Python arcpy.Describe() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of arcpy.Describe().
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Example #1
Source File: From HiSpatialCluster with Apache License 2.0 | 10 votes |
def generate_cls_boundary(cls_input,cntr_id_field,boundary_output,cpu_core): arcpy.env.parallelProcessingFactor=cpu_core arcpy.SetProgressorLabel('Generating Delaunay Triangle...') arrays=arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(cls_input,['SHAPE@XY',cntr_id_field]) cid_field_type=[f.type for f in arcpy.Describe(cls_input).fields if][0] delaunay=Delaunay(arrays['SHAPE@XY']).simplices.copy() arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management('in_memory','boundary_temp','POLYGON',spatial_reference=arcpy.Describe(cls_input).spatialReference) fc=r'in_memory\boundary_temp' arcpy.AddField_management(fc,cntr_id_field,cid_field_type) cursor = arcpy.da.InsertCursor(fc, [cntr_id_field,"SHAPE@"]) arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Copying Delaunay Triangle to Temp Layer...",0, delaunay.shape[0], 1) for tri in delaunay: arcpy.SetProgressorPosition() cid=arrays[cntr_id_field][tri[0]] if cid == arrays[cntr_id_field][tri[1]] and cid == arrays[cntr_id_field][tri[2]]: cursor.insertRow([cid,arcpy.Polygon(arcpy.Array([arcpy.Point(*arrays['SHAPE@XY'][i]) for i in tri]))]) arcpy.SetProgressor('default','Merging Delaunay Triangle...') if '64 bit' in sys.version: arcpy.PairwiseDissolve_analysis(fc,boundary_output,cntr_id_field) else: arcpy.Dissolve_management(fc,boundary_output,cntr_id_field) arcpy.Delete_management(fc) return
Example #2
Source File: From arcapi with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def to_points(tbl, out_fc, xcol, ycol, sr, zcol='#', w=''): """Convert table to point feature class, return path to the feature class. Required: tbl -- input table or table view out_fc -- path to output feature class xcol -- name of a column in tbl that stores x coordinates ycol -- name of a column in tbl that stores y coordinates sr -- spatial reference for out_fc sr can be either arcpy.SpatialReference object or a well known id as int Optional: zcol -- name of a column in tbl that stores y coordinates, default is '#' w -- where clause to limit the rows of tbl considered, default is '' Example: >>> t = 'c:\\foo\\bar.shp' >>> o = 'c:\\foo\\bar_pts.shp' >>> table_to_points(t, o, "XC", "YC", 4326, zcol='#', w='"FID" < 10') >>> table_to_points(t, o, "XC", "YC", arcpy.SpatialReference(27700)) >>> table_to_points(t, o, "XC", "YC", arcpy.describe(tbl).spatialReference) """ lrnm = tstamp('lr', '%m%d%H%M%S', '') if type(sr) != arcpy.SpatialReference: sr = arcpy.SpatialReference(sr) lr = arcpy.MakeXYEventLayer_management(tbl, xcol, ycol, lrnm, sr, zcol).getOutput(0) if str(w) not in ('', '*'): arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management(lr, "NEW_SELECTION", w) out_fc = arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(lr, out_fc).getOutput(0) dlt(lr) return (arcpy.Describe(out_fc).catalogPath)
Example #3
Source File: From public-transit-tools with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def HandleOIDUniqueID(inPointsLayer, inLocUniqueID): '''If ObjectID was selected as the unique ID, copy the values to a new field so they don't get messed up when copying the table.''' pointsOID = arcpy.Describe(inPointsLayer).OIDFieldName if inLocUniqueID.lower() == pointsOID.lower(): try: inLocUniqueID = "BBBUID" arcpy.AddMessage("You have selected your input features' ObjectID field as the unique ID to use for this analysis. \ In order to use this field, we have to transfer the ObjectID values to a new field in your input data called '%s' because ObjectID values \ may change when the input data is copied to the output. Adding the '%s' field now, and calculating the values to be the same as the current \ ObjectID values..." % (inLocUniqueID, inLocUniqueID)), inLocUniqueID, "LONG"), inLocUniqueID, "!" + pointsOID + "!", "PYTHON_9.3") except: arcpy.AddError("Unable to add or calculate new unique ID field. Please fix your data or choose a different unique ID field.") raise CustomError return inLocUniqueID
Example #4
Source File: From geo-pit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def GetWorkspace(ssurgoInput): # Return the workspace of the input """ Maybe get rid of this or add it to the main body """ try: desc = arcpy.Describe(ssurgoInput) thePath = os.path.dirname(desc.CatalogPath) desc = arcpy.Describe(thePath) # if path to ssurgoInput is a FD grab the GDB path if desc.dataType.upper() == "FEATUREDATASET": thePath = os.path.dirname(thePath) env.workspace = thePath return thePath except: errorMsg() ## ===================================================================================
Example #5
Source File: From geo-pit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def GetWorkspace(ssurgoInput): # Return the workspace of the input """ Maybe get rid of this or add it to the main body """ try: desc = arcpy.Describe(ssurgoInput) thePath = os.path.dirname(desc.CatalogPath) desc = arcpy.Describe(thePath) # if path to ssurgoInput is a FD grab the GDB path if desc.dataType.upper() == "FEATUREDATASET": thePath = os.path.dirname(thePath) env.workspace = thePath return thePath except: errorMsg() ## ===================================================================================
Example #6
Source File: From HiSpatialCluster with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def updateParameters(self, parameters): params=parameters # if parameters[0].altered and not parameters[1].altered: # parameters[1].value=arcpy.Describe(parameters[0].valueAsText).OIDFieldName if params[4].value=='CUT_OFF': params[5].enabled=1 params[6].enabled=0 else: params[5].enabled=0 params[6].enabled=1 if params[7].value=='CPU': params[8].enabled=1 else: params[8].enabled=0 if parameters[0].altered and not parameters[3].altered: in_fe=parameters[0].valueAsText parameters[3].value=in_fe[:len(in_fe)-4]+'_dens'+in_fe[-4:] if in_fe[-3:]=='shp' else in_fe+'_dens' return
Example #7
Source File: From public-transit-tools with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def add_TimeOfDay_field_to_sublayer(nalayer, sublayer_object, sublayer_name): '''Add a field called TimeOfDay of type DATE to an NA sublayer''' time_field = "TimeOfDay" # Clean up any pre-existing fields with this name (unlikely case) poly_fields = [f for f in arcpy.Describe(sublayer_object).fields if == time_field] if poly_fields: for f in poly_fields: if == time_field and f.type != "Date": msg = "Your network analysis layer's %s sublayer already contained a field called %s of a type " + \ "other than Date. This field will be deleted and replaced with a field of type Date used " + \ "for the output of this tool." arcpy.AddWarning(msg % (sublayer_name, time_field)), time_field) # Add the TimeOfDay field to the sublayer. If it already exists, this will do nothing., sublayer_name, time_field, "DATE") return time_field
Example #8
Source File: From geo-pit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def CheckSpatialReference(inputFC): # Make sure that the coordinate system is projected and units are meters try: desc = arcpy.Describe(inputFC) inputSR = desc.spatialReference if inputSR.type.upper() == "PROJECTED": if inputSR.linearUnitName.upper() == "METER": env.outputCoordinateSystem = inputSR return True else: raise MyError, os.path.basename(theGDB) + ": Input soil polygon layer does not have a valid coordinate system for gSSURGO" else: raise MyError, os.path.basename(theGDB) + ": Input soil polygon layer must have a projected coordinate system" except MyError, e: # Example: raise MyError, "This is an error message" PrintMsg(str(e), 2) return False
Example #9
Source File: From sample-gp-tools with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def featuresToGPX(inputFC, outGPX, zerodate, pretty): ''' This is called by the __main__ if run from a tool or at the command line ''' descInput = arcpy.Describe(inputFC) if descInput.spatialReference.factoryCode != 4326: arcpy.AddWarning("Input data is not projected in WGS84," " features were reprojected on the fly to create the GPX.") generatePointsFromFeatures(inputFC , descInput, zerodate) # Write the output GPX file try: if pretty: gpxFile = open(outGPX, "w") gpxFile.write(prettify(gpx)) else: gpxFile = open(outGPX, "wb") ET.ElementTree(gpx).write(gpxFile, encoding="UTF-8", xml_declaration=True) except TypeError as e: arcpy.AddError("Error serializing GPX into the file.") finally: gpxFile.close()
Example #10
Source File: From registrant with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_attachments_count(self): """Get number of attachments stored for a table/feature class.""" rel_classes = [ os.path.join(self.root, rc) for rc in getattr(self._desc, 'relationshipClassNames', ['']) ] for rc in rel_classes: rc_desc = arcpy.Describe(rc) if rc_desc.isAttachmentRelationship: return int( arcpy.GetCount_management( os.path.join( self.root, rc_desc.destinationClassNames[0])).getOutput(0)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #11
Source File: From sample-gp-tools with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def check_prop_list(user_types): """ Verify that the user has entered valid Describe Object types/classes and print a warning message for any invalid choices. If no arguments are provided, the report will print all Describe properties.Returns a list of Describe properties whose attributes will be included in the report. """ if not user_types: queried_types = [p for p in properties] else: invalid_types = list() queried_types = list() [queried_types.append(k) if k in properties else invalid_types.append(k) for k in user_types] if invalid_types: print("WARNING! Describe Types will not be included in report:") for t in invalid_types: print(t) return queried_types
Example #12
Source File: From registrant with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, path): """Initialize `arcpy.Describe` object with basic properties.""" self.path = path self._desc = arcpy.Describe(self.path) self.catalogPath = self._desc.catalogPath = self.root = os.path.dirname(self.catalogPath) if hasattr(arcpy.Describe(self.root), 'datasetType'): # 'FeatureDataset': self.wkspc = os.path.dirname(self.root) else: # FeatureClass self.wkspc = self.root if 'Remote' in arcpy.Describe(self.wkspc).workspaceType: = '.'.join('.')[1:]) ########################################################################
Example #13
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def form_connection_string(ws): """Esri's describe workspace connection string does not work at 10.4, bug???""" desc = arcpy.Describe(ws) if 'SdeWorkspaceFactory' in desc.workspaceFactoryProgID: cp = desc.connectionProperties props = ['server', 'instance', 'database', 'version', 'authentication_mode'] db_client = cp.instance.split(':')[1] con_properties = cp.server parts = [] for prop in props: parts.append('{}={}'.format(prop.upper(), getattr(cp, prop))) parts.insert(2, 'DBCLIENT={}'.format(db_client)) parts.insert(3, 'DB_CONNECTION_PROPERTIES={}'.format(cp.server)) return ';'.join(parts) else: return 'DATABASE=' + ws
Example #14
Source File: From CTM with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def updateOverrides(fcs): """ loops through all feature classes and applies overrides to the geometry""" for fc in fcs: arcpy.env.overwriteOutput = True arcpy.env.addOutputsToMap = False desc = arcpy.Describe(fc) rep_name = "" if hasattr(desc, "representations"): reps = desc.representations for rep in reps: rep_name = arcpy.AddMessage("Applying Rep Overrides for " + str(fc)) arcpy.UpdateOverride_cartography(fc, rep_name, "BOTH") arcpy.AddMessage("Repairing Geometry for " + str(fc)) arcpy.RepairGeometry_management(fc) return fcs
Example #15
Source File: From arcapi with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def make_poly_from_extent(ext, sr): """Make an arcpy polygon object from an input extent object.,Returns a polygon geometry object. Required: ext -- extent object sr -- spatial reference Example >>> ext = arcpy.Describe(fc).extent >>> sr = 4326 #WKID for WGS 84 >>> poly = make_poly_from_extent(ext, sr) >>> arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(poly, r'C:\Temp\Project_boundary.shp') """ array = arcpy.Array() array.add(ext.lowerLeft) array.add(ext.lowerRight) array.add(ext.upperRight) array.add(ext.upperLeft) array.add(ext.lowerLeft) return arcpy.Polygon(array, sr)
Example #16
Source File: From geo-pit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def GetFieldInfo(gdb): # Not being used any more. # # Assumption is that this is all dictated by the XML Workspace document so schema problems # should not occur as long as the standard tools were used to create all databases. # # Create standard schema description for each geodatabase and use it in comparison # to the rest of the tables try: env.workspace = gdb tblList = arcpy.ListTables() tblList.extend(arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()) tblList.extend(arcpy.ListRasters()) dSchema = dict() arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Reading geodatabase schema...") arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Reading geodatabase schema...", 0, len(tblList), 1) for tbl in tblList: tblName = tbl.encode('ascii').upper() arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Reading schema for " + os.path.basename(gdb) + ": " + tblName ) desc = arcpy.Describe(tblName) fields = desc.fields stdSchema = list() for fld in fields: stdSchema.append((fld.baseName.encode('ascii').upper(), fld.length, fld.precision, fld.scale, fld.type.encode('ascii').upper())) #stdSchema.append((fld.baseName.encode('ascii').upper(), fld.length, fld.precision, fld.scale, fld.type.encode('ascii').upper(), fld.aliasName.encode('ascii').upper())) dSchema[tblName] = stdSchema arcpy.SetProgressorPosition() arcpy.ResetProgressor() return dSchema except: errorMsg() return dict() ## ===================================================================================
Example #17
Source File: From registrant with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_wkspc_type(self): """Get geodatabase workspace type.""" if self.arcpy_found: return [ value for key, value in GDB_WKSPC_TYPE.items() if key.lower() in arcpy.Describe(self.path).workspaceFactoryProgID.lower() ][0] else: return 'File geodatabase'
Example #18
Source File: From collector-tools with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def main(): # Get all of the input parameters as text parameters = arcpy.GetParameterInfo() input_fc = parameters[0].valueAsText output_path = arcpy.Describe(parameters[5].value).path output_name = arcpy.Describe(parameters[5].value).name in_spatial_ref = parameters[1].valueAsText x_field = parameters[2].valueAsText y_field = parameters[3].valueAsText z_field = parameters[4].valueAsText update_geom(input_fc, output_path, output_name, in_spatial_ref, x_field, y_field, z_field)
Example #19
Source File: From collector-tools with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_geodatabase_path(input_layer): """ Gets the parent geodatabase of the layer :param input_layer: (string) The feature layer to get the parent database of :return: (string) The path to the geodatabase """ workspace = os.path.dirname(arcpy.Describe(input_layer).catalogPath) if [any(ext) for ext in ('.gdb', '.mdb', '.sde') if ext in os.path.splitext(workspace)]: return workspace else: return os.path.dirname(workspace)
Example #20
Source File: From geo-pit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def GetFieldInfo(gdb): # Not being used any more. # # Assumption is that this is all dictated by the XML Workspace document so schema problems # should not occur as long as the standard tools were used to create all databases. # # Create standard schema description for each geodatabase and use it in comparison # to the rest of the tables try: env.workspace = gdb tblList = arcpy.ListTables() tblList.extend(arcpy.ListFeatureClasses()) tblList.extend(arcpy.ListRasters()) dSchema = dict() arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Reading geodatabase schema...") arcpy.SetProgressor("step", "Reading geodatabase schema...", 0, len(tblList), 1) for tbl in tblList: tblName = tbl.encode('ascii').upper() arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Reading schema for " + os.path.basename(gdb) + ": " + tblName ) desc = arcpy.Describe(tblName) fields = desc.fields stdSchema = list() for fld in fields: stdSchema.append((fld.baseName.encode('ascii').upper(), fld.length, fld.precision, fld.scale, fld.type.encode('ascii').upper())) #stdSchema.append((fld.baseName.encode('ascii').upper(), fld.length, fld.precision, fld.scale, fld.type.encode('ascii').upper(), fld.aliasName.encode('ascii').upper())) dSchema[tblName] = stdSchema arcpy.SetProgressorPosition() arcpy.ResetProgressor() return dSchema except: errorMsg() return dict() ## ===================================================================================
Example #21
Source File: From geo-pit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def FindField(ssurgoInput, chkField): # Check table or featureclass to see if specified field exists # If fully qualified name is found, return that name; otherwise return "" # Set workspace before calling FindField try: if arcpy.Exists(ssurgoInput): theDesc = arcpy.Describe(ssurgoInput) theFields = theDesc.fields theField = theFields[0] for theField in theFields: # Parses a fully qualified field name into its components (database, owner name, table name, and field name) parseList = arcpy.ParseFieldName( # (null), (null), (null), MUKEY # choose the last component which would be the field name theFieldname = parseList.split(",")[len(parseList.split(','))-1].strip() # MUKEY if theFieldname.upper() == chkField.upper(): return return "" else: AddMsgAndPrint("\tInput layer not found", 0) return "" except: errorMsg() return "" ## ===================================================================================
Example #22
Source File: From geo-pit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def FindField(layer, chkField): # Check table or featureclass to see if specified field exists # If fully qualified name is found, return that name; otherwise return "" # Set workspace before calling FindField try: if arcpy.Exists(layer): theDesc = arcpy.Describe(layer) theFields = theDesc.fields theField = theFields[0] for theField in theFields: # Parses a fully qualified field name into its components (database, owner name, table name, and field name) parseList = arcpy.ParseFieldName( # (null), (null), (null), MUKEY # choose the last component which would be the field name theFieldname = parseList.split(",")[len(parseList.split(','))-1].strip() # MUKEY if theFieldname.upper() == chkField.upper(): return return "" else: AddMsgAndPrint("\tInput layer not found", 0) return "" except: errorMsg() return "" ## ===============================================================================================================
Example #23
Source File: From restapi with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def find_ws_type(path): """Determines output workspace (feature class if not FileSystem). returns a tuple of workspace path and type. Arg: path: Path for workspace. """ # try original path first if not arcpy.Exists(path): path = os.path.dirname(path) desc = arcpy.Describe(path) if hasattr(desc, 'workspaceType'): return path, desc.workspaceType # search until finding a valid workspace split = list(filter(None, path.split(os.sep))) if path.startswith('\\\\'): split[0] = r'\\{0}'.format(split[0]) # find valid workspace for i in range(1, len(split)): sub_dir = os.sep.join(split[:-i]) desc = arcpy.Describe(sub_dir) if hasattr(desc, 'workspaceType'): return sub_dir, desc.workspaceType
Example #24
Source File: From geo-pit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def FindField(layer, chkField): # Check table or featureclass to see if specified field exists # If fully qualified name is found, return that name; otherwise return "" # Set workspace before calling FindField try: if arcpy.Exists(layer): theDesc = arcpy.Describe(layer) theFields = theDesc.fields theField = theFields[0] for theField in theFields: # Parses a fully qualified field name into its components (database, owner name, table name, and field name) parseList = arcpy.ParseFieldName( # (null), (null), (null), MUKEY # choose the last component which would be the field name theFieldname = parseList.split(",")[len(parseList.split(','))-1].strip() # MUKEY if theFieldname.upper() == chkField.upper(): return return "" else: AddMsgAndPrint("\tInput layer not found", 0) return "" except: errorMsg() return "" # ===============================================================================================================
Example #25
Source File: From HiSpatialCluster with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def updateParameters(self, parameters): # if parameters[0].altered and not parameters[2].altered: # parameters[2].value=arcpy.Describe(parameters[0].valueAsText).OIDFieldName if parameters[0].altered and not parameters[5].altered: in_fe=parameters[0].valueAsText parameters[5].value=in_fe[:len(in_fe)-4]+'_filter'+in_fe[-4:] if in_fe[-3:]=='shp' else in_fe+'_filter' return
Example #26
Source File: From arcapi with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def copy_schema(template, new, sr=''): """Copy the schema (field definition) of a feature class or a table. Required: template -- template table or fc new -- new output fc or table Optional: sr -- spatial reference (only applies if fc) If no sr is defined, it will default to sr of template. Example: >>> copy_schema(r'C:\Temp\soils_city.shp', r'C:\Temp\soils_county.shp') """ path, name = os.path.split(new) desc = arcpy.Describe(template) ftype = desc.dataType if 'table' in ftype.lower(): arcpy.CreateTable_management(path, name, template) else: stype = desc.shapeType.upper() sm = 'SAME_AS_TEMPLATE' if not sr: sr = desc.spatialReference arcpy.CreateFeatureclass_management(path, name, stype, template, sm, sm, sr) return new
Example #27
Source File: From arcapi with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def fill_no_data(in_raster, out_raster, w=5, h=5): """Fill "NoData" cells with mean values from focal statistics. Use a larger neighborhood for raster with large areas of no data cells. *** Requires spatial analyst extension *** Required: in_raster -- input raster out_raster -- output raster Optional: w -- search radius width for focal stats (rectangle) h -- search radius height for focal stats (rectangle) Example: >>> fill_no_data(r'C:\Temp\ndvi', r'C:\Temp\ndvi_filled', 10, 10) """ try: import as sa # Make Copy of Raster _dir, name = os.path.split(arcpy.Describe(in_raster).catalogPath) temp = os.path.join(_dir, 'rast_copyxxx') if arcpy.Exists(temp): arcpy.Delete_management(temp) arcpy.CopyRaster_management(in_raster, temp) # Fill NoData arcpy.CheckOutExtension('Spatial') filled = sa.Con(sa.IsNull(temp),sa.FocalStatistics(temp,sa.NbrRectangle(w,h),'MEAN'),temp) arcpy.BuildPyramids_management(out_raster) arcpy.CheckInExtension('Spatial') # Delete original and replace if arcpy.Exists(temp): arcpy.Delete_management(temp) msg('Filled NoData Cells in: %s' %out_raster) return out_raster except ImportError: return 'Module not found.'
Example #28
Source File: From arcapi with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def to_scratch(name, enforce=False): """Return path to a dataset called name in scratch workspace. LIMITATION: Reliable for geodatabases only! Does not handle extensions. Returns os.path.join(arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace, name). If scratchWorkspace is None, it tries workspace, then scratchGDB. This function 'to_scratch' has also an alias 'tos'! Required: name -- basename of the output dataset Optional: enforce -- if True, arcpy.CreateScratchName is used to ensure name does not exist in scratch workspace, otherwise returns basename equal to name. Example: >>> to_scratch('foo', 0) # '...\\scratch.gdb\\foo' >>> to_scratch('foo', 1) # '...\\scratch.gdb\\foo0' >>> to_scratch('foo.shp', 0) # '...\\scratch.gdb\\foo_shp' >>> to_scratch('foo.shp', 1) # '...\\scratch.gdb\\foo_shp0' >>> tos('foo', 0) # '...\\scratch.gdb\\foo' """ ws = arcpy.env.scratchWorkspace if ws is None: ws = arcpy.env.workspace if ws is None: ws = arcpy.env.scratchGDB if arcpy.Describe(ws).workspaceType.lower() == 'filesystem': m = "Scratch workspace is a folder, scratch names may be incorrect." msg(m) arcpy.AddWarning(m) nm = os.path.basename(name) nm = arcpy.ValidateTableName(nm, ws) if enforce: nm = arcpy.CreateScratchName(nm, workspace=ws) else: nm = os.path.join(ws, nm) return nm
Example #29
Source File: From geo-pit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def FindField(layer, chkField): # Check table or featureclass to see if specified field exists # If fully qualified name is found, return that name; otherwise return "" # Set workspace before calling FindField try: if arcpy.Exists(layer): theDesc = arcpy.Describe(layer) theFields = theDesc.fields theField = theFields[0] for theField in theFields: # Parses a fully qualified field name into its components (database, owner name, table name, and field name) parseList = arcpy.ParseFieldName( # (null), (null), (null), MUKEY # choose the last component which would be the field name theFieldname = parseList.split(",")[len(parseList.split(','))-1].strip() # MUKEY if theFieldname.upper() == chkField.upper(): return return "" else: AddMsgAndPrint("\tInput layer not found", 0) return "" except: errorMsg() return "" ## ===================================================================================
Example #30
Source File: From geo-pit with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def FindField(ssurgoInput, chkField): # Check table or featureclass to see if specified field exists # If fully qualified name is found, return that name; otherwise return "" # Set workspace before calling FindField try: if arcpy.Exists(ssurgoInput): theDesc = arcpy.Describe(ssurgoInput) theFields = theDesc.fields theField = theFields[0] for theField in theFields: # Parses a fully qualified field name into its components (database, owner name, table name, and field name) parseList = arcpy.ParseFieldName( # (null), (null), (null), MUKEY # choose the last component which would be the field name theFieldname = parseList.split(",")[len(parseList.split(','))-1].strip() # MUKEY if theFieldname.upper() == chkField.upper(): return return "" else: AddMsgAndPrint("\tInput layer not found", 0) return "" except: errorMsg() return "" ## ===================================================================================