Python maya.cmds.refresh() Examples
The following are 10
code examples of maya.cmds.refresh().
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Example #1
Source File: From core with MIT License | 5 votes |
def suspended_refresh(): """Suspend viewport refreshes""" try: cmds.refresh(suspend=True) yield finally: cmds.refresh(suspend=False)
Example #2
Source File: From spore with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self): # cmds.waitCursor(status=1) cmds.progressBar(self._progress_bar, e=1, bp=1, ii=self._interruptable, status=self._status, min=self._start, max=self._end ) cmds.refresh()
Example #3
Source File: From P4VFX with MIT License | 5 votes |
def refresh(): cmds.refresh()
Example #4
Source File: From P4VFX with MIT License | 5 votes |
def refresh(): cmds.refresh()
Example #5
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def doEditPivotDriver(self, *args): newValue = mc.floatSliderButtonGrp(self.floatSlider, query=True, value=True) try: mc.deleteUI(self.pivotDriverWindow) except: pass currentValue = mc.getAttr(self.pivotDriver) if newValue == currentValue: return oldRP = mc.getAttr(self.node+'.rotatePivot')[0] mc.setAttr(self.pivotDriver, newValue) newRP = mc.getAttr(self.node+'.rotatePivot')[0] mc.setAttr(self.pivotDriver, currentValue) parentPosition = offsetPosition = offsetPosition = mc.parent(offsetPosition, parentPosition)[0] mc.setAttr(offsetPosition+'.translate', newRP[0]-oldRP[0], newRP[1]-oldRP[1], newRP[2]-oldRP[2]) mc.delete(mc.parentConstraint(self.node, parentPosition)) utl.matchBake(source=[self.node], destination=[parentPosition], bakeOnOnes=True, maintainOffset=False, preserveTangentWeight=False) mc.cutKey(self.pivotDriver) mc.setAttr(self.pivotDriver, newValue) mc.refresh() utl.matchBake(source=[offsetPosition], destination=[self.node], bakeOnOnes=True, maintainOffset=False, preserveTangentWeight=False, rotate=False) mc.delete(parentPosition)
Example #6
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def drag(self, *args): ''' This is what is actually run during the drag, updating the coordinates and calling the placeholder drag functions depending on which button is pressed. ''' self.dragPoint = mc.draggerContext(self.draggerContext, query=True, dragPoint=True) #if this doesn't work, try getmodifier self.modifier = mc.draggerContext(self.draggerContext, query=True, modifier=True) self.x = ((self.dragPoint[0] - self.anchorPoint[0]) * self.multiplier) + self.defaultValue self.y = ((self.dragPoint[1] - self.anchorPoint[1]) * self.multiplier) + self.defaultValue if self.minValue is not None and self.x < self.minValue: self.x = self.minValue if self.maxValue is not None and self.x > self.maxValue: self.x = self.maxValue #dragString if self.modifier == 'control': if self.button == 1: self.dragControlLeft(*args) elif self.button == 2: self.dragControlMiddle(*args) elif self.modifier == 'shift': if self.button == 1: self.dragShiftLeft(*args) elif self.button == 2: self.dragShiftMiddle(*args) else: if self.button == 1: self.dragLeft() elif self.button == 2: self.dragMiddle() mc.refresh()
Example #7
Source File: From pyblish-bumpybox with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _independent_panel(width, height, off_screen=False): """Create capture-window context without decorations Arguments: width (int): Width of panel height (int): Height of panel Example: >>> with _independent_panel(800, 600): ... cmds.capture() """ # center panel on screen screen_width, screen_height = _get_screen_size() topLeft = [int((screen_height-height)/2.0), int((screen_width-width)/2.0)] window = cmds.window(width=width, height=height, topLeftCorner=topLeft, menuBarVisible=False, titleBar=False, visible=not off_screen) cmds.paneLayout() panel = cmds.modelPanel(menuBarVisible=False, label='CapturePanel') # Hide icons under panel menus bar_layout = cmds.modelPanel(panel, q=True, barLayout=True) cmds.frameLayout(bar_layout, edit=True, collapse=True) if not off_screen: cmds.showWindow(window) # Set the modelEditor of the modelPanel as the active view so it takes # the playback focus. Does seem redundant with the `refresh` added in. editor = cmds.modelPanel(panel, query=True, modelEditor=True) cmds.modelEditor(editor, edit=True, activeView=True) # Force a draw refresh of Maya so it keeps focus on the new panel # This focus is required to force preview playback in the independent panel cmds.refresh(force=True) try: yield panel finally: # Delete the panel to fix memory leak (about 5 mb per capture) cmds.deleteUI(panel, panel=True) cmds.deleteUI(window)
Example #8
Source File: From maya-capture with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _independent_panel(width, height, off_screen=False): """Create capture-window context without decorations Arguments: width (int): Width of panel height (int): Height of panel Example: >>> with _independent_panel(800, 600): ... cmds.capture() """ # center panel on screen screen_width, screen_height = _get_screen_size() topLeft = [int((screen_height-height)/2.0), int((screen_width-width)/2.0)] window = cmds.window(width=width, height=height, topLeftCorner=topLeft, menuBarVisible=False, titleBar=False, visible=not off_screen) cmds.paneLayout() panel = cmds.modelPanel(menuBarVisible=False, label='CapturePanel') # Hide icons under panel menus bar_layout = cmds.modelPanel(panel, q=True, barLayout=True) cmds.frameLayout(bar_layout, edit=True, collapse=True) if not off_screen: cmds.showWindow(window) # Set the modelEditor of the modelPanel as the active view so it takes # the playback focus. Does seem redundant with the `refresh` added in. editor = cmds.modelPanel(panel, query=True, modelEditor=True) cmds.modelEditor(editor, edit=True, activeView=True) # Force a draw refresh of Maya so it keeps focus on the new panel # This focus is required to force preview playback in the independent panel cmds.refresh(force=True) try: yield panel finally: # Delete the panel to fix memory leak (about 5 mb per capture) cmds.deleteUI(panel, panel=True) cmds.deleteUI(window)
Example #9
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 4 votes |
def reset_pivot(*args): sel = if not sel: om.MGlobal.displayWarning('Nothing selected.') return if len(sel) > 1: om.MGlobal.displayWarning('Only works on one node at a time.') return node = sel[0] driver = None driver_value = None driver_default = None if is_pivot_connected(node): driver = pivot_driver_attr(node) if driver: dNode,dAttr = driver.split('.',1) driver_value = mc.getAttr(driver) driver_default = mc.attributeQuery(dAttr, node=dNode, listDefault=True)[0] if driver_default == driver_value: return else: om.MGlobal.displayWarning('Pivot attribute is connected, unable to edit.') return if not driver: pivotPosition = mc.getAttr(node+'.rotatePivot')[0] if pivotPosition == (0.0,0.0,0.0): return tempPosition = tempPivot = tempPivot = mc.parent(tempPivot, node)[0] if driver: mc.setAttr(driver, driver_default) newRP = mc.getAttr(node+'.rotatePivot')[0] mc.setAttr(driver, driver_value) mc.setAttr(tempPivot+'.translate', *newRP) else: mc.setAttr(tempPivot+'.translate', 0,0,0) mc.setAttr(tempPivot+'.rotate', 0,0,0) utl.matchBake(source=[tempPivot], destination=[tempPosition], bakeOnOnes=True, maintainOffset=False, preserveTangentWeight=False, rotate=False) if driver: mc.setAttr(driver, driver_default) else: mc.setAttr(node+'.rotatePivot', 0,0,0) mc.refresh() utl.matchBake(source=[tempPosition], destination=[node], bakeOnOnes=True, maintainOffset=False, preserveTangentWeight=False, rotate=False) mc.delete(tempPosition,tempPivot)
Example #10
Source File: From ml_tools with MIT License | 4 votes |
def createCenterOfMass(*args): ''' Create a center of mass node, and constrain it to the character based on the selected root node. ''' sel = if not len(sel) == 1: raise RuntimeError('Please select the root control of your puppet.') print 'Create Center Of Mass Node' print '--------------------------' meshes = meshesFromReference(sel[0]) or meshesFromHistory(sel[0]) if not meshes: raise RuntimeError('Could not determine geometry from selected control. Make sure geo is visible.') mc.refresh() print 'Discovered Meshes:' for mesh in meshes: print '\t',mesh skinnedMeshes = [] for mesh in meshes: if utl.getSkinCluster(mesh): skinnedMeshes.append(mesh) continue hist = mc.listHistory(mesh, breadthFirst=True) skins =, type='skinCluster') if not skins: warnings.warn('Could not find a skinned mesh affecting {}'.format(mesh)) continue outGeo = mc.listConnections(skins[0]+'.outputGeometry[0]', source=False) outGeo =, type=['mesh','transform']) if not outGeo: warnings.warn('Could not find a skinned mesh affecting {}'.format(mesh)) continue skinnedMeshes.append(outGeo[0]) if not skinnedMeshes: raise RuntimeError('Could not determine skinned geometry from selected control. This tool will only work if geo is skinned.') locator = centerOfMassLocator(skinnedMeshes) mc.addAttr(locator, longName=COM_ATTR, attributeType='message') mc.connectAttr('.'.join((sel[0],'message')), '.'.join((locator,COM_ATTR))) return locator