Python web3.IPCProvider() Examples
The following are 16
code examples of web3.IPCProvider().
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Example #1
Source File: From ddash with MIT License | 7 votes |
def __init__(self,host='localhost',port=5001,mainnet=False): self.last_contract_address = None self.last_hash_added = None #self.api = ipfsapi.connect(host='',port=port) # self.web3 = Web3(HTTPProvider('http://localhost:8545')) if mainnet: ipc_path=os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+'/data_mainnet/geth.ipc' else: ipc_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))+'/data/geth.ipc' print("IPCProvider path: ",ipc_path) self.web3 = Web3(IPCProvider(ipc_path)) self.blockNumber = self.web3.eth.blockNumber self.eth_accounts = self.web3.personal.listAccounts self.account_index = 0 self.ethereum_acc_pass = None self.tx = {} print("Initializing a DDASH Interface object.") # log Ethereum accounts to ddash/nfo/ self.write_ethereum_address(mainnet) # contract_name is without the sol extension
Example #2
Source File: From django-eth-events with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_event_listener_singleton(self): ipc_provider = IPCProvider( ipc_path=None, testnet=True ) listener1 = EventListener() listener2 = EventListener() self.assertEqual(listener1, listener2) listener3 = EventListener(provider=ipc_provider) self.assertNotEqual(listener2, listener3) # For a different contract we need a different instance of the singleton even if provider is the same contract_map = [ {'NAME': 'Tester Oracle Factory', 'EVENT_ABI': [], 'EVENT_DATA_RECEIVER': 'django_eth_events.tests.test_celery.DummyEventReceiver', 'ADDRESSES': ['c305c901078781C232A2a521C2aF7980f8385ee9'] } ] listener4 = EventListener(provider=ipc_provider, contract_map=contract_map) self.assertNotEqual(listener3, listener4) listener5 = EventListener(provider=ipc_provider, contract_map=contract_map) self.assertEqual(listener4, listener5)
Example #3
Source File: From airdrop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def create_txs(ipc_path, rpc_host, rpc_port, signer_addr, airdropper_addr, omgtoken_addr, verify_eth, processed_file, unsigned_file): if ipc_path and (rpc_host or rpc_port): raise Exception("both ipc and rpc cannot be specified") if ipc_path: web3 = Web3(IPCProvider(ipc_path)) else: web3 = Web3(RPCProvider(host=rpc_host, port=rpc_port)) airdropper, omgToken = get_contracts(web3, airdropper_addr=airdropper_addr, omgtoken_addr=omgtoken_addr) creator = Creator(signer_addr, airdropper, omgToken, GAS_LIMIT, GAS_PRICE, GAS_RESERVE, verify_eth=verify_eth) airdrops = json.loads( unsigned = creator.create_txs(airdrops, BATCH_SIZE) unsigned_file.write(json.dumps(unsigned, sort_keys=True))
Example #4
Source File: From airdrop with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def send_txs(ipc_path, rpc_host, rpc_port, recovery_mode, final_check_unsigned_file, signed_file): if ipc_path and (rpc_host or rpc_port): raise Exception("both ipc and rpc cannot be specified") if ipc_path: web3 = Web3(IPCProvider(ipc_path)) else: web3 = Web3(RPCProvider(host=rpc_host, port=rpc_port)) sender = Sender(web3) signed = json.loads( final_check_local_transactions = json.loads( if recovery_mode: signed, final_check_local_transactions = sender.recover_unsent(signed, final_check_local_transactions) sender.send_transactions(signed, final_check_local_transactions)
Example #5
Source File: From brownie with MIT License | 5 votes |
def connect(self, uri: str, timeout: int = 30) -> None: """Connects to a provider""" for middleware in self._custom_middleware: self.middleware_onion.remove(middleware) self._custom_middleware.clear() self.provider = None uri = _expand_environment_vars(uri) try: if Path(uri).exists(): self.provider = IPCProvider(uri, timeout=timeout) except OSError: pass if self.provider is None: if uri.startswith("ws"): self.provider = WebsocketProvider(uri, {"close_timeout": timeout}) elif uri.startswith("http"): self.provider = HTTPProvider(uri, {"timeout": timeout}) else: raise ValueError( "Unknown URI - must be a path to an IPC socket, a websocket " "beginning with 'ws' or a URL beginning with 'http'" ) try: if not self.isConnected(): return except Exception: # checking an invalid connection sometimes raises on windows systems return # add middlewares try: if "fork" in CONFIG.active_network["cmd_settings"]: self._custom_middleware.add(_ForkMiddleware) self.middleware_onion.add(_ForkMiddleware) except (ConnectionError, KeyError): pass try: self.eth.getBlock("latest") except ExtraDataLengthError: self._custom_middleware.add(geth_poa_middleware) self.middleware_onion.inject(geth_poa_middleware, layer=0) except ConnectionError: pass
Example #6
Source File: From django-eth-events with MIT License | 5 votes |
def get_provider_from_uri(node_uri: str): if node_uri.startswith('http'): return HTTPProvider(node_uri) elif node_uri.startswith('ipc'): path = node_uri.replace('ipc://', '') return IPCProvider(ipc_path=path) elif node_uri.startswith('test'): return EthereumTesterProvider(EthereumTester()) else: raise ValueError('%s uri is not supported. Must start by http, ipc, or test' % node_uri)
Example #7
Source File: From django-eth-events with MIT License | 5 votes |
def slow_provider(self): if isinstance(self.provider, HTTPProvider): return HTTPProvider(endpoint_uri=self.provider.endpoint_uri, request_kwargs={'timeout': self.slow_provider_timeout}) elif isinstance(self.provider, IPCProvider): return IPCProvider(ipc_path=self.provider.ipc_path, timeout=self.slow_provider_timeout) else: return self.provider
Example #8
Source File: From django-eth-events with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_arg_ipc_provider(self): ipc_provider = IPCProvider( ipc_path=None, testnet=True ) service1 = Web3ServiceProvider() self.assertIsInstance(service1.web3.providers[0], HTTPProvider) service2 = Web3Service(ipc_provider) self.assertIsInstance(service2.web3.providers[0], IPCProvider) self.assertEqual(service2.web3.providers[0], ipc_provider)
Example #9
Source File: From django-eth-events with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_provider_ipc(self): socket_path = str(Path('/tmp/socket.ipc').expanduser().resolve()) with self.settings(ETHEREUM_NODE_URL='ipc://' + socket_path): web3_service = Web3ServiceProvider() provider = web3_service.web3.providers[0] self.assertTrue(isinstance(provider, IPCProvider)) self.assertEqual(provider.ipc_path, socket_path)
Example #10
Source File: From Hands-On-Blockchain-for-Python-Developers with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.w3 = Web3(IPCProvider('/tmp/geth.ipc'))
Example #11
Source File: From Hands-On-Blockchain-for-Python-Developers with MIT License | 5 votes |
def __init__(self): self.w3 = Web3(IPCProvider('/tmp/geth.ipc')) with open('../address.txt', 'r') as f: address ="\n") with open('../videos_sharing_smart_contract/build/contracts.json') as f: contract = json.load(f) abi = contract['VideosSharing']['abi'] self.SmartContract = self.w3.eth.contract(address=address, abi=abi) self.ipfs_con = ipfsapi.connect()
Example #12
Source File: From airdrop with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def filter(ipc_path, airdropper_addr, omgtoken_addr, processed_file, signed_file, unsent_airdrops_file): web3 = Web3(IPCProvider(ipc_path)) airdropper, omg_token = get_contracts(web3, airdropper_addr=airdropper_addr, omgtoken_addr=omgtoken_addr) sender = Sender(web3) signed = json.loads( airdrops = json.loads( unsent_airdrops = sender.recover_unsent_airdrops(airdrops, signed, airdropper, omg_token) unsent_airdrops_file.write(json.dumps(unsent_airdrops))
Example #13
Source File: From airdrop with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def web3(): web3 = Web3(IPCProvider("/tmp/ethereum_dev_mode/geth.ipc")) web3.personal.unlockAccount(web3.eth.accounts[0], "") return web3
Example #14
Source File: From airdrop with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sign_txs(ipc_path, unsigned_file, signed_file): web3 = Web3(IPCProvider(ipc_path)) signer = Signer(web3) unsigned = json.loads( signed = signer.sign_transactions(unsigned) signed_file.write(json.dumps(signed))
Example #15
Source File: From trinity with MIT License | 5 votes |
def console(ipc_path: Path, use_ipython: bool = True, env: Dict[str, Any] = None, banner: str = DEFAULT_BANNER) -> None: """ Method that starts the chain, setups the trinity CLI and register the cleanup function. """ if env is None: env = {} # if ipc_path is not found, raise an exception with a useful message if not ipc_path.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError(create_missing_ipc_error_message(ipc_path)) # wait to import web3, because it's somewhat large, and not usually used import web3 ipc_provider = web3.IPCProvider(ipc_path) w3 = web3.Web3(ipc_provider) # Allow omitting params by defaulting to `None` def rpc(method: RPCEndpoint, params: Dict[str, Any] = None) -> RPCResponse: return ipc_provider.make_request(method, params) namespace = merge({'w3': w3, 'rpc': rpc}, env) shell(use_ipython, namespace, banner)
Example #16
Source File: From ethgasstation-backend with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def get_web3_provider(protocol=None, hostname=None, port=None, timeout=None): """Get Web3 instance. Supports websocket, http, ipc.""" if protocol is None: protocol = get_setting('rpc', 'protocol') if hostname is None: hostname = get_setting('rpc', 'hostname') if port is None: port = get_setting('rpc', 'port') if timeout is None: try: timeout = int(get_setting('rpc', 'timeout')) except KeyError: timeout = 15 # default timeout is 15 seconds if protocol == 'ws' or protocol == 'wss': provider = WebsocketProvider( "%s://%s:%s" % ( protocol, hostname, port), websocket_kwargs={'timeout':timeout} ) provider.egs_timeout = timeout return Web3(provider) elif protocol == 'http' or protocol == 'https': provider = HTTPProvider( "%s://%s:%s" % ( protocol, hostname, port), request_kwargs={'timeout':timeout} ) provider.egs_timeout = timeout return Web3(provider) elif protocol == 'ipc': provider = IPCProvider( hostname, timeout=timeout ) provider.egs_timeout = timeout return Web3(provider) else: raise Exception("Can't set web3 provider type %s" % str(protocol))