Python horizon.forms.ChoiceField() Examples
The following are 12
code examples of horizon.forms.ChoiceField().
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Example #1
Source File: From trove-dashboard with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): if args: self.backup_id = args[0].get('backup', None) else: self.backup_id = None super(SetInstanceDetailsAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) # Add this field to the end after the dynamic fields self.fields['locality'] = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Locality"), choices=[("", "None"), ("affinity", "affinity"), ("anti-affinity", "anti-affinity")], required=False, help_text=_("Specify whether future replicated instances will " "be created on the same hypervisor (affinity) or on " "different hypervisors (anti-affinity). " "This value is ignored if the instance to be " "launched is a replica.") )
Example #2
Source File: From trove-dashboard with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _add_datastore_flavor_field(self, request, datastore, datastore_version): name = self._build_widget_field_name(datastore, datastore_version) attr_key = 'data-datastore-' + name field_name = self._build_flavor_field_name(datastore, datastore_version) self.fields[field_name] = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Flavor"), help_text=_("Size of image to launch."), required=False, widget=forms.Select(attrs={ 'class': 'switched', 'data-switch-on': 'datastore', attr_key: _("Flavor") })) valid_flavors = self.datastore_flavors(request, datastore, datastore_version) if valid_flavors: self.fields[field_name].choices = instance_utils.sort_flavor_list( request, valid_flavors)
Example #3
Source File: From trove-dashboard with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _add_datastore_flavor_field(self, request, datastore, datastore_version): name = self._build_widget_field_name(datastore, datastore_version) attr_key = 'data-datastore-' + name field = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Flavor"), help_text=_("Size of image to launch."), required=False, widget=forms.Select(attrs={ 'class': 'switched', 'data-switch-on': 'datastore', attr_key: _("Flavor") })) valid_flavors = self.datastore_flavors(request, datastore, datastore_version) if valid_flavors: field.choices = instance_utils.sort_flavor_list( request, valid_flavors) return name, field
Example #4
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(GeneralConfigAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) plugin, hadoop_version = whelpers.\ get_plugin_and_hadoop_version(request) if saharaclient.base.is_service_enabled(request, 'network'): self.fields["neutron_management_network"] = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Neutron Management Network"), choices=self.populate_neutron_management_network_choices( request, {}) ) self.fields["plugin_name"] = forms.CharField( widget=forms.HiddenInput(), initial=plugin ) self.fields["hadoop_version"] = forms.CharField( widget=forms.HiddenInput(), initial=hadoop_version )
Example #5
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _generate_plugin_version_fields(self, sahara): plugins = sahara.plugins.list() plugin_choices = [(, plugin.title) for plugin in plugins] self.fields["plugin_name"] = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Plugin Name"), choices=plugin_choices, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "plugin_name_choice"})) for plugin in plugins: field_name = + "_version" choice_field = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Version"), choices=[(version, version) for version in plugin.versions], widget=forms.Select( attrs={"class": "plugin_version_choice " + field_name + "_choice"}) ) self.fields[field_name] = choice_field
Example #6
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AssociateIPAction, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) if api.base.is_service_enabled(self.request, 'network'): label = _("Port to be associated") else: label = _("Instance to be associated") self.fields['instance_id'].label = label # If AssociateIP is invoked from instance menu, instance_id parameter # is passed in URL. In Neutron based Floating IP implementation # an association target is not an instance but a port, so we need # to get an association target based on a received instance_id # and set the initial value of instance_id ChoiceField. q_instance_id = self.request.GET.get('instance_id') if q_instance_id: targets = self._get_target_list() target_id = self.request, q_instance_id, targets) self.initial['instance_id'] = target_id
Example #7
Source File: From monasca-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _init_fields(self, readOnly=False, create=False): required = True textWidget = None selectWidget = None readOnlyTextInput = READONLY_TEXTINPUT readOnlySelectInput = forms.Select(attrs={'disabled': 'disabled'}) if readOnly: required = False textWidget = readOnlyTextInput selectWidget = readOnlySelectInput choices = [(n['type'], n['type'].capitalize()) for n in self.notification_types] choices = sorted(choices, key=lambda c: c[0]) period_choices = [(0, '0'), (60, '60')] self.fields['name'] = forms.CharField(label=_("Name"), required=required, max_length="250", widget=textWidget, help_text=_("A descriptive name of " "the notification method.")) self.fields['type'] = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Type"), required=required, widget=selectWidget, choices=choices, initial=constants.NotificationType.EMAIL, help_text=_("The type of notification method (i.e. email).")) self.fields['address'] = forms.CharField(label=_("Address"), required=required, max_length="512", widget=textWidget, help_text=_("The email/url address to notify.")) self.fields['period'] = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Period"), widget=selectWidget, choices=period_choices, initial=0, required=required, help_text=_("The notification period."))
Example #8
Source File: From monasca-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def _init_fields(self, readOnly=False, create=False, initial=None): required = True textWidget = None textAreaWidget = forms.Textarea(attrs={'class': 'large-text-area'}) choiceWidget = forms.Select if create: expressionWidget = SimpleExpressionWidget(initial) notificationWidget = NotificationCreateWidget() else: expressionWidget = textAreaWidget notificationWidget = NotificationCreateWidget() self.fields['name'] = forms.CharField(label=_("Name"), required=required, max_length=250, widget=textWidget) self.fields['expression'] = forms.CharField(label=_("Expression"), required=required, widget=expressionWidget) self.fields['description'] = forms.CharField(label=_("Description"), required=False, widget=textAreaWidget) sev_choices = [("LOW", _("Low")), ("MEDIUM", _("Medium")), ("HIGH", _("High")), ("CRITICAL", _("Critical"))] self.fields['severity'] = forms.ChoiceField(label=_("Severity"), choices=sev_choices, widget=choiceWidget, required=False) self.fields['state'] = forms.CharField(label=_("State"), required=False, widget=textWidget) self.fields['actions_enabled'] = \ forms.BooleanField(label=_("Notifications Enabled"), required=False, initial=True) self.fields['notifications'] = NotificationField( label=_("Notifications"), required=False, widget=notificationWidget)
Example #9
Source File: From manila-ui with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(Create, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) self.neutron_enabled = base.is_service_enabled(request, 'network') net_choices = network.network_list(request) if self.neutron_enabled: self.fields['neutron_net_id'] = forms.ChoiceField( choices=[(' ', ' ')] + [(, choice.name_or_id) for choice in net_choices], label=_("Neutron Net"), widget=forms.Select( attrs={'class': 'switchable', 'data-slug': 'net'})) for net in net_choices: # For each network create switched choice field with # the its subnet choices subnet_field_name = 'subnet-choices-%s' % subnet_field = forms.ChoiceField( choices=(), label=_("Neutron Subnet"), widget=forms.Select(attrs={ 'class': 'switched', 'data-switch-on': 'net', 'data-net-%s' % _("Neutron Subnet") })) self.fields[subnet_field_name] = subnet_field subnet_choices = neutron.subnet_list( request, self.fields[subnet_field_name].choices = [ (' ', ' ')] + [(, choice.name_or_id) for choice in subnet_choices] else: self.fields['nova_net_id'] = forms.ChoiceField( choices=[(' ', ' ')] + [(, choice.name_or_id) for choice in net_choices], label=_("Nova Net"), widget=forms.Select( attrs={'class': 'switched', 'data-slug': 'net'}))
Example #10
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def build_control(parameter): attrs = {"priority": parameter.priority, "placeholder": parameter.default_value} if parameter.param_type == "string": return forms.CharField( widget=forms.TextInput(attrs=attrs),, required=(parameter.required and parameter.default_value is None), help_text=parameter.description, initial=parameter.initial_value) if parameter.param_type == "int": return forms.IntegerField( widget=forms.TextInput(attrs=attrs),, required=parameter.required, help_text=parameter.description, initial=parameter.initial_value) elif parameter.param_type == "bool": return forms.BooleanField( widget=forms.CheckboxInput(attrs=attrs),, required=False, initial=parameter.initial_value, help_text=parameter.description) elif parameter.param_type == "dropdown": return forms.ChoiceField( widget=forms.Select(attrs=attrs),, required=parameter.required, choices=parameter.choices, help_text=parameter.description)
Example #11
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(SelectPluginAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) try: plugins = saharaclient.plugin_list(request) except Exception: plugins = [] exceptions.handle(request, _("Unable to fetch plugin list.")) plugin_choices = [(, plugin.title) for plugin in plugins] self.fields["plugin_name"] = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Plugin name"), choices=plugin_choices, widget=forms.Select(attrs={"class": "plugin_name_choice"})) for plugin in plugins: field_name = + "_version" choice_field = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Version"), choices=[(version, version) for version in plugin.versions], widget=forms.Select( attrs={"class": "plugin_version_choice " + field_name + "_choice"}) ) self.fields[field_name] = choice_field
Example #12
Source File: From avos with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, request, *args, **kwargs): super(JobExecutionGeneralConfigAction, self).__init__(request, *args, **kwargs) if request.REQUEST.get("job_id", None) is None: self.fields["job"] = forms.ChoiceField( label=_("Job")) self.fields["job"].choices = self.populate_job_choices(request) else: self.fields["job"] = forms.CharField( widget=forms.HiddenInput(), initial=request.REQUEST.get("job_id", None))