Python maya.cmds.listAttr() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of maya.cmds.listAttr().
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Example #1
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def channels(self): ''' The keySelection's channels list. ''' if not self._channels: if self._curves: for c in self._curves: self._channels.append(getChannelFromAnimCurve(c)) elif self._nodes: for obj in self._nodes: keyable = mc.listAttr(obj, keyable=True, unlocked=True, hasData=True, settable=True) if keyable: for attr in keyable: self._channels.append('.'.join((obj, attr))) return self._channels
Example #2
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 6 votes |
def reset_all_keyable_attributes(dagnodes, *args): # @unusedVariable """Resets to default values all keyable attributes on the given node Args: dagnodes (list): Maya transform nodes to reset *args: State of the menu item (if existing) send by mgear's dagmenu """ for node in dagnodes: keyable_attrs = cmds.listAttr(node, keyable=True) reset_selected_channels_value([node], keyable_attrs) ################################################## # Transfer space ##################################################
Example #3
Source File: From maya2katana with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def node_attributes(node): """ Get Maya node attributes """ attributes = cmds.listAttr(node) attr = {} attr["node_name"] = node attr["node_type"] = cmds.nodeType(node) for attribute in attributes: if "." in attribute: continue try: val = cmds.getAttr(node + "." + attribute) except RuntimeError: continue attr[attribute] = val return attr
Example #4
Source File: From uExport with zlib License | 6 votes |
def convertSkelSettingsToNN(delete=1): orig = 'SkeletonSettings_Cache' if cmds.objExists(orig): if cmds.nodeType(orig) == 'unknown': new = cmds.createNode('network') for att in cmds.listAttr(orig): if not cmds.attributeQuery(att, node=new, exists=1): typ = cmds.attributeQuery(att, node=orig, at=1) if typ == 'typed': cmds.addAttr(new, longName=att, dt='string') if cmds.getAttr(orig + '.' + att): cmds.setAttr(new + '.' + att, cmds.getAttr(orig + '.' + att), type='string') elif typ == 'enum': cmds.addAttr(new, longName=att, at='enum', enumName=cmds.attributeQuery(att, node=orig, listEnum=1)[0]) cmds.delete(orig) cmds.rename(new, 'SkeletonSettings_Cache')
Example #5
Source File: From cross3d with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _normalizeAttributeShortName(cls, name, uniqueOnObj=None): """ Creates a shortName for the provided attribute name by calling MayaSceneWrapper._normalizeAttributeName. It then adds the first character to any capital letters in the rest of the name. The name is then lowercased. If uniqueOnObj is provided with a object, it will ensure the returned attribute name is unique by attaching a 3 digit padded number to it. It will be the lowest available number. :param name: The string used to generate the short name. :param uniqueOnObj: Ensure the name is unque. Defaults to None. :return: string """ name = cls._normalizeAttributeName(name) if len(name): name = name[0] + re.sub(r'[a-z]', '', name[1:]) name = name.lower() if uniqueOnObj: # Ensure a unique object name by adding a value to the number. # TODO MIKE: Same issue with the "|groundPlane_transform". try: names = set(cmds.listAttr(cls._mObjName(uniqueOnObj), shortNames=True)) name = api.Scene._findUniqueName(name, names, incFormat='{name}{count}') except ValueError: pass return name
Example #6
Source File: From cross3d with MIT License | 6 votes |
def keys(self): # TODO MIKE: I had to do a try except here for the the object called "|groundPlane_transform". # It's apparently always in the scene and error with that line. try: keys = cmds.listAttr(cross3d.SceneWrapper._mObjName(self._nativePointer), userDefined=True) if keys: return keys except ValueError: pass return [] # # Note: I was unable to find a way to identify userDefined keys in the following method # so I used the maya.cmds method. If possible this finish this method and replace the # above code. #depNode = om.MFnDependencyNode(mObj) #total = depNode.attributeCount() #count = 0 #while count < total: # attr = depNode.attribute(count) # plug = om.MPlug(mObj, attr) # count += 1 # print count, attr.apiTypeStr(),
Example #7
Source File: From DeformationLearningSolver with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def blendShapeSampling(node, interval=1): """ Args: node (str) interval (int) Returns: int """ assert cmds.nodeType(node) == 'blendShape', \ "node must be a blendShape type" start = cmds.currentTime(q=1) attrs = cmds.listAttr('%s.weight' % node, m=1) attrData = {node: [[attr, 0.0, 1.0] for attr in attrs]} currTime = attrsSampling(attrData, interval) end = currTime-1 utils.trimTimeRange(start, end) cmds.currentTime(start) #----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #8
Source File: From cross3d with MIT License | 5 votes |
def isReferenced(self): userProps = cross3d.UserProps(self._nativePointer) if userProps.get('referenced', False): # Checking if we need to set the resolution combobox. if not resolutionAttr in cmds.listAttr(self._nativeName()): # Create the user props for the reference. userProps['resolutions'] = OrderedDict(Offloaded='') self._createResolutionComboBox() return True return False
Example #9
Source File: From SIWeightEditor with MIT License | 5 votes |
def save_cluster(node): #ノードの中からスキンクラスタを取得してくる#inMesh直上がSkinClusterとは限らないので修正 srcDeformerCluster =,type='cluster') if not srcDeformerCluster: return#スキンクラスタがなかったら関数抜ける #スキンクラスタのパラメータ色々を取得しておく srcDeformerCluster = srcDeformerCluster[0] attributes = cmds.listAttr(srcDeformerCluster) weightList = cmds.getAttr(srcDeformerCluster+'.weightList[0]') envelope = cmds.getAttr(srcDeformerCluster+'.envelope') clusterMssage = cmds.getAttr(srcDeformerCluster+'.message') clusterWeight = cmds.getAttr(srcDeformerCluster+'.weightList[0].weights')
Example #10
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def transferKeytimes(source, destinations): if not isinstance(destinations, (list, tuple)): destinations = [destinations] attributes = mc.listAttr(source, keyable=True, unlocked=True) keytimes = dict() start = None end = None for a in attributes: currKeytimes = mc.keyframe(source, attribute=a, query=True, timeChange=True) if not currKeytimes: continue if start == None or currKeytimes[0] < start: start = currKeytimes[0] if end == None or currKeytimes[-1] > end: end = currKeytimes[-1] keytimes[a] = currKeytimes #allKeyTimes.extend(currKeytimes) if not keytimes: return with utl.IsolateViews(): mc.bakeResults(destinations, time=(start,end), sampleBy=1, preserveOutsideKeys=True, simulation=True) #euler filter mc.filterCurve(mc.listConnections(destinations,type='animCurve')) #go through all keys and delete for k in keytimes: for f in range(int(start), int(end)): if not f in keytimes[k]: mc.cutKey(destinations, attribute=k, time=(f,))
Example #11
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def copyPose(fromNode, toNode, flip=False): attrs = mc.listAttr(fromNode, keyable=True) if not attrs: return #if attributes are aliased, get the real names for mirroring axis aliases = mc.aliasAttr(fromNode, query=True) if aliases: for alias,real in zip(aliases[::2],aliases[1::2]): if alias in attrs: attrs.remove(alias) attrs.append(real) axis = getMirrorAxis(toNode) for attr in attrs: if attr == 'mirrorAxis': continue if not mc.attributeQuery(attr, node=toNode, exists=True): continue fromPlug = '{}.{}'.format(fromNode, attr) toPlug = '{}.{}'.format(toNode, attr) fromValue = mc.getAttr(fromPlug) toValue = mc.getAttr(toPlug) if attr in axis: fromValue *= -1.0 toValue *= -1.0 try: utl.setAnimValue(toPlug, fromValue) except:pass if flip: try: utl.setAnimValue(fromPlug, toValue) except:pass
Example #12
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def getSpaceSwitchData(node): data = {} attrs = mc.listAttr(node, userDefined=True, keyable=True) if not attrs: return data ssAttrs = [x for x in attrs if 'paceSwitch' in x or x == 'space'] for attr in ssAttrs: enumValues = [] spaceEnum = 'space' if attr == 'spaceSwitch' or attr == 'space': if not 'space' in attrs: spaceEnum = 'spaceSwitch' enumValues = mc.attributeQuery(spaceEnum, node=node, listEnum=True) elif 'SpaceSwitch' in attr: baseName = attr.replace('SpaceSwitch','') if baseName + 'Space' in attrs: spaceEnum = baseName+'Space' else: spaceEnum = attr if spaceEnum in attrs and mc.attributeQuery(spaceEnum, node=node, attributeType=True) == 'enum': enumValues = mc.attributeQuery(spaceEnum, node=node, listEnum=True) if not enumValues: continue data[attr] = {} data[attr]['enumValues'] = enumValues[0].split(':') data[attr]['currentValue'] = mc.getAttr(node+'.'+spaceEnum, asString=True) return data
Example #13
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def main(selectedChannels=True, transformsOnly=False, excludeChannels=None): ''' Resets selected channels in the channel box to default, or if nothing's selected, resets all keyable channels to default. ''' gChannelBoxName = mm.eval('$temp=$gChannelBoxName') sel = if not sel: return if excludeChannels and not isinstance(excludeChannels, (list, tuple)): excludeChannels = [excludeChannels] chans = None if selectedChannels: chans = mc.channelBox(gChannelBoxName, query=True, sma=True) testList = ['translateX','translateY','translateZ','rotateX','rotateY','rotateZ','scaleX','scaleY','scaleZ', 'tx','ty','yz','rx','ry','rz','sx','sy','sz'] for obj in sel: attrs = chans if not chans: attrs = mc.listAttr(obj, keyable=True, unlocked=True) if excludeChannels and attrs: attrs = [x for x in attrs if x not in excludeChannels] if transformsOnly: attrs = [x for x in attrs if x in testList] if attrs: for attr in attrs: try: default = mc.attributeQuery(attr, listDefault=True, node=obj)[0] mc.setAttr(obj+'.'+attr, default) except StandardError: pass utl.deselectChannels()
Example #14
Source File: From cmt with MIT License | 5 votes |
def add_notes(self, node, op_str): node = node.split(".")[0] attrs = cmds.listAttr(node, ud=True) or [] if "notes" not in attrs: cmds.addAttr(node, ln="notes", dt="string") keys = self.kwargs.keys() keys.sort() notes = "Node generated by dge\n\nExpression:\n {}\n\nOperation:\n {}\n\nkwargs:\n {}".format( self.expression_string, op_str, "\n ".join(["{}: {}".format(x, self.kwargs[x]) for x in keys]), ) cmds.setAttr("{}.notes".format(node), notes, type="string")
Example #15
Source File: From cross3d with MIT License | 5 votes |
def propertyNames(self): """ Return a list of the property names linked to this instance :return: list of names """ name = self._mObjName(self._nativePointer, True) return cmds.listAttr(name, settable=True, output=True) #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # cross3d public methods #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #16
Source File: From core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read(node): """Return user-defined attributes from `node`""" data = dict() for attr in cmds.listAttr(node, userDefined=True) or list(): try: value = cmds.getAttr(node + "." + attr, asString=True) except RuntimeError: # For Message type attribute or others that have connections, # take source node name as value. source = cmds.listConnections(node + "." + attr, source=True, destination=False) source =, long=True) or [None] value = source[0] except ValueError: # Some attributes cannot be read directly, # such as mesh and color attributes. These # are considered non-essential to this # particular publishing pipeline. value = None data[attr] = value return data
Example #17
Source File: From maya-channel-box-plus with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def updateSearch(self, matchString, nodes): """ Loop over all keyable attributes and match them with the search string. :param str matchString: Search string to match with attributes :param list nodes: List of nodes to process the attributes from """ # reset of search string is empty if not matchString: cmds.channelBox(CHANNELBOX, edit=True, fixedAttrList=[]) return # split match string matches = [] matchStrings = matchString.lower().split() # get matching attributes for node in nodes: attrs = cmds.listAttr(node, k=True, v=True) for attr in attrs: if ( not attr in matches and self.matchSearch(attr, matchStrings) ): matches.append(attr) # append null if not matches are found ( cannot use empty list ) if not matches: matches.append("null") # filter channel box cmds.channelBox(CHANNELBOX, edit=True, fixedAttrList=matches) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #18
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def reorderAttributes(self, objList, attrList, *args): """ Reorder Attributes of a given objectList following the desiredAttribute list. Useful for organize the Option_Ctrl attributes, for example. """ if objList and attrList: for obj in objList: # load dpReorderAttribute: dpRAttr = dpReorderAttr.ReorderAttr(self, self.langDic, self.langName, False) # Reordering Option_Ctrl attributos progress window progressAmount = 0 cmds.progressWindow(title='Reordering Attributes', progress=progressAmount, status='Reordering: 0%', isInterruptable=False) nbDesAttr = len(attrList) delta = 0 for i, desAttr in enumerate(attrList): # update progress window progressAmount += 1 cmds.progressWindow(edit=True, maxValue=nbDesAttr, progress=progressAmount, status=('Reordering: ' + `progressAmount` + ' '+ obj + ' attributes')) # get current user defined attributes: currentAttrList = cmds.listAttr(obj, userDefined=True) if desAttr in currentAttrList: cAttrIndex = currentAttrList.index(desAttr) maxRange = cAttrIndex+1-i+delta for n in range(1, maxRange): dpRAttr.dpMoveAttr(1, [obj], [desAttr]) else: delta = delta+1 cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=True) dpRAttr.dpCloseReorderAttrUI()
Example #19
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def copyAttr(self, sourceItem=False, attrList=False, verbose=False, *args): """ Get and store in a dictionary the attributes from sourceItem. Returns the dictionary with attribute values. """ # getting sourceItem: if not sourceItem: selList =, long=True) if selList: sourceItem = selList[0] else: print self.dpUIinst.langDic[self.dpUIinst.langName]["e015_selectToCopyAttr"] if cmds.objExists(sourceItem): if not attrList: # getting channelBox selected attributes: currentAttrList = cmds.channelBox('mainChannelBox', query=True, selectedMainAttributes=True) if not currentAttrList: # list all attributes if nothing is selected: currentAttrList = cmds.listAttr(sourceItem, visible=True, keyable=True) attrList = currentAttrList if attrList: # store attribute values in a dic: self.attrValueDic = {} for attr in attrList: if cmds.objExists(sourceItem+'.'+attr): value = cmds.getAttr(sourceItem+'.'+attr) self.attrValueDic[attr] = value if verbose: print self.dpUIinst.langDic[self.dpUIinst.langName]["i125_copiedAttr"] return self.attrValueDic
Example #20
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def zeroOut(transformList=[], offset=False): """ Create a group over the transform, parent the transform in it and set zero all transformations of the transform node. If don't have a transformList given, try to get the current selection. If want to create with offset, it'll be a, offset group between zeroGrp and transform. Return a list of names of the zeroOut groups. """ zeroList = [] if not transformList: transformList = if transformList: for transform in transformList: zeroGrp = cmds.duplicate(transform, name=transform+'_Zero_Grp')[0] zeroUserAttrList = cmds.listAttr(zeroGrp, userDefined=True) if zeroUserAttrList: for zUserAttr in zeroUserAttrList: try: cmds.deleteAttr(zeroGrp+"."+zUserAttr) except: pass allChildrenList = cmds.listRelatives(zeroGrp, allDescendents=True, children=True, fullPath=True) if allChildrenList: cmds.delete(allChildrenList) if offset: offsetGrp = cmds.duplicate(zeroGrp, name=transform+'_Offset_Grp')[0] cmds.parent(transform, offsetGrp, absolute=True) cmds.parent(offsetGrp, zeroGrp, absolute=True) else: cmds.parent(transform, zeroGrp, absolute=True) zeroList.append(zeroGrp) return zeroList
Example #21
Source File: From SISideBar with MIT License | 5 votes |
def save_cluster(node): #ノードの中からスキンクラスタを取得してくる#inMesh直上がSkinClusterとは限らないので修正 srcDeformerCluster =,type='cluster') if not srcDeformerCluster: return#スキンクラスタがなかったら関数抜ける #スキンクラスタのパラメータ色々を取得しておく srcDeformerCluster = srcDeformerCluster[0] attributes = cmds.listAttr(srcDeformerCluster) weightList = cmds.getAttr(srcDeformerCluster+'.weightList[0]') envelope = cmds.getAttr(srcDeformerCluster+'.envelope') clusterMssage = cmds.getAttr(srcDeformerCluster+'.message') clusterWeight = cmds.getAttr(srcDeformerCluster+'.weightList[0].weights')
Example #22
Source File: From mgear_core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def listAttrForMirror(node): """List attributes to invert the value for mirror posing Args: node (PyNode): The Node with the attributes to invert Returns: list: Attributes to invert """ # TODO: should "ro" be here? res = ["tx", "ty", "tz", "rx", "ry", "rz", "sx", "sy", "sz"] res.extend(pm.listAttr(node, userDefined=True, shortNames=True)) res = list(filter(lambda x: not x.startswith("inv"), res)) return res
Example #23
Source File: From BlendTransforms with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
def BT_GetPosesFromSet(set = None): if not set: return False allUserDefined = cmds.listAttr(set, ud = True) if not allUserDefined: return '' btUserDefined = [x[3:] for x in allUserDefined if x.startswith('BT_')] if not btUserDefined: return '' return btUserDefined
Example #24
Source File: From BlendTransforms with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
def BT_GetPosesFromSet(set = None): if not set: return False allUserDefined = cmds.listAttr(set, ud = True) if not allUserDefined: return '' btUserDefined = [x[3:] for x in allUserDefined if x.startswith('BT_')] if not btUserDefined: return '' return btUserDefined
Example #25
Source File: From BlendTransforms with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
def BT_GetPosesFromSet(set = None): if not set: return False allUserDefined = cmds.listAttr(set, ud = True) if not allUserDefined: return '' btUserDefined = [x[3:] for x in allUserDefined if x.startswith('BT_')] if not btUserDefined: return '' return btUserDefined
Example #26
Source File: From BlendTransforms with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
def BT_GetPosesFromSet(set = None): if not set: return False allUserDefined = cmds.listAttr(set, ud = True) if not allUserDefined: return '' btUserDefined = [x[3:] for x in allUserDefined if x.startswith('BT_')] if not btUserDefined: return '' return btUserDefined
Example #27
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 4 votes |
def showAttributes(self, node): """ showAttributes(str node) Set the ChannelBox to view the given node. If node is empty or None, the ChannelBox will simply be cleared. """ with noSignals(self.table): while self.table.rowCount() > 1: self.table.removeRow(1) if not node or not cmds.objExists(node): self._setTableVisible(False) return self._setTableVisible(True) # update the node name self._currentNode = node name = node.split('|')[-1] self.table.item(0,0).setText(name) # update the attributes attrs = cmds.listAttr(node, r=True, w=True, v=True, k=True) self.table.setRowCount(len(attrs)+1) for row, name in enumerate(attrs): row += 1 self.table.setRowHeight(row, 20) attr = '%s.%s' % (node, name) niceName = cmds.attributeName(attr) item = QtGui.QTableWidgetItem(niceName) item.attrName = attr item.setFlags(item.flags() ^ QtCore.Qt.ItemIsEditable) item.setTextAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignRight|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) self.table.setItem(row, 0, item) val = cmds.getAttr(attr) item = AttrItem() item.setTextAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft|QtCore.Qt.AlignVCenter) item.setBackgroundColor(QtGui.QColor(40,40,40)) item.attrName = attr item.attrVal = val item.setAttrValue(val) self.table.setItem(row, 1, item)
Example #28
Source File: From BlendTransforms with The Unlicense | 4 votes |
def BT_DeletePose(set = None, poseIndex = None): if not set or poseIndex is None: return False if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', ex = True, n = set): return False if BT_IsSetupConnected(set): cmds.warning('Disconnect setup first!') return False blendNode = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node') if not cmds.objExists(blendNode) or not cmds.objExists(set): return False numTransforms = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms', size = True) if not numTransforms: return False numPoses = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[0].poses', size = True) allUserDefined = cmds.listAttr(set, ud = True) btUserDefined = [x for x in allUserDefined if x.startswith('BT_')] if poseIndex >= numPoses: return False connectionsToBreak = cmds.listConnections(set +'.' +btUserDefined[poseIndex], d = True, s = False, p = True) for ctb in connectionsToBreak: cmds.disconnectAttr(set +'.' +btUserDefined[poseIndex], ctb) cmds.deleteAttr(set +'.' +btUserDefined[poseIndex]) for i in range(0, numTransforms): for p in range(poseIndex, numPoses-1): #get the next items vales matrix = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].matrix') scale = cmds.getAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].scale')[0] conn = cmds.listConnections(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].weight', s = True, d = False, p = True)[0] cmds.setAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p) +'].matrix', matrix, type = 'matrix') cmds.setAttr(blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p) +'].scale', scale[0], scale[1], scale[2], type = 'double3') cmds.connectAttr(conn, blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p) +'].weight', force = True) cmds.disconnectAttr(conn, blendNode +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(p+1) +'].weight') return True
Example #29
Source File: From cmt with MIT License | 4 votes |
def rebuild_joints(*args): if not cmds.objExists(ORIENT_GROUP): return nodes = cmds.listRelatives(ORIENT_GROUP, ad=True, path=True) or [] joints = [] for node in nodes: attrs = cmds.listAttr(node, ud=True) or [] if MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE not in attrs: continue joint = cmds.listConnections( "{0}.{1}".format(node, MESSAGE_ATTRIBUTE), d=False )[0] joints.append(joint) rotation = cmds.getAttr("{0}.rx".format(node)) children = cmds.listRelatives(joint, children=True, shapes=False, path=True) if children: # First unparent children so change in joint orient does not affect children children = [cmds.parent(child, world=True)[0] for child in children] # Add rotation offset to joint orient orient_x = cmds.getAttr("{0}.jointOrientX".format(joint)) orient_x += rotation while orient_x > 180.0: orient_x -= 360.0 while orient_x < -180.0: orient_x += 360.0 cmds.setAttr("{0}.jointOrientX".format(joint), orient_x) # Reparent child for child in children: cmds.parent(child, joint) else: # tip joint, just zero out joint orient cmds.setAttr("%s.jointOrientX" % joint, 0) cmds.setAttr("%s.jointOrientY" % joint, 0) cmds.setAttr("%s.jointOrientZ" % joint, 0) # Untemplate cmds.setAttr("{0}.template".format(joint), 0) # Delete arrow group cmds.delete(ORIENT_GROUP)
Example #30
Source File: From DeformationLearningSolver with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def on_add_btn_clicked(self): selNodes =, ap=1) if not selNodes: om.MGlobal.displayError("Please select some nodes and attributes.") return selAttrs = (cmds.channelBox("mainChannelBox", q=1, sma=1) or []) \ + (cmds.channelBox("mainChannelBox", q=1, sha=1) or []) \ + (cmds.channelBox("mainChannelBox", q=1, ssa=1) or []) \ + (cmds.channelBox("mainChannelBox", q=1, soa=1) or []) if not selAttrs: selAttrs = cmds.listAttr(selNodes, v=1, k=1, sn=1) selAttrs = list(set(selAttrs)) try: selAttrs.remove('v') except: pass self.table.clearSelection() for node in selNodes: for attr in selAttrs: name = "%s.%s" % (node, attr) minVal, maxVal = 0.0, 1.0 hasMinVal, hasMaxVal = False, False if not cmds.objExists(name): continue # Set minVal if cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, minExists=1): minVal = cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, min=1)[0] hasMinVal = True if cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, softMinExists=1): minVal = cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, smn=1)[0] hasMinVal = True # Set maxVal if cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, maxExists=1): maxVal = cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, max=1)[0] hasMaxVal = True if cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, softMaxExists=1): maxVal = cmds.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, smx=1)[0] hasMaxVal = True currVal = cmds.getAttr(name) if hasMinVal: minVal = minVal - currVal if hasMaxVal: maxVal = maxVal - currVal self.appendRow() self.setRow(self.numRow()-1, [name, minVal, maxVal]) #----------------------------------------------------------------------