Python pygal.Line() Examples
The following are 19
code examples of pygal.Line().
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Example #1
Source File: From python_course with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def twoline(file_name, title, line1, line1_label, line2, line2_label, x_labels): """ Line1 is a list of data points Line2 is a list of data points x_labels are labels that correspond to the data points in line1 and line2 Example call: line_graph.twoline("pynet-rtr1-octets.svg", "pynet-rtr1 Fa4 Input/Output Bytes", in_octets_list, "In Octets", out_octets_list, "Out Octets", x_labels_list): """ line_chart = pygal.Line(include_x_axis=True) line_chart.title = title line_chart.x_labels = x_labels line_chart.add(line1_label, line1) line_chart.add(line2_label, line2) line_chart.render_to_file(file_name) return True
Example #2
Source File: From pynet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def twoline(file_name, title, line1, line1_label, line2, line2_label, x_labels): ''' Line1 is a list of data points Line2 is a list of data points x_labels are labels that correspond to the data points in line1 and line2 Example call: line_graph.twoline("pynet-rtr1-octets.svg", "pynet-rtr1 Fa4 Input/Output Bytes", in_octets_list, "In Octets", out_octets_list, "Out Octets", x_labels_list): ''' line_chart = pygal.Line(include_x_axis=True) line_chart.title = title line_chart.x_labels = x_labels line_chart.add(line1_label, line1) line_chart.add(line2_label, line2) line_chart.render_to_file(file_name) return True
Example #3
Source File: From pynet with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def twoline(file_name, title, line1, line1_label, line2, line2_label, x_labels): ''' Line1 is a list of data points Line2 is a list of data points x_labels are labels that correspond to the data points in line1 and line2 Example call: line_graph.twoline("pynet-rtr1-octets.svg", "pynet-rtr1 Fa4 Input/Output Bytes", in_octets_list, "In Octets", out_octets_list, "Out Octets", x_labels_list): ''' line_chart = pygal.Line(include_x_axis=True) line_chart.title = title line_chart.x_labels = x_labels line_chart.add(line1_label, line1) line_chart.add(line2_label, line2) line_chart.render_to_file(file_name) return True
Example #4
Source File: From ok with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def generate_line_chart(backups, cid, email, aid): """ Generates a pygal line_chart given a list of backups """ points, timestamps = _get_graph_points(backups, cid, email, aid) line_chart = pygal.Line(disable_xml_declaration=True, human_readable=True, legend_at_bottom=True, pretty_print=True, show_legend=False ) line_chart.title = 'Lines/Minutes Ratio Across Backups: {0}'.format(email) line_chart.add('Backups', points) line_chart.x_labels = timestamps return line_chart
Example #5
Source File: From mvp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def buildChart(data): '''Build the chard from array data''' v_lst=[] ts_lst=[] for row in data: # print row["start_date"]["timestamp"], row["subject"]["attribute"]["value"] v_lst.append(float(row["subject"]["attribute"]["value"])) ts_lst.append(row["start_date"]["timestamp"]) line_chart = pygal.Line() line_chart.title = 'Humidity' line_chart.y_title="Percent" line_chart.x_title="Timestamp (hover over to display date)" #need to reverse order to go from earliest to latest ts_lst.reverse() line_chart.x_labels = ts_lst #need to reverse order to go from earliest to latest v_lst.reverse() line_chart.add('Humidity', v_lst) line_chart.render_to_file('/home/pi/MVP/web/humidity_chart.svg')
Example #6
Source File: From mvp with MIT License | 6 votes |
def buildChart(data): '''Build the chard from array data''' v_lst=[] ts_lst=[] for row in data: # print row["start_date"]["timestamp"], row["subject"]["attribute"]["value"] v_lst.append(float(row["subject"]["attribute"]["value"])) ts_lst.append(UTCStrToLDT(row["start_date"]["timestamp"])) line_chart = pygal.Line() line_chart.title = 'Temperature' line_chart.y_title="Degrees C" line_chart.x_title="Timestamp (hover over to display date)" #need to reverse order to go from earliest to latest ts_lst.reverse() line_chart.x_labels = ts_lst #need to reverse order to go from earliest to latest v_lst.reverse() line_chart.add('Air Temp', v_lst) line_chart.render_to_file('/home/pi/MVP/web/temp_chart.svg')
Example #7
Source File: From SNIPER-mxnet with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_graph(args): speedup_chart = pygal.Line(x_title='gpus', y_title='speedup', logarithmic=True) speedup_chart.x_labels = map(str, series(args.worker_count * args.gpu_count)) speedup_chart.add('ideal speedup', series(args.worker_count * args.gpu_count)) for net in args.networks: image_single_gpu = net.gpu_speedup[1] if 1 in net.gpu_speedup or not net.gpu_speedup[1] else 1 y_values = [each / image_single_gpu for each in net.gpu_speedup.values()]'%s: image_single_gpu:%.2f' % (, image_single_gpu)) LOGGER.debug('network:%s, y_values: %s' % (, ' '.join(map(str, y_values)))) speedup_chart.add(, y_values \ , formatter=lambda y_val, img=copy.deepcopy(image_single_gpu), batch_size=copy.deepcopy( net.batch_size): 'speedup:%.2f, img/sec:%.2f, batch/gpu:%d' % \ (0 if y_val is None else y_val, 0 if y_val is None else y_val * img, batch_size)) speedup_chart.render_to_file(log_loc + '/speedup.svg')
Example #8
Source File: From dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_graph(args): speedup_chart = pygal.Line(x_title='gpus', y_title='speedup', logarithmic=True) speedup_chart.x_labels = map(str, series(args.worker_count * args.gpu_count)) speedup_chart.add('ideal speedup', series(args.worker_count * args.gpu_count)) for net in args.networks: image_single_gpu = net.gpu_speedup[1] if 1 in net.gpu_speedup or not net.gpu_speedup[1] else 1 y_values = [each / image_single_gpu for each in net.gpu_speedup.values()]'%s: image_single_gpu:%.2f' % (, image_single_gpu)) LOGGER.debug('network:%s, y_values: %s' % (, ' '.join(map(str, y_values)))) speedup_chart.add(, y_values \ , formatter=lambda y_val, img=copy.deepcopy(image_single_gpu), batch_size=copy.deepcopy( net.batch_size): 'speedup:%.2f, img/sec:%.2f, batch/gpu:%d' % \ (0 if y_val is None else y_val, 0 if y_val is None else y_val * img, batch_size)) speedup_chart.render_to_file(log_loc + '/speedup.svg')
Example #9
Source File: From Python-Project with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def draw_line(x_data, y_data, title, y_legend): xy_map = [] for x, y in groupby(sorted(zip(x_data, y_data)), key=lambda _: _[0]): # 2 y_list = [v for _, v in y] xy_map.append([x, sum(y_list) / len(y_list)]) # 3 x_unique, y_mean = [*zip(*xy_map)] # 4 line_chart = pygal.Line() line_chart.title = title line_chart.x_labels = x_unique line_chart.add(y_legend, y_mean) line_chart.render_to_file(title + '.svg') return line_chart # 绘制2017年前11个月的日均值
Example #10
Source File: From moa with MIT License | 5 votes |
def user_graph(): hours = int(request.args.get('hours', 24)) since = - timedelta(hours=hours) stats_query = db.session.query(Bridge).filter(Bridge.created > since).filter(Bridge.enabled == 1).with_entities( Bridge.created) base_count_query = db.session.query(func.count( df = pd.read_sql(stats_query.statement, stats_query.session.bind) df.set_index(['created'], inplace=True) df['count'] = 1 # # df.groupby(level=0).sum() r = df.resample('d').sum() r = r.fillna(0) r['cum_sum'] = r['count'].cumsum() + base_count_query # users = r['cum_sum'].tolist() # chart = pygal.Line(title=f"# of Users ({timespan(hours)})", stroke_style={'width': 5}, show_legend=False) chart.add('Users', users, fill=True, show_dots=False) return chart.render_response()
Example #11
Source File: From with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def pic(self): line_chart = pygal.Line() line_chart.title = txt_id line_chart.x_labels = map(str, txt_t) line_chart.add(txt_id, txt_a) line_chart.render_to_file('bar_chart.svg')
Example #12
Source File: From with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def getEcsMetric(metric, uid, key, userid, instanceid): clt = client.AcsClient(uid,key,'cn-qingdao') - datetime.timedelta(hours=1) startTimeStr=startTime.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") request = QueryMetricRequest.QueryMetricRequest() request.set_accept_format('json') request.set_Project('acs_ecs') request.set_Metric(metric) request.set_StartTime(startTimeStr) request.set_Dimensions("{userId:'%s', instanceId:'%s'}" % (userid,instanceid)) ret = clt.do_action(request) print(ret) data_json = json.loads(ret) rawdata = data_json["Datapoints"]["Datapoint"] for i in range(len(rawdata)): formatdata = (str(rawdata[i]["timestamp"]))[:10] txt_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(formatdata)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') txt_t.append(txt_time) txt_content.append(rawdata[i]["Average"]) txt_id = '%s' % (instanceid) line_chart = pygal.Line() line_chart.title = txt_id line_chart.x_labels = map(str, txt_content) line_chart.add(txt_id, txt_content) line_chart.render_to_file('ecs.svg')
Example #13
Source File: From training_results_v0.6 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def plot_graph(args): speedup_chart = pygal.Line(x_title='gpus', y_title='speedup', logarithmic=True) speedup_chart.x_labels = map(str, series(args.worker_count * args.gpu_count)) speedup_chart.add('ideal speedup', series(args.worker_count * args.gpu_count)) for net in args.networks: image_single_gpu = net.gpu_speedup[1] if 1 in net.gpu_speedup or not net.gpu_speedup[1] else 1 y_values = [each / image_single_gpu for each in net.gpu_speedup.values()]'%s: image_single_gpu:%.2f' % (, image_single_gpu)) LOGGER.debug('network:%s, y_values: %s' % (, ' '.join(map(str, y_values)))) speedup_chart.add(, y_values \ , formatter=lambda y_val, img=copy.deepcopy(image_single_gpu), batch_size=copy.deepcopy( net.batch_size): 'speedup:%.2f, img/sec:%.2f, batch/gpu:%d' % \ (0 if y_val is None else y_val, 0 if y_val is None else y_val * img, batch_size)) speedup_chart.render_to_file(log_loc + '/speedup.svg')
Example #14
Source File: From edwin with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def raw_svgs(): chart = pygal.Line(legend_at_bottom=True, legend_box_size=18) # ======================================= # Declare the location of svg.jquery.js and pygal-tooltips.js in server side. # ======================================= # It must be declare in server side, not html file # if not declare in server, by default it will load the two js files located in And it will slow down the page loading # 1, It works, load local js files SITE_ROOT = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) chart.js = [os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, "static/js/", "svg.jquery.js"), os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, "static/js/", "pygal-tooltips.js")] # 2.a, It Works, but it is ugly because it use local absolute http url # chart.js =['', # ''] # 2.b, works, use local CDN absolute http url # chart.js =['http://another_server/pygal-tooltips.js', # 'http://another_server/svg.jquery.js'] # 3, Does not work, error raised at visiting, IOError: [Errno 2] No such file # chart.js = [url_for('static', filename='js/svg.jquery.js'), # url_for('static', filename='js/pygal-tooltips.js')] # disable xml root node chart.disable_xml_declaration = True chart.title = 'Browser usage evolution (in %)' chart.width = 2000 chart.height = 2000 chart.x_labels = map(str, range(2002, 2013)) chart.add('Firefox', [None, None, 0, 16.6, 25, 31, 36.4, 45.5, 46.3, 42.8, 37.1]) chart.add('Chrome', [None, None, None, None, None, None, 0, 3.9, 10.8, 23.8, 35.3]) chart.add('IE', [85.8, 84.6, 84.7, 74.5, 66, 58.6, 54.7, 44.8, 36.2, 26.6, 20.1]) chart.add('Others', [14.2, 15.4, 15.3, 8.9, 9, 10.4, 8.9, 5.8, 6.7, 6.8, 7.5]) svg_xml = chart.render() svg_xml = '<svg style="width:2000px" ' + svg_xml[4:] svg_xml1 = svg_xml[:100] response = make_response(render_template('test_svg.html', title=svg_xml1, svg_xml=svg_xml)) # response.headers['Content-Type']='image/svg+xml' 不能设置Content-Type为svg模式 return response
Example #15
Source File: From moa with MIT License | 4 votes |
def time_graph(): hours = int(request.args.get('hours', 24)) since = - timedelta(hours=hours) stats_query = db.session.query(WorkerStat).filter(WorkerStat.created > since).with_entities(WorkerStat.created, WorkerStat.time, WorkerStat.worker) df = pd.read_sql(stats_query.statement, stats_query.session.bind) dfs = {} rs = {} l_1 = 0 times = {} main_times = pd.DataFrame({'A': []}) chart = pygal.Line(title=f"Worker run time (s) ({timespan(hours)})", stroke_style={'width': 2}, legend_at_bottom=True) i = 1 while i <= app.config['WORKER_JOBS']: dfs[i] = df[df['worker'] == i] dfs[i].set_index(['created'], inplace=True) dfs[i].groupby(level=0).mean() rs[i] = dfs[i].resample('h').mean() rs[i] = rs[i].fillna(0) times[i] = rs[i]['time'].tolist() if i == 1: l_1 = len(times[i]) c_l = len(times[i]) diff = l_1 - c_l if diff > 0: new_data = [0] * diff times[i] = new_data + times[i] chart.add(f"{i}", times[i], show_dots=False) i = i + 1 return chart.render_response()
Example #16
Source File: From edwin with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def initValueChart(check_item, isShortTerm=True): statistics = CheckItemStatistics(check_item) if isShortTerm: data = statistics.getShortTermValueData() term_month_count = data[6] # data elements: [date_list, avg_value_list, min_value_list, max_value_list, warning_limit_list, critical_limit_list, term_month_count] title = 'Value statistics in short term(%d months)' % (term_month_count) else: data = statistics.getLongTermValueData() # data elements: [date_list, avg_value_list, min_value_list, max_value_list, warning_limit_list, critical_limit_list, term_month_count] term_month_count = data[6] title = 'Value statistics in long term(%d months)' % (term_month_count) date_list = data[0] date_list_short_format = getDatesInShortFormat(date_list) key_date_list_short_format = getDatesInShortFormat(getKeyDates(date_list)) avg_value_list = data[1] min_value_list = data[2] max_value_list = data[3] warning_limit_list = data[4] critical_limit_list = data[5] custom_style = Style(colors=( '#fd971f' # yellow--warning , '#DC3912' # red--critical , '#6c71c4' # min , '#8000FF' # max , '#00FFFF' # avg )) chart = pygal.Line(style=custom_style, legend_at_bottom=True, legend_box_size=18) SITE_ROOT = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) chart.js = [os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, "static/js/", "svg.jquery.js"), os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, "static/js/", "pygal-tooltips.js")] if isShortTerm: chart.height = 420 chart.width = 900 else: chart.height = 700 chart.width = 2000 chart.disable_xml_declaration = True # disable xml root node chart.x_label_rotation = 30 chart.title = title chart.x_title = 'Timeline' chart.y_title = 'Value' chart.x_labels = map(str, date_list_short_format) chart.x_labels_major = key_date_list_short_format chart.add('Warning limit', warning_limit_list) chart.add('Critical limit', critical_limit_list) chart.add('Min value', min_value_list) chart.add('Max value', max_value_list) chart.add('Avg value', avg_value_list) return chart # #
Example #17
Source File: From edwin with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def initStatusChart(check_item, isShortTerm=True): statistics = CheckItemStatistics(check_item) if isShortTerm: data = statistics.getShortTermStatusData() # data elements: [date_list, normal_list, warning_list, critical_list, term_month_count] term_month_count = data[4] title = 'Status statistics in short term(%d months)' % (term_month_count) else: data = statistics.getLongTermStatusData() # data elements: [date_list, normal_list, warning_list, critical_list, term_month_count] term_month_count = data[4] title = 'Status statistics in long term(%d months)' % (term_month_count) date_list = data[0] date_list_short_format = getDatesInShortFormat(date_list) key_date_list_short_format = getDatesInShortFormat(getKeyDates(date_list)) normal_list = data[1] warning_list = data[2] critical_list = data[3] custom_style = Style(colors=( '#b6e354' # green , '#fd971f' # yellow , '#DC3912' # red )) chart = pygal.Line(style=custom_style, legend_at_bottom=True, legend_box_size=18) SITE_ROOT = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) chart.js = [os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, "static/js/", "svg.jquery.js"), os.path.join(SITE_ROOT, "static/js/", "pygal-tooltips.js")] if isShortTerm: chart.height = 420 chart.width = 900 else: chart.height = 420 chart.width = 2000 chart.disable_xml_declaration = True # disable xml root node chart.x_label_rotation = 30 chart.title = title chart.x_title = 'Timeline' chart.y_title = 'Status count' chart.x_labels = map(str, date_list_short_format) chart.x_labels_major = key_date_list_short_format chart.add('Normal count', normal_list) chart.add('Warning count', warning_list) chart.add('Critical count', critical_list) return chart
Example #18
Source File: From mvp with MIT License | 4 votes |
def buildChart(data, test=False): # Build dataframe from array df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(data) df.set_index(['timestamp', 'name']) # Check for duplicates df = df.drop_duplicates(subset=['timestamp', 'name']) # Pivot the data by timestamp-bin with name groupings for columns df=df.pivot(index='timestamp', columns='name', values='value') if test: print df # print df # Fill missing data with dummy value df=df.fillna(11.1) #put in descending order d1=df.iloc[::-1] #pull off only 120 rows # d1 = d1[:][:120] # Reorder again d1=d1.iloc[::-1] # Make numeric (except for dates) - this does not seem to be working d1.apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='ignore') # print d1 # Calculate dew point dp=[] for idx, row in d1.iterrows(): # print row dp.append(getDewPoint(float(row['Temperature']), float(row['Humidity']))) d1['Dewpoint']=dp # Clear index so all are columns d3=d1.reset_index() if test: print d3 #build chart line_chart = pygal.Line(range=(0, 40)) line_chart.title = 'Temperature,Humidity and Dew Point' line_chart.y_title="Degrees C" line_chart.x_title="Timestamp (hover over to display date)" line_chart.x_labels = d3['timestamp'] line_chart.add('Humidity', [float(row) for row in d3['Humidity']], secondary=True) line_chart.add('Temperature',[float(row) for row in d3['Temperature']]) line_chart.add('Dewpoint', d3['Dewpoint']) line_chart.render_to_file('/home/pi/MVP/web/humidity_chart.svg')
Example #19
Source File: From deeplearning-benchmark with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def main(argv): label_list = None csv_list = None try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "", ["labels=","csv=","file=","maxgpu="]) except getopt.GetoptError: print("Incorrect args") sys.exit(2) for opt, arg in opts: if opt == "--labels": label_list = arg elif opt == "--csv": csv_list = arg elif opt == "--file": out_file = arg elif opt == "--maxgpu": max_gpu = int(arg) if(label_list == None or csv_list == None or out_file == None or max_gpu == None): print("Incorrect args") sys.exit(2) labels = label_list.split(",") map(str.strip, labels) csv_files = csv_list.split(",") map(str.strip, csv_files) line_chart = pygal.Line(logarithmic=True, truncate_legend=100, legend_at_bottom=True) line_chart.title = "Deep Learning Frameworks - Performance Comparison" num_runs = math.ceil(math.log(max_gpu,2)) + 1 x = np.arange(0,num_runs) x = np.power(2,x) x[-1] = max_gpu line_chart.x_labels = map(str, x.tolist()) # Add ideal plot ideal = np.copy(x) line_chart.add('Ideal', ideal.tolist() ) index = 0 for csv_file in csv_files: with open(csv_file, mode='r') as infile: reader = csv.reader(infile, delimiter=',') baseline = 0 yval = np.empty([0]) for row in reader: if(len(row) == 2): if baseline == 0: baseline = float(row[1]) yval = np.append(yval, float(row[1])/baseline) line_chart.add(labels[index], yval.tolist(), formatter= lambda speedup, images_per_gpu=baseline: 'Speedup: %0.2f, Images/Sec: %0.2f' % (speedup, images_per_gpu*speedup)) index += 1 line_chart.render_to_file(out_file)