Python ldap3.Connection() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of ldap3.Connection().
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Example #1
Source File: From coldfront with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, user_search_string, search_by): super().__init__(user_search_string, search_by) self.FREEIPA_SERVER = import_from_settings('FREEIPA_SERVER') self.FREEIPA_USER_SEARCH_BASE = import_from_settings('FREEIPA_USER_SEARCH_BASE', 'cn=users,cn=accounts') self.FREEIPA_KTNAME = import_from_settings('FREEIPA_KTNAME', '') self.server = Server('ldap://{}'.format(self.FREEIPA_SERVER), use_ssl=True, connect_timeout=1) if len(self.FREEIPA_KTNAME) > 0:'Kerberos bind enabled: %s', self.FREEIPA_KTNAME) # kerberos SASL/GSSAPI bind os.environ["KRB5_CLIENT_KTNAME"] = self.FREEIPA_KTNAME self.conn = Connection(self.server, authentication=SASL, sasl_mechanism=KERBEROS, auto_bind=True) else: # anonomous bind self.conn = Connection(self.server, auto_bind=True) if not self.conn.bind(): raise ImproperlyConfigured('Failed to bind to LDAP server: {}'.format(self.conn.result)) else:'LDAP bind successful: %s', self.conn.extend.standard.who_am_i())
Example #2
Source File: From passhport with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def try_ldap_login(login, password): """ Connect to a LDAP directory to verify user login/passwords""" result = "Wrong login/password" s = Server(config.LDAPURI, port=config.LDAPPORT, use_ssl=False, get_info=ALL) # 1. connection with service account to find the user uid uid = useruid(s, login) if uid: # 2. Try to bind the user to the LDAP c = Connection(s, user = uid , password = password, auto_bind = True) c.bind() result = c.result["description"] # "success" if bind is ok c.unbind() return result
Example #3
Source File: From krbrelayx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def initConnection(self, authdata, kdc=None): if not kdc: kdc = authdata['domain'] self.server = Server("ldap://%s:%s" % (self.targetHost, self.targetPort), get_info=ALL) self.session = Connection(self.server, user="a", password="b", authentication=SASL, sasl_mechanism=KERBEROS) ldap_kerberos(authdata['domain'], kdc, authdata['tgt'], authdata['username'], self.session, self.targetHost)
Example #4
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_add(self): """Tests add logic.""" admin_obj = admin.Admin(None, 'dc=test,dc=com') admin_obj.write_ldap = ldap3.Connection( ldap3.Server('fake'), client_strategy=ldap3.MOCK_SYNC ) admin_obj.add( 'ou=example,dc=test,dc=com', 'testClass', { 'foo': 1, 'bar': ['z', 'a'], 'lot': 2, 'exp': [3, 4] } ) call = admin_obj.write_ldap.add.call_args_list[0][0] self.assertEqual(call[0], 'ou=example,dc=test,dc=com') self.assertEqual(call[1], 'testClass') self.assertEqual( [attr for attr in six.iteritems(call[2])], [('bar', ['z', 'a']), ('exp', [3, 4]), ('foo', 1), ('lot', 2)] )
Example #5
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _connect_to_uri(self, uri): """Create an LDAP connection to the given URI.""" try: server = ldap3.Server( uri, mode=ldap3.IP_V4_ONLY, connect_timeout=self._connect_timeout, ) if self.user and self.password: ldap_auth = { 'user': self.user, 'password': self.password } else: ldap_auth = { 'authentication': ldap3.SASL, 'sasl_mechanism': 'GSSAPI', 'sasl_credentials': (True,) } return ldap3.Connection( server, client_strategy=ldap3.RESTARTABLE, auto_bind=True, auto_encode=True, auto_escape=True, return_empty_attributes=False, **ldap_auth ) except (ldap_exceptions.LDAPSocketOpenError, ldap_exceptions.LDAPBindError, ldap_exceptions.LDAPMaximumRetriesError): _LOGGER.debug('Failed to connect to %s', uri, exc_info=True) return None
Example #6
Source File: From CVE-2019-1040 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def initConnection(self): self.server = Server("ldaps://%s:%s" % (self.targetHost, self.targetPort), get_info=ALL) self.session = Connection(self.server, user="a", password="b", authentication=NTLM) return True
Example #7
Source File: From CVE-2019-1040 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def establish_connection(self, user): domain = self.config['domain'] # First check if the server was specified explicitly if self.config['server']: server = self.config['server'] else: server = self.config['domain'] # if self.args.server: # server = self.args.server # # If not, check if the server was specified in the restore data # elif self.config['server']: # server = self.config['server'] # # Else, assume DNS is set up properly and we can connect to the domain # else: # server = self.config['domain'] #password = getpass.getpass(self.ntlm.encode('utf-8')) password = self.ntlm self.passdata[user] = password #Todo: get password from command line args # try: # password = self.passdata[user] # except KeyError: # prompt = 'Please supply the password or LM:NTLM hashes for the account %s: ' % user # password = getpass.getpass(prompt.encode('utf-8')) # # Store for further reference # self.passdata[user] = password if domain is None: domain = get_domain(user) if '@' in user or '.' in user: binduser = get_sam_name(user) else: binduser = user ldapserver = ldap3.Server(server, get_info=ldap3.DSA) connection = ldap3.Connection(ldapserver, user='%s\\%s' % (domain, binduser), password=password, authentication=ldap3.NTLM) if not connection.bind(): raise RestoreException('Failed to connect to the LDAP server as %s\\%s: %s' % (domain, binduser, str(connection.result))) return connection, user
Example #8
Source File: From CVE-2019-1040 with MIT License | 5 votes |
def initConnection(self): self.server = Server("ldap://%s:%s" % (self.targetHost, self.targetPort), get_info=ALL) self.session = Connection(self.server, user="a", password="b", authentication=NTLM) return True
Example #9
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_ldap_connection(self, server_info): """Gets an AD LDAP connection for the given server name. :return: The fqdn of the server :param server_info: The info attached to the server. :return: An `ldap3.Connection` to the host's domain controller """ return self._ldap_connections[server_info[DC_KEY]]
Example #10
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _remove_dn_from_proid_group(self, conn, server_dn, proid, force=False): """Removes a placement. :param conn: The `ldap3.Connection` :param server_dn: The server server_dn :param proid: The name of the proid """ server_dn_set = self._get_server_dn_set(proid) if not force: if not self._decrement_dn(server_dn_set, server_dn): return group = self._config.get_group_dn(proid) _LOGGER.debug('Removing %r from group %r', server_dn, group) conn.modify(group, {'member': [(ldap3.MODIFY_DELETE, [server_dn])]}) if not _check_ldap3_operation(conn) and not force: self._increment_dn(server_dn_set, server_dn)
Example #11
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _add_dn_to_proid_group(self, conn, server_dn, proid, force=False): """Adds a placement. :param conn: The `ldap3.Connection` :param server_dn: The server server_dn :param proid: The name of the proid """ server_dn_set = self._get_server_dn_set(proid) group = self._config.get_group_dn(proid) if not self._synced: _LOGGER.debug('Server %r should be in group %r', server_dn, group) self._increment_dn(server_dn_set, server_dn) return if not force: if not self._increment_dn(server_dn_set, server_dn): return _LOGGER.debug('Adding %r to group %r', server_dn, group) conn.modify(group, {'member': [(ldap3.MODIFY_ADD, [server_dn])]}) if not _check_ldap3_operation(conn) and not force: self._decrement_dn(server_dn_set, server_dn)
Example #12
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _check_ldap3_operation(conn): """Checks that the ldap3 operation succeeded/failed. :param conn: The `ldap3.Connection` that the operation was made. :return: `True` if the operation succeed; false otherwise """ result_code = conn.result['result'] if result_code in (0, 68): return True _LOGGER.warning('Ldap operation failed %r', conn.result) return False
Example #13
Source File: From treadmill with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def test_init(self): """Tests init logic.""" admin_obj = admin.Admin(None, 'dc=test,dc=com') admin_obj.write_ldap = ldap3.Connection( ldap3.Server('fake'), client_strategy=ldap3.MOCK_SYNC ) admin_obj.init() dn_list = [ arg[0][0] for arg in admin_obj.write_ldap.add.call_args_list ] self.assertTrue('dc=test,dc=com' in dn_list) self.assertTrue('ou=treadmill,dc=test,dc=com' in dn_list) self.assertTrue('ou=apps,ou=treadmill,dc=test,dc=com' in dn_list)
Example #14
Source File: From Slackor with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def initConnection(self): self.server = Server("ldap://%s:%s" % (self.targetHost, self.targetPort), get_info=ALL) self.session = Connection(self.server, user="a", password="b", authentication=NTLM) return True
Example #15
Source File: From flask-ldapconn with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def connect(self, user, password, anonymous=False): auto_bind_strategy = AUTO_BIND_TLS_BEFORE_BIND authentication_policy = SIMPLE if current_app.config['LDAP_USE_TLS'] is not True: auto_bind_strategy = AUTO_BIND_NO_TLS if anonymous: authentication_policy = ANONYMOUS user = None password = None ldap_conn = Connection( self.ldap_server, auto_bind=auto_bind_strategy, client_strategy=current_app.config['LDAP_CONNECTION_STRATEGY'], raise_exceptions=current_app.config['LDAP_RAISE_EXCEPTIONS'], authentication=authentication_policy, user=user, password=password, check_names=True, read_only=current_app.config['LDAP_READ_ONLY'], ) return ldap_conn
Example #16
Source File: From knowledge-repo with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def validate(self, user): userdn =['LDAP_USERDN_SCHEMA'].format(user_id=user.identifier) password = request.form['password'] conn = Connection(self.server, user=userdn, password=password) return conn.bind()
Example #17
Source File: From krbrelayx with MIT License | 5 votes |
def initConnection(self, authdata, kdc=None): if not kdc: kdc = authdata['domain'] self.server = Server("ldaps://%s:%s" % (self.targetHost, self.targetPort), get_info=ALL) self.session = Connection(self.server, user="a", password="b", authentication=SASL, sasl_mechanism=KERBEROS) ldap_kerberos(authdata['domain'], kdc, authdata['tgt'], authdata['username'], self.session, self.targetHost)
Example #18
Source File: From adminset with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def connect(self): server = Server(self.server) c = Connection(server, user=self.manager, password=self.passwd) c.bind() return c
Example #19
Source File: From realms-wiki with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def bind_search(self): logger = logging.getLogger("realms.auth.ldap") bind_dn = self.config.get('BIND_DN') or None base_dn = self.config['USER_SEARCH']['base'] filtr = self.config['USER_SEARCH']['filter'] % {'username': self.userid} scope = self.config['USER_SEARCH'].get('scope', 'subtree').lower().strip() if scope == "level": scope = ldap3.LEVEL elif scope == "base": scope = ldap3.BASE else: scope = ldap3.SUBTREE self.conn = ldap3.Connection( self.server, user=bind_dn, password=self.config.get('BIND_AUTH') or None, version=self.version ) if not self.start_tls(): return None if not self.conn.bind(): logger.error("Can't bind to the LDAP server with provided credentials ({})'".format(bind_dn)) return None logger.debug("Successfull BIND for '{}'".format(bind_dn)) try: if not, filtr, attributes=ldap3.ALL_ATTRIBUTES, search_scope=scope):"User was not found in LDAP: '{}'".format(self.userid)) return None user_dn = self.conn.response[0]['dn'] attrs = self._get_attributes(self.conn.response) # the user was found in LDAP, now let's try a BIND to check the password return attrs if self.conn.rebind(user=user_dn, password=self.password) else None finally: self.close()
Example #20
Source File: From realms-wiki with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def direct_bind(self): logger = logging.getLogger("realms.auth.ldap") bind_dn = self.config['BIND_DN'] % {'username': self.userid} self.conn = ldap3.Connection( self.server, user=bind_dn, password=self.password, version=self.version ) if not self.start_tls(): # START_TLS was required but it failed return None if not self.conn.bind():"Invalid credentials for '{}'".format(self.userid)) return None logger.debug("Successfull BIND for '{}'".format(bind_dn)) try: attrs = {} if bind_dn, # base: the user DN "({})".format(bind_dn.split(",", 1)[0]), # filter: (uid=...) attributes=ldap3.ALL_ATTRIBUTES, search_scope=ldap3.BASE ): attrs = self._get_attributes(self.conn.response) return attrs finally: self.close()
Example #21
Source File: From realms-wiki with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def start_tls(self): assert(isinstance(self.conn, ldap3.Connection)) if self.config['START_TLS']: logger = logging.getLogger("realms.auth.ldap") try: except ldap3.LDAPSocketOpenError as ex: logger.exception("Error when connecting to LDAP server") return False try: return self.conn.start_tls() except ldap3.LDAPStartTLSError as ex: logger.exception("START_TLS error") return False except Exception as ex: logger.exception("START_TLS unexpectedly failed") return False return True
Example #22
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_user_groups_from_ldap(ldap_connection, ldap_base_dn, login): """returns the user group names, no permissions for now :param ldap3.Connection ldap_connection: The ldap_connection as ldap3.Connection instance :param str ldap_base_dn: The domain name in LDAP format (all this CN, DN stuff) :param str login: the login to query the name of """ data = get_user_attributes_from_ldap(ldap_connection, ldap_base_dn, login, 'memberOf') return [d.split(',')[0].split("=")[1] for d in data]
Example #23
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_user_name_from_ldap(ldap_connection, ldap_base_dn, login): """returns the real user name from ldap :param ldap3.Connection ldap_connection: The ldap_connection as ldap3.Connection instance :param str ldap_base_dn: The domain name in LDAP format (all this CN, DN stuff) :param str login: the login to query the name of :return: """ return get_user_attributes_from_ldap(ldap_connection, ldap_base_dn, login, 'displayName')[0]
Example #24
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_user_attributes_from_ldap(ldap_connection, ldap_base_dn, login, attribute): """returns the user group names, no permissions for now :param ldap3.Connection ldap_connection: The ldap_client as ldap3.Connection instance :param str ldap_base_dn: The domain name in LDAP format (all this CN, DN stuff) :param str login: The login :param str attribute: The attribute to query """ result = [] if ldap_connection: ldap_filter = '(sAMAccountName=%s)' % login result = ldap_base_dn, ldap_filter, attributes=attribute, ) if result: data = ldap_connection.response return data[0]['attributes'][attribute] return None
Example #25
Source File: From anima with MIT License | 5 votes |
def ldap_authenticate(login, password, ldap_server_address=None, ldap_base_dn=None): """Authenticates with data from Stalker and creates a proper local session """ # check the LDAP server for login information success = False from anima import defaults if not ldap_server_address: ldap_server_address = defaults.ldap_server_address if not ldap_base_dn: ldap_base_dn = defaults.ldap_base_dn from ldap3 import Server, Connection if ldap_server_address and ldap_base_dn: ldap_server = Server(ldap_server_address) ldap_connection = Connection(server=ldap_server, user=login, password=password) success = ldap_connection.bind() logger.debug("ldap_connection.bind(): %s" % success) logger.debug("ldap_connection.extend.standard.who_am_i(): %s" % ldap_connection.extend.standard.who_am_i()) if success: result = ldap_connection.extend.standard.who_am_i() if result: create_user_with_ldap_info(ldap_connection, ldap_base_dn, login, password) ldap_connection.unbind() return success
Example #26
Source File: From eNMS with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def ldap_authentication(self, user, name, password): if not hasattr(self, "ldap_server"): self.ldap_server = Server(environ.get("LDAP_ADDR")) user = f"uid={name},dc=example,dc=com" success = Connection(self.ldap_server, user=user, password=password).bind() return {"name": name, "is_admin": True} if success else False
Example #27
Source File: From Exchange2domain with MIT License | 5 votes |
def initConnection(self): self.server = Server("ldaps://%s:%s" % (self.targetHost, self.targetPort), get_info=ALL) self.session = Connection(self.server, user="a", password="b", authentication=NTLM) return True
Example #28
Source File: From Exchange2domain with MIT License | 5 votes |
def initConnection(self): self.server = Server("ldap://%s:%s" % (self.targetHost, self.targetPort), get_info=ALL) self.session = Connection(self.server, user="a", password="b", authentication=NTLM) return True
Example #29
Source File: From WatchAD with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, domain): self.domain = get_netbios_domain(domain) self.con = Connection(self._get_server(), user=main_config.ldap_account[self.domain]["user"], password=main_config.ldap_account[self.domain]["password"], auto_bind=True) self.domain_dn = main_config.ldap_account[self.domain]["dn"]
Example #30
Source File: From burp-ui with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def check(self, dn=None, passwd=None): """:func:`burpui.misc.auth.ldap.LdapLoader.check` authenticates a user against the LDAP server. :param dn: canonical `dn` of the user to authenticate as :type dn: str :param passwd: password of the user to authenticate as :type passwd: str :returns: True if bind was successful, otherwise False """ try: with Connection(self.server, user='{0}'.format(dn), password=passwd, raise_exceptions=True, auto_bind=self.auto_bind, authentication=SIMPLE) as con: self.logger.debug('LDAP Connection = {0}'.format(str(con)))'Bound as user: {0}'.format(dn)) return con.bind() except Exception as e: self.logger.error('Failed to authenticate user: {0}, {1}'.format(dn, str(e))) self.logger.error('Bind as \'{0}\' failed'.format(dn)) return False