Python multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of multiprocessing.managers.BaseManager().
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Example #1
Source File: From burgundy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get(ip, authkey): ''' gets a remote queue on another ip ''' class RManager(BaseManager): ''' manager which connects to a remote queue ''' pass RManager.register('getQueue') current_manager = RManager(address=(ip,PORT), authkey=authkey) current_manager.connect() return current_manager.getQueue()
Example #2
Source File: From burgundy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def make(authkey, public=True): ''' makes a remote queue and returns it ''' class QManager(BaseManager): ''' manager of a remote queue ''' pass queue = Queue() QManager.register('getQueue', callable=lambda:queue) ip = '' if public else 'localhost' qm = QManager(address=(ip, PORT), authkey=authkey) qm.start() tokens = [random.choice('abcde') for x in range(14)] random_token = 'x'.join(tokens) globals()['raNdDOmHAkkC82492'] = qm return queue
Example #3
Source File: From burgundy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get(ip, authkey): ''' gets a remote queue on another ip ''' class RManager(BaseManager): ''' manager which connects to a remote queue ''' pass RManager.register('getQueue') current_manager = RManager(address=(ip,PORT), authkey=authkey) current_manager.connect() return current_manager.getQueue()
Example #4
Source File: From burgundy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def make(authkey, public=True): ''' makes a remote queue and returns it ''' class QManager(BaseManager): ''' manager of a remote queue ''' pass queue = Queue() QManager.register('getQueue', callable=lambda:queue) ip = '' if public else 'localhost' qm = QManager(address=(ip, PORT), authkey=authkey) qm.start() tokens = [random.choice('abcde') for x in range(14)] random_token = 'x'.join(tokens) globals()['raNdDOmHAkkC82492'] = qm return queue
Example #5
Source File: From burgundy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get(ip, authkey): ''' gets a remote queue on another ip ''' class RManager(BaseManager): ''' manager which connects to a remote queue ''' pass RManager.register('getQueue') current_manager = RManager(address=(ip,PORT), authkey=authkey) current_manager.connect() return current_manager.getQueue()
Example #6
Source File: From deepdiy with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(): manager = BaseManager() manager.register('Employee', Employee) manager.start() em = manager.Employee('zhangsan', 1000) lock = Lock() proces = [Process(target=func1, args=(em, lock)) for i in range(10)] for p in proces: p.start() for p in proces: p.join() print((em.getPay()))
Example #7
Source File: From neat-python with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _get_manager_class(self, register_callables=False): """ Returns a new 'Manager' subclass with registered methods. If 'register_callable' is True, defines the 'callable' arguments. """ class _EvaluatorSyncManager(managers.BaseManager): """ A custom BaseManager. Please see the documentation of `multiprocessing` for more information. """ pass inqueue = queue.Queue() outqueue = queue.Queue() namespace = Namespace() if register_callables: _EvaluatorSyncManager.register( "get_inqueue", callable=lambda: inqueue, ) _EvaluatorSyncManager.register( "get_outqueue", callable=lambda: outqueue, ) _EvaluatorSyncManager.register( "get_state", callable=self._get_secondary_state, ) _EvaluatorSyncManager.register( "set_state", callable=lambda v: self._secondary_state.set(v), ) _EvaluatorSyncManager.register( "get_namespace", callable=lambda: namespace, ) else: _EvaluatorSyncManager.register( "get_inqueue", ) _EvaluatorSyncManager.register( "get_outqueue", ) _EvaluatorSyncManager.register( "get_state", ) _EvaluatorSyncManager.register( "set_state", ) _EvaluatorSyncManager.register( "get_namespace", ) return _EvaluatorSyncManager