Python torch.utils.ffi.create_extension() Examples
The following are 5
code examples of torch.utils.ffi.create_extension().
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Example #1
Source File: From Relation-Shape-CNN with MIT License | 6 votes |
def build(args): extra_objects = args.objs extra_objects += [a for a in glob.glob('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/*.a')] ffi = create_extension( '_ext.pointnet2', headers=[a for a in glob.glob("cinclude/*_wrapper.h")], sources=[a for a in glob.glob("csrc/*.c")], define_macros=[('WITH_CUDA', None)], relative_to=__file__, with_cuda=True, extra_objects=extra_objects, include_dirs=[osp.join(base_dir, 'cinclude')], verbose=False, package=False )
Example #2
Source File: From DensePoint with MIT License | 6 votes |
def build(args): extra_objects = args.objs extra_objects += [a for a in glob.glob('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/*.a')] ffi = create_extension( '_ext.pointnet2', headers=[a for a in glob.glob("cinclude/*_wrapper.h")], sources=[a for a in glob.glob("csrc/*.c")], define_macros=[('WITH_CUDA', None)], relative_to=__file__, with_cuda=True, extra_objects=extra_objects, include_dirs=[osp.join(base_dir, 'cinclude')], verbose=False, package=False )
Example #3
Source File: From sanet_relocal_demo with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def build(args): extra_objects = args.objs extra_objects += [a for a in glob.glob('/usr/local/cuda/lib64/*.a')] ffi = create_extension( '_ext.pointnet2', headers=[a for a in glob.glob("cinclude/*_wrapper.h")], sources=[a for a in glob.glob("csrc/*.c")], define_macros=[('WITH_CUDA', None)], relative_to=__file__, with_cuda=True, extra_objects=extra_objects, include_dirs=[osp.join(base_dir, 'cinclude')], verbose=False, package=False )
Example #4
Source File: From training_results_v0.6 with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def is_torch_cuda(): try: from torch.utils.ffi import create_extension cuda_test_ext = create_extension( name='horovod.torch.test_cuda', headers=['horovod/torch/dummy.h'], sources=[], with_cuda=True, extra_compile_args=['-std=c11', '-fPIC', '-O2'] ) return True except: print('INFO: Above error indicates that this PyTorch installation does not support CUDA.') return False
Example #5
Source File: From training_results_v0.6 with Apache License 2.0 | 4 votes |
def build_torch_extension(build_ext, options, abi_compile_flags): check_torch_import() have_cuda = is_torch_cuda() if not have_cuda and check_macro(options['MACROS'], 'HAVE_CUDA'): raise DistutilsPlatformError( 'Horovod build with GPU support was requested, but this PyTorch ' 'installation does not support CUDA.') # Update HAVE_CUDA to mean that PyTorch supports CUDA. Internally, we will be checking # HOROVOD_GPU_(ALLREDUCE|ALLGATHER|BROADCAST) to decide whether we should use GPU # version or transfer tensors to CPU memory for those operations. updated_macros = set_macro( options['MACROS'], 'HAVE_CUDA', str(int(have_cuda))) # Create_extension overwrites these files which are customized, we need to protect them. with protect_files('horovod/torch/mpi_lib/', 'horovod/torch/mpi_lib_impl/'): from torch.utils.ffi import create_extension ffi_iface = create_extension( name='horovod.torch.mpi_lib', headers=['horovod/torch/interface.h'] + (['horovod/torch/interface_cuda.h'] if have_cuda else []), with_cuda=have_cuda, language='c', package=True, sources=[], extra_compile_args=['-std=c11', '-fPIC', '-O2'] ) ffi_impl = create_extension( name='horovod.torch.mpi_lib_impl', headers=[], with_cuda=have_cuda, language='c++', package=True, source_extension='.cc', define_macros=updated_macros, include_dirs=options['INCLUDES'], sources=options['SOURCES'] + ['horovod/torch/', 'horovod/torch/', 'horovod/torch/', 'horovod/torch/', 'horovod/torch/', 'horovod/torch/'], extra_compile_args=options['COMPILE_FLAGS'] + abi_compile_flags, extra_link_args=options['LINK_FLAGS'], library_dirs=options['LIBRARY_DIRS'], libraries=options['LIBRARIES'] ) for ffi, setuptools_ext in [(ffi_iface, torch_mpi_lib), (ffi_impl, torch_mpi_lib_impl)]: ffi_ext = ffi.distutils_extension() # ffi_ext is distutils Extension, not setuptools Extension for k, v in ffi_ext.__dict__.items(): setuptools_ext.__dict__[k] = v build_ext.build_extension(setuptools_ext) # run the customize_compiler