Python rasterio.transform() Examples
The following are 22
code examples of rasterio.transform().
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Example #1
Source File: From eo-learn with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _reproject(self, eopatch, src_raster): """ Reprojects the raster data from Geopedia's CRS (POP_WEB) to EOPatch's CRS. """ height, width = src_raster.shape dst_raster = np.ones((height, width), dtype=self.raster_dtype) src_bbox = eopatch.bbox.transform(CRS.POP_WEB) src_transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(*src_bbox, width=width, height=height) dst_bbox = eopatch.bbox dst_transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(*dst_bbox, width=width, height=height) rasterio.warp.reproject(src_raster, dst_raster, src_transform=src_transform, src_crs={'init': CRS.ogc_string(CRS.POP_WEB)}, src_nodata=0, dst_transform=dst_transform, dst_crs={'init': CRS.ogc_string(}, dst_nodata=self.no_data_val) return dst_raster
Example #2
Source File: From mapchete with MIT License | 6 votes |
def bounds_to_ranges(out_bounds=None, in_affine=None, in_shape=None): """ Return bounds range values from geolocated input. Parameters ---------- out_bounds : tuple left, bottom, right, top in_affine : Affine input geolocation in_shape : tuple input shape Returns ------- minrow, maxrow, mincol, maxcol """ return itertools.chain( *from_bounds( *out_bounds, transform=in_affine, height=in_shape[-2], width=in_shape[-1] ).round_lengths(pixel_precision=0).round_offsets(pixel_precision=0).toranges() )
Example #3
Source File: From mapchete with MIT License | 6 votes |
def __init__( self, in_tile=None, in_data=None, out_profile=None, out_tile=None, tags=None ): """Prepare data & profile.""" out_tile = out_tile or in_tile validate_write_window_params(in_tile, out_tile, in_data, out_profile) = extract_from_array( in_raster=in_data, in_affine=in_tile.affine, out_tile=out_tile ) # use transform instead of affine if "affine" in out_profile: out_profile["transform"] = out_profile.pop("affine") self.profile = out_profile self.tags = tags
Example #4
Source File: From gridfinder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def thin(guess_in): """ Use scikit-image skeletonize to 'thin' the guess raster. Parameters ---------- guess_in : path-like or 2D array Output from threshold(). Returns ------- guess_skel : numpy array Thinned version. affine : Affine Only if path-like supplied. """ if isinstance(guess_in, (str, Path)): guess_rd = guess_arr = affine = guess_rd.transform guess_skel = skeletonize(guess_arr) guess_skel = guess_skel.astype("int32") return guess_skel, affine elif isinstance(guess_in, np.ndarray): guess_skel = skeletonize(guess_in) guess_skel = guess_skel.astype("int32") return guess_skel else: raise ValueError
Example #5
Source File: From eo-learn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _get_wms_request(self, bbox, size_x, size_y): """ Returns WMS request. """ bbox_3857 = bbox.transform(CRS.POP_WEB) return GeopediaWmsRequest(layer=self.layer, theme=self.theme, bbox=bbox_3857, width=size_x, height=size_y, image_format=self.image_format, custom_url_params={CustomUrlParam.TRANSPARENT: True})
Example #6
Source File: From eo-learn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def execute(self, eopatch): """ Execute function which adds new vector layer to the EOPatch :param eopatch: input EOPatch :type eopatch: EOPatch :return: New EOPatch with added vector layer :rtype: EOPatch """ for raster_ft, raster_fn, vector_fn in self.feature_gen(eopatch): vector_ft = FeatureType.VECTOR_TIMELESS if raster_ft.is_timeless() else FeatureType.VECTOR raster = eopatch[raster_ft][raster_fn] height, width = raster.shape[:2] if raster_ft.is_timeless() else raster.shape[1: 3] if self.raster_dtype: raster = raster.astype(self.raster_dtype) affine_transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(*eopatch.bbox, width=width, height=height) crs = if raster_ft.is_timeless(): eopatch[vector_ft][vector_fn] = self._vectorize_single_raster(raster, affine_transform, crs) else: gpd_list = [self._vectorize_single_raster(raster[time_idx, ...], affine_transform, crs, timestamp=eopatch.timestamp[time_idx]) for time_idx in range(raster.shape[0])] eopatch[vector_ft][vector_fn] = GeoDataFrame(pd.concat(gpd_list, ignore_index=True), crs=gpd_list[0].crs) return eopatch
Example #7
Source File: From eo-learn with MIT License | 5 votes |
def execute(self, eopatch): """ Execute method :param eopatch: input EOPatch :type eopatch: EOPatch :return: New EOPatch with vector data transformed into a raster feature :rtype: EOPatch """ if eopatch.bbox is None: raise ValueError('EOPatch has to have a bounding box') height, width = self._get_raster_shape(eopatch) group_classes = self.overlap_value is not None rasterization_shapes = self._get_rasterization_shapes(eopatch, group_classes=group_classes) if not rasterization_shapes: eopatch[self.raster_feature] = np.full((height, width, 1), self.no_data_value, dtype=self.raster_dtype) return eopatch affine_transform = rasterio.transform.from_bounds(*eopatch.bbox, width=width, height=height) rasterize_args = dict(self.rasterio_params, transform=affine_transform, dtype=self.raster_dtype) raster = self._get_raster(eopatch, height, width) rasterize_func = rasterio.features.rasterize if self.overlap_value is None else self.rasterize_overlapped rasterize_func(rasterization_shapes, out=raster, **rasterize_args) eopatch[self.raster_feature] = raster[..., np.newaxis] return eopatch
Example #8
Source File: From rio-pansharpen with MIT License | 5 votes |
def pansharpen(vis, vis_transform, pan, pan_transform, pan_dtype, r_crs, dst_crs, weight, method="Brovey", src_nodata=0): """Pansharpen a lower-resolution visual band Parameters ========= vis: ndarray, 3D with shape == (3, vh, vw) Visual band array with RGB bands vis_transform: Affine affine transform defining the georeferencing of the vis array pan: ndarray, 2D with shape == (ph, pw) Panchromatic band array pan_transform: Affine affine transform defining the georeferencing of the pan array method: string Algorithm for pansharpening; default Brovey Returns: ====== pansharp: ndarray, 3D with shape == (3, ph, pw) pansharpened visual band affine transform is identical to `pan_transform` """ rgb = _upsample(_create_apply_mask(vis), pan.shape, vis_transform, r_crs, pan_transform, dst_crs) # Main Pansharpening Processing if method == "Brovey": pansharp, _ = Brovey(rgb, pan, weight, pan_dtype) # TODO: add other methods return pansharp
Example #9
Source File: From pyfor with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, array, grid): from rasterio.transform import from_origin self.grid = grid self.cell_size = self.grid.cell_size self.array = array self._affine = from_origin([0],[1], self.grid.cell_size, self.grid.cell_size, )
Example #10
Source File: From pyfor with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, path, cloud): import rasterio self.in_raster = # Check cell size cell_size_x, cell_size_y = ( self.in_raster.transform[0], abs(self.in_raster.transform[4]), ) if cell_size_x != cell_size_y: print("Cell sizes not equal of input raster, not supported.") raise ValueError else: cell_size = cell_size_x = cloud self.cell_size = cell_size min_x, max_x = self.in_raster.bounds[0], self.in_raster.bounds[2] min_y, max_y = self.in_raster.bounds[1], self.in_raster.bounds[3] self.m = self.in_raster.height self.n = self.in_raster.width # Create bins bins_x = np.searchsorted( np.linspace(min_x, max_x, self.n),["x"] ) bins_y = np.searchsorted( np.linspace(min_y, max_y, self.m),["y"] )["bins_x"] = bins_x["bins_y"] = bins_y self.cells =["bins_x", "bins_y"])
Example #11
Source File: From aerial_mtl with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def save_merged_rasters(self, datatype, fileroot=None): import rasterio from rasterio.merge import merge from rasterio.plot import show from os.path import join import argparse import glob if fileroot == None: fileroot = datatype root = '{}/{}/{}*.tif'.format(self.save_samples_path, datatype, fileroot) filename = '{}/{}/merged_{}.tif'.format(self.save_samples_path, datatype, fileroot) files = glob.glob(join(root)) mosaic_rasters = [ for file in files] mosaic, out_transform = merge(mosaic_rasters) meta = ([0])).meta meta.update({"driver": "GTiff", "height": mosaic.shape[1], "width": mosaic.shape[2], "transform": out_transform}) with, "w", **meta) as dest: dest.write(mosaic) filename = '{}/{}/{}_merged.png'.format(self.save_samples_path, datatype, datatype) self.save_raster_png(mosaic, filename) if 'output' in filename or 'target' in filename: self.save_height_colormap(filename, mosaic)
Example #12
Source File: From aerial_mtl with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def save_merged_rasters(self, datatype, fileroot=None): import rasterio from rasterio.merge import merge from rasterio.plot import show from os.path import join import argparse import glob if fileroot == None: fileroot = datatype root = '{}/{}/{}*.tif'.format(self.save_samples_path, datatype, fileroot) filename = '{}/{}/merged_{}.tif'.format(self.save_samples_path, datatype, fileroot) files = glob.glob(join(root)) mosaic_rasters = [ for file in files] mosaic, out_transform = merge(mosaic_rasters) meta = ([0])).meta meta.update({"driver": "GTif", "height": mosaic.shape[1], "width": mosaic.shape[2], "transform": out_transform}) with, "w", **meta) as dest: dest.write(mosaic) filename = '{}/{}/{}_merged.png'.format(self.save_samples_path, datatype, datatype) self.save_raster_png(mosaic, filename)
Example #13
Source File: From Pyspatialml with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_alignment(layers): """Check that a list of raster datasets are aligned with the same pixel dimensions and geotransforms. Parameters ---------- layers : list List of pyspatialml.RasterLayer objects. Returns ------- dict or False Dict of metadata if all layers are spatially aligned, otherwise returns False. """ src_meta = [] for layer in layers: src_meta.append(layer.ds.meta.copy()) if not all(i["crs"] == src_meta[0]["crs"] for i in src_meta): Warning( "crs of all rasters does not match, " "possible unintended consequences" ) if not all( [ i["height"] == src_meta[0]["height"] or i["width"] == src_meta[0]["width"] or i["transform"] == src_meta[0]["transform"] for i in src_meta ] ): return False else: return src_meta[0]
Example #14
Source File: From rio-mucho with MIT License | 5 votes |
def run(self, processes=4): """TODO""" if processes == 1: self.pool = MockTub(init_worker, (self.inpaths, self.global_args)) else: self.pool = Pool(processes, init_worker, (self.inpaths, self.global_args)) self.options["transform"] = guard_transform(self.options["transform"]) if self.mode == "manual_read": reader_worker = manual_reader(self.run_function) elif self.mode == "array_read": reader_worker = array_reader(self.run_function) else: reader_worker = simple_reader(self.run_function) if isinstance(self.outpath_or_dataset, destination = self.outpath_or_dataset else: destination =, "w", **self.options) # Open an output file, work through the function in parallel, # and write out the data. with destination as dst: for data, window in self.pool.imap_unordered(reader_worker, dst.write(data, window=window) self.pool.close() self.pool.join()
Example #15
Source File: From gridfinder with MIT License | 5 votes |
def threshold(dists_in, cutoff=0.0): """Convert distance array into binary array of connected locations. Parameters ---------- dists_in : path-like or numpy array 2D array output from gridfinder algorithm. cutoff : float, optional (default 0.5.) Cutoff value below which consider the cells to be grid. Returns ------- guess : numpy array Binary representation of input array. affine: affine.Affine Affine transformation for raster. """ if isinstance(dists_in, (str, Path)): dists_rd = dists_r = affine = dists_rd.transform guess = dists_r.copy() guess[dists_r > cutoff] = 0 guess[dists_r <= cutoff] = 1 return guess, affine elif isinstance(dists_in, np.ndarray): guess = dists_in.copy() guess[dists_in > cutoff] = 0 guess[dists_in <= cutoff] = 1 return guess else: raise ValueError
Example #16
Source File: From rio-mbtiles with MIT License | 4 votes |
def process_tile(tile): """Process a single MBTiles tile Parameters ---------- tile : mercantile.Tile Returns ------- tile : mercantile.Tile The input tile. bytes : bytearray Image bytes corresponding to the tile. """ global base_kwds, resampling, src # Get the bounds of the tile. ulx, uly = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tile.x, tile.y, tile.z)) lrx, lry = mercantile.xy( *mercantile.ul(tile.x + 1, tile.y + 1, tile.z)) kwds = base_kwds.copy() kwds['transform'] = transform_from_bounds(ulx, lry, lrx, uly, kwds['width'], kwds['height']) src_nodata = kwds.pop('src_nodata', None) dst_nodata = kwds.pop('dst_nodata', None) warnings.simplefilter('ignore') with MemoryFile() as memfile: with**kwds) as tmp: # determine window of source raster corresponding to the tile # image, with small buffer at edges try: west, south, east, north = transform_bounds(TILES_CRS,, ulx, lry, lrx, uly) tile_window = window_from_bounds(west, south, east, north, transform=src.transform) adjusted_tile_window = Window( tile_window.col_off - 1, tile_window.row_off - 1, tile_window.width + 2, tile_window.height + 2) tile_window = adjusted_tile_window.round_offsets().round_shape() # if no data in window, skip processing the tile if not src.read_masks(1, window=tile_window).any(): return tile, None except ValueError:"Tile %r will not be skipped, even if empty. This is harmless.", tile) reproject(, tmp.indexes),, tmp.indexes), src_nodata=src_nodata, dst_nodata=dst_nodata, num_threads=1, resampling=resampling) return tile,
Example #17
Source File: From mapchete with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _rasterio_read( input_file=None, indexes=None, dst_bounds=None, dst_shape=None, dst_crs=None, resampling=None, src_nodata=None, dst_nodata=None, ): def _read( src, indexes, dst_bounds, dst_shape, dst_crs, resampling, src_nodata, dst_nodata ): height, width = dst_shape[-2:] if indexes is None: dst_shape = (len(src.indexes), height, width) indexes = list(src.indexes) src_nodata = src.nodata if src_nodata is None else src_nodata dst_nodata = src.nodata if dst_nodata is None else dst_nodata dst_left, dst_bottom, dst_right, dst_top = dst_bounds with WarpedVRT( src, crs=dst_crs, src_nodata=src_nodata, nodata=dst_nodata, width=width, height=height, transform=affine_from_bounds( dst_left, dst_bottom, dst_right, dst_top, width, height ), resampling=Resampling[resampling] ) as vrt: return window=vrt.window(*dst_bounds), out_shape=dst_shape, indexes=indexes, masked=True ) if isinstance(input_file, str): logger.debug("got file path %s", input_file) try: with, "r") as src: return _read( src, indexes, dst_bounds, dst_shape, dst_crs, resampling, src_nodata, dst_nodata ) except RasterioIOError as e: try: if path_exists(input_file): raise e except: raise e raise FileNotFoundError("%s not found" % input_file) else: logger.debug("assuming file object %s", input_file) return _read( input_file, indexes, dst_bounds, dst_shape, dst_crs, resampling, src_nodata, dst_nodata )
Example #18
Source File: From rio-color with MIT License | 4 votes |
def atmos( ctx, atmo, contrast, bias, jobs, out_dtype, src_path, dst_path, creation_options, as_color, ): """Atmospheric correction """ if as_color: click.echo( "rio color {} {} {}".format( src_path, dst_path, simple_atmo_opstring(atmo, contrast, bias) ) ) exit(0) with as src: opts = src.profile.copy() windows = [(window, ij) for ij, window in src.block_windows()] opts.update(**creation_options) opts["transform"] = guard_transform(opts["transform"]) out_dtype = out_dtype if out_dtype else opts["dtype"] opts["dtype"] = out_dtype args = {"atmo": atmo, "contrast": contrast, "bias": bias, "out_dtype": out_dtype} jobs = check_jobs(jobs) if jobs > 1: with riomucho.RioMucho( [src_path], dst_path, atmos_worker, windows=windows, options=opts, global_args=args, mode="manual_read", ) as mucho: else: with, "w", **opts) as dest: with as src: rasters = [src] for window, ij in windows: arr = atmos_worker(rasters, window, ij, args) dest.write(arr, window=window)
Example #19
Source File: From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def rasterio_to_gdir(gdir, input_file, output_file_name, resampling='cubic'): """Reprojects a file that rasterio can read into the glacier directory. Parameters ---------- gdir : :py:class:`oggm.GlacierDirectory` the glacier directory input_file : str path to the file to reproject output_file_name : str name of the output file (must be in cfg.BASENAMES) resampling : str nearest', 'bilinear', 'cubic', 'cubic_spline', or one of """ output_file = gdir.get_filepath(output_file_name) assert '.tif' in output_file, 'output_file should end with .tif' if not gdir.has_file('dem'): raise InvalidWorkflowError('Need a dem.tif file to reproject to') with as src: kwargs = src.meta.copy() data = with'dem')) as tpl: kwargs.update({ 'crs':, 'transform': tpl.transform, 'width': tpl.width, 'height': tpl.height }) with, 'w', **kwargs) as dst: for i in range(1, src.count + 1): dest = np.zeros(shape=(tpl.height, tpl.width), dtype=data.dtype) reproject(, i), destination=dest, src_transform=src.transform,, dst_transform=tpl.transform,, resampling=getattr(Resampling, resampling) ) dst.write(dest, indexes=i)
Example #20
Source File: From oggm with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _polygon_to_pix(polygon): """Transforms polygon coordinates to integer pixel coordinates. It makes the geometry easier to handle and reduces the number of points. Parameters ---------- polygon: the shapely.geometry.Polygon instance to transform. Returns ------- a shapely.geometry.Polygon class instance. """ def project(x, y): return np.rint(x).astype(np.int64), np.rint(y).astype(np.int64) poly_pix = shapely.ops.transform(project, polygon) # simple trick to correct invalid polys: tmp = poly_pix.buffer(0) # sometimes the glacier gets cut out in parts if tmp.type == 'MultiPolygon': # If only small arms are cut out, remove them area = np.array([_tmp.area for _tmp in tmp]) _tokeep = np.argmax(area).item() tmp = tmp[_tokeep] # check that the other parts really are small, # otherwise replace tmp with something better area = area / area[_tokeep] for _a in area: if _a != 1 and _a > 0.05: # these are extremely thin glaciers # eg. RGI40-11.01381 RGI40-11.01697 params.d1 = 5. and d2 = 8. # make them bigger until its ok for b in np.arange(0., 1., 0.01): tmp = shapely.ops.transform(project, polygon.buffer(b)) tmp = tmp.buffer(0) if tmp.type == 'MultiPolygon': continue if tmp.is_valid: break if b == 0.99: raise InvalidGeometryError('This glacier geometry is not ' 'valid.') if not tmp.is_valid: raise InvalidGeometryError('This glacier geometry is not valid.') return tmp
Example #21
Source File: From eo-learn with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _vectorize_single_raster(self, raster, affine_transform, crs, timestamp=None): """ Vectorizes a data slice of a single time component :param raster: Numpy array or shape (height, width, channels) :type raster: numpy.ndarray :param affine_transform: Object holding a transform vector (i.e. geographical location vector) of the raster :type affine_transform: affine.Affine :param crs: Coordinate reference system :type crs: sentinelhub.CRS :param timestamp: Time of the data slice :type timestamp: datetime.datetime :return: Vectorized data :rtype: geopandas.GeoDataFrame """ mask = None if self.values: mask = np.zeros(raster.shape, dtype=np.bool) for value in self.values: mask[raster == value] = True geo_list = [] value_list = [] for idx in range(raster.shape[-1]): for geojson, value in rasterio.features.shapes(raster[..., idx], mask=None if mask is None else mask[..., idx], transform=affine_transform, **self.rasterio_params): geo_list.append(shapely.geometry.shape(geojson)) value_list.append(value) series_dict = { self.values_column: pd.Series(value_list), 'geometry': GeoSeries(geo_list) } if timestamp is not None: series_dict['TIMESTAMP'] = pd.Series([timestamp] * len(geo_list)) vector_data = GeoDataFrame(series_dict, crs=crs.pyproj_crs()) if not vector_data.geometry.is_valid.all(): vector_data.geometry = vector_data.geometry.buffer(0) return vector_data
Example #22
Source File: From gridfinder with MIT License | 4 votes |
def accuracy(grid_in, guess_in, aoi_in, buffer_amount=0.01): """Measure accuracy against a specified grid 'truth' file. Parameters ---------- grid_in : str, Path Path to vector truth file. guess_in : str, Path Path to guess output from guess2geom. aoi_in : str, Path Path to AOI feature. buffer_amount : float, optional (default 0.01.) Leeway in decimal degrees in calculating equivalence. 0.01 DD equals approximately 1 mile at the equator. """ if isinstance(aoi_in, gpd.GeoDataFrame): aoi = aoi_in else: aoi = gpd.read_file(aoi_in) grid = gpd.read_file(grid_in) grid_clipped = clip_line_poly(grid, aoi) grid_buff = grid_clipped.buffer(buffer_amount) guesses_reader = guesses = grid_for_raster = [(row.geometry) for _, row in grid_clipped.iterrows()] grid_raster = rasterize( grid_for_raster, out_shape=guesses_reader.shape, fill=1, default_value=0, all_touched=True, transform=guesses_reader.transform, ) grid_buff_raster = rasterize( grid_buff, out_shape=guesses_reader.shape, fill=1, default_value=0, all_touched=True, transform=guesses_reader.transform, ) grid_raster = flip_arr_values(grid_raster) grid_buff_raster = flip_arr_values(grid_buff_raster) tp = true_positives(guesses, grid_buff_raster) fn = false_negatives(guesses, grid_raster) return tp, fn