email(from_email or self.default_from) self.subject = subject personalization = Personalization() if type(to_email) is list: for email in self._extract_emails(to_email): personalization.add_to(email) elif type(to_email) is Email: personalization.add_to(to_email) elif type(to_email) is str: personalization.add_to(Email(to_email)) self.add_personalization(personalization) content = Content("text/html", html) if html else Content("text/plain", text) self.add_content(content) return
Example #2
Source File: From open-source-library-data-collector with MIT License | 6 votes |
def send_email(self, to_email, from_email, subject, body): """Send the email :param to_email: who the email is going to (e.g. 'First Last <>') :param from_email: who the email is coming from (e.g. 'First Last <>') :param subject: the email subject line :param body: the email body in HTML format :type to_email: string :type from_email: string :type subject: string :type body: string :returns: HTML status code and JSON message from SendGrid's API :rtype: Integer, JSON """ from_email = Email(from_email) subject = subject to_email = Email(to_email) soup = BeautifulSoup(body, "html.parser") content = Content("text/plain", soup.get_text()) mail = Mail(from_email, subject, to_email, content) response = return response.status_code, response.body
Example #3
Source File: From beans with MIT License | 6 votes |
def send_single_email(email, subject, template, template_arguments): """ Send an email using the SendGrid API Args: - email :string => the user's work email (ie - subject :string => the subject line for the email - template :string => the template file, corresponding to the email sent. - template_arguments :dictionary => keyword arguments to specify to render_template Returns: - SendGrid response """ load_secrets() env = Environment(loader=PackageLoader('yelp_beans', 'templates')) template = env.get_template(template) rendered_template = template.render(template_arguments) message = mail.Mail( from_email=mail.Email(SENDGRID_SENDER), subject=subject, to_email=mail.Email(email), content=Content("text/html", rendered_template) ) return
Example #4
Source File: From selene-backend with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _build_content(self, using_jinja=False) -> Content: with open(self.template_path) as template_file: email_content = if self.message.template_variables is not None: if using_jinja: template = Template(email_content) email_content = template.render(**self.message.template_variables) else: email_content = email_content.format( **self.message.template_variables ) return Content(self.message.content_type, email_content)
Example #5
Source File: From Flask-User with MIT License | 5 votes |
def send_email_message(self, recipient, subject, html_message, text_message, sender_email, sender_name): """ Send email message via sendgrid-python. Args: recipient: Email address or tuple of (Name, Email-address). subject: Subject line. html_message: The message body in HTML. text_message: The message body in plain text. """ if not current_app.testing: # pragma: no cover try: # Prepare Sendgrid helper objects from sendgrid.helpers.mail import Email, Content, Substitution, Mail from_email = Email(sender_email, sender_name) to_email = Email(recipient) text_content = Content('text/plain', text_message) html_content = Content('text/html', html_message) # Prepare Sendgrid Mail object # Note: RFC 1341: text must be first, followed by html mail = Mail(from_email, subject, to_email, text_content) mail.add_content(html_content) # Send mail via the Sendgrid API response = print(response.status_code) print(response.body) print(response.headers) except ImportError: raise ConfigError(SENDGRID_IMPORT_ERROR_MESSAGE) except Exception as e: print(e) print(e.body) raise
Example #6
Source File: From forseti-security with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def create_attachment(cls, file_location=None, content_type=None, filename=None, disposition='attachment', content_id=None): """Create a SendGrid attachment. SendGrid attachments file content must be base64 encoded. Args: file_location (str): The path of the file. content_type (str): The content type of the attachment. filename (str): The filename of attachment. disposition (str): Content disposition, defaults to "attachment". content_id (str): The content id. Returns: Attachment: A SendGrid Attachment. """ file_content = '' with open(file_location, 'rb') as f: file_content = content = base64.b64encode(file_content) attachment = mail.Attachment() attachment.content = content.decode('utf-8') attachment.type = content_type attachment.filename = filename attachment.disposition = disposition attachment.content_id = content_id return attachment
Example #7
Source File: From forseti-security with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def send(self, email_sender=None, email_recipient=None, email_subject=None, email_content=None, content_type=None, attachment=None): """Send an email. This uses the SendGrid API. The minimum required info to send email are: sender, recipient, subject, and content (the body) Args: email_sender (str): The email sender. email_recipient (str): The email recipient. email_subject (str): The email subject. email_content (str): The email content (aka, body). content_type (str): The email content type. attachment (Attachment): A SendGrid Attachment. Raises: EmailSendError: An error with sending email has occurred. """ if not email_sender or not email_recipient: LOGGER.warning('Unable to send email: sender=%s, recipient=%s', email_sender, email_recipient) raise util_errors.EmailSendError email = mail.Mail() email.from_email = mail.Email(email_sender) email.subject = email_subject email.add_content(mail.Content(content_type, email_content)) email = self._add_recipients(email, email_recipient) if attachment: email.add_attachment(attachment) try: response = self._execute_send(email) except urllib.error.HTTPError as e: LOGGER.exception('Unable to send email: %s %s', e.code, e.reason) raise util_errors.EmailSendError if response.status_code == 202:'Email accepted for delivery:\n%s', email_subject) else: LOGGER.error('Unable to send email:\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s', email_subject, response.status_code, response.body, response.headers) raise util_errors.EmailSendError
Example #8
Source File: From ok with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def send_email(to, subject, body, cc=(), from_name='Ok', link=None, link_text="Sign in", template='email/notification.html', reply_to=None, **kwargs): """ Send an email using sendgrid. Usage: send_email('', 'Hey from OK', 'hi', cc=[''], reply_to='') """ try: sg = _get_sendgrid_api_client() except ValueError as ex: logger.error('Unable to get sendgrid client: %s', ex) return False if not link: link = url_for('student.index', _external=True) html = render_template(template, subject=subject, body=body, link=link, link_text=link_text, **kwargs) mail = sg_helpers.Mail() mail.set_from(sg_helpers.Email('', from_name)) mail.set_subject(subject) mail.add_content(sg_helpers.Content("text/html", emailFormat(html))) if reply_to: mail.set_reply_to(sg_helpers.Email(reply_to)) personalization = sg_helpers.Personalization() personalization.add_to(sg_helpers.Email(to)) for recipient in cc: personalization.add_cc(sg_helpers.Email(recipient)) mail.add_personalization(personalization) try: response = except HTTPError: logger.error("Could not send the email", exc_info=True) return False if response.status_code != 202: logger.error("Could not send email: {} - {}" .format(response.status_code, response.body)) return False return True