Python tldextract.extract() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of tldextract.extract().
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Example #1
Source File: From SubDomainizer with MIT License | 6 votes |
def getDomain(url): """ This function will get top level domain from given URL. Parameters ------- url: str Original URL provided in the argument. Returns -------- str top level domain will be returned. """ if urlparse(url).netloc != '': finalset.add(urlparse(url).netloc) ext = tldextract.extract(str(url)) return ext.registered_domain
Example #2
Source File: From ph0neutria with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def remove_tld(domain): """Remove the TLD from a domain name. Params: - domain: (type: string) FQDN. Returns: - domain: (type: string) FQDN without TLD. """ try: tld = extract(domain).suffix domain = ''.join(domain.rsplit(tld, 1)).strip('.') except Exception as e: LOGGING.warning( 'Error stripping TLD ({0}): {1}'.format( domain, str(e))) return domain
Example #3
Source File: From FinalRecon with MIT License | 6 votes |
def external_links(target): global total, ext_total print(G + '[+]' + C + ' Extracting External Links' + W, end = '') ext = tldextract.extract(target) domain = ext.registered_domain links = soup.find_all('a') for link in links: url = link.get('href') if url != None: if domain not in url and 'http' in url: ext_total.append(url) ext_total = set(ext_total) print(G + '['.rjust(6, '.') + ' {} ]'.format(str(len(ext_total))))
Example #4
Source File: From FinalRecon with MIT License | 6 votes |
def internal_links(target): global total, int_total print(G + '[+]' + C + ' Extracting Internal Links' + W, end = '') ext = tldextract.extract(target) domain = ext.registered_domain links = soup.find_all('a') for link in links: url = link.get('href') if url != None: if domain in url: int_total.append(url) int_total = set(int_total) print(G + '['.rjust(6, '.') + ' {} ]'.format(str(len(int_total))))
Example #5
Source File: From kostebek with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def getGoogleDomains(self): googleList = [] file = "results/""/google.txt" if os.path.exists(file): fh = open(file) for line in fh: extracted = tldextract.extract(line) tld = extracted.domain+"."+extracted.suffix if tld not in googleList: googleList.append(tld) for domain in googleList: print(domain) fh.close() else: print("Not found") exit()
Example #6
Source File: From kostebek with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def getBingDomains(self): googleList = [] file = "results/""/bing.txt" if os.path.exists(file): fh = open(file) for line in fh: extracted = tldextract.extract(line) tld = extracted.domain+"."+extracted.suffix if tld not in googleList: googleList.append(tld) for domain in googleList: print(domain) fh.close() else: print("Not found") exit()
Example #7
Source File: From kostebek with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def getYahooDomains(self): googleList = [] file = "results/""/yahoo.txt" if os.path.exists(file): fh = open(file) for line in fh: extracted = tldextract.extract(line) tld = extracted.domain+"."+extracted.suffix if tld not in googleList: googleList.append(tld) for domain in googleList: print(domain) fh.close() else: print("Not found") exit()
Example #8
Source File: From WSPIH with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_subdomain(url): """Get the subdomain of the given URL. Args: url (str): The URL to get the subdomain from. Returns: str: The subdomain(s) """ if url not in URLHelper.__cache: URLHelper.__cache[url] = urlparse(url) # return (tldextract.extract(url).subdomain) return ".".join(URLHelper.__cache[url].netloc.split(".")[:-2])
Example #9
Source File: From WSPIH with MIT License | 6 votes |
def get_hostname(url): """Get the hostname of the given URL. Args: url (str): The URL to get the hostname from. Returns: str: The hostname """ if url not in URLHelper.__cache: URLHelper.__cache[url] = urlparse(url) parts = URLHelper.__cache[url].netloc.split(".") if len(parts) == 1: return parts[0] else: return ".".join(parts[-2:-1]) # return (tldextract.extract(url).domain)
Example #10
Source File: From open-syllabus-project with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def parse_domain(url): """ Extract a domain from a URL. Args: url (str) Returns: str """ url = url.lower().strip() # Get the last `http://...` sequence. url = re.compile('http[s]?:/{1,2}').split(url)[-1] tld = tldextract.extract(url) return tld.registered_domain
Example #11
Source File: From cccatalog-api with MIT License | 6 votes |
def cleanup_url(url, tls_support): """ Add protocols to the URI if they are missing, else return None. """ parsed = urlparse(url) if parsed.scheme == '': _tld = tldextract.extract(url) _tld = f'{_tld.subdomain}.{_tld.domain}.{_tld.suffix}' try: tls_supported = tls_support[_tld] except KeyError: tls_supported = TlsTest.test_tls_supported(url) tls_support[_tld] = tls_supported'Tested domain {}'.format(_tld)) if tls_supported: return "'https://{}'".format(url) else: return "'http://{}'".format(url) else: return None
Example #12
Source File: From altdns with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def join_words_subdomains(args, alteration_words): with open(args.input, "r") as fp: with open(args.output_tmp, "a") as wp: for line in fp: ext = tldextract.extract(line.strip()) current_sub = ext.subdomain.split(".") for word in alteration_words: for index, value in enumerate(current_sub): original_sub = current_sub[index] current_sub[index] = current_sub[index] + word.strip() # join the list to make into actual subdomain ( actual_sub = ".".join(current_sub) # save full URL as line in file full_url = "{0}.{1}.{2}\n".format( actual_sub, ext.domain, ext.suffix) write_domain(args, wp, full_url) current_sub[index] = original_sub # second dash alteration current_sub[index] = word.strip() + current_sub[index] actual_sub = ".".join(current_sub) # save second full URL as line in file full_url = "{0}.{1}.{2}\n".format( actual_sub, ext.domain, ext.suffix) write_domain(args, wp, full_url) current_sub[index] = original_sub
Example #13
Source File: From requestium with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def transfer_session_cookies_to_driver(self, domain=None): """Copies the Session's cookies into the webdriver Using the 'domain' parameter we choose the cookies we wish to transfer, we only transfer the cookies which belong to that domain. The domain defaults to our last visited site if not provided. """ if not domain and self._last_requests_url: domain = tldextract.extract(self._last_requests_url).registered_domain elif not domain and not self._last_requests_url: raise Exception('Trying to transfer cookies to selenium without specifying a domain ' 'and without having visited any page in the current session') # Transfer cookies for c in [c for c in self.cookies if domain in c.domain]: self.driver.ensure_add_cookie({'name':, 'value': c.value, 'path': c.path, 'expiry': c.expires, 'domain': c.domain})
Example #14
Source File: From ARGUS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def subdomainGetter(self, response): #if string if isinstance(response, str): tld = tldextract.extract(response) if tld.subdomain != "": domain = tld.subdomain + "." + tld.registered_domain return domain else: domain = tld.registered_domain return domain #if scrapy response object else: tld = tldextract.extract(response.url) if tld.subdomain != "": domain = tld.subdomain + "." + tld.registered_domain return domain else: domain = tld.registered_domain return domain #function which checks if there has been a redirect from the starting url
Example #15
Source File: From ARGUS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def subdomainGetter(self, response): #if string if isinstance(response, str): tld = tldextract.extract(response) if tld.subdomain != "": domain = tld.subdomain + "." + tld.registered_domain return domain else: domain = tld.registered_domain return domain #if scrapy response object else: tld = tldextract.extract(response.url) if tld.subdomain != "": domain = tld.subdomain + "." + tld.registered_domain return domain else: domain = tld.registered_domain return domain #function which checks if there has been a redirect from the starting url
Example #16
Source File: From ARGUS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def extractText(self, response): text = [] text.append(["p", [" ".join(response.xpath("//p/text()").extract())]]) # paragraph text.append(["div", [" ".join(response.xpath("//div/text()").extract())]]) # division text.append(["tr", [" ".join(response.xpath("//tr/text()").extract())]]) # table row text.append(["td", [" ".join(response.xpath("//td/text()").extract())]]) # table data text.append(["th", [" ".join(response.xpath("//th/text()").extract())]]) # table header text.append(["font", [" ".join(response.xpath("//font/text()").extract())]]) # font size, css should be used (only relevant for old websites) text.append(["li", [" ".join(response.xpath("//li/text()").extract())]]) # list item text.append(["small", [" ".join(response.xpath("//small/text()").extract())]]) # barely emphasized text text.append(["strong", [" ".join(response.xpath("//strong/text()").extract())]]) # strongly emphasized text text.append(["h1", [" ".join(response.xpath("//h1/text()").extract())]]) # header text.append(["h2", [" ".join(response.xpath("//h2/text()").extract())]]) # header text.append(["h3", [" ".join(response.xpath("//h3/text()").extract())]]) # header text.append(["h4", [" ".join(response.xpath("//h4/text()").extract())]]) # header text.append(["h5", [" ".join(response.xpath("//h5/text()").extract())]]) # header text.append(["h6", [" ".join(response.xpath("//h6/text()").extract())]]) # header text.append(["span", [" ".join(response.xpath("//span/text()").extract())]]) # division for styling text.append(["b", [" ".join(response.xpath("//b/text()").extract())]]) # bold text text.append(["em", [" ".join(response.xpath("//em/text()").extract())]]) # emphasized text return text #function which extracts and returs meta information
Example #17
Source File: From butian-src-domains with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def get_subdomains(domain): #validate domain if domain: p = domain.strip().lower() re_domain = re.findall(r'^(([a-z0-9]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*\.)+[a-z]{2,})$', p) if len(re_domain) > 0 and re_domain[0][0] == p and tldextract.extract(p).suffix != '': pass else: logger.error('Domain validation failed: {d}'.format(d=p)) else: logger.warning('domain is empty') return try: esd = EnumSubDomain(domain) return except Exception: logger.error('Unexpected error occured when brute subdomain for {}'.format(domain),exc_info=True)
Example #18
Source File: From osint-suite-tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def collect_url(web_url): html_data_string = '' try: received_response = urlopen(web_url) if 'text/html' in received_response.getheader('Content-Type'): data_bytes = html_data_string = data_bytes.decode("latin-1") link_finder = link_crawler(Crawl_bot.start_link, web_url) link_finder.feed(html_data_string) ############################################################################################################################################################################################## #######################################FOR SCRAPPING PURPOSES################################################################################################################################# f = open(Crawl_bot.folder_name + '/' + ((tldextract.extract(web_url)).domain), 'w') f.write(html_data_string) f.close() ############################################################################################################################################################################################### ############################################################################################################################################################################################### except Exception as e: print(str(e)) return set() return link_finder.page_urls()
Example #19
Source File: From ARGUS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def subdomainGetter(self, response): #if string if isinstance(response, str): tld = tldextract.extract(response) if tld.subdomain != "": domain = tld.subdomain + "." + tld.registered_domain return domain else: domain = tld.registered_domain return domain #if scrapy response object else: tld = tldextract.extract(response.url) if tld.subdomain != "": domain = tld.subdomain + "." + tld.registered_domain return domain else: domain = tld.registered_domain return domain #function which checks if there has been a redirect from the starting url
Example #20
Source File: From ARGUS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def subdomainGetter(self, response): #if string if isinstance(response, str): tld = tldextract.extract(response) if tld.subdomain != "": domain = tld.subdomain + "." + tld.registered_domain return domain else: domain = tld.registered_domain return domain #if scrapy response object else: tld = tldextract.extract(response.url) if tld.subdomain != "": domain = tld.subdomain + "." + tld.registered_domain return domain else: domain = tld.registered_domain return domain #function which checks if there has been a redirect from the starting url
Example #21
Source File: From ARGUS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def extractText(self, response): text = [] text.append(["p", [" ".join(response.xpath("//p/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["div", [" ".join(response.xpath("//div/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["tr", [" ".join(response.xpath("//tr/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["td", [" ".join(response.xpath("//td/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["font", [" ".join(response.xpath("//font/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["li", [" ".join(response.xpath("//li/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["small", [" ".join(response.xpath("//small/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["strong", [" ".join(response.xpath("//strong/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["h1", [" ".join(response.xpath("//h1/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["h2", [" ".join(response.xpath("//h2/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["h3", [" ".join(response.xpath("//h3/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["h4", [" ".join(response.xpath("//h4/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["h5", [" ".join(response.xpath("//h5/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["h6", [" ".join(response.xpath("//h6/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["span", [" ".join(response.xpath("//span/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["b", [" ".join(response.xpath("//b/text()").extract())]]) text.append(["em", [" ".join(response.xpath("//em/text()").extract())]]) return text #function which reorders the urlstack, giving highest priority to short urls and language tagged urls
Example #22
Source File: From osint-suite-tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def search_google_(target): engine = Google() results ="'" + target + "'") for r in results: print ("|--[INFO][GOOGLE][RESULTS][>] " + r["title"] + " | " + r["text"] + " | " + r["link"]) try: tsd, td, tsu = extract(r["link"]) domain = td + '.' + tsu web = requests.get(r["link"], timeout=3) print ("|----[INFO][WEB][HTTP CODE][>] " + str(web.status_code) + "\n") if web.status_code >= 200 or web.status_code < 300: if not domain in config.BL_parserPhone: TEXT = er.remove_tags(str(web.text)) parser.parserMAIN(TEXT) except Exception as e: print ("|----[ERROR][HTTP CONNECTION][>] " + str(e))
Example #23
Source File: From quay with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def can_create_user(email_address, blacklisted_domains=None): """ Returns true if a user with the specified e-mail address can be created. """ if features.BLACKLISTED_EMAILS and email_address and "@" in email_address: blacklisted_domains = blacklisted_domains or [] _, email_domain = email_address.split("@", 1) extracted = tldextract.extract(email_domain) if extracted.registered_domain.lower() in blacklisted_domains: return False if not features.USER_CREATION: return False if features.INVITE_ONLY_USER_CREATION: if not email_address: return False # Check to see that there is an invite for the e-mail address. return bool( # Otherwise the user can be created (assuming it doesn't already exist, of course) return True
Example #24
Source File: From dnsgen with MIT License | 5 votes |
def partiate_domain(domain): ''' Split domain base on subdomain levels. Root+TLD is taken as one part, regardless of its levels (,, ...) ''' # -> [test, 1, foo,] # -> [test, 2, foo,] # -> [test,] ext = tldextract.extract(domain.lower()) parts = (ext.subdomain.split('.') + [ext.registered_domain]) return parts
Example #25
Source File: From altdns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def insert_dash_subdomains(args, alteration_words): with open(args.input, "r") as fp: with open(args.output_tmp, "a") as wp: for line in fp: ext = tldextract.extract(line.strip()) current_sub = ext.subdomain.split(".") for word in alteration_words: for index, value in enumerate(current_sub): original_sub = current_sub[index] current_sub[index] = current_sub[ index] + "-" + word.strip() # join the list to make into actual subdomain ( actual_sub = ".".join(current_sub) # save full URL as line in file full_url = "{0}.{1}.{2}\n".format( actual_sub, ext.domain, ext.suffix) if len(current_sub[0]) > 0 and actual_sub[:1] is not "-": write_domain(args, wp, full_url) current_sub[index] = original_sub # second dash alteration current_sub[index] = word.strip() + "-" + \ current_sub[index] actual_sub = ".".join(current_sub) # save second full URL as line in file full_url = "{0}.{1}.{2}\n".format( actual_sub, ext.domain, ext.suffix) if actual_sub[-1:] is not "-": write_domain(args, wp, full_url) current_sub[index] = original_sub # adds prefix and suffix word to each subdomain
Example #26
Source File: From altdns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def insert_all_indexes(args, alteration_words): with open(args.input, "r") as fp: with open(args.output_tmp, "a") as wp: for line in fp: ext = tldextract.extract(line.strip()) current_sub = ext.subdomain.split(".") for word in alteration_words: for index in range(0, len(current_sub)): current_sub.insert(index, word.strip()) # join the list to make into actual subdomain ( actual_sub = ".".join(current_sub) # save full URL as line in file full_url = "{0}.{1}.{2}\n".format( actual_sub, ext.domain, ext.suffix) if actual_sub[-1:] is not ".": write_domain(args, wp, full_url) current_sub.pop(index) current_sub.append(word.strip()) actual_sub = ".".join(current_sub) full_url = "{0}.{1}.{2}\n".format( actual_sub, ext.domain, ext.suffix) if len(current_sub[0]) > 0: write_domain(args, wp, full_url) current_sub.pop() # adds word-NUM and wordNUM to each subdomain at each unique position
Example #27
Source File: From Pansidong with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def check_domain_limit(self, url): for domain in self.limit_domain: ext = tldextract.extract(domain) # *的时候匹配所有二级域名,或者只匹配特定的域名 if ((ext[0] == "*" or ext[0] == "") and tldextract.extract(url)[1] == ext[1]) or \ (".".join(tldextract.extract(url)) == domain): return True return False
Example #28
Source File: From osint-suite-tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def search_DDG_(target, TEXT_0): engine = Duckduckgo() results ="'" + target + "'") for r in results: print ("|--[INFO][GOOGLE][RESULTS][>] " + r["title"] + " | " + r["text"] + " | " + r["link"]) try: tsd, td, tsu = extract(r["link"]) domain = td + '.' + tsu web = requests.get(r["link"], timeout=3) print ("|----[INFO][WEB][HTTP CODE][>] " + str(web.status_code) + "\n") if web.status_code >= 200 or web.status_code < 300: if ".pdf" in r["link"]: pass else: if not domain in config.BL_parserPhone: TEXT = er.remove_tags(str(web.text)) compareTEXT(TEXT, TEXT_0) parser.FC_words_in_text(TEXT) parser.parserMAIN(TEXT) ratio = compareTEXT(TEXT_0, TEXT) print(f"|----[INFO][COMPARE TEXTS][>] Ratio: {ratio}") #Guardamos la info en un log data = f"{r['title']} ||| {r['link']} ||| {r['text']}, ||| {ratio} \n" generateLOG(data, target) else: pass print("") time.sleep(2) except Exception as e: print ("|----[ERROR][HTTP CONNECTION][>] " + str(e))
Example #29
Source File: From osint-suite-tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def search_google_(target, TEXT_0): engine = Google() results ="'" + target + "'") for r in results: print ("|--[INFO][GOOGLE][RESULTS][>] " + r["title"] + " | " + r["text"] + " | " + r["link"]) try: tsd, td, tsu = extract(r["link"]) domain = td + '.' + tsu web = requests.get(r["link"], timeout=3) print ("|----[INFO][WEB][HTTP CODE][>] " + str(web.status_code) + "\n") if web.status_code >= 200 or web.status_code < 300: if ".pdf" in r["link"]: pass else: if not domain in config.BL_parserPhone: TEXT = er.remove_tags(str(web.text)) parser.parserMAIN(TEXT) parser.FC_words_in_text(TEXT) ratio = compareTEXT(TEXT_0, TEXT) print(f"|----[INFO][COMPARE TEXTS][>] Ratio: {ratio}") #Guardamos la info en un log data = f"{r['title']} ||| {r['link']} ||| {r['text']}, ||| {ratio} \n" generateLOG(data, target) else: pass print("") except Exception as e: print ("|----[ERROR][HTTP CONNECTION][>] " + str(e))
Example #30
Source File: From altdns with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def insert_number_suffix_subdomains(args, alternation_words): with open(args.input, "r") as fp: with open(args.output_tmp, "a") as wp: for line in fp: ext = tldextract.extract(line.strip()) current_sub = ext.subdomain.split(".") for word in range(0, 10): for index, value in enumerate(current_sub): #add word-NUM original_sub = current_sub[index] current_sub[index] = current_sub[index] + "-" + str(word) # join the list to make into actual subdomain ( actual_sub = ".".join(current_sub) # save full URL as line in file full_url = "{0}.{1}.{2}\n".format(actual_sub, ext.domain, ext.suffix) write_domain(args, wp, full_url) current_sub[index] = original_sub #add wordNUM original_sub = current_sub[index] current_sub[index] = current_sub[index] + str(word) # join the list to make into actual subdomain ( actual_sub = ".".join(current_sub) # save full URL as line in file full_url = "{0}.{1}.{2}\n".format(actual_sub, ext.domain, ext.suffix) write_domain(args, wp, full_url) current_sub[index] = original_sub # adds word- and -word to each subdomain at each unique position