Python dask.array.concatenate() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of dask.array.concatenate().
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Example #1
Source File: From dask-ml with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_blockwise_shufflesplit(): splitter = dask_ml.model_selection.ShuffleSplit(random_state=0) assert splitter.get_n_splits() == 10 gen = splitter.split(dX) train_idx, test_idx = next(gen) assert isinstance(train_idx, da.Array) assert isinstance(test_idx, da.Array) assert train_idx.shape == (99,) # 90% of 110 assert test_idx.shape == (11,) assert train_idx.chunks == ((45, 45, 9),) assert test_idx.chunks == ((5, 5, 1),) counts = pd.value_counts(train_idx.compute()) assert counts.max() == 1 N = len(X) np.testing.assert_array_equal( np.unique(da.concatenate([train_idx, test_idx])), np.arange(N) )
Example #2
Source File: From pyresample with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def _concatenate_chunks(chunks): """Concatenate chunks to full output array.""" # Form the full array col, res = [], [] prev_y = 0 for y, x in sorted(chunks): if len(chunks[(y, x)]) > 1: chunk = da.nanmax(da.stack(chunks[(y, x)], axis=-1), axis=-1) else: chunk = chunks[(y, x)][0] if y == prev_y: col.append(chunk) continue res.append(da.concatenate(col, axis=1)) col = [chunk] prev_y = y res.append(da.concatenate(col, axis=1)) res = da.concatenate(res, axis=2).squeeze() return res
Example #3
Source File: From xmitgcm with MIT License | 6 votes |
def find_concat_dim(da, possible_concat_dims): """ look for available dimensions in dataaray and pick the one from a list of candidates PARAMETERS ---------- da : xarray.DataArray xmitgcm llc data array possible_concat_dims : list list of potential dims RETURNS ------- out : str dimension on which to concatenate """ out = None for d in possible_concat_dims: if d in da.dims: out = d return out
Example #4
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def handle_crash(varr, vpath, ssname, vlist, varr_list, frame_dict): seg1_list = list(filter(lambda v:'seg1', v), vlist)) seg2_list = list(filter(lambda v:'seg2', v), vlist)) if seg1_list and seg2_list: tframe = frame_dict[ssname] varr1 = darr.concatenate( list(compress(varr_list, seg1_list)), axis=0) varr2 = darr.concatenate( list(compress(varr_list, seg2_list)), axis=0) fm1, fm2 = varr1.shape[0], varr2.shape[0] fm_crds = varr.coords['frame'] fm_crds1 = fm_crds.sel(frame=slice(None, fm1 - 1)).values fm_crds2 = fm_crds.sel(frame=slice(fm1, None)).values fm_crds2 = fm_crds2 + (tframe - fm_crds2.max()) fm_crds_new = np.concatenate([fm_crds1, fm_crds2], axis=0) return varr.assign_coords(frame=fm_crds_new) else: return varr
Example #5
Source File: From dask-image with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_order_comprehensions(da_func, kwargs): np.random.seed(0) a = np.random.random((3, 12, 14)) d = da.from_array(a, chunks=(3, 6, 7)) l2s = [da_func(d[i], **kwargs) for i in range(len(d))] l2c = [da_func(d[i], **kwargs)[None] for i in range(len(d))] dau.assert_eq(np.stack(l2s), da.stack(l2s)) dau.assert_eq(np.concatenate(l2c), da.concatenate(l2c))
Example #6
Source File: From dask-ml with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_kfold(shuffle): splitter = dask_ml.model_selection.KFold( n_splits=5, random_state=0, shuffle=shuffle ) assert splitter.get_n_splits() == 5 gen = splitter.split(dX) train_idx, test_idx = next(gen) assert isinstance(train_idx, da.Array) assert isinstance(test_idx, da.Array) assert train_idx.shape == (88,) # 80% of 110 assert test_idx.shape == (22,) assert train_idx.chunks == ((28, 50, 10),) assert test_idx.chunks == ((22,),) counts = pd.value_counts(train_idx.compute()) assert counts.max() == 1 N = len(X) np.testing.assert_array_equal( np.unique(da.concatenate([train_idx, test_idx])), np.arange(N) ) expected_chunks = [ (((22, 6, 50, 10),), ((22,),)), (((44, 34, 10),), ((6, 16),)), (((50, 16, 12, 10),), ((22,),)), (((50, 38),), ((12, 10),)), ] for (exp_train_idx, exp_test_idx), (train_idx, test_idx) in zip( expected_chunks, gen ): assert train_idx.chunks == exp_train_idx assert test_idx.chunks == exp_test_idx
Example #7
Source File: From dask-ml with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _slice_mostly_sorted(array, keep, rest, ind=None): """Slice dask array `array` that is almost entirely sorted already. We perform approximately `2 * len(keep)` slices on `array`. This is OK, since `keep` is small. Individually, each of these slices is entirely sorted. Parameters ---------- array : dask.array.Array keep : ndarray[Int] This must be sorted. rest : ndarray[Bool] ind : ndarray[Int], optional Returns ------- sliced : dask.array.Array """ if ind is None: ind = np.arange(len(array)) idx = np.argsort(np.concatenate([keep, ind[rest]])) slices = [] if keep[0] > 0: # avoid creating empty slices slices.append(slice(None, keep[0])) slices.append([keep[0]]) windows = zip(keep[:-1], keep[1:]) for l, r in windows: if r > l + 1: # avoid creating empty slices slices.append(slice(l + 1, r)) slices.append([r]) if keep[-1] < len(array) - 1: # avoid creating empty slices slices.append(slice(keep[-1] + 1, None)) result = da.concatenate([array[idx[slice_]] for slice_ in slices]) return result
Example #8
Source File: From dask-ml with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _blockwise_slice(arr, idx): """Slice an array that is blockwise-aligned with idx. Parameters ---------- arr : Dask array idx : Dask array Should have the following properties * Same blocks as `arr` along the first dimension * Contains only integers * Each block's values should be between ``[0, len(block))`` Returns ------- sliced : dask.Array """ objs = [] offsets = np.hstack([0, np.cumsum(arr.chunks[0])[:-1]]) for i, (x, idx2) in enumerate( zip(arr.to_delayed().ravel(), idx.to_delayed().ravel()) ): idx3 = idx2 - offsets[i] objs.append(x[idx3]) shapes = idx.chunks[0] if arr.ndim == 2: P = arr.shape[1] shapes = [(x, P) for x in shapes] else: shapes = [(x,) for x in shapes] sliced = da.concatenate( [ da.from_delayed(x, shape=shape, dtype=arr.dtype) for x, shape in zip(objs, shapes) ] ) return sliced
Example #9
Source File: From dask-ml with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _split_blockwise(self, X, seeds): chunks = X.chunks[0] train_pct, test_pct = _maybe_normalize_split_sizes( self.train_size, self.test_size ) sizes = [_validate_shuffle_split(c, test_pct, train_pct) for c in chunks] objs = [ dask.delayed(_generate_idx, nout=2)(chunksize, seed, n_train, n_test) for chunksize, seed, (n_train, n_test) in zip(chunks, seeds, sizes) ] train_objs, test_objs = zip(*objs) offsets = np.hstack([0, np.cumsum(chunks)]) train_idx = da.concatenate( [ da.from_delayed(x + offset, (train_size,), np.dtype("int")) for x, chunksize, (train_size, _), offset in zip( train_objs, chunks, sizes, offsets ) ] ) test_idx = da.concatenate( [ da.from_delayed(x + offset, (test_size,), np.dtype("int")) for x, chunksize, (_, test_size), offset in zip( test_objs, chunks, sizes, offsets ) ] ) return train_idx, test_idx
Example #10
Source File: From dask-ml with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def transform(self, raw_X): msg = "'X' should be a 1-dimensional array with length 'num_samples'." if not dask.is_dask_collection(raw_X): return self._hasher(**self.get_params()).transform(raw_X) if isinstance(raw_X, db.Bag): bag2 = raw_X.map_partitions(self._transformer) objs = bag2.to_delayed() arrs = [ da.from_delayed(obj, (np.nan, self.n_features), self.dtype) for obj in objs ] result = da.concatenate(arrs, axis=0) elif isinstance(raw_X, dd.Series): result = raw_X.map_partitions(self._transformer) elif isinstance(raw_X, da.Array): # dask.Array chunks = ((np.nan,) * raw_X.numblocks[0], (self.n_features,)) if raw_X.ndim == 1: result = raw_X.map_blocks( self._transformer, dtype="f8", chunks=chunks, new_axis=1 ) else: raise ValueError(msg) else: raise ValueError(msg) meta = scipy.sparse.eye(0, format="csr") result._meta = meta return result
Example #11
Source File: From dask-ml with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def pairwise_distances_argmin_min( X: ArrayLike, Y: ArrayLike, axis: int = 1, metric: Union[str, Callable[[ArrayLike, ArrayLike], float]] = "euclidean", batch_size: Optional[int] = None, metric_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): if batch_size is not None: msg = "'batch_size' is deprecated. Use sklearn.config_context instead.'" warnings.warn(msg, FutureWarning) XD = X.to_delayed().flatten().tolist() func = delayed(metrics.pairwise_distances_argmin_min, pure=True, nout=2) blocks = [func(x, Y, metric=metric, metric_kwargs=metric_kwargs) for x in XD] argmins, mins = zip(*blocks) argmins = [ da.from_delayed(block, (chunksize,), np.int64) for block, chunksize in zip(argmins, X.chunks[0]) ] # Scikit-learn seems to always use float64 mins = [ da.from_delayed(block, (chunksize,), "f8") for block, chunksize in zip(mins, X.chunks[0]) ] argmins = da.concatenate(argmins) mins = da.concatenate(mins) return argmins, mins
Example #12
Source File: From satpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_array(self, key): """Get all data from file for the given BUFR key.""" with open(self.filename, "rb") as fh: msgCount = 0 while True: bufr = ec.codes_bufr_new_from_file(fh) if bufr is None: break ec.codes_set(bufr, 'unpack', 1) # if is the first message initialise our final array if (msgCount == 0): arr = da.from_array(ec.codes_get_array( bufr, key, float), chunks=CHUNK_SIZE) else: tmpArr = da.from_array(ec.codes_get_array( bufr, key, float), chunks=CHUNK_SIZE) arr = da.concatenate((arr, tmpArr)) msgCount = msgCount+1 ec.codes_release(bufr) if arr.size == 1: arr = arr[0] return arr
Example #13
Source File: From satpy with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_array(self, key): """Get all data from file for the given BUFR key.""" with open(self.filename, "rb") as fh: msgCount = 0 while True: bufr = ec.codes_bufr_new_from_file(fh) if bufr is None: break ec.codes_set(bufr, 'unpack', 1) values = ec.codes_get_array( bufr, key, float) if len(values) == 1: values = np.repeat(values, 120) # if is the first message initialise our final array if (msgCount == 0): arr = da.from_array([values], chunks=CHUNK_SIZE) else: tmpArr = da.from_array([values], chunks=CHUNK_SIZE) arr = da.concatenate((arr, tmpArr), axis=0) msgCount = msgCount+1 ec.codes_release(bufr) if arr.size == 1: arr = arr[0] return arr
Example #14
Source File: From dask-image with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_laplace_comprehensions(): np.random.seed(0) a = np.random.random((3, 12, 14)) d = da.from_array(a, chunks=(3, 6, 7)) l2s = [da_ndf.laplace(d[i]) for i in range(len(d))] l2c = [da_ndf.laplace(d[i])[None] for i in range(len(d))] dau.assert_eq(np.stack(l2s), da.stack(l2s)) dau.assert_eq(np.concatenate(l2c), da.concatenate(l2c))
Example #15
Source File: From dask-image with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_convolutions_comprehensions(da_func): np.random.seed(0) a = np.random.random((3, 12, 14)) d = da.from_array(a, chunks=(3, 6, 7)) weights = np.ones((1, 1)) l2s = [da_func(d[i], weights) for i in range(len(d))] l2c = [da_func(d[i], weights)[None] for i in range(len(d))] dau.assert_eq(np.stack(l2s), da.stack(l2s)) dau.assert_eq(np.concatenate(l2c), da.concatenate(l2c))
Example #16
Source File: From dask-image with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_generic_filter_comprehensions(da_func): da_wfunc = lambda arr: da_func(arr, lambda x: x, 1) # noqa: E731 np.random.seed(0) a = np.random.random((3, 12, 14)) d = da.from_array(a, chunks=(3, 6, 7)) l2s = [da_wfunc(d[i]) for i in range(len(d))] l2c = [da_wfunc(d[i])[None] for i in range(len(d))] dau.assert_eq(np.stack(l2s), da.stack(l2s)) dau.assert_eq(np.concatenate(l2c), da.concatenate(l2c))
Example #17
Source File: From dask-image with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_edge_comprehensions(da_func): np.random.seed(0) a = np.random.random((3, 12, 14)) d = da.from_array(a, chunks=(3, 6, 7)) l2s = [da_func(d[i]) for i in range(len(d))] l2c = [da_func(d[i])[None] for i in range(len(d))] dau.assert_eq(np.stack(l2s), da.stack(l2s)) dau.assert_eq(np.concatenate(l2c), da.concatenate(l2c))
Example #18
Source File: From dask-image with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_uniform_comprehensions(): da_func = lambda arr: da_ndf.uniform_filter(arr, 1, origin=0) # noqa: E731 np.random.seed(0) a = np.random.random((3, 12, 14)) d = da.from_array(a, chunks=(3, 6, 7)) l2s = [da_func(d[i]) for i in range(len(d))] l2c = [da_func(d[i])[None] for i in range(len(d))] dau.assert_eq(np.stack(l2s), da.stack(l2s)) dau.assert_eq(np.concatenate(l2c), da.concatenate(l2c))
Example #19
Source File: From xmitgcm with MIT License | 5 votes |
def llc_facets_3d_spatial_to_compact(facets, dimname, extra_metadata): """ Write in compact form a list of 3d facets PARAMETERS ---------- facets : dict dict of xarray.dataarrays for the facets extra_metadata : dict extra_metadata from get_extra_metadata RETURNS ------- flatdata : numpy.array all the data in vector form """ nz = len(facets['facet0'][dimname]) nfacets = len(facets) flatdata = np.array([]) for kz in range(nz): # rebuild the dict tmpdict = {} for kfacet in range(nfacets): this_facet = facets['facet' + str(kfacet)] if this_facet is not None: tmpdict['facet' + str(kfacet)] = this_facet.isel(k=kz) else: tmpdict['facet' + str(kfacet)] = None # concatenate all 2d arrays compact2d = llc_facets_2d_to_compact(tmpdict, extra_metadata) flatdata = np.concatenate([flatdata, compact2d]) return flatdata
Example #20
Source File: From xmitgcm with MIT License | 5 votes |
def find_concat_dim_facet(da, facet, extra_metadata): """ In llc grids, find along which horizontal dimension to concatenate facet between i, i_g and j, j_g. If the order of the facet is F, concat along i or i_g. If order is C, concat along j or j_g. Also return horizontal dim not to concatenate PARAMETERS ---------- da : xarray.DataArray xmitgcm llc data array facet : int facet number extra_metadata : dict dict of extra_metadata from get_extra_metadata RETURNS ------- concat_dim, nonconcat_dim : str, str names of the dimensions for concatenation or not """ order = extra_metadata['facet_orders'][facet] if order == 'C': possible_concat_dims = ['j', 'j_g'] elif order == 'F': possible_concat_dims = ['i', 'i_g'] concat_dim = find_concat_dim(da, possible_concat_dims) # we also need to other horizontal dimension for vector indexing all_dims = list(da.dims) # discard face all_dims.remove('face') # remove the concat_dim to find horizontal non_concat dimension all_dims.remove(concat_dim) non_concat_dim = all_dims[0] return concat_dim, non_concat_dim
Example #21
Source File: From pyresample with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_border_lonlats(geo_def): """Get the border x- and y-coordinates.""" if geo_def.proj_dict['proj'] == 'geos': lon_b, lat_b = get_geostationary_bounding_box(geo_def, 3600) else: lons, lats = geo_def.get_boundary_lonlats() lon_b = np.concatenate((lons.side1, lons.side2, lons.side3, lons.side4)) lat_b = np.concatenate((lats.side1, lats.side2, lats.side3, lats.side4)) return lon_b, lat_b
Example #22
Source File: From pandas-plink with MIT License | 5 votes |
def read_bed(filepath, nrows, ncols): from dask.array import concatenate, from_delayed from dask.delayed import delayed chunk_size = 1024 row_start = 0 col_xs = [] while row_start < nrows: row_end = min(row_start + chunk_size, nrows) col_start = 0 row_xs = [] while col_start < ncols: col_end = min(col_start + chunk_size, ncols) x = delayed(_read_bed_chunk)( filepath, nrows, ncols, row_start, row_end, col_start, col_end ) shape = (row_end - row_start, col_end - col_start) row_xs += [from_delayed(x, shape, float64)] col_start = col_end col_xs += [concatenate(row_xs, axis=1)] row_start = row_end X = concatenate(col_xs, axis=0) return X
Example #23
Source File: From gbdxtools with MIT License | 5 votes |
def _slice_padded(self, _bounds): pads = (max(-_bounds[0], 0), max(-_bounds[1], 0), max(_bounds[2]-self.shape[2], 0), max(_bounds[3]-self.shape[1], 0)) bounds = (max(_bounds[0], 0), max(_bounds[1], 0), max(min(_bounds[2], self.shape[2]), 0), max(min(_bounds[3], self.shape[1]), 0)) result = self[:, bounds[1]:bounds[3], bounds[0]:bounds[2]] if pads[0] > 0: dims = (result.shape[0], result.shape[1], pads[0]) result = da.concatenate([da.zeros(dims, chunks=dims, dtype=result.dtype), result], axis=2) if pads[2] > 0: dims = (result.shape[0], result.shape[1], pads[2]) result = da.concatenate([result, da.zeros(dims, chunks=dims, dtype=result.dtype)], axis=2) if pads[1] > 0: dims = (result.shape[0], pads[1], result.shape[2]) result = da.concatenate([da.zeros(dims, chunks=dims, dtype=result.dtype), result], axis=1) if pads[3] > 0: dims = (result.shape[0], pads[3], result.shape[2]) result = da.concatenate([result, da.zeros(dims, chunks=dims, dtype=result.dtype)], axis=1) return (result, _bounds[0], _bounds[1])
Example #24
Source File: From nbodykit with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def ConcatenateSources(*sources, **kwargs): """ Concatenate CatalogSource objects together, optionally including only certain columns in the returned source. .. note:: The returned catalog object carries the meta-data from only the first catalog supplied to this function (in the ``attrs`` dict). Parameters ---------- *sources : subclass of :class:`~nbodykit.base.catalog.CatalogSource` the catalog source objects to concatenate together columns : str, list of str, optional the columns to include in the concatenated catalog Returns ------- CatalogSource : the concatenated catalog source object Examples -------- >>> from nbodykit.lab import * >>> source1 = UniformCatalog(nbar=100, BoxSize=1.0) >>> source2 = UniformCatalog(nbar=100, BoxSize=1.0) >>> print(source1.csize, source2.csize) >>> combined = transform.ConcatenateSources(source1, source2, columns=['Position', 'Velocity']) >>> print(combined.csize) """ from nbodykit.base.catalog import CatalogSource columns = kwargs.get('columns', None) if isinstance(columns, string_types): columns = [columns] # concatenate all columns, if none provided if columns is None or columns == []: columns = sources[0].columns # check comms if not all(src.comm == sources[0].comm for src in sources): raise ValueError("cannot concatenate sources: comm mismatch") # check all columns are there for source in sources: if not all(col in source for col in columns): raise ValueError(("cannot concatenate sources: columns are missing " "from some sources")) # the total size size = numpy.sum([src.size for src in sources], dtype='intp') data = {} for col in columns: data[col] = da.concatenate([src[col] for src in sources], axis=0) toret = CatalogSource._from_columns(size, sources[0].comm, **data) toret.attrs.update(sources[0].attrs) return toret
Example #25
Source File: From minian with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def save_video(movpath, fname_mov_orig, fname_mov_rig, fname_AC, fname_ACbf, dsratio): """ Parameters ---------- movpath : fname_mov_orig : fname_mov_rig : fname_AC : fname_ACbf : dsratio : Returns ------- """ mov_orig = np.load(fname_mov_orig, mmap_mode='r') mov_rig = np.load(fname_mov_rig, mmap_mode='r') mov_ac = np.load(fname_AC, mmap_mode='r') mov_acbf = np.load(fname_ACbf, mmap_mode='r') vw = skv.FFmpegWriter( movpath, inputdict={'-framerate': '30'}, outputdict={'-r': '30'}) for fidx in range(0, mov_orig.shape[0], dsratio): print("writing frame: " + str(fidx)) fm_orig = mov_orig[fidx, :, :] * 255 fm_rig = mov_rig[fidx, :, :] * 255 fm_acbf = mov_acbf[fidx, :, :] * 255 fm_ac = mov_ac[fidx, :, :] * 255 fm = np.concatenate( [ np.concatenate([fm_orig, fm_rig], axis=1), np.concatenate([fm_acbf, fm_ac], axis=1) ], axis=0) vw.writeFrame(fm) vw.close()
Example #26
Source File: From xmitgcm with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _pad_array(data, file_metadata, face=0): """ Return a padded array. If input data is a numpy.memmap and no padding is necessary, the function preserves its type. Otherwise, the concatenate forces it to load into memory. Parameters ---------- data : numpy array or memmap input data file_metadata : dict metadata for file face : int, optional llc face if applicable Returns ------- numpy.array or numpy.memmap """ # Pad data before in y direction if 'pad_before_y' in file_metadata: if file_metadata['has_faces']: facet_origin = file_metadata['face_facets'][face] nypad_before = file_metadata['pad_before_y'][facet_origin] else: nypad_before = file_metadata['pad_before_y'] pad_before = np.zeros((nypad_before, file_metadata['nx'])) data_padded_before = np.concatenate( (pad_before, data), axis=0) else: data_padded_before = data # Pad data after in y direction if 'pad_after_y' in file_metadata: if file_metadata['has_faces']: facet_origin = file_metadata['face_facets'][face] nypad_after = file_metadata['pad_after_y'][facet_origin] else: nypad_after = file_metadata['pad_after_y'] pad_after = np.zeros((nypad_after, file_metadata['nx'])) data_padded_after = np.concatenate( (data_padded_before, pad_after), axis=0) else: data_padded_after = data_padded_before return data_padded_after
Example #27
Source File: From xmitgcm with MIT License | 4 votes |
def _reshape_llc_data(data, jdim): # pragma: no cover """Fix the weird problem with llc data array order.""" # Can we do this without copying any data? # If not, we need to go upstream and implement this at the MDS level # Or can we fudge it with dask? # this is all very specific to the llc file output # would be nice to generalize more, but how? nside = data.shape[jdim] // LLC_NUM_FACES # how the LLC data is laid out along the j dimension strides = ((0,3), (3,6), (6,7), (7,10), (10,13)) # whether to reshape each face reshape = (False, False, False, True, True) # this will slice the data into 5 facets slices = [jdim * (slice(None),) + (slice(nside*st[0], nside*st[1]),) for st in strides] facet_arrays = [data[sl] for sl in slices] face_arrays = [] for ar, rs, st in zip(facet_arrays, reshape, strides): nfaces_in_facet = st[1] - st[0] shape = list(ar.shape) if rs: # we assume the other horizontal dimension is immediately after jdim shape[jdim] = ar.shape[jdim+1] shape[jdim+1] = ar.shape[jdim] # insert a length-1 dimension along which to concatenate shape.insert(jdim, 1) # this modify the array shape in place, with no copies allowed # but it doesn't work with dask arrays # ar.shape = shape ar = ar.reshape(shape) # now ar is propery shaped, but we still need to slice it into faces face_slice_dim = jdim + 1 + rs for n in range(nfaces_in_facet): face_slice = (face_slice_dim * (slice(None),) + (slice(nside*n, nside*(n+1)),)) data_face = ar[face_slice] face_arrays.append(data_face) # We can't concatenate using numpy (hcat etc.) because it makes a copy, # presumably loading the memmaps into memory. # Using dask gets around this. # But what if we want different chunks, or already chunked the data # upstream? Doesn't seem like this is ideal # TODO: Refactor handling of dask arrays and chunking #return np.concatenate(face_arrays, axis=jdim) # the dask version doesn't work because of this: # face_arrays_dask = [dsa.from_array(fa, chunks=fa.shape) for fa in face_arrays] concat = dsa.concatenate(face_arrays_dask, axis=jdim) return concat
Example #28
Source File: From dask-ml with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _split(self, test_start, test_stop, n_samples, chunks, seeds): train_objs = [] test_objs = [] train_sizes = [] test_sizes = [] offset = 0 for chunk, seed in zip(chunks, seeds): start, stop = offset, offset + chunk test_id_start = max(test_start, start) test_id_stop = min(test_stop, stop) if test_id_start < test_id_stop: test_objs.append( dask.delayed(_generate_offset_idx)( chunk, test_id_start, test_id_stop, offset, seed ) ) test_sizes.append(test_id_stop - test_id_start) train_id_stop = min(test_id_start, stop) if train_id_stop > start: train_objs.append( dask.delayed(_generate_offset_idx)( chunk, start, train_id_stop, offset, seed ) ) train_sizes.append(train_id_stop - start) train_id_start = max(test_id_stop, start) if train_id_start < stop: train_objs.append( dask.delayed(_generate_offset_idx)( chunk, train_id_start, stop, offset, seed ) ) train_sizes.append(stop - train_id_start) offset = stop train_idx = da.concatenate( [ da.from_delayed(obj, (train_size,), np.dtype("int")) for obj, train_size in zip(train_objs, train_sizes) ] ) test_idx = da.concatenate( [ da.from_delayed(obj, (test_size,), np.dtype("int")) for obj, test_size in zip(test_objs, test_sizes) ] ) return train_idx, test_idx
Example #29
Source File: From pyxem with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def _untangle_raw(data, hdr_info, stack_size): """ Corrects for the tangled raw mib format - Only the case for quad chip is considered here. Parameters -------- data: dask array as stack with the detector array unreshaped, e.g. for a single frame 512*512: (1, 262144) hdr_info: dict info read from the header- ouput of the _parse_hdr function stack_size: int The number of frames in the data Outputs ---------- untangled_data: dask array corrected dask array object reshaped on the detector plane, e.g. for a single frame case as above: (1, 512, 512) """ width = hdr_info["width"] height = hdr_info["height"] width_height = width * height if ( hdr_info["Counter Depth (number)"] == 24 or hdr_info["Counter Depth (number)"] == 12 ): cols = 4 elif hdr_info["Counter Depth (number)"] == 1: cols = 64 elif hdr_info["Counter Depth (number)"] == 6: cols = 8 data = data.reshape((stack_size * width_height)) data = data.reshape(stack_size, height * (height // cols), cols) data = da.flip(data, 2) if hdr_info["Assembly Size"] == "2x2": data = data.reshape((stack_size * width_height)) data = data.reshape(stack_size, 512 // 2, 512 * 2) det1 = data[:, :, 0:256] det2 = data[:, :, 256:512] det3 = data[:, :, 512 : 512 + 256] det4 = data[:, :, 512 + 256 :] det3 = da.flip(det3, 2) det3 = da.flip(det3, 1) det4 = da.flip(det4, 2) det4 = da.flip(det4, 1) untangled_data = da.concatenate( (da.concatenate((det1, det3), 1), da.concatenate((det2, det4), 1)), 2 ) return untangled_data
Example #30
Source File: From dask-ml with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _transform( self, X: Union[ArrayLike, DataFrameType], handle_unknown: str = "error" ) -> Union[ArrayLike, DataFrameType]: X = check_array( X, accept_dask_dataframe=True, dtype=None, preserve_pandas_dataframe=True ) is_array = isinstance(X, da.Array) if is_array: _, n_features = X.shape else: n_features = len(X.columns) if is_array: # We encode each column independently, as they have different categories. Xs = [ _encode_dask_array( X[:, i], uniques=self.categories_[i], encode=True, onehot_dtype=self.dtype, )[1] for i in range(n_features) ] X = da.concatenate(Xs, axis=1) if not self.sparse: X = X.map_blocks(lambda x: x.toarray(), dtype=self.dtype) else: import dask.dataframe as dd # Validate that all are categorical. if not (X.dtypes == "category").all(): raise ValueError("Must be all categorical.") if not len(X.columns) == len(self.categories_): raise ValueError( "Number of columns ({}) does not match number " "of categories_ ({})".format(len(X.columns), len(self.categories_)) ) for col, dtype in zip(X.columns, self.dtypes_): if not (X[col].dtype == dtype): raise ValueError( "Different CategoricalDtype for fit and " "transform. '{}' != {}'".format(dtype, X[col].dtype) ) return dd.get_dummies(X, sparse=self.sparse, dtype=self.dtype) return X