Python vtk.util.numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of vtk.util.numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk().
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Example #1
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 7 votes |
def create_surface_points(self, vertices): """ Method to create the points that form the surfaces Args: vertices (numpy.array): 2D array (XYZ) with the coordinates of the points Returns: vtk.vtkPoints: with the coordinates of the points """ Points = vtk.vtkPoints() if != 1: vertices[:, 2] = vertices[:, 2] * # raise NotImplementedError('Vertical exageration for surfaces not implemented yet.') # for v in vertices: # v[-1] = * v[-1] # Points.InsertNextPoint(v) Points.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(vertices)) return Points
Example #2
Source File: From discretize with MIT License | 7 votes |
def __create_structured_grid(ptsMat, dims, models=None): """An internal helper to build out structured grids""" # Adjust if result was 2D: if ptsMat.shape[1] == 2: # Figure out which dim is null nullDim = dims.index(None) ptsMat = np.insert(ptsMat, nullDim, np.zeros(ptsMat.shape[0]), axis=1) if ptsMat.shape[1] != 3: raise RuntimeError('Points of the mesh are improperly defined.') # Convert the points vtkPts = _vtk.vtkPoints() vtkPts.SetData(_nps.numpy_to_vtk(ptsMat, deep=True)) # Uncover hidden dimension for i, d in enumerate(dims): if d is None: dims[i] = 0 dims[i] = dims[i] + 1 output = _vtk.vtkStructuredGrid() output.SetDimensions(dims[0], dims[1], dims[2]) # note this subtracts 1 output.SetPoints(vtkPts) # Assign the model('s) to the object return assign_cell_data(output, models=models)
Example #3
Source File: From Det3D with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def CreateTriangles(self, pc, triangles): "Create a mesh from triangles" self.verts = vtk.vtkPoints() self.points_npy = pc[:, :3].copy() self.verts.SetData(numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(self.points_npy)) nTri = len(triangles) self.cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() self.pd = vtk.vtkPolyData() # - Note that the cell array looks like this: [3 vtx0 vtx1 vtx2 3 vtx3 ... ] self.cells_npy = np.column_stack( [np.full(nTri, 3, dtype=np.int64), triangles.astype(np.int64)] ).ravel() self.cells.SetCells(nTri, numpy_support.numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(self.cells_npy)) self.pd.SetPoints(self.verts) self.pd.SetPolys(self.cells) self.SetupPipelineMesh()
Example #4
Source File: From omfvista with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def volume_to_vtk(volelement): """Convert the volume element to a VTK data object. Args: volelement (:class:`omf.volume.VolumeElement`): The volume element to convert """ output = volume_grid_geom_to_vtk(volelement.geometry) shp = get_volume_shape(volelement.geometry) # Add data to output for data in arr = data.array.array arr = np.reshape(arr, shp).flatten(order='F') c = nps.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=arr, deep=True) c.SetName( loc = data.location if loc == 'vertices': output.GetPointData().AddArray(c) else: output.GetCellData().AddArray(c) return pyvista.wrap(output) # Now set up the display names for the docs
Example #5
Source File: From discretize with MIT License | 6 votes |
def assign_cell_data(vtkDS, models=None): """Assign the model(s) to the VTK dataset as CellData Parameters ---------- vtkDS : pyvista.Common Any given VTK data object that has cell data models : dict(numpy.ndarray) Name('s) and array('s). Match number of cells """ nc = vtkDS.GetNumberOfCells() if models is not None: for name, mod in models.items(): # Convert numpy array if mod.shape[0] != nc: raise RuntimeError('Number of model cells ({}) (first axis of model array) for "{}" does not match number of mesh cells ({}).'.format(mod.shape[0], name, nc)) vtkDoubleArr = _nps.numpy_to_vtk(mod, deep=1) vtkDoubleArr.SetName(name) vtkDS.GetCellData().AddArray(vtkDoubleArr) return vtkDS
Example #6
Source File: From PVGeo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def convert_cell_conn(cell_connectivity): """Converts cell connectivity arrays to a cell matrix array that makes sense for VTK cell arrays. """ cellsMat = np.concatenate( ( np.ones((cell_connectivity.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.int64)*cell_connectivity.shape[1], cell_connectivity ), axis=1).ravel() return nps.numpy_to_vtk(cellsMat, deep=True, array_type=vtk.VTK_ID_TYPE)
Example #7
Source File: From Det3D with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def AddColors(self, cdata): """"Add colors (Nx3 NumPy array) to the current point cloud visualization object NumPy array should be of type uint8 with R, G and B values between 0 and 255 """ nColors = cdata.shape[0] nDim = cdata.shape[1] if self.pd.GetNumberOfPoints() == 0: raise Exception("No points to add color for") if nColors != self.pd.GetNumberOfPoints(): raise Exception( "Supplied number of colors incompatible with number of points" ) if nDim != 3: raise Exception("Expected Nx3 array of colors") # Optimized version of creating the scalars array # - We need to be sure to keep the NumPy array, # because the numpy_support function creates a pointer into it # - We need to take a copy to be sure the array is contigous self.colors_npy = cdata.copy().astype(np.uint8) self.colors = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(self.colors_npy) self.pd.GetPointData().SetScalars(self.colors) self.pd.Modified()
Example #8
Source File: From Det3D with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def AddNormals(self, ndata): "Add surface normals (Nx3 NumPy array) to the current point cloud visualization object" nNormals = ndata.shape[0] nDim = ndata.shape[1] if nDim != 3: raise Exception("Expected Nx3 array of surface normals") if self.pd.GetNumberOfPoints() == 0: raise Exception("No points to add normals for") if nNormals != self.pd.GetNumberOfPoints(): raise Exception( "Supplied number of normals incompatible with number of points" ) # Optimized version of creating the scalars array # - We need to be sure to keep the NumPy array, # because the numpy_support function creates a pointer into it # - We need to take a copy to be sure the array is contigous self.normals_npy = ndata.copy() self.normals = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(self.normals_npy) self.pd.GetPointData().SetNormals(self.normals) self.pd.Modified()
Example #9
Source File: From omfvista with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def add_data(output, data): """Adds data arrays to an output VTK data object""" for d in data: arr = d.array.array c = nps.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=arr) c.SetName( loc = d.location if loc == 'vertices': output.GetPointData().AddArray(c) else: output.GetCellData().AddArray(c) return output
Example #10
Source File: From omfvista with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def point_set_to_vtk(pse): """Convert the point set to a :class:`pyvista.PolyData` data object. Args: pse (:class:`omf.pointset.PointSetElement`): The point set to convert Return: :class:`pyvista.PolyData` """ points = pse.geometry.vertices npoints = pse.geometry.num_nodes # Make VTK cells array cells = np.hstack((np.ones((npoints, 1)), np.arange(npoints).reshape(-1, 1))) cells = np.ascontiguousarray(cells, dtype=np.int64) cells = np.reshape(cells, (2*npoints)) vtkcells = vtk.vtkCellArray() vtkcells.SetCells(npoints, nps.numpy_to_vtk(cells, deep=True, array_type=vtk.VTK_ID_TYPE)) # Convert points to vtk object pts = vtk.vtkPoints() pts.SetNumberOfPoints(pse.geometry.num_nodes) pts.SetData(nps.numpy_to_vtk(points)) # Create polydata output = vtk.vtkPolyData() output.SetPoints(pts) output.SetVerts(vtkcells) # Now add point data: add_data(output, add_textures(output, pse.textures, return pyvista.wrap(output)
Example #11
Source File: From omfvista with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def surface_geom_to_vtk(surfgeom): """Convert the triangulated surface to a :class:`pyvista.UnstructuredGrid` object Args: surfgeom (:class:`omf.surface.SurfaceGeometry`): the surface geomotry to convert """ output = vtk.vtkUnstructuredGrid() pts = vtk.vtkPoints() cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() # Generate the points pts.SetNumberOfPoints(surfgeom.num_nodes) pts.SetData(nps.numpy_to_vtk(surfgeom.vertices)) # Generate the triangle cells cellConn = surfgeom.triangles.array cellsMat = np.concatenate( (np.ones((cellConn.shape[0], 1), dtype=np.int64)*cellConn.shape[1], cellConn), axis=1).ravel() cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() cells.SetNumberOfCells(cellConn.shape[0]) cells.SetCells(cellConn.shape[0], nps.numpy_to_vtk(cellsMat, deep=True, array_type=vtk.VTK_ID_TYPE)) # Add to output output.SetPoints(pts) output.SetCells(vtk.VTK_TRIANGLE, cells) return pyvista.wrap(output)
Example #12
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def set_scalar_field_cmap(self, cmap: Union[str, dict] = 'viridis', regular_grid_actor = None) -> None: """ Args: cmap: regular_grid_actor (Union[None, vtkRenderingOpenGL2Python.vtkOpenGLActor): """ if regular_grid_actor is None: regular_grid_actor = self.regular_grid_actor if type(cmap) is dict: self._cmaps = {**self._cmaps, **cmap} cmap = cmap.keys() elif type(cmap) is str: if cmap == 'lith': hex_colors = list(self._get_color_lot(is_faults=False)) n_colors = len(hex_colors) cmap_ = mcolors.ListedColormap(hex_colors) col = cmap_(np.linspace(0, 1, n_colors)) * 255 self._cmaps[cmap] = numpy_to_vtk(col, array_type=3) if cmap not in self._cmaps.keys(): col =, 1, 250)) * 255 nv = numpy_to_vtk(col, array_type=3) self._cmaps[cmap] = nv else: raise AttributeError('cmap must be either a name of a matplotlib string or a dictionary containing the ' 'rgb values') # Set the scalar field color map regular_grid_actor.GetMapper().GetLookupTable().SetTable(self._cmaps[cmap])
Example #13
Source File: From pyrealsense with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, nparray): super(VTKActorWrapper, self).__init__() self.nparray = nparray nCoords = nparray.shape[0] nElem = nparray.shape[1] self.verts = vtk.vtkPoints() self.cells = vtk.vtkCellArray() self.scalars = None self.pd = vtk.vtkPolyData() self.verts.SetData(vtk_np.numpy_to_vtk(nparray)) self.cells_npy = np.vstack([np.ones(nCoords,dtype=np.int64), np.arange(nCoords,dtype=np.int64)]).T.flatten() self.cells.SetCells(nCoords,vtk_np.numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(self.cells_npy)) self.pd.SetPoints(self.verts) self.pd.SetVerts(self.cells) self.mapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() self.mapper.SetInputDataObject(self.pd) = vtk.vtkActor(),1.0,0.0)
Example #14
Source File: From director with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def getVtkFromNumpy(numpyArray): def MakeCallback(numpyArray): def Closure(caller, event): closureArray = numpyArray return Closure vtkArray = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(numpyArray) vtkArray.AddObserver('DeleteEvent', MakeCallback(numpyArray)) return vtkArray
Example #15
Source File: From geomloss with MIT License | 5 votes |
def save_vtk_labels(filename, tracts, scalars, lines_indices=None): lengths = [len(p) for p in tracts] line_starts = ns.numpy.r_[0, ns.numpy.cumsum(lengths)] if lines_indices is None: lines_indices = [ns.numpy.arange(length) + line_start for length, line_start in izip(lengths, line_starts)] ids = ns.numpy.hstack([ns.numpy.r_[c[0], c[1]] for c in izip(lengths, lines_indices)]) vtk_ids = ns.numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(ids, deep=True) cell_array = vtk.vtkCellArray() cell_array.SetCells(len(tracts), vtk_ids) points = ns.numpy.vstack(tracts).astype(ns.get_vtk_to_numpy_typemap()[vtk.VTK_DOUBLE]) points_array = ns.numpy_to_vtk(points, deep=True) poly_data = vtk.vtkPolyData() vtk_points = vtk.vtkPoints() vtk_points.SetData(points_array) poly_data.SetPoints(vtk_points) poly_data.SetLines(cell_array) poly_data.GetPointData().SetScalars(ns.numpy_to_vtk(scalars)) poly_data.BuildCells() # poly_data.SetScalars(scalars) if filename.endswith('.xml') or filename.endswith('.vtp'): writer = vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataWriter() writer.SetDataModeToBinary() else: writer = vtk.vtkPolyDataWriter() writer.SetFileTypeToBinary() writer.SetFileName(filename) if hasattr(vtk, 'VTK_MAJOR_VERSION') and vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 5: writer.SetInputData(poly_data) else: writer.SetInput(poly_data) writer.Write()
Example #16
Source File: From NURBS-Python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render(self, **kwargs): """ Plots the volume and the control points. """ # Calling parent function super(VisVolume, self).render(**kwargs) # Initialize a list to store VTK actors vtk_actors = [] # Start plotting for plot in self._plots: # Plot control points if plot['type'] == 'ctrlpts' and self.vconf.display_ctrlpts: # Points as spheres pts = np.array(plot['ptsarr'], dtype=np.float) vtkpts = numpy_to_vtk(pts, deep=False, array_type=VTK_FLOAT) vtkpts.SetName(plot['name']) temp_actor = vtkh.create_actor_pts(pts=vtkpts, color=vtkh.create_color(plot['color']), name=plot['name'], index=plot['idx']) vtk_actors.append(temp_actor) # Plot evaluated points if plot['type'] == 'evalpts' and self.vconf.display_evalpts: pts = np.array(plot['ptsarr'], dtype=np.float) vtkpts = numpy_to_vtk(pts, deep=False, array_type=VTK_FLOAT) vtkpts.SetName(plot['name']) temp_actor = vtkh.create_actor_pts(pts=vtkpts, color=vtkh.create_color(plot['color']), name=plot['name'], index=plot['idx']) vtk_actors.append(temp_actor) # Render actors return vtkh.create_render_window(vtk_actors, dict(KeyPressEvent=(self.vconf.keypress_callback, 1.0)), figure_size=self.vconf.figure_size)
Example #17
Source File: From NURBS-Python with MIT License | 5 votes |
def render(self, **kwargs): """ Plots the volume and the control points. """ # Calling parent function super(VisVoxel, self).render(**kwargs) # Initialize a list to store VTK actors vtk_actors = [] # Start plotting for plot in self._plots: # Plot control points if plot['type'] == 'ctrlpts' and self.vconf.display_ctrlpts: # Points as spheres pts = np.array(plot['ptsarr'], dtype=np.float) vtkpts = numpy_to_vtk(pts, deep=False, array_type=VTK_FLOAT) vtkpts.SetName(plot['name']) temp_actor = vtkh.create_actor_pts(pts=vtkpts, color=vtkh.create_color(plot['color']), name=plot['name'], index=plot['idx']) vtk_actors.append(temp_actor) # Plot evaluated points if plot['type'] == 'evalpts' and self.vconf.display_evalpts: faces = np.array(plot['ptsarr'][1], dtype=np.float) filled = np.array(plot['ptsarr'][2], grid_filled = faces[filled == 1] temp_actor = vtkh.create_actor_hexahedron(grid=grid_filled, color=vtkh.create_color(plot['color']), name=plot['name'], index=plot['idx']) vtk_actors.append(temp_actor) # Render actors return vtkh.create_render_window(vtk_actors, dict(KeyPressEvent=(self.vconf.keypress_callback, 1.0)), figure_size=self.vconf.figure_size)
Example #18
Source File: From pcloudpy with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def numpy_to_image(numpy_array): """ @brief Convert a numpy 2D or 3D array to a vtkImageData object @param numpy_array 2D or 3D numpy array containing image data @return vtkImageData with the numpy_array content """ shape = numpy_array.shape if len(shape) < 2: raise Exception('numpy array must have dimensionality of at least 2') h, w = shape[0], shape[1] c = 1 if len(shape) == 3: c = shape[2] # Reshape 2D image to 1D array suitable for conversion to a # vtkArray with numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk() linear_array = np.reshape(numpy_array, (w*h, c)) vtk_array = numpy_to_vtk(linear_array) image = vtkImageData() image.SetDimensions(w, h, 1) image.AllocateScalars() image.GetPointData().GetScalars().DeepCopy(vtk_array) return image
Example #19
Source File: From pyvista with MIT License | 5 votes |
def vtk_points(points, deep=True): """Convert numpy points to a vtkPoints object.""" if not points.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']: points = np.ascontiguousarray(points) vtkpts = vtk.vtkPoints() vtkpts.SetData(nps.numpy_to_vtk(points, deep=deep)) return vtkpts
Example #20
Source File: From pyvista with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _from_arrays(self, x, y, z): """Create VTK rectilinear grid directly from numpy arrays. Each array gives the uniques coordinates of the mesh along each axial direction. To help ensure you are using this correctly, we take the unique values of each argument. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Coordinates of the nodes in x direction. y : np.ndarray Coordinates of the nodes in y direction. z : np.ndarray Coordinates of the nodes in z direction. """ # Set the coordinates along each axial direction # Must at least be an x array x = np.unique(x.ravel()) self.SetXCoordinates(numpy_to_vtk(x)) if y is not None: y = np.unique(y.ravel()) self.SetYCoordinates(numpy_to_vtk(y)) if z is not None: z = np.unique(z.ravel()) self.SetZCoordinates(numpy_to_vtk(z)) # Ensure dimensions are properly set self._update_dimensions()
Example #21
Source File: From pyvista with MIT License | 5 votes |
def x(self, coords): """Set the coordinates along the X-direction.""" self.SetXCoordinates(numpy_to_vtk(coords)) self._update_dimensions() self.Modified()
Example #22
Source File: From pyvista with MIT License | 5 votes |
def z(self, coords): """Set the coordinates along the Z-direction.""" self.SetZCoordinates(numpy_to_vtk(coords)) self._update_dimensions() self.Modified()
Example #23
Source File: From geomloss with MIT License | 5 votes |
def save_vtk(filename, tracts, lines_indices=None, scalars = None): lengths = [len(p) for p in tracts] line_starts = ns.numpy.r_[0, ns.numpy.cumsum(lengths)] if lines_indices is None: lines_indices = [ns.numpy.arange(length) + line_start for length, line_start in izip(lengths, line_starts)] ids = ns.numpy.hstack([ns.numpy.r_[c[0], c[1]] for c in izip(lengths, lines_indices)]) vtk_ids = ns.numpy_to_vtkIdTypeArray(ids, deep=True) cell_array = vtk.vtkCellArray() cell_array.SetCells(len(tracts), vtk_ids) points = ns.numpy.vstack(tracts).astype(ns.get_vtk_to_numpy_typemap()[vtk.VTK_DOUBLE]) points_array = ns.numpy_to_vtk(points, deep=True) poly_data = vtk.vtkPolyData() vtk_points = vtk.vtkPoints() vtk_points.SetData(points_array) poly_data.SetPoints(vtk_points) poly_data.SetLines(cell_array) poly_data.BuildCells() if filename.endswith('.xml') or filename.endswith('.vtp'): writer = vtk.vtkXMLPolyDataWriter() writer.SetDataModeToBinary() else: writer = vtk.vtkPolyDataWriter() writer.SetFileTypeToBinary() writer.SetFileName(filename) if hasattr(vtk, 'VTK_MAJOR_VERSION') and vtk.VTK_MAJOR_VERSION > 5: writer.SetInputData(poly_data) else: writer.SetInput(poly_data) writer.Write()
Example #24
Source File: From cosipy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def add_scalar(var, timestamp): vtkFile = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridReader() vtkFile.SetFileName('cosipy.vtu') vtkFile.Update() # Find cellId by coordinates pointLocator = vtk.vtkPointLocator() pointLocator.SetDataSet(vtkFile.GetOutput()) pointLocator.BuildLocator() ds = xr.open_dataset('../data/output/') ds = ds.sel(time=timestamp) ds_sub = ds[var].stack(x=['south_north','west_east']) ds_sub = ds_sub.dropna(dim='x') lats = lons = ds_sub.x.lon.values data = ds_sub.values print(lats) numPoints = vtkFile.GetOutput().GetNumberOfPoints() scalar = np.empty(numPoints) scalar[:] = np.nan interpField = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(scalar) interpField.SetName(var) vtkFile.GetOutput().GetPointData().AddArray(interpField) vtkFile.Update() print('Write points \n') for i in np.arange(len(data)): # Get height alt = ds.HGT.sel(lat=lats[i],lon=lons[i]).values/6370000.0 pointId = vtk.mutable(0) Id = vtk.vtkIdList() pointId = pointLocator.FindClosestPoint([lons[i],lats[i],alt]) vtkFile.GetOutput().GetPointData().GetArray(var).InsertTuple1(pointId,data[i]) writer = vtk.vtkXMLUnstructuredGridWriter() writer.SetFileName('cosipy.vtu') writer.SetInputData(vtkFile.GetOutput()) writer.Write() #plotSurface(vtkFile)
Example #25
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def plot_topography(self, topography = None, scalars='geo_map', **kwargs): """ Args: topography: gp Topography object, np.array or None scalars: **kwargs: Returns: """ if topography is None: topography = self.model._grid.topography.values rgb = False # Create vtk object cloud = pv.PolyData(topography) # Set scalar values if scalars == 'geo_map': arr_ = np.empty((0, 3), dtype='int') # Convert hex colors to rgb for val in list(self._color_lot): rgb = (255 * np.array(mcolors.hex2color(val))) arr_ = np.vstack((arr_, rgb)) sel = np.round([0]).astype(int)[0] # print(arr_) # print(sel) scalars_val = numpy_to_vtk(arr_[sel-1], array_type=3) cm = None rgb = True elif scalars == 'topography': scalars_val = topography[:, 2] cm = 'terrain' elif type(scalars) is np.ndarray: scalars_val = scalars scalars = 'custom' cm = 'terrain' else: raise AttributeError() topo_actor = self.p.add_mesh(cloud.delaunay_2d(), scalars=scalars_val, cmap=cm, rgb=rgb, **kwargs) self.vista_topo_actors[scalars] = topo_actor return topo_actor
Example #26
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def plot_topography( self, topography = None, scalars="geomap", **kwargs ): if not topography: try: topography = self.model._grid.topography.values except AttributeError: print("Unable to plot topography: Given geomodel instance " "does not contain topography grid.") return polydata = pv.PolyData(topography) rgb = False if scalars == "geomap": arr_ = np.empty((0, 3), dtype=int) # convert hex colors to rgb for val in list(self._get_color_lot(faults=False)): rgb = (255 * np.array(mcolors.hex2color(val))) arr_ = np.vstack((arr_, rgb)) sel = np.round([0]).astype(int)[0] scalars_val = numpy_to_vtk(arr_[sel - 1], array_type=3) cm = None rgb = True elif scalars == "topography": scalars_val = topography[:, 2] cm = 'terrain' elif type(scalars) is np.ndarray: scalars_val = scalars scalars = 'custom' cm = 'terrain' else: raise AttributeError("Parameter scalars needs to be either \ 'geomap', 'topography' or a np.ndarray with scalar values") topography_actor = self.p.add_mesh( polydata.delaunay_2d(), scalars=scalars_val, cmap=cm, rgb=rgb, **kwargs ) self._surface_actors["topography"] = topography_actor return topography_actor
Example #27
Source File: From gempy with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def set_topography(self): # Create points on an XY grid with random Z coordinate vertices = copy.copy(self.geo_model._grid.topography.values) points = vtk.vtkPoints() # for v in vertices: # v[-1] = v[-1] # points.InsertNextPoint(v) if !=1: vertices[:, 2]= vertices[:, 2]* points.SetData(numpy_to_vtk(vertices)) # Add the grid points to a polydata object polydata = vtk.vtkPolyData() polydata.SetPoints(points) # # glyphFilter = vtk.vtkVertexGlyphFilter() # glyphFilter.SetInputData(polydata) # glyphFilter.Update() # # # Create a mapper and actor # pointsMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() # pointsMapper.SetInputConnection(glyphFilter.GetOutputPort()) # # pointsActor = vtk.vtkActor() # pointsActor.SetMapper(pointsMapper) # pointsActor.GetProperty().SetPointSize(3) # pointsActor.GetProperty().SetColor(colors.GetColor3d("Red")) # Triangulate the grid points delaunay = vtk.vtkDelaunay2D() delaunay.SetInputData(polydata) delaunay.Update() # Create a mapper and actor triangulatedMapper = vtk.vtkPolyDataMapper() triangulatedMapper.SetInputConnection(delaunay.GetOutputPort()) triangulatedActor = vtk.vtkActor() triangulatedActor.SetMapper(triangulatedMapper) self.topography_surface = triangulatedActor self._topography_polydata = polydata self._topography_delauny = delaunay self.ren_list[0].AddActor(triangulatedActor) self.ren_list[1].AddActor(triangulatedActor) self.ren_list[2].AddActor(triangulatedActor) self.ren_list[3].AddActor(triangulatedActor) try: if is not None: self.set_geological_map() except AttributeError as ae: warnings.warn(str(ae))
Example #28
Source File: From pyvista with MIT License | 4 votes |
def vector_poly_data(orig, vec): """Create a vtkPolyData object composed of vectors.""" # shape, dimension checking if not isinstance(orig, np.ndarray): orig = np.asarray(orig) if not isinstance(vec, np.ndarray): vec = np.asarray(vec) if orig.ndim != 2: orig = orig.reshape((-1, 3)) elif orig.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('orig array must be 3D') if vec.ndim != 2: vec = vec.reshape((-1, 3)) elif vec.shape[1] != 3: raise ValueError('vec array must be 3D') # Create vtk points and cells objects vpts = vtk.vtkPoints() vpts.SetData(nps.numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(orig), deep=True)) npts = orig.shape[0] cells = np.empty((npts, 2), dtype=pyvista.ID_TYPE) cells[:, 0] = 1 cells[:, 1] = np.arange(npts, dtype=pyvista.ID_TYPE) vcells = pyvista.utilities.cells.CellArray(cells, npts) # Create vtkPolyData object pdata = vtk.vtkPolyData() pdata.SetPoints(vpts) pdata.SetVerts(vcells) # Add vectors to polydata name = 'vectors' vtkfloat = nps.numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(vec), deep=True) vtkfloat.SetName(name) pdata.GetPointData().AddArray(vtkfloat) pdata.GetPointData().SetActiveVectors(name) # Add magnitude of vectors to polydata name = 'mag' scalars = (vec * vec).sum(1)**0.5 vtkfloat = nps.numpy_to_vtk(np.ascontiguousarray(scalars), deep=True) vtkfloat.SetName(name) pdata.GetPointData().AddArray(vtkfloat) pdata.GetPointData().SetActiveScalars(name) return pyvista.PolyData(pdata)
Example #29
Source File: From omfvista with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def surface_grid_geom_to_vtk(surfgridgeom): """Convert the 2D grid to a :class:`pyvista.StructuredGrid` object. Args: surfgridgeom (:class:`omf.surface.SurfaceGridGeometry`): the surface grid geometry to convert """ surfgridgeom._validate_mesh() output = vtk.vtkStructuredGrid() axis_u = np.array(surfgridgeom.axis_u) axis_v = np.array(surfgridgeom.axis_v) axis_w = np.cross(axis_u, axis_v) if not check_orthogonal(axis_u, axis_v, axis_w): raise ValueError('axis_u, axis_v, and axis_w must be orthogonal') rotation_mtx = np.array([axis_u, axis_v, axis_w]) ox, oy, oz = surfgridgeom.origin # Make coordinates along each axis x = ox + np.cumsum(surfgridgeom.tensor_u) x = np.insert(x, 0, ox) y = oy + np.cumsum(surfgridgeom.tensor_v) y = np.insert(y, 0, oy) z = np.array([oz]) output.SetDimensions(len(x), len(y), len(z)) # Build out all nodes in the mesh xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='ij') xx, yy, zz, = xx.ravel('F'), yy.ravel('F'), zz.ravel('F') zz += surfgridgeom.offset_w points = np.c_[xx, yy, zz] # Rotate the points based on the axis orientations points = # Convert points to vtk object pts = vtk.vtkPoints() pts.SetNumberOfPoints(len(points)) pts.SetData(nps.numpy_to_vtk(points)) # Now build the output output.SetPoints(pts) return pyvista.wrap(output)
Example #30
Source File: From omfvista with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def volume_grid_geom_to_vtk(volgridgeom): """Convert the 3D gridded volume to a :class:`pyvista.StructuredGrid` (or a :class:`pyvista.RectilinearGrid` when apprropriate) object contatining the 2D surface. Args: volgridgeom (:class:`omf.volume.VolumeGridGeometry`): the grid geometry to convert """ volgridgeom._validate_mesh() ox, oy, oz = volgridgeom.origin # Make coordinates along each axis x = ox + np.cumsum(volgridgeom.tensor_u) x = np.insert(x, 0, ox) y = oy + np.cumsum(volgridgeom.tensor_v) y = np.insert(y, 0, oy) z = oz + np.cumsum(volgridgeom.tensor_w) z = np.insert(z, 0, oz) # If axis orientations are standard then use a vtkRectilinearGrid if check_orientation(volgridgeom.axis_u, volgridgeom.axis_v, volgridgeom.axis_w): output = vtk.vtkRectilinearGrid() output.SetDimensions(len(x), len(y), len(z)) # note this subtracts 1 output.SetXCoordinates(nps.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=x)) output.SetYCoordinates(nps.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=y)) output.SetZCoordinates(nps.numpy_to_vtk(num_array=z)) return pyvista.wrap(output) # Otherwise use a vtkStructuredGrid output = vtk.vtkStructuredGrid() output.SetDimensions(len(x), len(y), len(z)) # note this subtracts 1 # Build out all nodes in the mesh xx, yy, zz = np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='ij') points = np.c_[xx.ravel('F'), yy.ravel('F'), zz.ravel('F')] # Rotate the points based on the axis orientations rotation_mtx = np.array([volgridgeom.axis_u, volgridgeom.axis_v, volgridgeom.axis_w]) points = # Convert points to vtk object pts = vtk.vtkPoints() pts.SetNumberOfPoints(len(points)) pts.SetData(nps.numpy_to_vtk(points)) # Now build the output output.SetPoints(pts) return pyvista.wrap(output)