Python maya.cmds.deleteUI() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of maya.cmds.deleteUI().
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Example #1
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 7 votes |
def quickBreakDownUI(): winName = 'ml_quickBreakdownWin' if mc.window(winName, exists=True): mc.deleteUI(winName) mc.window(winName, title='ml :: QBD', iconName='Quick Breakdown', width=100, height=500) mc.columnLayout(adj=True) mc.paneLayout(configuration='vertical2', separatorThickness=1) mc.text('<<') mc.text('>>') mc.setParent('..') for v in (10,20,50,80,90,100,110,120,150): mc.paneLayout(configuration='vertical2',separatorThickness=1) mc.button(label=str(v)+' %', command=partial(weightPrevious,v/100.0)) mc.button(label=str(v)+' %', command=partial(weightNext,v/100.0)) mc.setParent('..') mc.showWindow(winName) mc.window(winName, edit=True, width=100, height=250)
Example #2
Source File: From tutorials with MIT License | 7 votes |
def createSpiralWin(): window = cmds.window( title="Create Spiral", widthHeight=(200, 300) ) cmds.columnLayout( columnAttach=('both', 5), rowSpacing=5, adjustableColumn=True ) amp = cmds.floatFieldGrp( numberOfFields=1, label='Amp', value1=1.0) spin = cmds.floatFieldGrp( numberOfFields=1, label='Spin', value1=30) count = cmds.intFieldGrp( numberOfFields=1, label='Count', value1=20) width = cmds.floatFieldGrp( numberOfFields=1, label='Width', value1=3) def click(value): doCreateSpiral(amp, spin, count, width) cmds.button( label='Create Spiral!', command=click ) closeCmd = 'cmds.deleteUI("%s", window=True)' % window cmds.button( label='Close', command=closeCmd ) cmds.showWindow( window )
Example #3
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 6 votes |
def mini(): name = 'ml_arcTracer_win_mini' w = 100 h = 50 if mc.window(name, exists=True): mc.deleteUI(name) win = mc.window(name, width=w, height=h, title='arcs', iconName='arc') form = mc.formLayout() a1 = mc.button(label='camera', command=traceCamera) a2 = mc.button(label='world', command=traceWorld) b1 = mc.button(label='retrace', command=retraceArc) b2 = mc.button(label='clear', command=clearArcs) utl.formLayoutGrid(form, [[a1,a2],[b1,b2]], ) mc.showWindow(win) mc.window(win, edit=True, width=w, height=h)
Example #4
Source File: From maya-skinning-tools with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def shelf(): """ Add a new shelf in Maya with all the tools that are provided in the SHELF_TOOLS variable. If the tab exists it will be deleted and re-created from scratch. """ # get top shelf gShelfTopLevel = mel.eval("$tmpVar=$gShelfTopLevel") # get top shelf names shelves = cmds.tabLayout(gShelfTopLevel, query=1, ca=1) # delete shelf if it exists if SHELF_NAME in shelves: cmds.deleteUI(SHELF_NAME) # create shelf cmds.shelfLayout(SHELF_NAME, parent=gShelfTopLevel) # add modules for tool in SHELF_TOOLS: if tool.get("image1"): cmds.shelfButton(style="iconOnly", parent=SHELF_NAME, **tool) else: cmds.shelfButton(style="textOnly", parent=SHELF_NAME, **tool)
Example #5
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def donateWin(self, *args): """ Simple window with links to donate in order to support this free and openSource code via PayPal. """ # declaring variables: self.donate_title = 'dpAutoRig - v'+DPAR_VERSION+' - '+self.langDic[self.langName]['i167_donate'] self.donate_description = self.langDic[self.langName]['i168_donateDesc'] self.donate_winWidth = 305 self.donate_winHeight = 300 self.donate_align = "center" # creating Donate Window: if cmds.window('dpDonateWindow', query=True, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI('dpDonateWindow', window=True) dpDonateWin = cmds.window('dpDonateWindow', title=self.donate_title, iconName='dpInfo', widthHeight=(self.donate_winWidth, self.donate_winHeight), menuBar=False, sizeable=True, minimizeButton=False, maximizeButton=False) # creating text layout: donateColumnLayout = cmds.columnLayout('donateColumnLayout', adjustableColumn=True, columnOffset=['both', 20], rowSpacing=5, parent=dpDonateWin) cmds.separator(style='none', height=10, parent=donateColumnLayout) infoDesc = cmds.text(self.donate_description, align=self.donate_align, parent=donateColumnLayout) cmds.separator(style='none', height=10, parent=donateColumnLayout) brPaypalButton = cmds.button('brlPaypalButton', label=self.langDic[self.langName]['i167_donate']+" - R$ - Real", align=self.donate_align, command=partial(utils.visitWebSite, DONATE+"BRL"), parent=donateColumnLayout) #usdPaypalButton = cmds.button('usdPaypalButton', label=self.langDic[self.langName]['i167_donate']+" - USD - Dollar", align=self.donate_align, command=partial(utils.visitWebSite, DONATE+"USD"), parent=donateColumnLayout) # call Donate Window: cmds.showWindow(dpDonateWin)
Example #6
Source File: From DeformationLearningSolver with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def show(): """""" from DLS.widget import mainWindow reload(mainWindow) if cmds.window(MAIN_WINDOW, ex=1): cmds.deleteUI(MAIN_WINDOW) parent = getMayaWindow() win = mainWindow.MainWindow(parent) win.setWindowFlags(Qt.Window) # Make this widget a standalone window # identify a Maya-managed floating window, # which handles the z order properly and saves its positions win.setProperty("saveWindowPref", True ) win.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) #----------------------------------------------------------------------
Example #7
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def downloadUpdate(self, url, ext, *args): """ Download file from given url adrees and ask user to choose folder and file name to save """ extFilter = "*."+ext downloadFolder = cmds.fileDialog2(fileFilter=extFilter, dialogStyle=2) if downloadFolder: cmds.progressWindow(title='Download Update', progress=50, status='Downloading...', isInterruptable=False) try: urllib.urlretrieve(url, downloadFolder[0])'i094_downloadUpdate', 'i096_downloaded', downloadFolder[0]+'\n\n'+self.langDic[self.langName]['i018_thanks'], 'center', 205, 270) # closes dpUpdateWindow: if cmds.window('dpUpdateWindow', query=True, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI('dpUpdateWindow', window=True) except:'i094_downloadUpdate', 'e009_failDownloadUpdate', downloadFolder[0]+'\n\n'+self.langDic[self.langName]['i097_sorry'], 'center', 205, 270) cmds.progressWindow(endProgress=True)
Example #8
Source File: From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def dpIkFkSnapUI(self, *args): """ Show a little window with buttons to change from Ik to Fk or from Fk to Ik snapping. """ # creating ikFkSnap Window: if cmds.window('dpIkFkSnapWindow', query=True, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI('dpIkFkSnapWindow', window=True) ikFkSnap_winWidth = 205 ikFkSnap_winHeight = 50 dpIkFkSnapWin = cmds.window('dpIkFkSnapWindow', title='IkFkSnap '+DPIKFK_VERSION, iconName='dpIkFkSnap', widthHeight=(ikFkSnap_winWidth, ikFkSnap_winHeight), menuBar=False, sizeable=True, minimizeButton=True, maximizeButton=False, menuBarVisible=False, titleBar=True) # creating layout: ikFkSnapLayout = cmds.columnLayout('ikFkSnapLayout', adjustableColumn=True, parent=dpIkFkSnapWin) # creating buttons: cmds.button('ikToFkSnap_BT', label="Ik --> Fk", backgroundColor=(0.8, 0.8, 1.0), command=self.IkToFkSnap, parent=ikFkSnapLayout) cmds.button('fkToIkSnap_BT', label="Fk --> Ik", backgroundColor=(1.0, 0.8, 0.8), command=self.FkToIkSnap, parent=ikFkSnapLayout) # call colorIndex Window: cmds.showWindow(dpIkFkSnapWin)
Example #9
Source File: From dpa-pipe with MIT License | 6 votes |
def runPB(quality, sequence, autoReview): #Get the file unix path of the maya file filePath = cmds.file(q=True, sceneName=True) #Parse the unix path and convert it into a dpa fspattern if quality < 50: print "Lower than 50 percent quality may result in very poor imaging..." cmds.deleteUI("PBQuality") return print "Percentage chosen: " + str(quality) print "From Sequence: " + str(sequence) print "AutoSubmit: " + str(autoReview) #Attempts to create a playblast of the current maya scene success = playblaster(quality, sequence, autoReview) if success: print "Successfully generated playblast :)" else: print "Failed to generate playblast :("
Example #10
Source File: From PythonForMayaSamples with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def close(self, *args): cmds.deleteUI(self.windowName) # For our tweener UI, we inherit from our BaseWindow # Just like our BaseWindow inherits from the Python object, our TweenerWindow inherits from BaseWindow # This means that it will get all the attributes and methods that the Base Window has
Example #11
Source File: From pyblish-maya with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def remove_from_filemenu(): for item in ("pyblishOpeningDivider", "pyblishScene", "pyblishCloseDivider"): if cmds.menuItem(item, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(item, menuItem=True)
Example #12
Source File: From P4VFX with MIT License | 5 votes |
def closeWindow(ui): cmds.deleteUI(ui)
Example #13
Source File: From P4VFX with MIT License | 5 votes |
def closeWindow(ui): cmds.deleteUI(ui)
Example #14
Source File: From ssds with MIT License | 5 votes |
def deleteUI(): try: cmds.deleteUI('SSDS', menuItem = True) except: pass try: itemArray ='MukaiLab', query = True, itemArray = True) if itemArray == None: cmds.deleteUI('MukaiLab') except: pass
Example #15
Source File: From ssds with MIT License | 5 votes |
def uninitializePlugin(plugin): fnPlugin = om.MFnPlugin(plugin) try: deleteUI() except: raise
Example #16
Source File: From mGui with MIT License | 5 votes |
def delete(cls, instance): cmds.deleteUI(instance.widget)
Example #17
Source File: From mGui with MIT License | 5 votes |
def dismiss(self, *args, **kwargs): self.hide() cmds.deleteUI(self)
Example #18
Source File: From mGui with MIT License | 5 votes |
def basic_list_binding(): ''' Illustrates the basics of binding to a list. The collection 'bound' contains some strings, and we bind it to the VerticalList 'list_view'. Adding items to the collection automatically redraws the list with the new items. In this case they are drawn with buttons, but lists allow you to customize the appearance of items extensively. This example also illustrates how to use closures to capture inter-object references, and how to keep callback functions alive without creating a full class. ''' with gui.BindingWindow(title='example window', menuBar=True) as test_window: bound = ViewCollection('pPlane1', 'pCube2') with forms.VerticalThreePane() as main: header = gui.Text(label="List classes make it easy to manage collections") list_view = lists.VerticalList(synchronous=True) bound > bind() > list_view.collection with forms.HorizontalStretchForm() as buttons: more = gui.Button(label='Add another') close = gui.Button(label='close') # use closures to capture the UI names without a full class def close_window(*_, **__): cmds.deleteUI(test_window) def show_more(*_, **__): r = random.choice(("pPlane", "pCube", "pSphere")) + str(random.randint(2, 20)) bound.append(r) # bind the functions to the handlers close.command += close_window, test_window more.command += show_more, test_window return test_window
Example #19
Source File: From PythonForMayaSamples with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def show(self): # First we check if a window of this name already exists. # This prevents us having many tweener windows when we just want one if cmds.window(self.windowName, query=True, exists=True): # If another window of the same name exists, we close it by deleting it cmds.deleteUI(self.windowName) # Now we create a window using our name cmds.window(self.windowName) # Now we call our buildUI method to build out the insides of the UI self.buildUI() # Finally we must actually show the window cmds.showWindow()
Example #20
Source File: From PythonForMayaSamples with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def close(self, *args): # This will delete our UI, thereby closing it cmds.deleteUI(self.windowName)
Example #21
Source File: From MayaDev with MIT License | 5 votes |
def removeMenu(menuName=kPluginCmdName): """remove menu when plugin unload""" if, q=True, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(menuName, menu=True)
Example #22
Source File: From pyblish-maya with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _add_to_filemenu(): """Helper function for the above :func:add_to_filemenu() This function is serialised into a string and passed on to evalDeferred above. """ import os import pyblish from maya import cmds # This must be duplicated here, due to this function # not being available through the above `evalDeferred` for item in ("pyblishOpeningDivider", "pyblishScene", "pyblishCloseDivider"): if cmds.menuItem(item, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(item, menuItem=True) icon = os.path.dirname(pyblish.__file__) icon = os.path.join(icon, "icons", "logo-32x32.svg") cmds.menuItem("pyblishOpeningDivider", divider=True, insertAfter="saveAsOptions", parent="mainFileMenu") cmds.menuItem("pyblishScene", insertAfter="pyblishOpeningDivider", label="Publish", parent="mainFileMenu", image=icon, command="import pyblish_maya;") cmds.menuItem("pyblishCloseDivider", insertAfter="pyblishScene", parent="mainFileMenu", divider=True)
Example #23
Source File: From pyblish-maya with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def dock(window): main_window = None for obj in QtWidgets.qApp.topLevelWidgets(): if obj.objectName() == "MayaWindow": main_window = obj if not main_window: raise ValueError("Could not find the main Maya window.") # Deleting existing dock print "Deleting existing dock..." if self._dock: self._dock.setParent(None) self._dock.deleteLater() if self._dock_control: if cmds.dockControl(self._dock_control, query=True, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(self._dock_control) # Creating new dock print "Creating new dock..." dock = Dock(parent=main_window) dock_control = cmds.dockControl(label=window.windowTitle(), area="right", visible=True, content=dock.objectName(), allowedArea=["right", "left"]) dock.layout().addWidget(window) self._dock = dock self._dock_control = dock_control
Example #24
Source File: From SiShelf with MIT License | 5 votes |
def script_execute(code, source_type): ''' maya内でスクリプトを実行する :param code: string :param source_type: 'mel' or 'python' :return: ''' window = cmds.window() cmds.columnLayout() cmds.cmdScrollFieldExecuter(t=code, opc=1, sln=1, exa=1, sourceType=source_type) cmds.deleteUI(window) # 実行関数を文字列から動的生成用文字列
Example #25
Source File: From cmt with MIT License | 5 votes |
def about(): """Displays the CMT About dialog.""" name = "cmt_about" if cmds.window(name, exists=True): cmds.deleteUI(name, window=True) if cmds.windowPref(name, exists=True): cmds.windowPref(name, remove=True) window = cmds.window( name, title="About CMT", widthHeight=(600, 500), sizeable=False ) form = cmds.formLayout(nd=100) text = cmds.scrollField(editable=False, wordWrap=True, text=cmt.__doc__.strip()) button = cmds.button( label="Documentation", command="import;" ) margin = 8 cmds.formLayout( form, e=True, attachForm=( (text, "top", margin), (text, "right", margin), (text, "left", margin), (text, "bottom", 40), (button, "right", margin), (button, "left", margin), (button, "bottom", margin), ), attachControl=((button, "top", 2, text)), ) cmds.showWindow(window)
Example #26
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def editPivotDriver(self, driver): self.pivotDriver = driver #get driver range node,attr = driver.split('.',1) value = mc.getAttr(driver) minValue = mc.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, minimum=True)[0] maxValue = mc.attributeQuery(attr, node=node, maximum=True)[0] #create a ui with a slider self.pivotDriverWindow = 'ml_pivot_editPivotDriverUI' if mc.window(self.pivotDriverWindow, exists=True): mc.deleteUI(self.pivotDriverWindow) window = mc.window(self.pivotDriverWindow, width=1, height=1) mc.columnLayout() self.floatSlider = mc.floatSliderButtonGrp(label=attr, field=True, value=value, buttonLabel='Bake', minValue=minValue, maxValue=maxValue, buttonCommand=self.doEditPivotDriver ) mc.showWindow( window ) mc.window(self.pivotDriverWindow, edit=True, width=1, height=1)
Example #27
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def doEditPivotDriver(self, *args): newValue = mc.floatSliderButtonGrp(self.floatSlider, query=True, value=True) try: mc.deleteUI(self.pivotDriverWindow) except: pass currentValue = mc.getAttr(self.pivotDriver) if newValue == currentValue: return oldRP = mc.getAttr(self.node+'.rotatePivot')[0] mc.setAttr(self.pivotDriver, newValue) newRP = mc.getAttr(self.node+'.rotatePivot')[0] mc.setAttr(self.pivotDriver, currentValue) parentPosition = offsetPosition = offsetPosition = mc.parent(offsetPosition, parentPosition)[0] mc.setAttr(offsetPosition+'.translate', newRP[0]-oldRP[0], newRP[1]-oldRP[1], newRP[2]-oldRP[2]) mc.delete(mc.parentConstraint(self.node, parentPosition)) utl.matchBake(source=[self.node], destination=[parentPosition], bakeOnOnes=True, maintainOffset=False, preserveTangentWeight=False) mc.cutKey(self.pivotDriver) mc.setAttr(self.pivotDriver, newValue) mc.refresh() utl.matchBake(source=[offsetPosition], destination=[self.node], bakeOnOnes=True, maintainOffset=False, preserveTangentWeight=False, rotate=False) mc.delete(parentPosition)
Example #28
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def refreshShelfLayout(self, *args): '''Delete and the shelf buttons and remake them ''' shelfButtons = mc.shelfLayout(self.shelfLayout, query=True, childArray=True) if shelfButtons: for child in shelfButtons: mc.deleteUI(child) mc.setParent(self.shelfLayout) for each in os.listdir(REPOSITORY_PATH): if each.endswith('.ctrl'): name = os.path.splitext(each)[0] icon = None imageFile = os.path.join(REPOSITORY_PATH,name+'.png') if os.path.isfile(imageFile): icon = imageFile filename = os.path.join(REPOSITORY_PATH,each) button = mc.shelfButton(command=partial(importControl, name), image=icon, width=70, height=70, imageOverlayLabel=name.replace('_',' ').replace(' ',' '), annotation=name) menus = mc.shelfButton(button, query=True, popupMenuArray=True) if menus: for menu in menus: mc.deleteUI(menu) #mc.popupMenu() #mc.menuItem('delete', command=partial(self.deleteShelfButton, name))
Example #29
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def buildWindow(self): ''' Initialize the UI ''' if mc.window(, exists=True): mc.deleteUI( mc.window(, title='ml :: '+self.title, iconName=self.title, width=self.width, height=self.height, if self.createMenu() self.form = mc.formLayout() self.column = mc.columnLayout(adj=True) mc.rowLayout( numberOfColumns=2, columnWidth2=(34, self.width-34), adjustableColumn=2, columnAlign2=('right','left'), columnAttach=[(1, 'both', 0), (2, 'both', 8)] ) #if we can find an icon, use that, otherwise do the text version if self.icon: mc.iconTextStaticLabel(style='iconOnly', image1=self.icon) else: mc.text(label=' _ _ |\n| | | |') if not mc.popupMenu(button=1) mc.menuItem(label='Help', command=(_showHelpCommand('/'))) mc.text( mc.setParent('..') mc.separator(height=8, style='single', horizontal=True)
Example #30
Source File: From maya-keyframe-reduction with MIT License | 5 votes |
def shelf(): """ Add a new shelf in Maya with the tools that is provided in the SHELF_TOOL variable. If the tab exists it will be checked to see if the button is already added. If this is the case the previous button will be deleted and a new one will be created in its place. """ # get top shelf gShelfTopLevel = mel.eval("$tmpVar=$gShelfTopLevel") # get top shelf names shelves = cmds.tabLayout(gShelfTopLevel, query=1, ca=1) # create shelf if SHELF_NAME not in shelves: cmds.shelfLayout(SHELF_NAME, parent=gShelfTopLevel) # get existing members names = cmds.shelfLayout(SHELF_NAME, query=True, childArray=True) or [] labels = [cmds.shelfButton(n, query=True, label=True) for n in names] # delete existing button if SHELF_TOOL.get("label") in labels: index = labels.index(SHELF_TOOL.get("label")) cmds.deleteUI(names[index]) # add button cmds.shelfButton(style="iconOnly", parent=SHELF_NAME, **SHELF_TOOL)