Python maya.cmds.objectType() Examples
The following are 25
code examples of maya.cmds.objectType().
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Example #1
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 7 votes |
def dpLoadBSNode(self, *args): """ Load selected object as blendShapeNode """ selectedList = if selectedList: if cmds.objectType(selectedList[0]) == "blendShape": cmds.textField(self.bsNodeTextField, edit=True, text=selectedList[0]) self.dpLoadBSTgtList(selectedList[0]) self.bsNode = selectedList[0] elif cmds.objectType(selectedList[0]) == "transform": meshList = cmds.listRelatives(selectedList[0], children=True, shapes=True, noIntermediate=True, type="mesh") if meshList: bsNodeList = cmds.listConnections(meshList[0], type="blendShape") if bsNodeList: self.dpLoadBSTgtList(bsNodeList[0]) self.bsNode = bsNodeList[0] else: mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["e018_selectBlendShape"]+"\";") else: mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["e018_selectBlendShape"]+"\";") else: mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["e018_selectBlendShape"]+"\";") else: mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["e018_selectBlendShape"]+"\";")
Example #2
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def dpLoadBSTgtList(self, bsNodeName, *args): """ Add target list found in the blendShape node to target textScroll list """ if cmds.objExists(bsNodeName): if cmds.objectType(bsNodeName) == "blendShape": tgtList = cmds.blendShape(bsNodeName, query=True, target=True) if tgtList: cmds.textScrollList(self.bsTargetScrollList, edit=True, removeAll=True) cmds.textScrollList(self.bsTargetScrollList, edit=True, append=tgtList) cmds.textField(self.bsNodeTextField, edit=True, text=bsNodeName) self.bsNode = bsNodeName
Example #3
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def dpCheckSkinCluster(self, shapeList, *args): """ Verify if there's a skinCluster node in the list of history of the shape. Return True if yes. Return False if no. Return -1 if there's another node with the same name. """ for shapeNode in shapeList: if not shapeNode.endswith("Orig"): try: histList = cmds.listHistory(shapeNode) if histList: for histItem in histList: if cmds.objectType(histItem) == "skinCluster": return True except: return -1 return False
Example #4
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def dpCheckGeometry(self, item, *args): isGeometry = False if item: if cmds.objExists(item): childList = cmds.listRelatives(item, children=True) if childList: self.itemType = cmds.objectType(childList[0]) if self.itemType == "mesh" or self.itemType == "nurbsSurface": if self.itemType == "mesh": self.meshNode = childList[0] isGeometry = True else: mel.eval("warning \""+item+" is not a geometry.\";") else: mel.eval("warning \"Select the transform node instead of "+item+" shape, please.\";") else: mel.eval("warning \""+item+" does not exists, maybe it was deleted, sorry.\";") else: mel.eval("warning \"Not found "+item+"\";") return isGeometry
Example #5
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def loadGeo(self, *args): """ Loads the selected node to geoTextField in selectedModuleLayout. """ isGeometry = False selList = if selList: if cmds.objExists(selList[0]): childList = cmds.listRelatives(selList[0], children=True, allDescendents=True) if childList: for item in childList: itemType = cmds.objectType(item) if itemType == "mesh" or itemType == "nurbsSurface": isGeometry = True if isGeometry: cmds.textField(self.geoTF, edit=True, text=selList[0]) cmds.setAttr(self.moduleGrp+".geo", selList[0], type='string')
Example #6
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def findHistory(self, objList, historyName, *args): """Search and return the especific history of the listed objects. """ if objList: foundHistoryList = [] for objName in objList: # find historyName in the object's history: histList = cmds.listHistory(objName) for hist in histList: histType = cmds.objectType(hist) if histType == historyName: foundHistoryList.append(hist) return foundHistoryList
Example #7
Source File: From BlendTransforms with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
def BT_Setup(set = None): if not set: return False transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers') if not transforms: return False if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', n = set, ex = True): cmds.addAttr(set, ln = 'Blend_Node', k = False, h = True, dt = 'string') else: return False btNode = cmds.createNode("BlendTransforms") cmds.setAttr(set +'.Blend_Node', btNode, type = "string") for i in range(0, len(transforms)): baseMatrix = cmds.xform(transforms[i], q = True, m = True) baseScale = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale')[0] baseRotOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'): baseRotOffset = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient')[0] btAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix' btScaleAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale' btRotOffsetAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset' BT_MatrixValuesToNode(values = baseMatrix, node = btNode, attr = btAttr) BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseScale, node = btNode, attr = btScaleAttr) BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseRotOffset, node = btNode, attr = btRotOffsetAttr) BT_ConnectOutputs(index = i, node = btNode, transform = transforms[i]) return True
Example #8
Source File: From BlendTransforms with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
def BT_Setup(set = None): if not set: return False transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers') if not transforms: return False if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', n = set, ex = True): cmds.addAttr(set, ln = 'Blend_Node', k = False, h = True, dt = 'string') else: return False btNode = cmds.createNode("BlendTransforms") cmds.setAttr(set +'.Blend_Node', btNode, type = "string") for i in range(0, len(transforms)): baseMatrix = cmds.xform(transforms[i], q = True, m = True) baseScale = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale')[0] baseRotOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'): baseRotOffset = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient')[0] btAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix' btScaleAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale' btRotOffsetAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset' BT_MatrixValuesToNode(values = baseMatrix, node = btNode, attr = btAttr) BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseScale, node = btNode, attr = btScaleAttr) BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseRotOffset, node = btNode, attr = btRotOffsetAttr) BT_ConnectOutputs(index = i, node = btNode, transform = transforms[i]) return True
Example #9
Source File: From BlendTransforms with The Unlicense | 5 votes |
def BT_Setup(set = None): if not set: return False transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers') if not transforms: return False if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', n = set, ex = True): cmds.addAttr(set, ln = 'Blend_Node', k = False, h = True, dt = 'string') else: return False btNode = cmds.createNode("BlendTransforms") cmds.setAttr(set +'.Blend_Node', btNode, type = "string") for i in range(0, len(transforms)): baseMatrix = cmds.xform(transforms[i], q = True, m = True) baseScale = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale')[0] baseRotOffset = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'): baseRotOffset = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient')[0] btAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix' btScaleAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale' btRotOffsetAttr = 'transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset' BT_MatrixValuesToNode(values = baseMatrix, node = btNode, attr = btAttr) BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseScale, node = btNode, attr = btScaleAttr) BT_Double3ValuesToNode(values = baseRotOffset, node = btNode, attr = btRotOffsetAttr) BT_ConnectOutputs(index = i, node = btNode, transform = transforms[i]) return True
Example #10
Source File: From DeformationLearningSolver with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def findRelatedSkinCluster(geometry): ''' Return the skinCluster attached to the specified geometry Args: geometry (str): Geometry object/transform to query Returns: str ''' # Check geometry if not cmds.objExists(geometry): om.MGlobal.displayError('Object '+geometry+' does not exist!') return # Check transform if cmds.objectType(geometry) == 'transform': try: geometry = cmds.listRelatives(geometry,s=True,ni=True,pa=True)[0] except: om.MGlobal.displayError('Object %s has no deformable geometry!' % geometry) return # Determine skinCluster skin = mel.eval('findRelatedSkinCluster \"%s\"' % geometry) if not skin: skin =, pdo=1, gl=1), type='skinCluster') if skin: skin = skin[0] if not skin: skin = None # Return result return skin #----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #11
Source File: From PythonForMayaSamples with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def createPipe(self, spans): # We set the transform and shape to the class variables self.transform, self.shape = cmds.polyPipe(subdivisionsAxis=spans) # I didn't like having to find the constructor from the extrude node # Lets just find it now and save it to the class because it won't change for node in cmds.listConnections('%s.inMesh' % self.transform): if cmds.objectType(node) == 'polyPipe': self.constructor = node break
Example #12
Source File: From spore with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_spore_setups(self): """ return a dictionary with an entry for each target mesh and for each entry a list with all connected spore nodes """ spore_nodes ='sporeNode', l=True) targets = collections.defaultdict(list) # TODO - once this can be debugged this would be the way to go # [targets[node_utils.get_connected_in_mesh(node)].append(node) for node in spore_nodes] for node in spore_nodes: target = node_utils.get_connected_in_mesh(node) if target: targets[target].append(node) else: # May help to debbug a situation wherfe target is sometime None target = cmds.getConnection('{}.inMesh'.format(node)) target_shape = cmds.listRelatives(, s=True, f=True) if len(target_shape) == 1: obj_type = cmds.objectType(target_shape[0]) self.logger.warning( 'Getting target mesh failed but spore has been able ' 'to use fallback. target: {}, shape: {}, type: ' '{}'.format(target, target_shape[0], obj_type)) targets[target_shape] = node else: obj_type = [cmds.objectType(s) for s in target_shape] raise RuntimeError( 'Could not get target mesh and spore failed to use ' 'fallback. target {}, shapes {}, types: {}'.format( target, target_shape, obj_type) ) return targets
Example #13
Source File: From cmt with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_shape(node, intermediate=False): """Get the shape node of a tranform This is useful if you don't want to have to check if a node is a shape node or transform. You can pass in a shape node or transform and the function will return the shape node. :param node: node The name of the node. :param intermediate: intermediate True to get the intermediate shape :return: The name of the shape node. """ if cmds.objectType(node, isAType="transform"): shapes = cmds.listRelatives(node, shapes=True, path=True) if not shapes: shapes = [] for shape in shapes: is_intermediate = cmds.getAttr("{}.intermediateObject".format(shape)) if ( intermediate and is_intermediate and cmds.listConnections(shape, source=False) ): return shape elif not intermediate and not is_intermediate: return shape if shapes: return shapes[0] elif cmds.nodeType(node) in ["mesh", "nurbsCurve", "nurbsSurface"]: is_intermediate = cmds.getAttr("{}.intermediateObject".format(node)) if is_intermediate and not intermediate: node = cmds.listRelatives(node, parent=True, path=True)[0] return get_shape(node) else: return node return None
Example #14
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def setNotRenderable(self, objList, *args): """Receive a list of objects, find its shapes if necessary and set all as not renderable. """ # declare a list of attributes for render: renderAttrList = ["castsShadows", "receiveShadows", "motionBlur", "primaryVisibility", "smoothShading", "visibleInReflections", "visibleInRefractions", "doubleSided", "miTransparencyCast", "miTransparencyReceive", "miReflectionReceive", "miRefractionReceive", "miFinalGatherCast", "miFinalGatherReceive"] shapeTypeList = ['nurbsCurve', 'nurbsSurface', 'mesh', 'subdiv'] # find all children shapes: if objList: for obj in objList: objType = cmds.objectType(obj) # verify if the object is the shape type: if objType in shapeTypeList: # set attributes as not renderable: for attr in renderAttrList: try: cmds.setAttr(obj+"."+attr, 0) except: #print "Error: Cannot set not renderable ", attr, "as zero for", obj pass # verify if the object is a transform type: elif objType == "transform": # find all shapes children of the transform object: shapeList = cmds.listRelatives(obj, shapes=True, children=True) if shapeList: for shape in shapeList: # set attributes as not renderable: for attr in renderAttrList: try: cmds.setAttr(shape+"."+attr, 0) except: #print "Error: Cannot set not renderable ", attr, "as zero for", shape pass
Example #15
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def dpCheckGeometry(self, item, *args): isGeometry = False if item: if cmds.objExists(item): childList = cmds.listRelatives(item, children=True) if childList: try: itemType = cmds.objectType(childList[0]) if itemType == "mesh" or itemType == "nurbsSurface" or itemType == "subdiv": if cmds.checkBox(self.checkHistoryCB, query=True, value=True): historyList = cmds.listHistory(childList[0]) if len(historyList) > 1: dialogReturn = cmds.confirmDialog(title=self.langDic[self.langName]["i159_historyFound"], message=self.langDic[self.langName]["i160_historyDesc"]+"\n\n"+item+"\n\n"+self.langDic[self.langName]["i161_historyMessage"], button=['Yes','No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No') if dialogReturn == "Yes": isGeometry = True else: isGeometry = True else: isGeometry = True else: mel.eval("warning \""+item+" "+self.langDic[self.langName]["i058_notGeo"]+"\";") except: mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["i163_sameName"]+" "+item+"\";") else: mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["i059_selTransform"]+" "+item+" "+self.langDic[self.langName]["i060_shapePlease"]+"\";") else: mel.eval("warning \""+item+" "+self.langDic[self.langName]["i061_notExists"]+"\";") else: mel.eval("warning \""+self.langDic[self.langName]["i062_notFound"]+" "+item+"\";") return isGeometry
Example #16
Source File: From SIWeightEditor with MIT License | 4 votes |
def joint_label(object, visibility=False): ''' ジョイントラベル設定関数 object→オブジェクト、リスト形式可 visibility→ラベルの可視性、省略可能。デフォルトFalse。 ''' #ラベリングルールをロードしておく left_list_list, right_list_list = load_joint_label_rules() # リストタイプじゃなかったらリストに変換する if not isinstance(object, list): temp = object object = [] object.append(temp) for skinJoint in object: objTypeName = cmds.objectType(skinJoint) if objTypeName == 'joint': split_name = skinJoint.split('|')[-1] # スケルトン名にLRが含まれているかどうかを判定 side = 0 side_name = '' for i, (l_list, r_list) in enumerate(zip(left_list_list, right_list_list)): for j, lr_list in enumerate([l_list, r_list]): for k, lr in enumerate(lr_list): if i == 0: if re.match(lr, split_name): side = j + 1 if i == 1: if, split_name): side = j + 1 if i == 2: if re.match(lr[::-1], split_name[::-1]): side = j + 1 if side:#対象が見つかってたら全部抜ける side_name = lr break if side: break if side: break #print 'joint setting :', split_name, side, side_name # 左右のラベルを設定、どちらでもないときは中央 cmds.setAttr(skinJoint + '.side', side) # ラベルタイプを”その他”に設定 cmds.setAttr(skinJoint + '.type', 18) new_joint_name = split_name.replace(side_name.replace('.', ''), '') # スケルトン名設定 cmds.setAttr(skinJoint + '.otherType', new_joint_name, type='string') # 可視性設定 cmds.setAttr(skinJoint + '.drawLabel', visibility) else: print(str(skinJoint) + ' : ' + str(objTypeName) + ' Skip Command') #ウェイトのミュートをトグル
Example #17
Source File: From maya-capture-gui with MIT License | 4 votes |
def get_current_camera(): """Returns the currently active camera. Searched in the order of: 1. Active Panel 2. Selected Camera Shape 3. Selected Camera Transform Returns: str: name of active camera transform """ # Get camera from active modelPanel (if any) panel = cmds.getPanel(withFocus=True) if cmds.getPanel(typeOf=panel) == "modelPanel": cam = cmds.modelEditor(panel, query=True, camera=True) # In some cases above returns the shape, but most often it returns the # transform. Still we need to make sure we return the transform. if cam: if cmds.nodeType(cam) == "transform": return cam # camera shape is a shape type elif cmds.objectType(cam, isAType="shape"): parent = cmds.listRelatives(cam, parent=True, fullPath=True) if parent: return parent[0] # Check if a camShape is selected (if so use that) cam_shapes =, type="camera") if cam_shapes: return cmds.listRelatives(cam_shapes, parent=True, fullPath=True)[0] # Check if a transform of a camShape is selected # (return cam transform if any) transforms =, type="transform") if transforms: cam_shapes = cmds.listRelatives(transforms, shapes=True, type="camera") if cam_shapes: return cmds.listRelatives(cam_shapes, parent=True, fullPath=True)[0]
Example #18
Source File: From BlendTransforms with The Unlicense | 4 votes |
def BT_SetPose(set = None, index = None): if not set: return False if BT_IsSetupConnected(set = set): cmds.warning('Disconnect setup first!') return False if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', ex = True, n = set): return False node = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node') transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers') if not transforms: return False unitResult = BT_SetUnits() if unitResult: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(BT_GetMayaWindow(), "Blend Transforms", "Units set to centimetres.", "Okay") for i in range(0, len(transforms)): baseM = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix') baseS = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale')[0] baseRO = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset')[0] poseM = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] poseS = [0,0,0] if index is not None: numPoses = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[0].poses', size = True) if not index < numPoses: return False poseM = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(index) +'].matrix') poseS = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(index) +'].scale')[0] finalM = [x+y for x, y in zip(poseM, baseM)] finalS = [x+y for x, y in zip(poseS, baseS)] cmds.xform(transforms[i], m = finalM) cmds.setAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale', finalS[0], finalS[1], finalS[2], type = 'double3') #hack to fix joint orient stuff if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'): cmds.setAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient', baseRO[0], baseRO[1], baseRO[2], type = 'double3') currentRot = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.rotate')[0] cmds.setAttr(transforms[i] +'.rotate', currentRot[0] - baseRO[0], currentRot[1] - baseRO[1], currentRot[2] - baseRO[2], type = 'double3') return True
Example #19
Source File: From BlendTransforms with The Unlicense | 4 votes |
def BT_SetPose(set = None, index = None): if not set: return False if BT_IsSetupConnected(set = set): cmds.warning('Disconnect setup first!') return False if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', ex = True, n = set): return False node = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node') transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers') if not transforms: return False unitResult = BT_SetUnits() if unitResult: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(BT_GetMayaWindow(), "Blend Transforms", "Units set to centimetres.", "Okay") for i in range(0, len(transforms)): baseM = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix') baseS = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale')[0] baseRO = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset')[0] poseM = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] poseS = [0,0,0] if index is not None: numPoses = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[0].poses', size = True) if not index < numPoses: return False poseM = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(index) +'].matrix') poseS = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(index) +'].scale')[0] finalM = [x+y for x, y in zip(poseM, baseM)] finalS = [x+y for x, y in zip(poseS, baseS)] cmds.xform(transforms[i], m = finalM) cmds.setAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale', finalS[0], finalS[1], finalS[2], type = 'double3') #hack to fix joint orient stuff if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'): cmds.setAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient', baseRO[0], baseRO[1], baseRO[2], type = 'double3') currentRot = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.rotate')[0] cmds.setAttr(transforms[i] +'.rotate', currentRot[0] - baseRO[0], currentRot[1] - baseRO[1], currentRot[2] - baseRO[2], type = 'double3') return True
Example #20
Source File: From BlendTransforms with The Unlicense | 4 votes |
def BT_SetPose(set = None, index = None): if not set: return False if BT_IsSetupConnected(set = set): cmds.warning('Disconnect setup first!') return False if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', ex = True, n = set): return False node = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node') transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers') if not transforms: return False unitResult = BT_SetUnits() if unitResult: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(BT_GetMayaWindow(), "Blend Transforms", "Units set to centimetres.", "Okay") for i in range(0, len(transforms)): baseM = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix') baseS = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale')[0] baseRO = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset')[0] poseM = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] poseS = [0,0,0] if index is not None: numPoses = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[0].poses', size = True) if not index < numPoses: return False poseM = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(index) +'].matrix') poseS = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(index) +'].scale')[0] finalM = [x+y for x, y in zip(poseM, baseM)] finalS = [x+y for x, y in zip(poseS, baseS)] cmds.xform(transforms[i], m = finalM) cmds.setAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale', finalS[0], finalS[1], finalS[2], type = 'double3') #hack to fix joint orient stuff if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'): cmds.setAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient', baseRO[0], baseRO[1], baseRO[2], type = 'double3') currentRot = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.rotate')[0] cmds.setAttr(transforms[i] +'.rotate', currentRot[0] - baseRO[0], currentRot[1] - baseRO[1], currentRot[2] - baseRO[2], type = 'double3') return True
Example #21
Source File: From BlendTransforms with The Unlicense | 4 votes |
def BT_SetPose(set = None, index = None): if not set: return False if BT_IsSetupConnected(set = set): cmds.warning('Disconnect setup first!') return False if not cmds.attributeQuery('Blend_Node', ex = True, n = set): return False node = cmds.getAttr(set +'.Blend_Node') transforms = cmds.listConnections(set +'.dagSetMembers') if not transforms: return False unitResult = BT_SetUnits() if unitResult: QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(BT_GetMayaWindow(), "Blend Transforms", "Units set to centimetres.", "Okay") for i in range(0, len(transforms)): baseM = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseMatrix') baseS = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseScale')[0] baseRO = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].baseRotOffset')[0] poseM = [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] poseS = [0,0,0] if index is not None: numPoses = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[0].poses', size = True) if not index < numPoses: return False poseM = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(index) +'].matrix') poseS = cmds.getAttr(node +'.transforms[' +str(i) +'].poses[' +str(index) +'].scale')[0] finalM = [x+y for x, y in zip(poseM, baseM)] finalS = [x+y for x, y in zip(poseS, baseS)] cmds.xform(transforms[i], m = finalM) cmds.setAttr(transforms[i] +'.scale', finalS[0], finalS[1], finalS[2], type = 'double3') #hack to fix joint orient stuff if cmds.objectType(transforms[i], isType = 'joint'): cmds.setAttr(transforms[i] +'.jointOrient', baseRO[0], baseRO[1], baseRO[2], type = 'double3') currentRot = cmds.getAttr(transforms[i] +'.rotate')[0] cmds.setAttr(transforms[i] +'.rotate', currentRot[0] - baseRO[0], currentRot[1] - baseRO[1], currentRot[2] - baseRO[2], type = 'double3') return True
Example #22
Source File: From SISideBar with MIT License | 4 votes |
def joint_label(object, visibility=False): ''' ジョイントラベル設定関数 object→オブジェクト、リスト形式可 visibility→ラベルの可視性、省略可能。デフォルトFalse。 ''' #ラベリングルールをロードしておく left_list_list, right_list_list = load_joint_label_rules() # リストタイプじゃなかったらリストに変換する if not isinstance(object, list): temp = object object = [] object.append(temp) for skinJoint in object: objTypeName = cmds.objectType(skinJoint) if objTypeName == 'joint': split_name = skinJoint.split('|')[-1] # スケルトン名にLRが含まれているかどうかを判定 side = 0 side_name = '' for i, (l_list, r_list) in enumerate(zip(left_list_list, right_list_list)): for j, lr_list in enumerate([l_list, r_list]): for k, lr in enumerate(lr_list): if i == 0: if re.match(lr, split_name): side = j + 1 if i == 1: if, split_name): side = j + 1 if i == 2: if re.match(lr[::-1], split_name[::-1]): side = j + 1 if side:#対象が見つかってたら全部抜ける side_name = lr break if side: break if side: break #print 'joint setting :', split_name, side, side_name # 左右のラベルを設定、どちらでもないときは中央 cmds.setAttr(skinJoint + '.side', side) # ラベルタイプを”その他”に設定 cmds.setAttr(skinJoint + '.type', 18) new_joint_name = split_name.replace(side_name.replace('.', ''), '') # スケルトン名設定 cmds.setAttr(skinJoint + '.otherType', new_joint_name, type='string') # 可視性設定 cmds.setAttr(skinJoint + '.drawLabel', visibility) else: print(str(skinJoint) + ' : ' + str(objTypeName) + ' Skip Command') #ウェイトのミュートをトグル
Example #23
Source File: From spore with MIT License | 4 votes |
def update_instance_list(self, *args): """ update the instance listi. 1. try to get current node based on ae tab name. this failse if the nodename is not unique. if this happends... 2. try to get the node based on last item in selection. this fails if not the item is not a spore shape or spore transform. this method fails when: - two spore locator are parented under the same transform. - the user reaches the node interface without selecting the node """ found = False # get current ae tab name ae_tabs = mel.eval('$temp = $gAETabLayoutName;') tab_index = int(cmds.tabLayout(ae_tabs, q=1, st=1).replace('formTab', '')) current_tab = cmds.tabLayout(ae_tabs, q=1, tl=1)[tab_index] # try to get node based on selection selection =, l=True)[-1] shapes = cmds.listRelatives(selection, s=True, f=True) # check if node name is unique or selection is node nodes =, l=True) if len(nodes) == 1 or cmds.objectType(selection) == 'sporeNode': if cmds.objectType(selection) == 'sporeNode': self._node = selection else: self._node = nodes[0] found = True if len(nodes) > 1: if shapes: # note: this fails in case there are two spore nodes parented under # the same transform for i, shape in enumerate(shapes): if cmds.objectType(shape) == 'sporeNode': self._node = shape found = True else: # TODO - we could also try to catch node based on instancer # ae tab name. this would also fail if the instancer name is # not unique pass cmds.textScrollList('instanceList', e=1, removeAll=True) if found: instanced_geo = node_utils.get_instanced_geo(self._node) instanced_geo = ['[{}]: {}'.format(i, name) for i, name in enumerate(instanced_geo)] cmds.textScrollList('instanceList', e=1, append=instanced_geo) else: msg = 'Could not update objects list. Node name "{}" not unique'.format(current_tab) self.logger.warn(msg) cmds.textScrollList('instanceList', e=1, append=msg.split('. '))
Example #24
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def colorShape(self, objList, color, rgb=False, *args): """ Create a color override for all shapes from the objList. """ if rgb: pass elif (dic_colors.has_key(color)): iColorIdx = dic_colors[color] else: iColorIdx = color # find shapes and apply the color override: shapeTypeList = ['nurbsCurve', 'nurbsSurface', 'mesh', 'subdiv'] if objList: for objName in objList: objType = cmds.objectType(objName) # verify if the object is the shape type: if objType in shapeTypeList: # set override as enable: cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideEnabled", 1) # set color override: if rgb: cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideRGBColors", 1) cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideColorR", color[0]) cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideColorG", color[1]) cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideColorB", color[2]) else: cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideRGBColors", 0) cmds.setAttr(objName+".overrideColor", iColorIdx) # verify if the object is a transform type: elif objType == "transform": # find all shapes children of the transform object: shapeList = cmds.listRelatives(objName, shapes=True, children=True, fullPath=True) if shapeList: for shape in shapeList: # set override as enable: cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideEnabled", 1) # set color override: if rgb: cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideRGBColors", 1) cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideColorR", color[0]) cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideColorG", color[1]) cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideColorB", color[2]) else: cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideRGBColors", 0) cmds.setAttr(shape+".overrideColor", iColorIdx)
Example #25
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 4 votes |
def dpCreateRemapNode(self, fromNode, fromAttr, toNodeBaseName, toNode, toAttr, number, sizeFactor, oMin=0, oMax=1, iMin=0, iMax=1, *args): """ Creates the nodes to remap values and connect it to final output (toNode) item. """ fromNodeName = utils.extractSuffix(fromNode) remap = cmds.createNode("remapValue", name=fromNodeName+"_"+fromAttr+"_"+str(number).zfill(2)+"_"+toAttr.upper()+"_RmV") outMaxAttr = toNodeBaseName+"_"+str(number).zfill(2)+"_"+toAttr.upper() if "t" in toAttr: if not cmds.objExists(fromNode+".sizeFactor"): cmds.addAttr(fromNode, longName="sizeFactor", attributeType="float", defaultValue=sizeFactor, keyable=False) cmds.addAttr(fromNode, longName=outMaxAttr, attributeType="float", defaultValue=oMax, keyable=False) md = cmds.createNode("multiplyDivide", name=fromNodeName+"_"+fromAttr+"_"+str(number).zfill(2)+"_"+toAttr.upper()+"_SizeFactor_MD") cmds.connectAttr(fromNode+"."+outMaxAttr, md+".input1X", force=True) cmds.connectAttr(fromNode+".sizeFactor", md+".input2X", force=True) cmds.connectAttr(md+".outputX", remap+".outputMax", force=True) else: cmds.addAttr(fromNode, longName=outMaxAttr, attributeType="float", defaultValue=oMax, keyable=False) cmds.connectAttr(fromNode+"."+outMaxAttr, remap+".outputMax", force=True) cmds.setAttr(remap+".inputMin", iMin) cmds.setAttr(remap+".inputMax", iMax) cmds.setAttr(remap+".outputMin", oMin) cmds.connectAttr(fromNode+"."+fromAttr, remap+".inputValue", force=True) # check if there's an input connection and create a plusMinusAverage if we don't have one to connect in: connectedList = cmds.listConnections(toNode+"."+toAttr, destination=False, source=True, plugs=False) if connectedList: if cmds.objectType(connectedList[0]) == "plusMinusAverage": inputList = cmds.listConnections(connectedList[0]+".input1D", destination=False, source=True, plugs=False) cmds.connectAttr(remap+".outValue", connectedList[0]+".input1D["+str(len(inputList))+"]", force=True) else: if cmds.objectType(connectedList[0]) == "unitConversion": connectedAttr = cmds.listConnections(connectedList[0]+".input", destination=False, source=True, plugs=True)[0] else: connectedAttr = cmds.listConnections(toNode+"."+toAttr, destination=False, source=True, plugs=True)[0] pma = cmds.createNode("plusMinusAverage", name=toNode+"_"+toAttr.upper()+"_PMA") cmds.connectAttr(connectedAttr, pma+".input1D[0]", force=True) cmds.connectAttr(remap+".outValue", pma+".input1D[1]", force=True) cmds.connectAttr(pma+".output1D", toNode+"."+toAttr, force=True) if cmds.objectType(connectedList[0]) == "unitConversion": cmds.delete(connectedList[0]) else: cmds.connectAttr(remap+".outValue", toNode+"."+toAttr, force=True)